I have been through various papers/articles/blogs and what not about Monads. People talk about them in various context like category theory (what in world is that?) etc. After going through all this and trying to really understand and write monadic code, I came to the understanding that monads are just syntactic sugar (probably the most glorified of them all). Whether it is do notation in Haskell or the Computation Expressions in F# or even the LINQ select many operator (remember LINQ syntax is also a syntactic sugar in C#/VB).
My question is if anyone believe monads are more then syntactic sugar (over nested method calls) then please enlighten me with "practicality" rather than "theoretical concepts".
Thanks all.
After going through all the answers I came to the conclusion that implementation of monad concept in a particular language is driven through a syntactic sugar BUT monad concept in itself is not related to syntactic sugar and is very general or abstract concept. Thanks every body for the answer to make the difference clear between the concept itself and the ways it is being implemented in languages.
Monad aren't syntactic sugar; Haskell has some sugar for dealing with monads, but you can use them without the sugar and operators. So, Haskell doesn't really 'support' monads any more than loads of other languages, just makes them easier to use and implement. A monad isn't a programming construct, or a language feature as such; it's an abstracted way of thinking about certain types of objects, which, when intuited as Haskell types, provide a nice way of thinking about the transfer of state in types which lets Haskell (or indeed any language, when thought of functionally) do its thing.
do notation, computation expressions and similar language constructs are of course syntactic sugar. This is readily apparent as those constructs are usually defined in terms of what they desugar to. A monad is simply a type that supports certain operations. In Haskell Monad is a typeclass which defines those operations.
So to answer your question: Monad is not a syntactic sugar, it's a type class, however the do notation is syntactic sugar (and of course entirely optional - you can use monads just fine without do notation).
By definition, Monads aren't syntactic sugar. They are a triple of operations (return/unit, map, and join) over a universe of values (lists, sets, option types, stateful functions, continuations, etc.) that obey a small number of laws. As used in programming, these operations are expressed as functions. In some cases, such as Haskell, these functions can be expressed polymorphically over all monads, through the use of typeclasses. In other cases, these functions have to be given a different name or namespace for each monad. In some cases, such as Haskell, there is a layer of syntactic sugar to make programming with these functions more transparent.
So Monads aren't about nested function calls per-se, and certainly aren't about sugar for them. They are about the three functions themselves, the types of values they operate over, and the laws these functions obey.
Monads are syntactic sugar in the same sense that classes and method call syntax are syntactic sugar. It is useful and practical, if a bit verbose, to apply object-oriented principles to a language such as C. Like OO (and many other language features) monads are an idea, a way of thinking about organizing your programs.
Monadic code can let you write the shape of code while deferring certain decisions to later. A Log monad, which could be a variant of Writer could be used to write code for a library that supports logging but let the consuming application decide where the logging goes, if anywhere. You can do this without syntactic sugar at all, or you can leverage it if the language you're working in supports it.
Of course there are other ways to get this feature but this is just one, hopefully "practical" example.
you can think of a Monad (or any other type-classes in Haskell) more in terms of a pattern.
You see a pattern and you handle it every time the same way, so that you can generalize over it.
In this case it's the pattern of of values added information (or if you like data inside some kind of bags - but this picture does not hold for every monad) and a way to chain those together nicely.
The syntactic suggar is just some nice little way to compose the binds ;)
Its a extension to the thing ;)
For the practical concepts: just look at async-workflows, or the IO monad - should be practical enough ;)
I would first call it a pattern, in the sense that m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b (with a reasonable behavior) is convenient for many different problems / type constructors.
Actually so convenient that it deserves providing some syntactic sugar in the language. That's the do notation in Haskell, from in C#, for comprehensions in scala. The syntatic sugar requires only adherence to a naming pattern when implementing (selectMany in C#, flatMap in scala). Those languages do that without Monad being a type in their libraries (in scala, one may be written). Note that C# does that for the pattern Iterator too. While there is an interface IEnumerable, foreach is translated to calls to GetEnumerator/MoveNext/Current based on the name of the methods, irrespective of the types. Only when the translation is done is it checked that everything is defined and well typed.
But in Haskell (that may be done in Scala or OCaml too, non in C# and I believe this is not possible in F# either), Monad is more than design pattern + syntatic sugar based on naming pattern. It's an actual API, software component, whatever.
Consider the iterator pattern in (statically typed) imperative languages. You may just implement MoveNext/Current (or hasNext/next) in classes where this is appropriate. And if there is some syntactic sugar like C# for it, that's already quite useful. But if you make it an interface, you can immediately do much more. You can have computations that works on any iterator. You can have utilities methods on iterator (find, filter, chain, nest..) making them more poweful.
When Monad is a type rather than just a pattern, you can do the same. You can have utilities functions that make working with Monad more powerful (in Control.Monad) you can have computation where the type of monad to use is a parameter (see this old article from Wadler showing how an interpreter can be parameterized by the monad type and what various instances do). To have a monad type (type class), you need some kind of higher order type, that is you need to be able to parametrize with a type constructor, rather than a simple data type.
What does it mean exactly when people say "a monad is a model of computation"? Does this mean computation in the sense of turing completeness? If so, how?
Clarification: This question is not about explaining monads but what people mean with "model of computation" in this context and how this relates to monads. See towards the end of this answer for a typical use of this phrase.
In my understanding a turing machine, the theory of recursive functions, lambda calculus etc. are all models of computation and I cannot see how a monad would relate to that if at all.
The idea of monads as models of computation can be traced back to the work of Eugenio Moggi. Among Haskell practitioners, the best known paper by Moggi on this matter is Notions of computations as monads (1991). Relevant quotes include:
The [lambda]-calculus is considered a useful mathematical tool in the study of programming languages, since programs can be identified with [lambda]-terms. However, if one goes further and uses [beta][eta]-conversion to prove equivalence of programs, then a gross simplification is introduced (programs are identified with total functions from values to values) that may jeopardise the applicability of theoretical results, In this paper we introduce calculi based on a categorical semantics for computations, that provide a correct basis for proving equivalence of programs for a wide range of notions of computation. [p. 1]
We do not take as a starting point for proving equivalence of programs the theory of [beta][eta]-conversion, which identifies the denotation of a program (procedure) of type A -> B with a total function from A to B, since this identification wipes out completely behaviours such as non-termination, non-determinism, and side-effects, that can be exhibited by real programs. Instead, we proceed as follows:
We take category theory as a general theory of functions and develop on top a categorical semantics of computations based on monads. [...] [p. 1]
The basic idea behind the categorical semantics below is that, in order to interpret a programming language in a category [C], we distinguish the object A of values (of type A) from the object TA of computations (of type A), and take as denotations of programs (of type A) the elements of TA. In particular, we identify the type A with the object of values (of type A) and obtain the object of computations (of type A) by applying an unary type-constructor T to A. We call T a notion of computation, since it abstracts away from the type of values computations may produce. There are many choices for TA corresponding to different notions of computations. [pp. 2-3]
We have identified monads as important to modeling notions of computations, but computational monads seem to have additional properties; e.g., they have a tensorial strength and may satisfy the mono requirement. It is likely that there are other properties of computational monads still to be identified, and there is no reason to believe that such properties have to be found in the literature on monads. [p. 27 -- thanks danidiaz]
A related older paper by Moggi, Computational lambda-calculus and monads (1989 -- thanks michid for the reference), speaks literally of "computational model[s]":
A computational model is a monad (T;[eta];[mu]) satisfying the mono requirement: [eta-A] is a mono for every A [belonging to] C.
There is an alternative description of a monad (see[7]), which is easier to justify computationally. [...] [p. 2]
This particular bit of terminology was dropped in the Notions of computations as monads, as Moggi sharpened the focus of his presentation on the "alternative description" (namely, Kleisli triples, which are composed by, in Haskell parlance, a type constructor, return and bind). The essence, though, remain the same throughout.
Philip Wadler presents the idea with a more practical bent in Monads for functional programming (1992):
The use of monads to structure functional programs is described. Monads provide a convenient framework for simulating effectsfound in other languages, such as global state, exception handling, out-put, or non-determinism. [p. 1]
Pure functional languages have this advantage: all flow of data is made explicit.And this disadvantage: sometimes it is painfully explicit.
A program in a pure functional language is written as a set of equations. Explicit data flow ensures that the value of an expression depends only on its free variables. Hence substitution of equals for equals is always valid, making such programs especially easy to reason about. Explicit data flow also ensures that the order of computation is irrelevant, making such programs susceptible to lazy evaluation.
It is with regard to modularity that explicit data flow becomes both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, it is the ultimate in modularity. All data in and all data out are rendered manifest and accessible, providing a maximum of flexibility. On the other hand, it is the nadir of modularity. The essence of an algorithm can become buried under the plumbing required to carry data from its point of creation to its point of use. [p. 2]
Say it is desired to add error checking, so that the second example above returns a sensible error message. In an impure language, this is easily achieved with the use of exceptions.
In a pure language, exception handling may be mimicked by introducing a type to represent computations that may raise an exception. [pp. 3 -4 -- note this is before monads are introduced as an unifying abstraction.]
Each of the variations on the interpreter has a similar structure, which may be abstracted to yield the notion of a monad.
In each variation, we introduced a type of computations. Respectively, M represented computations that could raise exceptions, act on state, and generate output. By now the reader will have guessed that M stands for monad. [p. 6]
This is one of the roots of the usage of "computation" to refer to monadic values.
A significant body of later literature makes use of the concept of computation in this manner. For instance, this is the opening passage of Notions of Computation as Monoids by Exequiel Rivas and Mauro Jaskelioff (2014 -- thanks danidiaz for the suggestion):
When constructing a semantic model of a system or when structuring computer code,there are several notions of computation that one might consider. Monads (Moggi, 1989; Moggi, 1991) are the most popular notion, but other notions,such as arrows (Hughes, 2000) and, more recently, applicative functors (McBride & Paterson, 2008) have been gaining widespread acceptance. Each of these notions of computation has particular characteristics that makes them more suitable for some tasks than for others. Nevertheless, there is much to be gained from unifying all three different notions under a single conceptual framework. [p. 1]
Another good example is Comonadic notions of computation by Tarmo Uustalu and Varmo Vene (2000):
Since the seminal work by Moggi in the late 80s, monads, more precisely, strong monads, have become a generally accepted tool for structuring effectful notions of computation, such as computation with exceptions, output, computation using an environment, state-transforming, nondeterministic and probabilistic computation etc. The idea is to use a Kleisli category as the category of impure, effectful functions, with the Kleisli inclusion giving an embedding of the pure functions from the base category. [...] [p. 263]
The starting-point in the monadic approach to (call-by-value) effectful computation is the idea that impure, effectful functions from A to B must be nothing else than pure functions from A to TB. Here pure functions live in a base category C and T is an endofunctor on C that describes the notion of effect of interest; it is useful to think of TA as the type of effectful computations of values of a given type A.
For this to work, impure functions must have identities and compose. Therefore T cannot merely be a functor, but must be a monad. [p. 265]
Such uses of "computation" fit the usual computer science notion of models of computation (see danidiaz's answer for more on that). In the informal functional programming literature, allusions to monads as models of computation have varying degrees of precision. Still, they generally draw from, or at least are offshoots of, a rigorous idea.
Nothing. It doesn't mean anything. It's the output of someone struggling to find metaphors which make monads into something they already know. It almost means something. "It is possible to construct models of computation which form monads," for instance, is a meaningful statement. But the difference is significant. "Monads are models of computation" is an attempt to force a broad abstraction into a narrow interpretation. The other specifies that you can work with a broader abstraction for one use case.
Be very wary of reductive explanations. Do you think that an entire community of developers would keep using unfamiliar terminology if familiar terminology communicated the same thing? The term Monad has stuck around for 20 years in a language community that rapidly invents and discards abstractions as it searches for improvements. The only way that can happen is if it communicates something useful and precise.
It's just hard to write an explanation of the application of the idea to programming that makes any sense to people who don't know enough of the language to understand the constructs in use. If you aren't comfortable with at least higher-kinded types, type classes, and higher-order functions there's no way to understand what the notation is saying.
Learning prerequisite ideas will help. Practice writing code will help. Looking at how (>>=) works for various concrete types will help. Struggling through learning how to use a library like Parsec (or modern descendants like megaparsec) will help.
Trying to force the idea to match something you already know via metaphor will not.
Expanding a little on #duplode's answer, I think that when talking about computation, "model" can have at least two slightly different meanings.
One is model in the sense of the Church–Turing thesis. Here a model is a way of performing computations that is capable of expressing any algorithm. So turing machines, lambda calculus, post correspondence systems... are all models.
Another is model in the sense of programming language semantics. The idea is that we consider programs as composable syntactical structures, and we want them to "mean" something, ideally in a way that lets us determine the meaning of a composition from the meaning of the elements. In this sense, lambda calculus has models.
Now, one kind of semantics is denotational semantics, in which the meaning we assign to a program is some kind of mathematical object. For a trivial example, consider binary numbers. Here the "programs" are strings of 0s and 1s, regarded as mere symbols. And the "model" would be natural numbers, along with a function which maps each string of symbols to the corresponding natural number.
Sometimes these denotations of programs are expressed in terms of category theory. This is the context of Moggi's papers: he is making use of machinery from category theory—like monads—to map programming language concepts like exceptions, continuations, input/output... into a mathematical model. Monads become a convenient way of structuring the mathematical universe of program meanings.
I am learning Haskell and trying to understand the Monoid typeclass.
At the moment, I am reading the haskellbook and it says the following about the pattern (monoid):
One of the finer points of the Haskell community has been its
propensity for recognizing abstract patterns in code which have
well-defined, lawful representations in mathematics.
What does the author mean by abstract patterns?
Abstract in this sense is the opposite of concrete. This is probably one of the key things to understand about Haskell.
What is a concrete thing? Well, most values in Haskell are concrete. For example 'a' :: Char. The letter 'a' is a Char value, and it's a concrete value. Char is a concrete type. But in 1 :: Num a => a, the number 1 is actually a value of any type, so long as that type has the set of functions that the Num typeclass sets out as mandatory. This is an abstract value! We can have abstract values, abstract types, and therefore abstract functions. When the program is compiled, the Haskell compiler will pick a particular concrete value that supports all of our requirements.
Haskell, at its core, has a very simple, small but incredibly flexible language. It's very similar to an expression of maths, actually. This makes it very powerful. Why? because most things that would be built in language constructs in other languages are not directly built into Haskell, but defined in terms of this simple core.
One of the core pieces is the function, which, it turns out, most of computation is expressible in terms of. Because so much of Haskell is just defined in terms of this small simple core, it means we can extend it to almost anywhere we can imagine.
Typeclasses are probably the best example of this. Monoid, and Num are examples of typeclasses. These are constructs that allow programmers to use an abstraction like a function across a great many types but only having to define it once. Typeclasses let us use the same function names across a whole range of types if we can define those functions for those types. Why is that important or useful? Well, if we can recognise a pattern across, for example, all numbers, and we have a mechanism for talking about all numbers in the language itself, then we can write functions that work with all numbers at once. This is an abstract pattern. You'll notice some Haskellers are quite interested in a branch of mathematics called Category Theory. This branch is pretty much the mathematical definition of abstract patterns. Contrast this ability to encode such things with the inability of other languages, where in other languages the patterns the community notice are often far less rigorous and have to be manually written out, and without any respect for its mathematical nature. The beauty of following the mathematics is the extremely large body of stuff we get for free by aligning our language closer with mathematics.
This is a good explanation of these basics including typeclasses in a book that I helped author: http://www.happylearnhaskelltutorial.com/1/output_other_things.html
Because functions are written in a very general way (because Haskell puts hardly any limits on our ability to express things generally), we can write functions that use types which express such things as "any type, so long as it's a Monoid". These are called type constraints, as above.
Generally abstractions are very useful because we can, for example, write on single function to operate on an entire range of types which means we can often find functions that do exactly what we want on our types if we just make them instances of specific typeclasses. The Ord typeclass is a great example of this. Making a type we define ourselves an instance of Ord gives us a whole bunch of sorting and comparing functions for free.
This is, in my opinion, one of the most exciting parts about Haskell, because while most other languages also allow you to be very general, they mostly take an extreme dip in how expressive you can be with that generality, so therefore also are less powerful. (This is because they are less precise in what they talk about, because their types are less well "defined").
This is how we're able to reason about the "possible values" of a function, and it's not limited to Haskell. The more information we encode at the type level, the more toward the specificity end of the spectrum of expressivity we veer. For example, to take a classic case, the function const :: a -> b -> a. This function requires that a and b can be of absolutely any type at all, including the same type if we like. From that, because the second parameter can be a different type than the first, we can work out that it really only has one possible functionality. It can't return an Int, unless we give it an Int as its first value, because that's not any type, right? So therefore we know the only value it can return is the first value! The functionality is defined right there in the type! If that's not mindblowing, then I don't know what is. :)
As we move to dependent types (that is, a type system where types are first class, which means also that ordinary values can be encoded in the type system), we can get closer and closer to having the type system specify specifically what the constraints of possible functionality are. However, the kicker is, it doesn't necessarily speak about the implementation of the functionality unless we want it to, because we're in control of how abstract it is, but while maintaining expressivity and much precision. That's pretty fascinating, and amazingly powerful.
Much math can be expressed in the language that underpins Haskell, the lambda calculus.
The IO Monad is known to separate pure from impure code in Haskell, such that a signature like f :: ... -> IO ? represents an action with side-effects, otherwise it is a pure function.
In addition, monads are used in Haskell as a purely functional mechanism to sequence actions, which otherwise could be unexpectedly reordered by a compiler that is designed to deal with only pure functions.
The trouble with a design around monads is that they seem hard to understand to many, perhaps including myself, so I wonder if they are the best way to separate the pure from impure code in software development.
I suppose that if we had a language where all primitives would be tagged as pure and impure, a compiler could easily infer the purity of any function using the primitives directly or indirectly, which would be a much simpler design. Such compiler would then know which parts of the code could be reordered because they are pure, or some order would be necessary due to the presence of side-effects.
So, my question is:
What are the advantages/disadvantages of "monad-based IO" design in comparison to one based on tagging pure/impure primitives in the language, that I described above?
Haskell does something like this with the IO type. However the Haskell type system is more general. You can think of a monad as a declaration of the potential scope of side effects, so rather than having a binary pure/impure flag you can have a much more sophisticated system.
Of course its a myth that Haskell monads are about "impurity". IO is a bit of a special case of course, but all the other monads are written in Haskell with a perfectly pure implementation of "bind". (Well, maybe ST and STM need a bit of magic from the run-time system for efficiency, but they could be written in Haskell).
I want to implement the strict folding functions myself, from within Haskell: Is this possible? I've read that Lisp macros can be used to redefine the language to a massive extent, giving you the power to effectively break out of the functional paradigm whenever you need to and mould it into a personalised paradigm that gets the job done in the neatest way possible. I don't actually know lisp so that may be incorrect.
When you also take into account that in the untyped lambda calculus data types are encoded as functions, I begin to suspect that anything can be encoded as anything else (The brilliant book GEB discusses this in some detail). In that case, representing strict evaluation sounds like it should be easy.
So, how would you go about implementing the following from within haskell?
foldl' = -- ???
foldl1' = -- ???
I suspect it has something to do with Monads and/or Continuation Passing.
How can you implement foldl'? Like this
Haskell provides the seq primitive for adding strictness, and "bang patterns" as well for convenience.
See also: Haskell 2010 > Predefined Types and Classes # Strict Evaluation
Haskell has been called a "pure functional language."
What does "pure" mean in this context? What consequences does this have for a programmer?
In a pure functional language, you can't do anything that has a side effect.
A side effect would mean that evaluating an expression changes some internal state that would later cause evaluating the same expression to have a different result. In a pure functional language you can evaluate the same expression as often as you want with the same arguments, and it would always return the same value, because there is no state to change.
For example, a pure functional language cannot have an assignment operator or do input/output, although for practical purposes, even pure functional languages often call impure libraries to do I/O.
"Pure" and "functional" are two separate concepts, although one is not very useful without the other.
A pure expression is idempotent: it can be evaluated any number of times, with identical results each time. This means the expression cannot have any observable side-effects. For example, if a function mutated its arguments, set a variable somewhere, or changed behavior based on something other than its input alone, then that function call is not pure.
A functional programming language is one in which functions are first-class. In other words, you can manipulate functions with exactly the same ease with which you can manipulate all other first-class values. For example, being able to use a "function returning bool" as a "data structure representing a set" would be easy in a functional programming language.
Programming in functional programming languages is often done in a mostly-pure style, and it is difficult to be strictly pure without higher-order function manipulation enabled by functional programming languages.
Haskell is a functional programming language, in which (almost) all expressions are pure; thus, Haskell is a purely functional programming language.
A pure function is one which has no side effects — it takes a value in and gives a value back. There's no global state that functions modify. A pure functional language is one which forces functions to be pure. Purity has a number of interesting consequences, such as the fact that evaluation can be lazy — since a function call has no purpose but to return a value, then you don't need to actually execute the function if you aren't going to use its value. Thanks to this, things like recursive functions on infinite lists are common in Haskell.
Another consequence is that it doesn't matter in what order functions are evaluated — since they can't affect each other, you can do them in any order that's convenient. This means that some of the problems posed by parallel programming simply don't exist, since there isn't a "wrong" or "right" order for functions to execute.
Strictly speaking, a pure functional language is a functional language (i.e. a language where functions are first-class values) where expressions have no side effects. The term “purely functional language” is synonymous.
By this definition, Haskell is not a pure functional language. Any language in which you can write programs that display their result, read and write files, have a GUI, and so on, is not purely functional. Thus no general purpose programming language is purely functional (but there are useful domain-specific purely functional languages: they can typically be seen as embedded languages in some way).
There is a useful relaxed sense in which languages like Haskell and Erlang can be considered purely functional, but languages like ML and Scheme cannot. A language can be considered purely functional if there is a reasonably large, useful and well-characterised subset where side effects are impossible. For example, in Haskell, all programs whose type is not built from IO or other effect-denoting monad are side-effect-free. In Erlang, all programs that don't use IO-inducing libraries or concurrency features are side-effect-free (this is more of a stretch than the Haskell case). Conversely, in ML or Scheme, a side effect can be buried in any function.
By this perspective, the purely functional subset of Haskell can be seen as the embedded language to deal with the behavior inside each monad (of course this is an odd perspective, as almost all the computation is happening in this “embedded” subset), and the purely functional subset of Erlang can be seen as the embedded language do deal with local behavior.
Graham Hutton has a slightly different, and quite interesting, perspective on the topic of purely functional languages:
Sometimes, the term “purely functional” is also used in a broader sense to mean languages that might incorporate computational effects, but without altering the notion of ‘function’ (as evidenced by the fact that the essential properties of functions are preserved.) Typically, the evaluation of an expression can yield a ‘task’, which is then executed separately to cause computational effects. The evaluation and execution phases are separated in such a way that the evaluation phase does not compromise the standard properties of expressions and functions. The input/output mechanisms of Haskell, for example, are of this kind.
I.e. in Haskell, a function has the type a -> b and can't have side effects. An expression of type IO (a -> b) can have side effects, but it's not a function. Thus in Haskell functions must be pure, hence Haskell is purely functional.
As there cannot be any side effects in pure functional code, testing gets much easier as there is no external state to check or verify. Also, because of this, extending code may become easier.
I lost count of the number of times I had trouble with non-obvious side effects when extending/fixing (or trying to fix) code.
As others have mentioned, the term "pure" in "pure functional programming language" refers to the lack of observable side-effects. For me, this leads straight to the question:
What is a side-effect?
I have seen side-effects explained both as
something that a function does other than simply compute its result
something that can affect the result of a function other than the inputs to the function.
If the first definition is the correct one, then any function that does I/O (e.g. writing to a file) cannot be said to be a "pure" function. Whereas Haskell programs can call functions which cause I/O to be performed, it would seem that Haskell is not a pure functional programming language (as it is claimed to be) according to this definition.
For this and other reasons, I think the second definition is the more useful one. According to the second definition, Haskell can still claim to be a completely pure functional programming language because functions that cause I/O to be performed compute results based only on function inputs. How Haskell reconciles these seemingly conflicting requirements is quite interesting, I think, but I'll resist the temptation to stray any further from answering the actual question.
Amr Sabry wrote a paper about what a pure functional language is. Haskell is by this definition considered pure, if we ignore things like unsafePerformIO. Using this definition also makes ML and Erlang impure. There are subsets of most languages that qualify as pure, but personally I don't think it's very useful to talk about C being a pure language.
Higher-orderness is orthogonal to purity, you can design a pure first-order functional language.