When is it more appropriate to use gethrvtime() instead of gethrtime() - linux

Manpage for gethrtime() mentions another flavor of this call, which is gethrvtime(), and explains that this is the virtual time of a LWP. I am trying to understand the use case that would require gethrvtime() and make gethrtime() inapplicable and vice versa.
Thank you!

This page on High Resolution Timers seems to have a good description of gethvrtime:
gethrvtime() and Light Weight Processes virtual time
The gethrvtime() function is similar to gethrtime() except that it returns the current high resolution Light Weight Process virtual time. Light Weight Processes (LWPs) are in Solaris parlance the equivalent of threads (LWPs were first implemented in Solaris. Later, they were later adopted by Linux and other POSIX systems). The LWP virtual time is the total number of nanoseconds of execution time. This function requires that micro state accounting be enabled with the ptime utility. Without getting too technical, using microstate accounting enables reproducible precision of time measurements.
It sounds to me like gethrtime is elapsed, "wall clock" time, whereas gethvrtime is CPU time.


What options do I have for running recurring events on a microsecond resolution from a kernel driver?

I want to create a simulation of an actual device on an x86 Linux Kernel. Part of this will involve simulating timings as close to possible as I can get. Based on some research it seems I will need at least microsecond resolution timing. I understand that on a non-realtime system it won't be possible to get perfect timing, but I don't perfect, just as close as I can get, perhaps with hacking around with thread scheduling / preemption options.
What I actually want to do is perform an action every interval, i.e. run a some code every Xµs. I've been trying to research the best ways to do this from a Kernel driver as well as some research into whether it's possible to do this reasonably accurately from user mode (keeping the above paragraph in mind). One of the first things that caught my eye was the HPET timer, that is programmable to generate interrupts based on programmable comparators. Unfortunately, it seems on many chipsets it has been rather buggy in the past, and there's not much information on using it for anything that obtaining a timestamp or using it as the main clock source. The linux Kernel provides an HPET driver that in the past, seemed to provide both kernel and user mode interfaces, but seems only to provide a barely documented usermode interface in more recent kernel versions. I've also read about various other kernel functions and interfaces such as the hrtimer interface and the various delay functions, though I'm having a bit of trouble understanding them and if they are suited for my purpose.
Given my current use case, what are the best options I have running recurring events at a µs resolution from say a kernel driver? Obviously accuracy is probably my biggest criteria, but ease of use would be second.
Well, it's possible to achieve your accuracy in userspace -- clock_nanosleep is one ideal option, which has relative and absolute mode. Since clock_nanosleep is based on hrtimer in kernel mode, you may want to use hrtimer if you'd like to implement it in kernel space.
However, to make the timer work accurately, there're two IMPORTENT things worth mentioning.
You should set the timerslack of your process (either by writing nonzero value in ns to /proc/self/timerslack_ns or via prctl(PR_SET_TIMERSLACK,...)). This value is considered as the 'tolerance' of the timer.
The CPU power management also matters here. The CPU has many different Cstates, each of which has a different exit latency. So you need to configure your cpuidle module to not use Cstates other than C0, e.g. for an Intel CPU you could simply write 1 to /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu$c/cpuidle/state$s/disable to disable state $s of CPU $c. Or just add idle=poll to your kernel options to let CPU keep active (in C0) while kernel idle. NOTE that this significantly influences the power of the computer and leads the cooling fans to make noise.
You can get a timer with delays under 10 microseconds if the two things mentioned above are configured correctly. There is a trade-off between latency and power consumption that you should made.

How is the microsecond time of linux gettimeofday() obtained and what is its accuracy?

Wall clock time is usually provided by the systems RTC. This mostly only provides times down to the millisecond range and typically has a granularity of 10-20 miliseconds. However the resolution/granularity of gettimeofday() is often reported to be in the few microseconds range. I assume the microsecond granularity must be taken from a different source.
How is the microsecond resolution/granularity of gettimeofday() accomplished?
When the part down to the millisecond is taken from the RTC and the mircoseconds are taken from a different hardware, a problem with phasing of the two sources arises. The two sources have to be synchronized somehow.
How is the synchronization/phasing between these two sources accomplished?
Edit: From what I've read in links provided by amdn, particulary the following Intel link, I would add a question here:
Does gettimeofday() provide resolution/granularity in the microsecond regime at all?
Edit 2: Summarizing the amdns answer with some more results of reading:
Linux only uses the realtime clock (RTC) at boot time
to synchronize with a higher resolution counter, i.g. the Timestampcounter (TSC). After the boot gettimeofday() returns a time which is entirely based on the TSC value and the frequency of this counter. The initial value for the TSC frequency is corrected/calibrated by means of comparing the system time to an external time source. The adjustment is done/configured by the adjtimex() function. The kernel operates a phase locked loop to ensure that the time results are monotonic and consistent.
This way it can be stated that gettimeofday() has microsecond resolution. Taking into account that more modern Timestampcounter are running in the GHz regime, the obtainable resolution could be in the nanosecond regime. Therefore this meaningfull comment
407 * do_gettimeofday - Returns the time of day in a timeval
408 * #tv: pointer to the timeval to be set
409 *
410 * NOTE: Users should be converted to using getnstimeofday()
411 */
can be found in Linux/kernel/time/timekeeping.c. This suggest that there will possibly
be an even higher resolution function available at a later point in time. Right now getnstimeofday() is only available in kernel space.
However, looking through all the code involved to get this about right, shows quite a few comments about uncertainties. It may be possible to obtain microsecond resolution. The function gettimeofday() may even show a granularity in the microsecond regime. But: There are severe daubts about its accuracy because the drift of the TSC frequency cannot be accurately corrected for. Also the complexity of the code dealing with this matter inside Linux is a hint to believe that it's in fact too difficult to get it right. This is particulary but not solely caused by the huge number of hardware platforms Linux is supposed to run on.
Result: gettimeofday() returns monotonic time with microsecond granularity but the time it provides is almost never is phase to one microsecond with any other time source.
How is the microsecond resolution/granularity of gettimeofday() accomplished?
Linux runs on many different hardware platforms, so the specifics differ. On a modern x86 platform Linux uses the Time Stamp Counter, also known as the TSC, which is driven by multiple of a crystal oscillator running at 133.33 MHz. The crystal oscillator provides a reference clock to the processor, and the processor multiplies it by some multiple - for example on a 2.93 GHz processor the multiple is 22. The TSC historically was an unreliable source of time because implementations would stop the counter when the processor went to sleep, or because the multiple wasn't constant as the processor shifted multipliers to change performance states or throttle down when it got hot. Modern x86 processors provide a TSC that is constant, invariant, and non-stop. On these processors the TSC is an excellent high resolution clock and the Linux kernel determines an initial approximate frequency at boot time. The TSC provides microsecond resolution for the gettimeofday() system call and nanosecond resolution for the clock_gettime() system call.
How is this synchronization accomplished?
Your first question was about how the Linux clock provides high resolution, this second question is about synchronization, this is the distinction between precision and accuracy. Most systems have a clock that is backed up by battery to keep time of day when the system is powered down. As you might expect this clock doesn't have high accuracy or precision, but it will get the time of day "in the ballpark" when the system starts. To get accuracy most systems use an optional component to get time from an external source on the network. Two common ones are
Network Time Protocol
Precision Time Protocol
These protocols define a master clock on the network (or a tier of clocks sourced by an atomic clock) and then measure network latencies to estimate offsets from the master clock. Once the offset from the master is determined the system clock is disciplined to keep it accurate. This can be done by
Stepping the clock (a relatively large, abrupt, and infrequent time adjustment), or
Slewing the clock (defined as how much the clock frequency should be adjusted by either slowly increasing or decreasing the frequency over a given time period)
The kernel provides the adjtimex system call to allow clock disciplining. For details on how modern Intel multi-core processors keep the TSC synchronized between cores see CPU TSC fetch operation especially in multicore-multi-processor environment.
The relevant kernel source files for clock adjustments are kernel/time.c and kernel/time/timekeeping.c.
When Linux starts, it initializes the software clock using the hardware clock. See the chapter How Linux Keeps Track of Time in the Clock HOWTO.

Implementation of clock()

I was going through stackoverflow threads on various mechanisms for computing CPU time of a process.
How is clock() internally implemented ? Does it use rdtsc() ( If that's the case then it is sensitive to migration between cores ).
Also, getrusage() implemented ? Does it also depend on TSC ?
Thanks in advance
The kernel keeps track of CPU utilization for processes in sizes of ticks.
Both clock() and getrusage() are both based on these.
Ticks are accumulated by processes by the kernel using a sampling method in which the kernel receives a hardware interrupt for the clock and executes the clock handler, which adds the tick to the currently running process. At least, this is how it worked last time I looked.
So, rtdsc does not come into play at all - which is a good thing since rdtsc does not measure accurately across CPUs.
You could easily glance at some libc code. Here is the time/ directory of musl-libc
On several libraries, some low level timing syscalls are using VDSO to avoid paying the cost of a real syscall (from user-space to kernel and back), so somehow uses RTDSC.
But I am surprised that you ask. If it is curiosity, just study the source code of free software implementation. Otherwise, trust the specifications & the implementations.
Gory details could be complex, since implementation and system specific. The real implementation could be dynamically tuned at run-time (eg thru VDSO set-up in the kernel).

What is the lowest time resolution for somewhat accurate measurements of cpu usage?

Some of the things I want to measure are very short,and I can only repeat them so many times if I don't run any of the setup/dispose code in the middle.
note: on linux,reading /proc/stat
Not very portable and you'll have to take great care so it is reliable, but the Time Stamp Counter definitely has the highest resolution available (increases at every CPU tick).
The time stamp counter has, until
recently, been an excellent
high-resolution, low-overhead way of
getting CPU timing information. With
the advent of multi-core/hyperthreaded
CPUs, systems with multiple CPUs, and
"hibernating" operating systems, the
TSC cannot be relied on to provide
accurate results - unless great care
is taken to correct the possible
flaws: rate of tick and whether all
cores (processors) have identical
values in their time-keeping
registers. There is no promise that
the timestamp counters of multiple
CPUs on a single motherboard will be
synchronized. In such cases,
programmers can only get reliable
results by locking their code to a
single CPU. Even then, the CPU speed
may change due to power-saving
measures taken by the OS or BIOS, or
the system may be hibernated and later
resumed (resetting the time stamp
counter). In those latter cases, to
stay relevant, the counter must be
recalibrated periodically (according
to the time resolution your
application requires).
There's some notes there about Linux specific solutions on the page, too:
Under Linux, similar functionality is
provided by reading the value of
clock_gettime function.

How long does a context switch take in Linux?

I'm curious how many cycles it takes to change contexts in Linux. I'm specifically using an E5405 Xeon (x64), but I'd love to see how it compares to other platforms as well.
There`s a free app called LMBench written by Larry McVoy and friends. It provides a bunch of OS & HW benchmarks
One of the tests is called lat_ctx and it measures contex switch latencies.
Google for lmbench and check for yourself on your own HW. Its the only way to get a number meaningful to you.
Run vmstat on your machine while doing something that requires heavy context switching. It doesnt tell you how long the actual switch takes, but it will tell you how many switches you do per second.
Then, you have to estimate how much each timeslice spends performing actual code, compared to switching context. Maybe a 100:1 or something? I dont know. 1000:1?
A machine of mine is now doing roughly 3000 switches per second, ie 0.3 ms per timeslice. With a ratio of 100:1 that would mean the actual switch takes 0.003 ms.
But, with multiple cores, threads yielding execution, etc etc, I'm wouldnt draw any conclusion from such a guess :)
I've written code that's able to echo (small) UDP packets at 200k packets per second.
That suggests that it's possible to context switch in not more than 2.5 microseconds, with the actual context switch probably taking somewhat less than that.
