htaccess url masking mod rewrite - .htaccess

I have done some URL masking and it all works very nicely. I have one issue that I am trying to resolve now:
RewriteRule ^(.*)/(.*)/clubs/(.*)/$ teams.php?competition=$1&season=$2&teamid=$3
with the above I can access the same page 2 ways, and
is there a way in my rewrite rule I can redirect the URL (301 ideally) is someone does it through the untidy way ""?
Thanks in advance

If you add another rewrite rule after this one that matches your 'inverse' pattern, and mark both as the [L]ast rule, that might work. I first rewrite the url to include the query string, and [C]hain that one to the next rule. After that we [R]edirect the browser.
RewriteRule ^(.)/(.)/clubs/(.*)/$ teams.php?competition=$1&season=$2&teamid=$3 [L]
RewriteRule ^(.+) $1%{QUERY_STRING} [C]
RewriteRule ^teams.php?competition=([a-zA-Z0-9]+)&season=([a-zA-Z0-9]+)&teamid=([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$ $1/$2/clubs/$3/ [R=301,L]
Note I haven't tested this or the regex of the second rule. Might need to adjust the character ranges a bit. Also I haven't tested the query string rewrite in the second rule.
Edit: See here for some common use cases of mod_rewrite:


URL rewrite more precise match, not URLs that just start with the same string

Let's say I have phpbb3 forums software and I want to prettify some URLs. I put this in my htaccess:
RewriteRule ^cake viewforum.php?f=5&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
which works for domain.tld/cake and domain.tld/cake/ but it also catches domain.tld/cake-recipes and domain.tld/cake-recipes/ for instance, and so rewrites them.
How can I write this so that it only matches that exact URL, not URLs that begin with that string?
You need to add $ in order to delimit your rule pattern.
RewriteRule ^cake/?$ viewforum.php?f=5 [L,QSA]
The above rule will now only match domain.tld/cake or domain.tld/cake/.
Also, you can avoid using %{QUERY_STRING} by adding QSA flag (which does the same, but in a more elegant way)

htaccess RewriteRule not processing if not all parameters are passed

Hoping someone can help me with this issue...
I have a RewriteRule set up in my htaccess file that looks like this
RewriteRule ^/?find/(.+)/?in/(.+)/(.+)/ /page.html?&type=$1&city=$2&state_abbrev=$3 [L,QSA]
The rewrite works fine if I have a URL that contains all the parameters specified for example:
The issue is, I would like to have this rewrite work even if one of the parameters is missing. For example, if I only entered I would still want it to redirect to 'page.html' and just not have the parameters completed. So in that case it would be writing to Currently, if I type in a URL that doesn't have all parameters in it the RewriteRule will not work. Any ideas how to fix this issue?
Thanks in advance...
Replace your rule with this:
RewriteRule ^/?find/([^/]+)(?:/in/?([^/]*)/?([^/]*)/?)? /page.html?type=$1&city=$2&state_abbrev=$3 [L,QSA]
There is nothing stopping you from having multiple rewrites. I have many in my .htaccess for different things and many times you have to. Not one rewrite will work for all occasions.
You could try this.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^find/(.*)/in/(.*)/(.*) page.html?type=$1&city=$2&state_abbrev=$3&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^find/(.*) page.html?type=$1&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
It will first look for the full URL
Then forward it to the first Rewrite rule.
But then if you used this
It will skip the first rule and it will match the 2nd rule redirecting to just the partial query string.
Hope that helps but you can make as many rules or conditions you want. And the order in which they come does matter.

Why doesn't this URL rewrite work?

This is a page on my domain:
I want it to look like this:
This is pretty simple to accomplish, but for some reason the htaccess code below doesn't work.
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/statistics/players stats.php [R=301,L,QSA]
I get a 404 error when I try to open the SEO-friendly version. The page opens fine when I use the regular URL. What am I doing wrong?
The URL might not have a leading slash. Try without or optional slash. Additionally, you must check for the leading en, when you anchor your pattern at the beginning
RewriteRule ^/?en/statistics/players /en/stats.php
What worked in the end is the following:
RewriteRule en/statistics/players en/stats.php [NC,L]
I think it needs to be:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^en/statistics/players en/stats.php [QSA]
The R=301 means it will perform a redirect instead of a rewrite and try to redirect to /stats.php which doesnt exists I guess.
The L flag means that this is the last rewrite rule that will be processed for this request, which in this case I doubt is what you want. If there are rewrite rules further down for /en/stats.php they wont be processed.

How to write .htaccess 301 redirect rule for

I need to redirect some urls.
I need to direct to
I have about 500 cities I need to do this for. Preferably instead of making a redirect rule, I would like to change the keyword string as well. However, I will end up having 2,500 redirects.
Is it ok to have $2,500 redirects or should I use a redirect rule and if so, what would it be?
Thanks for your help in advance!!!!
Would this keyword string be the same for all cities? If yes, then you could create one rule and change the keyword string in the rule (and it would reflect on all redirects).
Individual rewrite rules would look like this -
Redirect /city-st-key-word-string
A single rewrite rule for any city-st would look like this -
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)/([a-zA-Z]+)-key-word-string$ $1/$2/key-word-string [R=301,L]
A rewrite rule redirecting any /x-x-??? to /x-x/??? (i,e; splitting at the two hyphens) -
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)/([a-zA-Z]+)-([a-zA-Z]+)-(.*)$ $1/$2-$3/$4 [R=301,L]
Hope this helped :)

htaccess redirect with dynamic variables conflict

I'm working in an old CMS that uses htaccess to rewrite URIs with GET variables into something more user friendly.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^animals/(.*)/ secondary.php?page=$1
RewriteRule ^animals/(.*) secondary.php?page=$1
which results (correctly) in
The problem is I now need to redirect some of those pages to new pages. I've tried:
Redirect 301 /animals/goose
The redirect almost works, but it adds "?page=goose" to the end of the rewritten URI:
I've tried using RewriteRule as well as RewriteCond, but unfortunatley I'm having no luck. Any help would be immensely appreciated.
Try placing this before the other rules instead of the Redirect statement. R=301 is for the redirect and L signals that the rule in question is the last rule to be processed.
RewriteRule ^animals/goose /animals/fowl [R=301,L]
Also you can easily make the slash (just like any other character) optional with a question mark, instead of having two rules.
RewriteRule ^animals/(.*)/?$ secondary.php?page=$1
