Creating convenient type - haskell

I am beginning with Haskell. I have a situation where it is convenient to work the following type synonyms:
type Adult = Int
type Youth = Int
However I can not overload functions on Adult and Youth even if they had been synonyms for different types so have to have two seperate versions of functions eg. doSomethingForAdult and doSomethingForYouth , so next I tried
data Person = Adult Int | Youth Int
Then I can pattern match and use a single version of functions,
but then I loose the option of using the Adult and Youth as types in functions declarations which is convenient. Is there a middle way ? I looked at Either, but from the description in tutorials it seems this would be misuse ? Something similar to a small type hierarchy with Person at the root and Youth and Adult derived and still being synonyms for Int would be perfect but I can not figure out how.

I don't see how that would be a misuse of Either. Just as (,) is a generic product type, Either is perfectly acceptable as a generic sum type, i.e. anything of the form:
data T = T1 A | T2 B C
...can be thought of algebraically as A + (B * C), which is equivalent to Either A (B, C).
On the other hand, if you want to distinguish between Adult and Youth, using synonyms for the same actual type can be counterproductive; they're just transparent aliases. An alternate approach would be to use newtypes, like this:
newtype Adult = Adult Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Num)
newtype Youth = Youth Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Num)
Adjust the deriving clause to taste; I added Num here because the underlying type is numeric, but if all you want is a unique identifier then adding or multiplying them doesn't make sense. At this point you can then use a sum type for Person if you like, or define a type class to get proper overloading:
class Person a where
-- (etc...)
instance Person Adult where -- ...
instance Person Youth where -- ...
Any functions defined in Person are then effectively overloaded on Adult and Youth, letting you dispatch based on type the way "overloaded" functions in other languages do.

Are you wanting a typeclass?
data Adult = Adult Int
data Youth = Youth Int
class Person a where
doSomething :: a -> b
instance Person Adult where
doSomething (Adult i) = ...
instance Person Youth where
doSomething (Youth i) = ...
This is the typical manner of overloading function in Haskell. The typeclass, Person, has a single function, doSomething :: a -> b. Each data type you want to be an instance of Person can have its own, separate, implementation. If you want the underlying implementation to be the same then just use another function, doSomethingGlobal :: Int -> b and let each instance equal this new function.

You can have both:
type Adult = Int
type Youth = Int
data Person = Adult Adult | Youth Youth
Data constructors are in a separate namespace from types so there is no conflict here.

I would suggest to just add the type synonym
type Person = Int
and you are able to give types to functions that work both, for Adults abd Youth, like
doSomething :: Person -> ...
(and you keep the possibility to use Adult and Youth in other type signatures)

I suggest to make Person polymorphic:
data Person a = Person a Int
With this definition you can write general functions on Person level that don't care about the concrete value of a:
getInt :: Person a -> Int
getInt (Person _ i) = i
incInt :: Person a -> Person a
incInt (Person p i) = Person p (inc i)
Then you can define "tags" to substantiate a Person:
data Adult = Adult
data Youth = Youth
Now you can write functions for a specific type of Person
rock :: Person Youth -> String
rock (Person Youth k) = "I rock until " ++ show k ++ " in the morning!!!"


Confusion about "type" and "data" in haskell

data MoneyAmount = Amount Float Currency
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Currency = EUR | GBP | USD | CHF
deriving (Show, Eq)
type Account = (Integer, MoneyAmount)
putAmount :: MoneyAmount -> Account -> Account
putAmount mon acc = undefined
I need to write a function that adds money to an account (display error if money added is wrong currency in account).
I know how to create an Amount
let moni = Amount 6.6 EUR
but i have no idea what to write to create an Account? (i hope that sentence makes sense) I don't know how to manipulate the input to do the whole add to account thing.
I've tried things like
let acc = Account 1 moni
My question is more how to manipulate the Account so I can write the function.
type creates a type synonym; an Account is exactly the same as an (Integer, MoneyAmount), and you write it the same way:
let acc = (1, moni)
A type is just an alias. It doesn't define a new type but instead a new name for an existing type. So you could do
type Money = Float
And you can use Money where ever you can use a Float and vice-versa. If you had
foo :: Float -> Float
foo x = 2 * x
> foo (1 :: Float)
> foo (1 :: Money)
Both work fine. In your case, Account is just an alias for (Integer, MoneyAmount), so you would construct one just as you would any other tuple.
A data defines an entirely new type, and this requires new constructors. For example:
data Bool = False | True
defines the Bool type with the constructors False and True. A more complicated example would be
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
which defines the Maybe a polymorphic type with constructors Nothing :: Maybe a and Just :: a -> Maybe a. I've included the types of these constructors to highlight that they exist as normal values and functions. The difference between a function and a constructor is that you can do anything you want in a function, but a constructor is only allowed to take existing values and make a value of another type without performing any transformations to it. Constructors are just wrappers around values.

Haskell: Typeclass implies other typeclass

Is it possible to have a typeclass imply another typeclass in Haskell? For example let's say there is a bunch of "things" that can be ordered by an "attribute":
data Person = Person { name :: String, age :: Int }
Person p1 <= Person p1 = (age p1) <= (age p2)
To avoid repetition one could define a "orderable by key" type class
class OrdByKey o where
orderKey :: (Ord r) => o -> r
x <= y = (orderKey x) <= (orderKey y)
Then the instance declaration for Person could look like this
instance OrdByKey Person where
orderKey Person p = age p
Now this does obviously not work for multiple reasons. I wonder if it's possible at all?
As you have specified it, the OrdByKey class can only have one instance
per type, when it sounds like you would like to be able to declare an instance
for each field in your record type.
To accomplish that, you will have to put the field type into the class
definition as well. This lets you do something like the following:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
data Person = Person { name :: String, age :: Int }
class (Ord r) => OrdByKey o r where
orderKey :: o -> r
instance OrdByKey Person Int where
orderKey p = age p
x <=? y = (orderKey x :: Int) <= (orderKey y :: Int)
However, you can only have one instance per field type, so if your
Person type looks like
data Person = Person { name :: String, age :: Int, ssn :: String}
you will not be able to have a version to compare on both the name and
the ssn fields. You could get around this by wrapping each field in a
newtype so each field has a unique type. So your Person type would look
data Person = Person { name :: Name, age :: Age, ssn :: SSN}
That would lead to a lot of newtypes floating around though.
The real downside of this is the need to specify the return type for the
orderKey function. I would recommend using the on function from
Data.Function to write the appropriate comparison functions. I think a
function like
compareByKey :: (Ord b) => (a -> b) -> a -> a -> Bool
compareByKey = on (<=)
generalizes your idea of "can be compared by some key". You just have to give
it the function that extracts that key, which would be exactly the accessor
functions for your Person type, in this case.
I can't think of an instance where the OrdByKey class would be useful and trying to overload the <= with multiple versions for the same type seems like it would be down right
confusing in practice.
You could do this:
instance Ord Person where
compare p1 p2 = compare (age p1) (age p2)
Now the standard <= operator will work on Persons and compare their ages.

Haskell polymorphic functions with records and class types

this post is the following of this one.
I'm realizing a simple battle system as toy project, the typical system you can find in games like Final Fantasy et simila. I've solved the notorious "Namespace Pollution" problem with a class type + custom instances. For example:
type HitPoints = Integer
type ManaPoints = Integer
data Status = Sleep | Poison | .. --Omitted
data Element = Fire | ... --Omitted
class Targetable a where
name :: a -> String
level :: a -> Int
hp :: a -> HitPoints
mp :: a -> ManaPoints
status :: a -> Maybe [Status]
data Monster = Monster{monsterName :: String,
monsterLevel :: Int,
monsterHp :: HitPoints,
monsterMp :: ManaPoints,
monsterElemType :: Maybe Element,
monsterStatus :: Maybe [Status]} deriving (Eq, Read)
instance Targetable Monster where
name = monsterName
level = monsterLevel
hp = monsterHp
mp = monsterMp
status = monsterStatus
data Player = Player{playerName :: String,
playerLevel :: Int,
playerHp :: HitPoints,
playerMp :: ManaPoints,
playerStatus :: Maybe [Status]} deriving (Show, Read)
instance Targetable Player where
name = playerName
level = playerLevel
hp = playerHp
mp = playerMp
status = playerStatus
Now the problem: I have a spell type, and a spell can deal damage or inflict a status (like Poison, Sleep, Confusion, etc):
--Essentially the result of a spell cast
data SpellEffect = Damage HitPoints ManaPoints
| Inflict [Status] deriving (Show)
--Essentially a magic
data Spell = Spell{spellName :: String,
spellCost :: Integer,
spellElem :: Maybe Element,
spellEffect :: SpellEffect} deriving (Show)
--For example
fire = Spell "Fire" 20 (Just Fire) (Damage 100 0)
frogSong = Spell "Frog Song" 30 Nothing (Inflict [Frog, Sleep])
As suggested in the linked topic, I've created a generic "cast" function like this:
--cast function
cast :: (Targetable t) => Spell -> t -> t
cast s t =
case spellEffect s of
Damage hp mana -> t
Inflict statList -> t
As you can see the return type is t, here showed just for consistency. I want be able to return a new targetable (i.e. a Monster or a Player) with some field value altered (for example a new Monster with less hp, or with a new status). The problem is that i can't just to the following:
--cast function
cast :: (Targetable t) => Spell -> t -> t
cast s t =
case spellEffect s of
Damage hp' mana' -> t {hp = hp', mana = mana'}
Inflict statList -> t {status = statList}
because hp, mana and status "are not valid record selector". The problem is that I don't know a priori if t will be a monster or a player, and I don't want to specify "monsterHp" or "playerHp", I want to write a pretty generic function.
I know that Haskell Records are clumsy and not much extensibile...
Any idea?
Bye and happy coding,
Personally, I think hammar is on the right track with pointing out the similarities between Player and Monster. I agree you don't want to make them the same, but consider this: Take the type class you have here...
class Targetable a where
name :: a -> String
level :: a -> Int
hp :: a -> HitPoints
mp :: a -> ManaPoints
status :: a -> Maybe [Status]
...and replace it with a data type:
data Targetable = Targetable { name :: String
, level :: Int
, hp :: HitPoints
, mp :: ManaPoints
, status :: Maybe [Status]
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
Then factor out the common fields from Player and Monster:
data Monster = Monster { monsterTarget :: Targetable
, monsterElemType :: Maybe Element,
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
data Player = Player { playerTarget :: Targetable } deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
Depending on what you do with these, it might make more sense to turn it inside-out instead:
data Targetable a = Targetable { target :: a
, name :: String
-- &c...
...and then have Targetable Player and Targetable Monster. The advantage here is that any functions that work with either can take things of type Targetable a--just like functions that would have taken any instance of the Targetable class.
Not only is this approach nearly identical to what you have already, it's also a lot less code, and keeps the types simpler (by not having class constraints everywhere). In fact, the Targetable type above is roughly what GHC creates behind the scenes for the type class.
The biggest downside to this approach is that it makes accessing fields clumsier--either way, some things end up being two layers deep, and extending this approach to more complicated types can nest them deeper still. A lot of what makes this awkward is the fact that field accessors aren't "first class" in the language--you can't pass them around like functions, abstract over them, or anything like that. The most popular solution is to use "lenses", which another answer mentioned already. I've typically used the fclabels package for this, so that's my recommendation.
The factored-out types I suggest, combined with strategic use of lenses, should give you something that's simpler to use than the type class approach, and doesn't pollute the namespace the way having lots of record types does.
I can suggest three possible solutions.
1) Your types are very OO-like, but Haskell can also express "sum" types with parameters:
data Unit = UMon Monster | UPlay Player
cast :: Spell -> Unit -> Unit
cast s t =
case spellEffect s of
Damage hp' mana' -> case t of
UMon m -> UMon (m { monsterHp = monsterHp m - hp', monsterMana = undefined})
UPluy p -> UPlay (p { playerHp = playerHp p - hp'})
Inflict statList -> undefined
Thing that are similar in OO-design often become "sum" types with parameters in Haskell.
2) You can do what Carston suggests and add all your methods to type classes.
3) You can change your read-only methods in Targetable to be "lenses" that expose both getting and setting. See the stack overflow discussion. If your type class returned lenses then it would make your spell damage possible to apply.
Why don't you just include functions like
InflicteDamage :: a -> Int -> a
AddStatus :: a -> Status -> a
into your type-class?

What's the recommended way of handling complexly composed POD(plain-old-data in OO) in Haskell?

I'm a Haskell newbie.
In statically typed OO languages (for instance, Java), all complex data structures are presented as class and instances. An object can have many attributes (fields). And another object can be a value of the field. Those fields can be accessed with their names, and statically typed by class. Finally, those objects construct huge graph of object which linked each other. Most program uses data graph like this.
How can I archive these functionality in Haskell?
If you really do have data without behavior, this maps nicely to a Haskell record:
data Person = Person { name :: String
, address :: String }
deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
data Department = Management | Accounting | IT | Programming
deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
data Employee = Employee { identity :: Person
, idNumber :: Int
, department :: Department }
| Contractor { identity :: Person
, company :: String }
deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
This says that a Person is a Person who has a name and address (both Strings); a Department is either Management, Accounting, IT, or Programming; and an Employee is either an Employee who has an identity (a Person), an idNumber (an Int), and a department (a Department), or is a Contractor who has an identity (a Person) and a company (a String). The deriving (Eq, Read, Show) lines enable you to compare these objects for equality, read them in, and convert them to strings.
In general, a Haskell data type is a combination of unions (also called sums) and tuples (also called products).1 The |s denote choice (a union): an Employee is either an Employee or a Contractor, a Department is one of four things, etc. In general, tuples are written something like the following:
data Process = Process String Int
This says that Process (in addition to being a type name) is a data constructor with type String -> Int -> Process. Thus, for instance, Process "init" 1, or Process "ls" 57300. A Process has to have both a String and an Int to exist. The record notation used above is just syntactic sugar for these products; I could also have written data Person = Person String String, and then defined
name :: Person -> String
name (Person n _) = n
address :: Person -> String
address (Person _ a) = a
Record notation, however, can be nice for complex data structures.
Also note that you can parametrize a Haskell type over other types; for instance, a three-dimensional point could be data Point3 a = Point3 a a a. This means that Point3 :: a -> a -> a -> Point3 a, so that one could write Point3 (3 :: Int) (4 :: Int) (5 :: Int) to get a Point3 Int, or Point3 (1.1 :: Double) (2.2 :: Double) (3.3 :: Double) to get a Point3 Double. (Or Point3 1 2 3 to get a Num a => Point3 a, if you've seen type classes and overloaded numeric literals.)
This is what you need to represent a data graph. However, take note: one problem for people transitioning from imperative languages to functional ones—or, really, between any two different paradigms (C to Python, Prolog to Ruby, Erlang to Java, whatever)—is to continue to try to solve problems the old way. The solution you're trying to model may not be constructed in a way amenable to easy functional programming techniques, even if the problem is. For instance, in Haskell, thinking about types is very important, in a way that's different from, say, Java. At the same time, implementing behaviors for those types is done very differently: higher-order functions capture some of the abstractions you've seen in Java, but also some which aren't easily expressible (map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b], filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a], and foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b come to mind). So keep your options open, and consider addressing your problems in a functional way. Of course, maybe you are, in which case, full steam ahead. But do keep this in mind as you explore a new language. And have fun :-)
1: And recursion: you can represent a binary tree, for instance, with data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a).
Haskell has algebraic data types, which can describe structures or unions of structures such that something of a given type can hold one of a number of different sets of fields. These fields can set and accessed both positionally or via names with record syntax.
See here:

When should I use record syntax for data declarations in Haskell?

Record syntax seems extremely convenient compared to having to write your own accessor functions. I've never seen anyone give any guidelines as to when it's best to use record syntax over normal data declaration syntax, so I'll just ask here.
You should use record syntax in two situations:
The type has many fields
The type declaration gives no clue about its intended layout
For instance a Point type can be simply declared as:
data Point = Point Int Int deriving (Show)
It is obvious that the first Int denotes the x coordinate and the second stands for y. But the case with the following type declaration is different (taken from Learn You a Haskell for Great Good):
data Person = Person String String Int Float String String deriving (Show)
The intended type layout is: first name, last name, age, height, phone number, and favorite ice-cream flavor. But this is not evident in the above declaration. Record syntax comes handy here:
data Person = Person { firstName :: String
, lastName :: String
, age :: Int
, height :: Float
, phoneNumber :: String
, flavor :: String
} deriving (Show)
The record syntax made the code more readable, and saved a great deal of typing by automatically defining all the accessor functions for us!
In addition to complex multi-fielded data, newtypes are often defined with record syntax. In either of these cases, there aren't really any downsides to using record syntax, but in the case of sum types, record accessors usually don't make sense. For example:
data Either a b = Left { getLeft :: a } | Right { getRight :: b }
is valid, but the accessor functions are partial – it is an error to write getLeft (Right "banana"). For that reason, such accessors are generally speaking discouraged; something like getLeft :: Either a b -> Maybe a would be more common, and that would have to be defined manually. However, note that accessors can share names:
data Item = Food { description :: String, tastiness :: Integer }
| Wand { description :: String, magic :: Integer }
Now description is total, although tastiness and magic both still aren't.
