How to access SharePoint 2010 service application from an external console application? - sharepoint

I have hosted a SharePoint 2010 service application in a farm. I am able to access the service application using web part and timer job. Now, what I am looking for is to access the service application from a console application. This console application should be hosted out of SharePoint farm.
In other words, what is the procedure to access the SharePoint 2010 service application from an external / remote console application running in a laptop?
Thanks!!! Any help is much appreciated.

There's a good article on MSDN

I think the better answer is "It depends on your service application". Certainly some service applications like Search provide traditional web services as well as some support through the client object model. Other service apps don't have this support.
If you had a custom service application, I would think the onus would be on you to provide a web service interface into that system.


Call SharePoint on-premises Data from a web application

I've developed a web application that interacts with Sharepoint Online sites via Microsoft Graph API, and everythings are going fine.
Recently, I received a request from a client telling me that he has Sharepoint on-premise and needs to consume my web app. Actually, I didn't know how to interact with a local Sharepoint. After much research, I discovered that Microsoft has many ways to interact with on-premise Sharepoint server like CSOM, JSOM, REST API, and many more.
The problem is all of them either are injected into Sharepoint like add-ins, or attached directly to the server, so no need for authentication.
Suppose I need to consume the Rest API. my case here resides in how to obtain the access token. How my online web app would interact with the local Sharepoint Server?
Thanks in advance

How do I setup SharePoint 2013 (On Premise) for third party apps?

I have created a provider-hosted app which was developed and tested against SharePoint Online. I now want to install this on SharePoint 2013 On Premise.
It is my intention that, despite being a provider hosted app, I wish to host the app web in IIS on the SharePoint server (single farm not a cluster). I then intend to use a local URL for my App Web URL.
I understand the process of setting up an App Catalog (On SharePoint Online) as a repository for my App which in turn will enable users to add it to a site.
I have only been able to find a guide to setup On Premise SharePoint to allow users to use the SharePoint store but I only want to set it up for third party apps.
My question is do I need to go through all the steps in this link even if I don't want/require store access? I don't not want to do more than necessary and I would prefer a simple solution for my clients.
I followed this guide in the hope that creating the app catalog would be sufficient but I get the error "Sorry, apps are turned off. If you know who runs the server, tell them to enable apps."

SharePoint 2013 Web Application Association for SSRS

We are running into an issue when we try and setup a new SSRS Application within Central Administration.
I am able to set the Name, App Pool, Configurable App Pool Account, Database Server, Database Authentication, but unable to set the Web Application Association.
The first time I setup the Application it allows me to select the Service Application Sites. When I return back to the Properties, Above the Web Application Association I get this message:
"There are no web applications available to associate with this sql server reporting services server application."
I am suck and cant seem to get this resolved. Has anyone came across this issue before?
You have to approach this in a different way; instead of configuring the associated Web Applications within the Service App. Config, you change the Service Application Associations (Central Admin > Application management > Service Applications > Configure Service Application Associations)
Once there, click on the Application Proxy Group that you're using - in my case, this was 'default'.
That will then pop open a window - "Configure Service Application Associations". Simply untick your old SSRS Service Application and tick the new one.
While it doesn't solve your exact issue... A combination of this and another proxy group might do what you want.

What kind of application can I deploy to Windows Azure

I can't find answer for this simple question: What kind of application can I deploy to Windows Azure?
Can I upload only ASP .NET apps or can I upload:
Windows Forms Applicaton
Windows Presentation Foundation Application (WPF)
Here's a summary of the sorts of applications you can host on Azure:
Platform as a service
Azure Websites
Most existing / new Microsoft-stack (IIS-hosted) web applications (ASP.Net MVC, Web API, Web Forms, etc.)
A bunch of existing / new web applications written in other popular languages (Java, PHP, Node.js or Python)
Azure Cloud Services
Newer Microsoft-stack (IIS-hosted) web applications similar to above, but with some additional functionality / overheads (this answer will give you a good comparison of the two)
New web (IIS-hosted) applications designed to take advantage of Azure hosting (for example separating front-end and back-end concerns using web and worker roles, again covered in the linked answer)
Infrastructure as a Service (VMs)
Anything that you might host in a VM in another data centre / on another cloud service provider--usually legacy web applications / services, or those where the owner avoid tying their application code to a particular vendor by building on top of their PaaS
You'll notice that these are all basically webby, which excludes the likes of WinForms, WPF apps, and any other applications that are designed to run for users on their local machines. To directly answer your question:
ASP.Net applications--yes, you can host these on Azure
WinForms applications--no, you can't host these on Azure
WPF applications--no, you can't host these on Azure
Other applications--if they're web-based and fall within the broad descriptions above, then there's a decent chance you'll be able to host them on Azure, but it really depends on the nature of the application
Windows Forms and WPF applications typically comprise of a rich client application as well as dependencies on backend services and databases. Windows Azure provides a great host for the backend services and databases - and you can learn more about this here - especially in the compute section. There is also a lot more you can do - so just take a look at the other links for more information.

Expose WCF service and use it on the existing ASP application using only one Web Role on Azure platform

I'm new to Azure platform and I'm trying to create an Azure application that have an ASP application and a WCF service.
It is possible to expose the WCF service to other applications and to use it on the existing ASP application using only one Web Role?
If it is possible, how can I do that? If not, what are the alternatives?
Thank you very much!
Yes it is possible, just add the WCF service (*.svc + service dll) to the ASP.NET project. IIS will be able to serve request for both. Make sure you put the required configuration into your web.config.
It is not the only solution but it should be easy to implement.
Another option would be be use the Full IIS Web Role and have one site for your Web App, and another for WCF.
