Reentrant Locks: pros and cons? - multithreading

In what situations would one want to use reentrant locks versus normal locks?

The main difference between Simple/Regular Locks and Re-entrant Locks is that simple locks allow one thread to acquire a lock at a given point in time, keeping every other thread waiting, including the thread that holds the lock if it tried to lock again. Re-entrant locks allow the same thread to acquire a lock as many times as needed, provided that they already hold the lock, and keeps all other threads in a waiting queue for the same lock.
Re-entrant Locks are generally useful when recursion is needed. Imagine that you have a recursive function that needs to acquire a lock to execute. If you were using a simple lock, your first thread can easily deadlock itself. First iteration of the recursion will acquire the lock successfully, the second iteration will try to acquire the lock again, but will block forever. The second iteration will wait for the first iteration to unlock, but the first iteration will not unlock unless the second iteration completes.
A re-entrant lock is useful here because once a thread holds the lock, it can lock as many times as it pleases after that. Only catch is that your thread will have to unlock as many times as it locked, making it similar to a counting semaphore.

I presume a reentrant lock would have some additional overhead compared to a normal lock - to check what thread is acquiring the lock.
Therefore, if you know that under normal operation a thread will only acquire the lock once before releasing it again, you may gain some performance by using a normal lock. This could be particularly beneficial in tight loops, etc.


pthread rwlock lock/unlock from different threads

The docs says that locking from a thread and unlocking from another a rwlock results in undefined behaviour. I have an array and two threads, one allocating it and one deallocating it, this happens in a cycle, and there are also some threads reading/writing in it, but they never overlap so no synchronization is needed there. The problem is the read/write threads still try to use the array in the timeframe between dealloc - alloc. I was thinking of using a read lock for the read/write threads and lock the array for writing in the dealloc thread and unlocking writing in alloc thread. But this results in undefined behavior since they happen on different threads. What would be the right approach in this case?
You need some variable that stores the state. You can protect that variable with a lock. So when a thread needs to check or change the state, it acquires the lock, checks or changes the state, and then releases the lock.

Know how many are waiting on a pthread mutex lock

I would like to know how many threads are waiting on a lock so I would be able to destroy it safely.
The problem is that I can't destroy the lock when someone holds it or someone is waiting on it.
My program can make sure that no new requests are made to acquire the lock, but how can I know when all the threads that waited on it are done with it?
I thought about a conditional variable but I suspect it will create problems..
dlv, could you add some code snippet to your description.
I hope you should be using condition variables,
Each thread will block in pthread_cond_wait() until the other thread signals it to wake up. This will not cause a deadlock. It can easily be extended to many threads, by allocating one int, pthread_cond_t and pthread_mutex_t per thread.
pthread_cond_wait() blocks the calling thread until the specified condition is signalled. This routine should be called while mutex is locked, and it will automatically release the mutex while it waits. After signal is received and thread is awakened, mutex will be automatically locked for use by the thread. The programmer is then responsible for unlocking mutex when the thread is finished with it.
The pthread_cond_signal() routine is used to signal (or wake up) another thread which is waiting on the condition variable. It should be called after mutex is locked, and must unlock mutex in order for pthread_cond_wait() routine to complete.
The pthread_cond_broadcast() routine should be used instead of pthread_cond_signal() if more than one thread is in a blocking wait state.
It is a logical error to call pthread_cond_signal() before calling pthread_cond_wait().
Proper locking and unlocking of the associated mutex variable is essential when using these routines. For example:
Failing to lock the mutex before calling pthread_cond_wait() may cause it NOT to block.
Failing to unlock the mutex after calling pthread_cond_signal() may not allow a matching pthread_cond_wait() routine to complete (it will remain blocked).
If threads that can use the mutex still exist or might be created in the future then don't delete it.
You do know and are tracking what threads are created, right?
If, for some reason, you cannot keep track of the threads using a resource, your only way out is to leak the resource. It can never be safely deleted because you never know when you are done using it.
Say you had a counter that counted the threads using a mutex. That counter would need its own mutex. Then how do you decide when to delete that one?
That way of thinking is the road that leads to hell. You could do what you want with condition variables, but the result would be an extremely weak design.
Assuming you managed to create such a monster, it would basically allow you to kill "safely" any other thread regardless of its internal state. Except for a quick and dirty panic exit (in case of some internal software error), this is the worst possible way of solving synchronization issues.
A design relying on such tricks would have to create implicit synchronizations between tasks to make sure the terminations occur in the proper order. A lot of software are designed that way, and most of them allow mediocre programmers to make a living by maintaining the pile of crap they created in the first place.
Task termination should be an issue solved at global design level, not by a toolbox of wonky objects that allow you to twist synchronization any odd way.

How is the atomic unlock-and-block achieved in the implementation of synchronization primitives like mutexes and condition variables?

For example, suppose you are using atomic spinlock on an integer flag to ensure only one thread modifies the wait-queue that the mutex maintains at any given time. When a thread tries to lock the mutex, we want it to enqueue itself and set the flag to zero before it blocks itself and the unlocker to dequeue a thread from the queue and set it to runnable.
Consider only two threads to be present, one locking and the other releasing the mutex at the same time. if the locker was preempted after it added himself to the queue and set the flag to zero (but not blocked itself yet) and the unlocker then tried to dequeue and make the thread runnable, it wouldn't be useful since the thread hasn't blocked itself yet. So the make-runnable call would be waste but more importantly, the locker thread would then block itself after that and would remain blocked forever.
How is this atomicity achieved to ensure correctness? A similar scenario can be imagined in condition variables with the release of mutex and blocking itself.

Java Thread Live Lock

I have an interesting problem related to Java thread live lock. Here it goes.
There are four global locks - L1,L2,L3,L4
There are four threads - T1, T2, T3, T4
T1 requires locks L1,L2,L3
T2 requires locks L2
T3 required locks L3,L4
T4 requires locks L1,L2
So, the pattern of the problem is - Any of the threads can run and acquire the locks in any order. If any of the thread detects that a lock which it needs is not available, it release all other locks it had previously acquired waits for a fixed time before retrying again. The cycle repeats giving rise to a live lock condition.
So, to solve this problem, I have two solutions in mind
1) Let each thread wait for a random period of time before retrying.
2) Let each thread acquire all the locks in a particular order ( even if a thread does not require all the
I am not convinced that these are the only two options available to me. Please advise.
Have all the threads enter a single mutex-protected state-machine whenever they require and release their set of locks. The threads should expose methods that return the set of locks they require to continue and also to signal/wait for a private semaphore signal. The SM should contain a bool for each lock and a 'Waiting' queue/array/vector/list/whatever container to store waiting threads.
If a thread enters the SM mutex to get locks and can immediately get its lock set, it can reset its bool set, exit the mutex and continue on.
If a thread enters the SM mutex and cannot immediately get its lock set, it should add itself to 'Waiting', exit the mutex and wait on its private semaphore.
If a thread enters the SM mutex to release its locks, it sets the lock bools to 'return' its locks and iterates 'Waiting' in an attempt to find a thread that can now run with the set of locks available. If it finds one, it resets the bools appropriately, removes the thread it found from 'Waiting' and signals the 'found' thread semaphore. It then exits the mutex.
You can twiddle with the algorithm that you use to match up the available set lock bools with waiting threads as you wish. Maybe you should release the thread that requires the largest set of matches, or perhaps you would like to 'rotate' the 'Waiting' container elements to reduce starvation. Up to you.
A solution like this requires no polling, (with its performance-sapping CPU use and latency), and no continual aquire/release of multiple locks.
It's much easier to develop such a scheme with an OO design. The methods/member functions to signal/wait the semaphore and return the set of locks needed can usually be stuffed somewhere in the thread class inheritance chain.
Unless there is a good reason (performance wise) not to do so,
I would unify all locks to one lock object.
This is similar to solution 2 you suggested, only more simple in my opinion.
And by the way, not only is this solution more simple and less bug proned,
The performance might be better than solution 1 you suggested.
Personally, I have never heard of Option 1, but I am by no means an expert on multithreading. After thinking about it, it sounds like it will work fine.
However, the standard way to deal with threads and resource locking is somewhat related to Option 2. To prevent deadlocks, resources need to always be acquired in the same order. For example, if you always lock the resources in the same order, you won't have any issues.
Go with 2a) Let each thread acquire all of the locks that it needs (NOT all of the locks) in a particular order; if a thread encounters a lock that isn't available then it releases all of its locks
As long as threads acquire their locks in the same order you can't have deadlock; however, you can still have starvation (a thread might run into a situation where it keeps releasing all of its locks without making forward progress). To ensure that progress is made you can assign priorities to threads (0 = lowest priority, MAX_INT = highest priority) - increase a thread's priority when it has to release its locks, and reduce it to 0 when it acquires all of its locks. Put your waiting threads in a queue, and don't start a lower-priority thread if it needs the same resources as a higher-priority thread - this way you guarantee that the higher-priority threads will eventually acquire all of their locks. Don't implement this thread queue unless you're actually having problems with thread starvation, though, because it's probably less efficient than just letting all of your threads run at once.
You can also simplify things by implementing omer schleifer's condense-all-locks-to-one solution; however, unless threads other than the four you've mentioned are contending for these resources (in which case you'll still need to lock the resources from the external threads), you can more efficiently implement this by removing all locks and putting your threads in a circular queue (so your threads just keep running in the same order).

Can multithreaded code possible deadlock be avoided this way?

We know that multi-threaded code has the bane of possible deadlocks if the threads acquire mutex locks but before it gets a chance to release it, the thread gets suspended by main thread or pre-empted out by Scheduler?
I am a beginner in using pthread library so please bear with me if my below query/proposed solution might be unfeasible or outright wrong.
void main()
acquire_lock(Lock1);<--- //Now here is a possible deadlock if thread_function acquried Lock1 before main and main suspended T1 before its release
//Do something further;
void *thr_function(void *val)
///do something;
//do some more things;
//do some more things;
In this below pseudo code segment above I have, can't the thread run-time/compiler work together to make sure if a thread which has acquired a mutex lock, is suspended/pre-empted then it executes some 'cleanup code' of releasing all locks it has held before it gets out. The compiler/linker can identify the places inside a thread function which acquire , release lock, then when a thread is suspended between those two places(i.e. after acquire but before release) the execution in the thread function should jump via some kind of 'goto label;' inserted by the runtime where at the label: the thread would release the lock and then the thread gets blocked or context switch happens. [ I know if a thread acquires more than 1 locks it might get messy to jump across those points to release those locks...]
But basic idea/question is can the thread function not do the necessary releases of acquired locks for mutexes, semaphores before it gets blocked out or goes out of execution state to wait or some other state?
No. The reason a thread holds a lock is so that it can make data temporarily inconsistent or see a consistent view of that data itself. If some scheme were to automatically release that lock before the thread made the data consistent again, other threads would acquire the lock, see the inconsistent data, and fail. Or when that thread was resumed, it would either not have the lock or have the lock and see inconsistent data itself. This is why you can only reliably suspend a thread with that thread's cooperation.
Consider this logic to add an object to a linked list protected by a mutex:
Acquire the lock protecting a linked list.
Modify the link's head pointer.
Modify the object's next pointer.
Release the lock.
Now imagine if something were to suspend the thread between steps 2 and 3. If the lock were released, other threads would see the link's head pointer pointing to an object that had not been linked to the list. And when the thread resumed, it might set the object to the wrong pointer because the list had changed.
The general consensus is that suspending threads is so evil that even a feeling that you might want to suspend a thread suggests an incorrect application design. There is practically no reason a properly-designed application would ever want to suspend a thread. (If you didn't want that thread to continue doing the work it was doing, why did you code it to continue doing that work in the first place?)
By the way, scheduler pre-emption is not a problem. Eventually, the thread will be scheduled again and release the lock. So long as there are other threads that can make forward progress, no harm is done. And if there are no other threads that can make forward progress, the only thing the system can do is schedule the thread that was pre-empted.
One way to avoid this kind of deadlocks is to have a global, mutexed variable should_stop_thread which eventually gets set to true by the master thread.
The child thread checks the variable regularly and terminates in a controlled manner if it is true. "Controlled" in this sense means that all data (pointers) are valid (again) and mutex locks are released.
