three pdf-documents in one appendix - pdflatex

I wanted to ask how I can join three different pdf documents so that it appears in one single appendix. The command I gave was:
See Appendix~\ref{sec:corr-1}~\ref{sec:corr-2}~\ref{sec:corr-3}
and I have the following on my appendixes list:
Unforunately I cannot compile the final document.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Have a nice day.

In your example you just include tex files.
Have a look at the package pdfpages:
Add to the top of your document:
You should call this in the text where you want the PDF to appear:


How to change many .sra documents into one fastq document?

I download a series of .sra which belong to one sample from NCBI. I tried to change one sra into fastq, but it is error.
My code:
$fastq-dump I --split-files ERRXXXXX.sra.
And My .sra document is paired.
I used $fastq-dump SRR5XXXXX.sra to change another process, and it worked well.
Therefore I would like to know how to make many .sra into one .fastq document? Thank you for your kindness.
I don't really understand the whole message, but regarding your specific question "how to make many .sra into one .fastq document", the answer is pretty simple:
Generate multiple fastq files from all the sra files you are interested in in the usual way.
Concatenate all those fastq files in a single one: cat fastq1.fq fastq2.fq ... fastqN.fq > new_fastq.fq
Remove intermediate files if no longer needed
The new_fastq.fq file contains all the information from the original sra files.
Take care and don't mix first and second ends in the same fastq (unless you know what you are doing, of course).

batch file extract numbers from text file with little information

So This is related to my other two posts. Im dealing with extracting text from a text file and analyzing it and I've run into some problems. For A while I've been using a method that sets all the text between two other strings as a variable, but here is the situation I have. I need to extract the speed (numbers) from the below string: "etc...,query":{"ping":47855},"cmts":...etc. The problem is that the text cmts sometimes changes to something else so really I need to extract all the numbers from this:
One more thing that makes this difficult is that the characters }," Are all over the file. Thank you for helping me! -Lucas EDG Programmer.
Here's the full file:
{"_id":53291,"ip":"","domain":"","port":25565,"url":"","date_add":1453897770,"status":1,"scan":1,"uptime":99.53,"last_update":1485436105,"geo":{"country":"US","country_name":"United States","city":"Lake Forest"},"info":{"name":" Jectile | [1.8-1.11]\n Shoota (Call of Duty) \/ Zambies (Zombie Survival)","type":"FML","version":"1.10","plugins":[],"players":18,"max_players":420,"players_list":[],"map":"world","software":"BungeeCord 1.8.x, 1.9.x, 1.10.x, 1.11.x","avg_player_day":24.458333,"avg_load_day":5.8234,"platform":"MINECRAFT","icon":true},"counter":{"online":47871,"offline":228,"players":{"date":"2017-01-26","total":0},"last_offline":0,"query":{"ping":47855},"cmts":1},"rating":{"main":19.24,"difference":-0.64,"content_up":0.15,"K":0},"last":{"offline":1485415702,"online":1485436105},"chart":{"14:30":14,"14:40":16,"14:50":15,"15:00":18,"15:10":12,"15:20":13,"15:30":9,"15:40":9,"15:50":11,"16:00":12,"16:10":11,"16:20":11,"16:30":18,"16:40":25,"16:50":23,"17:00":27,"17:10":27,"17:20":23,"17:30":24,"17:40":26,"17:50":33,"18:00":31,"18:10":31,"18:20":32,"18:30":37,"18:40":38,"18:50":39,"19:00":38,"19:10":34,"19:20":33,"19:30":40,"19:40":36,"19:50":37,"20:00":38,"20:10":36,"20:20":38,"20:30":37,"20:40":37,"20:50":37,"21:00":34,"21:10":32,"21:20":33,"21:30":33,"21:40":29,"21:50":28,"22:00":26,"22:10":21,"22:20":24,"22:30":29,"22:40":22,"22:50":23,"23:00":27,"23:10":24,"23:20":26,"23:30":25,"23:40":28,"23:50":27,"00:00":32,"00:10":29,"00:20":33,"00:30":32,"00:40":31,"00:50":33,"01:00":40,"01:10":40,"01:20":40,"01:30":41,"01:40":45,"01:50":48,"02:00":43,"02:10":45,"02:20":46,"02:30":46,"02:40":43,"02:50":42,"03:00":39,"03:10":36,"03:20":44,"03:30":34,"03:40":0,"03:50":32,"04:00":35,"04:10":35,"04:20":33,"04:30":43,"04:40":37,"04:50":26,"05:00":31,"05:10":31,"05:20":27,"05:30":25,"05:40":26,"05:50":18,"06:00":13,"06:10":15,"06:20":17,"06:30":18,"06:40":17,"06:50":15,"07:00":16,"07:10":17,"07:20":16,"07:30":16,"07:40":18,"07:50":19,"08:00":14,"08:10":12,"08:20":12,"08:30":13,"08:40":17,"08:50":20,"09:00":18,"09:10":0,"09:20":0,"09:30":27,"09:40":18,"09:50":20,"10:00":15,"10:10":13,"10:20":12,"10:30":10,"10:40":10,"10:50":11,"11:00":13,"11:10":13,"11:20":16,"11:30":19,"11:40":17,"11:50":13,"12:00":10,"12:10":11,"12:20":12,"12:30":16,"12:40":15,"12:50":16,"13:00":14,"13:10":10,"13:20":13,"13:30":16,"13:40":16,"13:50":17,"14:00":20,"14:10":16,"14:20":16},"query":"ping","max_stat":{"max_online":{"date":1470764061,"players":129}},"status_query":"ok"}
By the way, the reason things change is because it looks at info from different servers
Very similar to ther answer I gave you to your first question:
#Echo Off
Set/P var=<some.json
Set var=%var:*:{"ping":=%
Set var=%var:},=&:%
Timeout -1

PDF Data and Table Scraping to Excel

I'm trying to figure out a good way to increase the productivity of my data entry job.
What I am looking to do is come up with a way to scrape data from a PDF and input it into Excel.
More specifically the data I am working with is from grocery store flyers. As it stands now we have to manually enter every deal in the flyer into a database. A sample of a flyer is
What I am hoping to do is have columns for products, price, and predefined options (Loyalty Cards, Coupons, Select Variety... that sort of thing).
Any help would be appreciated, and if I need to be more specific let me know.
After looking at the specific PDF linked to by the OP, I have to say that this is not quite displaying a typical table format.
It contains many images inside the "cells", but the cells are not all strictly vertically or horizontally aligned:
So this isn't even a 'nice' table, but an extremely ugly and awkward one to work with...
Having said that, I'll have to add:
Extracting even 'nice' tables from PDFs in general is extremely difficult...
Standard PDFs do not provide any hints about the semantics of what they draw on a page:
the only distinction that the syntax provides is the distinctions between vector elements (lines, fills,...), images and text.
Whether any character is part of a table or part of a line or just a lonely, single character within an otherwise empty area is not easy to recognize programmatically by parsing the PDF source code.
For a background about why the PDF file format should never, ever be thought of as suitable for hosting extractable, structured data, see this article:
Why Updating Dollars for Docs Was So Difficult (ProPublica-Website)
...but doing so with TabulaPDF works very well!
Having said the above now let me add this:
For an amazing open source family of tools that gets better and better from week to week for extracting tabular data from PDFs (unless they are scanned pages) -- contradicting what I said in my introductionary paragraphs! -- check out TabulaPDF. See these links:
Introducing Tabula: Upload a PDF, get back tabular CSV data. Poof!
Tabula-Extractor: A Command Line Interface to Tabula
Tabula source code repository
Tabula API (upcoming, not ready yet)
Tabula-Extractor is written in Ruby.
In the background it makes use of PDFBox (which is written in Java) and a few other third-party libs.
To run, Tabula-Extractor requires JRuby-1.7 installed.
Installing Tabula-Extractor
I'm using the 'bleeding-edge' version of Tabula-Extractor directly from its GitHub source code repository.
Getting it to work was extremely easy, since on my system JRuby-1.7.4_0 is already present:
mkdir ~/svn-stuff
cd ~/svn-stuff
git clone git.tabula-extractor
Included in this Git clone will already be the required libraries, so no need to install PDFBox.
The command line tool is in the /bin/ subdirectory.
Exploring the command line options:
~/svn-stuff/git.tabula-extractor/bin/tabula -h
Tabula helps you extract tables from PDFs
tabula [options] <pdf_file>
where [options] are:
--pages, -p <s>: Comma separated list of ranges, or all. Examples:
--pages 1-3,5-7, --pages 3 or --pages all. Default
is --pages 1 (default: 1)
--area, -a <s>: Portion of the page to analyze
(top,left,bottom,right). Example: --area
269.875,12.75,790.5,561. Default is entire page
--columns, -c <s>: X coordinates of column boundaries. Example
--columns 10.1,20.2,30.3
--password, -s <s>: Password to decrypt document. Default is empty
(default: )
--guess, -g: Guess the portion of the page to analyze per page.
--debug, -d: Print detected table areas instead of processing.
--format, -f <s>: Output format (CSV,TSV,HTML,JSON) (default: CSV)
--outfile, -o <s>: Write output to <file> instead of STDOUT (default:
--spreadsheet, -r: Force PDF to be extracted using spreadsheet-style
extraction (if there are ruling lines separating
each cell, as in a PDF of an Excel spreadsheet)
--no-spreadsheet, -n: Force PDF not to be extracted using
spreadsheet-style extraction (if there are ruling
lines separating each cell, as in a PDF of an Excel
--silent, -i: Suppress all stderr output.
--use-line-returns, -u: Use embedded line returns in cells. (Only in
spreadsheet mode.)
--version, -v: Print version and exit
--help, -h: Show this message
Extracting the table which the OP wants
I'm not even trying to extract this ugly table from the OP's monster PDF. I'll leave it as an excercise to these readers who are feeling adventurous enough...
Instead, I'll demo how to extract a 'nice' table. I'll take pages 651-653 from the official PDF-1.7 specification, here represented with screenshots:
I used this command:
~/svn-stuff/git.tabula-extractor/bin/tabula \
-p 651,652,653 -g -n -u -f CSV \
After importing the generated CSV into LibreOffice Calc, the spreadsheet looks like this:
To me this looks like the perfect extraction of a table which did spread over 3 different PDF pages. (Even the newlines used within table cells made it into the spreadsheet.)
Here is an ASCiinema screencast (which you also can download and re-play locally in your Linux/MacOSX/Unix terminal with the help of the asciinema command line tool), starring tabula-extractor:

Labelling text using Notepad++ or any other tool

I have several .dat, containing information about hotel reviews as below
<Author> simmotours
<Content> review......goes here
<Date>Nov 18, 2008
<No. Reader>-1
<No. Helpful>-1
<Overall>4`enter code here`
<Check in / front desk>4
<Business service>-1
I want to classify the review into two pos and neg , i.e. have two folder pos and neg containing several files with reviews above 3 classified as positive and below 3 classified as negative.
How can I quickly and efficiently automate this process?
You could write up a python script to read the overall score. Do this by looping over the the lines using readline() See here. Find the "Overall" Score using some string parsing. Then move the file into the right directory. All very simple things to do in Python, just break it down into steps and search for answers to those steps.
Notepad++ can do replacements with regular expressions. And allows the definition of macros. Use them to convert the file to an XML file. Check out the help file.
Then you can read it with any scripting language and do what you want.
Alternatively you could change the file to a form where you can load it into Excel and do the analysis there.

Perl: Find duplicate in excel/csv file and write an output file with them

First of all I am a completely newbie (for now) with Perl, and I would like to ask you a quick advice.
I have to deal with a some lists of journals and publishers in different Excel/CSV files. I would like to find a way to cross the data in order to have the list of the titles & publishers in common between two files, and a list with the publisher and the number of journal published.
I would like to ask you if it is possible to do it with Perl (it should be the best method for what I understood, but I would like a confirmation!), and how advance it is.
Sorry for the strange request but I am writing my thesis and I would not like to spend time on something and discover that is not possible!
To parse a CSV file:
To parse an Excel file:
To find the common elements of two lists:
my %list1 = map { $_ => 1 } #list1;
my #common = grep $list1{$_}, #list2;
