In Silverlight UI thread, when doing InvokeAsync what happens? - multithreading

I am trying to solve SL performance issues.
Up until now I had WCF calls which were executed by InvokeAsync.
Now, I changed it to use the BackgroundWorker.
Performance is greatly improved.
what can cause this? what does InvokeAsync did exactly that affected the UI thread? is it opening another UI thread?

It comes down to Synchronization contexts. A thread may be associated with SynchronizationContext such as the DispatcherSynchronizationContext (which is the context of the UI thread and only contains this one thread). WCF will complete an operation in the same Synchronization context that it began in, if there is no synchronization context associated with the thread it will use any thread in the thread pool.
Hence if you have several outstanding async operations all invoked from the UI Thread then all those operations will want to run their completion code in the UI Thread. If a number of them complete at the same time the completion code will have to queue up waiting to be dispatched into this single UI thread.
Whereas when you invoke async operations in a Background worker its running in a thread from the thread pool and does not have special synchronisation context. When those operations complete their completion code may run on any available thread in the pool (of which there are several). So near simultaneous completions can all run in parallel on different threads.

In WPF and Silverlight i recommend to use SynchronazationContext to save the main thread, all other thread will use this instance of SynchronazationContext to access the main thread (UI). You use it in this manner (Note: i generated a method that do this and all other methods will access this method to update the UI):
SynchronazationContext ctx = null;
void DoSomething()
ctx = SynchronazationContext.Current;
//Some algorithm here
this.UpdatePic("Success !");
void ThreadProc()
SendOrPostCallback callBack = new SendOrPostCallback(UpdatePic);
ctx.Post(callBack, String.Format("Put here the pic path");
void UpdatePic(string _text)
//This method run under the main method
In .NET 5.0 you can call this complicated functions by mark the method as async and write 'await' when you call the synchronous method - that make the synchronous method as asynchronous method and update the UI with the main thread.


Update GUI from worker thread works (WinForms), why?

WinForms (VS2015 / .NET 4.6)
In my background thread
System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() =>
I call the GUI (_callback), which implements an interface in the Form class.
Here, I modify textbox, progressbar, etc values.
void IWorkerCallback.Log(string message)
.... etc...
And all works fine!
If I break in with debugger, I could see that the Form.IWorkerCallback.Log() function is executed in the worker thread context (in Threads debug window).
It's said everywhere that you MUST change GUI items only on the GUI thread (where they are created), otherwise you get System.InvalidOperationException exception with cross-thread operation not valid.....
But it works fine for me.
Could you explain, why?
Running UI calls from another thread is undefined behavior. It may work or not. To get consistent failure on cross-thread calls set Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = true; in the beginning of the program:
From MSDN documentation:
When a thread other than the creating thread of a control tries to access one of that control's methods or properties, it often leads to unpredictable results. A common invalid thread activity is a call on the wrong thread that accesses the control's Handle property. Set CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls to true to find and diagnose this thread activity more easily.
On low Windows API level, cross-thread UI calls that don't use thread local storage or any other thread-specific resources, may be executed successfully. However, we still have thread synchronization problem, so result is also undefined.

Understanding Threads Swift

I sort of understand threads, correct me if I'm wrong.
Is a single thread allocated to a piece of code until that code has completed?
Are the threads prioritised to whichever piece of code is run first?
What is the difference between main queue and thread?
My most important question:
Can threads run at the same time? If so how can I specify which parts of my code should run at a selected thread?
Let me start this way. Unless you are writing a special kind of application (and you will know if you are), forget about threads. Working with threads is complex and tricky. Use dispatch queues… it's simpler and easier.
Dispatch queues run tasks. Tasks are closures (blocks) or functions. When you need to run a task off the main dispatch queue, you call one of the dispatch_ functions, the primary one being dispatch_async(). When you call dispatch_async(), you need to specify which queue to run the task on. To get a queue, you call one of the dispatch_queue_create() or dispatch_get_, the primary one being dispatch_get_global_queue.
NOTE: Swift 3 changed this from a function model to an object model. The dispatch_ functions are instance methods of DispatchQueue. The dispatch_get_ functions are turned into class methods/properties of DispatchQueue
// Swift 3 .background).async {
var calculation = arc4random()
// Swift 2
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0)) {
var calculation = arc4random()
The trouble here is any and all tasks which update the UI must be run on the main thread. This is usually done by calling dispatch_async() on the main queue (dispatch_get_main_queue()).
// Swift 3 .background).async {
var calculation = arc4random()
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// Swift 2
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0)) {
var calculation = arc4random()
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
The gory details are messy. To keep it simple, dispatch queues manage thread pools. It is up to the dispatch queue to create, run, and eventually dispose of threads. The main queue is a special queue which has only 1 thread. The operating system is tasked with assigning threads to a processor and executing the task running on the thread.
With all that out of the way, now I will answer your questions.
Is a single thread allocated to a piece of code until that code has completed?
A task will run in a single thread.
Are the threads prioritised to whichever piece of code is run first?
Tasks are assigned to a thread. A task will not change which thread it runs on. If a task needs to run in another thread, then it creates a new task and assigns that new task to the other thread.
What is the difference between main queue and thread?
The main queue is a dispatch queue which has 1 thread. This single thread is also known as the main thread.
Can threads run at the same time?
Threads are assigned to execute on processors by the operating system. If your device has multiple processors (they all do now-a-days), then multiple threads are executing at the same time.
If so how can I specify which parts of my code should run at a selected thread?
Break you code into tasks. Dispatch the tasks on a dispatch queue.

Disabling a System.Threading.Timer instance while its callback is in progress

I am using two instances of System.Threading.Timer to fire off 2 tasks that are repeated periodically.
My question is: If the timer is disabled but at that point of time this timer is executing its callback on a thread, then will the Main method exit, or will it wait for the executing callbacks to complete?
In the code below, Method1RunCount is synchronized for read and write using lock statement ( this part of code is not shown below). The call back for timer1 increments Method1RunCount by 1 at end of each run.
static void Main(string[] args)
TimerCallback callback1 = Method1;
System.Threading.Timer timer1 = new System.Threading.Timer(callback1,null,0, 90000);
TimerCallback callback2 = Method2;
System.Threading.Timer timer2 = new System.Threading.Timer(callback2, null, 0, 60000);
while (true)
if (Method1RunCount == 4)
timer1.Change(System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite, System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite);
timer2.Change(System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite, System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite);
This kind of code tends to work by accident, the period of the timer is large enough to avoid the threading race on the Method1RunCount variable. Make the period smaller and there's a real danger that the main thread won't see the value "4" at all. Odds go down considerably when the processor is heavily loaded and the main thread doesn't get scheduled for while. The timer's callback can then execute more than once while the main thread is waiting for the processor. Completing missing the value getting incremented to 4. Note how the lock statement does not in fact prevent this, it isn't locked by the main thread since it is probably sleeping.
There's also no reasonable guess you can make at how often Method2 runs. Not just because it has a completely different timer period but fundamentally because it isn't synchronized to either the Method1 or the Main method execution at all.
You'd normally increment Method1RunCount at the end of Method1. That doesn't otherwise guarantee that Method1 won't be aborted. It runs on a threadpool thread, they have the Thread.IsBackground property always set to true. So the CLR will readily abort them when the main thread exits. This again tends to not cause a problem by accident.
If it is absolutely essential that Method1 executes exactly 4 times then the simple way to ensure that is to let Method1 do the counting. Calling Timer.Change() inside the method is fine. Use a class like AutoResetEvent to let the main thread know about it. Which now no longer needs the Sleep anymore. You still need a lock to ensure that Method1 cannot be re-entered while it is executing. A good way to know that you are getting thread synchronization wrong is when you see yourself using Thread.Sleep().
From the docs on System.Threading.Timer (
When a timer is no longer needed, use the Dispose method to free the
resources held by the timer. Note that callbacks can occur after the
Dispose() method overload has been called, because the timer queues
callbacks for execution by thread pool threads. You can use the
Dispose(WaitHandle) method overload to wait until all callbacks have

Passing a `Disposable` object safely to the UI thread with TPL

We recently adopted the TPL as the toolkit for running some heavy background tasks.
These tasks typically produce a single object that implements IDisposable. This is because it has some OS handles internally.
What I want to happen is that the object produced by the background thread will be properly disposed at all times, also when the handover coincides with application shutdown.
After some thinking, I wrote this:
private void RunOnUiThread(Object data, Action<Object> action)
var t = Task.Factory.StartNew(action, data, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, _uiThreadScheduler);
t.ContinueWith(delegate(Task task)
if (!task.IsCompleted)
The background Task calls RunOnUiThread to pass its result to the UI thread. The task t is scheduled on the UI thread, and takes ownership of the data passed in. I was expecting that if t could not be executed because the ui thread's message pump was shut down, the continuation would run, and I could see that that the task had failed, and dispose the object myself. DisposeObject() is a helper that checks if the object is actually IDisposable, and non-null, prior to disposing it.
Sadly, it does not work. If I close the application after the background task t is created, the continuation is not executed.
I solved this problem before. At that time I was using the Threadpool and the WPF Dispatcher to post messages on the UI thread. It wasn't very pretty, but in the end it worked. I was hoping that the TPL was better at this scenario. It would even be better if I could somehow teach the TPL that it should Dispose all leftover AsyncState objects if they implement IDisposable.
So, the code is mainly to illustrate the problem. I want to learn about any solution that allows me to safely handover Disposable objects to the UI thread from background Tasks, and preferably one with as little code as possible.
When a process closes, all of it's kernel handles are automatically closed. You shouldn't need to worry about this:
Have a look at the RX library. This may allow you to do what you want.
From MSDN:
IsCompleted will return true when the Task is in one of the three
final states: RanToCompletion, Faulted, or Canceled
In other words, your DisposableObject.DisposeObject will never be called, because the continuation will always be scheduled after one of the above conditions has taken place. I believe what you meant to do was :
t.ContinueWith(t => DisposableObject.DisposeObject(task.AsyncState),
(BTW you could have simply captured the data variable rather than using the AsyncState property)
However I wouldn't use a continuation for something that you want to ensure happens at all times. I believe a try-finally block will be more fitting here:
private void RunOnUiThread2(Object data, Action<Object> action)
var t = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
//Or use a new *foreground* thread if the disposing is heavy
}, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, _uiThreadScheduler);

Are Tasks created as background threads?

I'm just wondering whether the new Task class in 4 is creating a background or foreground thread ?
Normally I'd set "IsBackground" on a Thread, but there's no such attribute on a Task.
I've not been able to find any documentation of this on MSDN :-(
Shouldn't be tough to verify:
class Program
static void Main()
.StartNew(() => Console.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground))
And the answer is ...
If you are starting a Task<T> using Task.Run(), then yes.
If you are using async and await, then no. Excerpt from here:
"The async and await keywords don't cause additional threads to be created. Async methods don't require multithreading because an async method doesn't run on its own thread. The method runs on the current synchronization context and uses time on the thread only when the method is active. You can use Task.Run to move CPU-bound work to a background thread, but a background thread doesn't help with a process that's just waiting for results to become available."
It appears to run as a background thread.
See this thread:
Running multiple C# Task Async
Tasks are executed by threads which are coming from the system thread pool. A thread that comes from thread pool is executed in background by default.
If you are not yet convinced of a background task, just try to access a GUI element from within a Task like:
public async Task<int> ProcessStuff_Async()
label1.Text = "processing next item";
to get the run time exception:
Cross-thread operation not valid:
Control 'label1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.
just like with the good old regular background threads.
There is info in MSDN docs (as of 2017 :-) , e.g.:
The best way to handle this ... is to start a background thread which
does the work using Task.Run, and await its result. This will allow
the UI to feel smooth as the work is being done.
This doc even has a section What happens under the covers.
