not getting output when scheduled a jcl program in crontab - linux

dear friends i have a jcl program that uses PCO program .I want to schedule it every minute using crontab .i have done the entry in cronntab like below
* * * * * path/job
but the crontab is not producing any output but when i am seeing /var/log/crontab it is showing that crond has executed the job every minute but i am not getting any output
Plz help how to schedule that job
I have read in internet that it can be because of environment variables not set properly
plz tell if that can be the case

Where do you expect the output to show up ? crontab
If standard output and standard error
are not redirected by commands
executed from the crontab entry, any
generated output or errors shall be
mailed, via an implementation-defined
method, to the user.
So you should redirect the output
* * * * * path/job > /path/to/file
Alternatively, check your mail (mail).


Crontab how to disable emails

I want to disable email reports on some tasks which run frequently. I've gone through the following links
They suggest adding >/dev/null 2>&1 at the end of the command to disable emails.
This is my crontab entry :
* * * * * /bin/bash /home/ubuntu/startup/ >/dev/null 2>&1
But I'm still receiving emails every time the script is run. In fact, not just once but I get like 8-15 mails every time it runs.
Am I doing anything wrong here ? BTW, I'm using crontab as root ( sudo crontab -e )
See man 5 crontab:
If MAILTO is defined but empty (MAILTO=""), no mail will be sent.
If memory serves, I have used that on the line itself, or preceding it:
* * * * * /bin/bash /home/ubuntu/startup/
Note that this will affect all lines that follow it so you may want to place it last, or renable MAILTO.
Also, strictly speaking, you should be able to work out what you did with shell redirection in the shell itself. What you have looks correct so I am a little puzzled. Maybe make sure to test it as root not as you.

Confusion about Crons

this is my first time writing script for cron job.
I wrote my code in shell, (which it works) and I'm trying to set it up for cron.
So here is my question. How do I set up the cron? Am I suppose to write
10 * * * * /home/workstation/ (I want it to run every 10min)
right underneath #!/bin/sh? How would I execute it? ( has permission via chmod)
man 1 crontab returns "No entry for crontab in section 1 of the manual"
I'm really lost and confused right now. If someone know how to set up cron please tell me!!
Thanks in advance
## Reads the location of the file systems that needs to be investigated from location.txt
## and save it into an array
while read -r line; do
let counter=counter+1;
done < location.txt
## Reads Email recipients and save it into an array
More code continues from here......
The following will open your environment's text editor and load the crontab:
crontab -e
Your crontab entry is mostly correct. In order for your script to run every ten minutes it should be changed to:
*/10 * * * * /home/workstation/
The entry you indicated would run the script at the 10th minute of every hour.
To setup the cron, you can do one of two (main) things. The first would be to place the specified line in /etc/crontab. The second would be to run crontab -e and place the line in there. I would recommend to use crontab -e so the cron will execute as your own user account.
If the full path to the script is /home/workstation/ and it does have execute-privileges, as you specified - your current line will have it execute 10-minutes past the hour, every hour. To get it to execute every 10 minutes, you'll have to use */10, like this:
*/10 * * * * /home/workstation/
this might help
you need to get an entry into your crontab
One of the best links I came across when I first learned about cron! Bookmark it

Perl script executed by Cron failed

I maintained a database (MySQL), I would like back up some data to the database using a perl script. To save my trouble, I would like cron to do it for me, I inserted the following using crontab
*/5 * * * * blctrl /home/blctrl/code/perl/
However, cron never does its job, any suggestions to get it done? The Linux installed is Centos 5?
*/5 * * * * blctrl /home/blctrl/code/perl/
That looks like the syntax for /etc/crontab, the system-wide crontab file. The first 5 words indicate when to run the command, the 6th is the account under which to run it, and the rest of the line is the command to execute.
(The clue was that the command is under /home/blctrl, which would be the home directory for the account blctrl.)
The syntax for your own crontab, the one you feed to the crontab command, is different. You don't specify an account name, because it only runs under your own account.
Try this:
*/5 * * * * /home/blctrl/code/perl/
EDIT: Incidentally, the first thing I would have tried when encountering a problem like this would be to replace the command with something simple, perhaps touch /tmp/FOO. That would have told you whether the problem was with your Perl script or with your crontab.

How to test a cron job?

I'm using Ubuntu Linux 10.0.4. I want to run a script every 6 hours, every day. When I issue sudo crontab -e, I see:
# m h dom mon dow command
* 00,06,12,18 * * * /opt/scripts/selenium/
However, I'm not seeing the expected outcome from my script, and I'm not even sure if its running. Is there a way to test, short of waiting until the specified time, that the script is running properly. Or, how can I view the errors the script is generating? - Dave
You can update the MAILTO variable to your email address, and cron should email you any STDOUT and STDERR output. Also check your syslog file /var/log/messages to see if the script is being executed by cron.
Cron should mail it results so it looks like you have a problem.
Here, it seems you are missing a user to run the script as :
00,06,12,18 * * * user_name /opt/scripts/selenium/
replace user_name by the name of the user the script needs to be run by, verify permissions of "" and you should be ok.

Crontab no error but doesn't execute script

I'm trying to execute a shell script from cron on Freebsd.
To test whether crontab is working at all, I wrote the line
* * * * * echo "Hello" > /home/myuser/logile
and it work fine.
But when trying to execute any script it doesn't do anything, not even an error. (In the script I tried to run is just the same echo command)
Below is the output of crontab -l:
* * * * * /home/myuser/ > /home/myuser/logfile
Why is the script not getting executed, although crontab is obviously running?
Permission for all files are set to rwxr-xr-x.
* * * * * /bin/sh /home/myuser/
* * * * * /bin/bash /home/myuser/
worked for me in Macosx 10.6 as rootuser
Have you checked that the command line has a linefeed/CR at the end of the line? I struggled for hours trying to find a reason for non-executing php script on cron when I simply hadn't pressed enter at the end of the line when I edited the cron jobs with crontab -e :-)
Have you checked /var/log/cron for clues?
Have you tried
* * * * * /bin/sh /home/myuser/ > /home/myuser/logfile
cron sends any errors via email to owner of the crontab file (often "root" so you might check that account's email). To have any errors mailed to "crontabOnFreebsd" put:
in your crontab (near the top).
For more info issue this command:
man 5 crontab
If you are getting an error, then your logfile might not capture it, try this:
* * * * * /home/myuser/ > /home/myuser/logfile 2> /home/myuser/errorfile
Its been a while since I did any cron stuff; but things that always used to get me:
Environment variables not been set: generally I found it necessary to set up full paths (even to things like 'cat') to all commands [or at least set ENV variables within the script itself].
Ensure the user who owns the script etc is really the user which is running the script: this might not be the same user when you test from the interactive shell. Same goes for the directories/files that the script might write to.
Also: check the email for the root user - you might find that the errors have been diverted to the inbox, which may help you troubleshoot this further.
