Nlog - email logs every x minutes - c#-4.0

Is it possible to email logs every x minutes using NLog?. if so, are there any examples.

I doubt It, If I was you I would only email Logs of Error or Fatal level, if you what to email at specific times, just create a simple timer that emails the ErrorLog.txt File every x minutes.


How to handle a Time Out?

I am running an Excel power query in a loop. The query runs.
For a reason related to the internet (I am not in a fiber covered area) the query fails to load the data, returning a time out error.
Given that is possible the entire loop cycle has not completed, I would like to stop the refresh before the error pops up and resume with the code despite no data having been loaded.
The code breaks where it is shown in the pic.
How can I have the code keep running before the time out will appear?
Let's say I would like the code to keep executing if after 90 seconds the data cannot be loaded.
Why don't you try to change the refresh period?
You can also try to look at the code generated by Power Query by Unchecking the "Enable Background Refresh" in the Data -> Connection -> Properties.
You can also add a timeout of your choice. You can add this bit after you defined the URL
, [Timeout = #duration (X,Y,Z,N)]
Where X is Days, Y is Hours, Z is Minutes, N is Seconds
Else if you are really interested on killing the Web Query after the default 100 seconds, then before starting the code you can put this line
On Error Resume Next

Dialogflow console returning different result to when sent through the API (Where the wrong timezone is used)

I have a DialogFlow agent set up where one intent is used to schedule reminders. I can say something like:
"At 5pm remind me to go for a run"
And it returns the sentence to remind (in this case 'go for a run') as well as the time to set the reminder using
This works as intended, I am able to get the correct time because it just sends the time without a timezone attached.
When I use a command such as:
"In 15 minutes remind me to go for a run"
it sends the result as the time using the timezone, in this case, the incorrect one.
So right now, a result for the date-time using the API was:
which is an hour more than it should be.
I have checked the DialogFlow agent's default time zone where it is set to:
(GMT0:00) Africa/Casablanca
Which I am fairly certain is the correct one for London time. However moving to a different timezone changes it and actually gives the correct one for the timezone (Just not my timezone)
Leaving me to wonder if this time zone is broken?
Regardless though, the Dialogflow console on the webpage returns the correct date-time but in a different format using 'startDateTime' and 'endDateTime', something that the agent does not do when sent using the API.
I have checked all configurations within the program and cannot find any evidence of any code giving a new timezone and in fact have tried to add the London timezone when a query is sent but this does not resolve the issue.
Does anyone have any advice on how to solve this?
After receiving a good suggestion from a user I am reminded of the most puzzling part of this issue. Chaning the timezone to GMT -1:00 vs 0:00 actually having a difference of two hours.
Around 1pm I queried it to get the time in 15 minutes.
When it was set to GMT-1:00 Atlantiv/Cape_Verde the time returned is:
When it was set to GMT0:00 Africa/Casablanca the time returned is:
Neither is the correct time and despite the timezone suggesting a 1 hour difference, it is actually 2 hours apart.
For London the correct timezone should be GMT -1, Casablanca Africa is GMT+1, I used this web page to determine this.
If you are in London is recommended to configure your agent to sue the correct time zone (GMT-1).

tailLines and SinceTime in logging api,both not worked simultaneously

I am using container engine, and my pods are hosted there.
I am trying to fetch logs, using log api :
if i used both the query params separately, it works and show the proper result, but if i am using it simultaneously only the top 100 logs are returning, the sinceTime param is get ignored.
my scenario is, i need a log from a specific time, in a chunk like, 100 lines, 100 lines.. like this.
I am not sure, whether it is a bug, or it is not implemented.
I found this from the api reference manual
tailLines - If set, the number of lines from the end of the logs to
show. If not specified, logs are shown from the creation of the
container or sinceSeconds or sinceTime
So, that means if you specify tailLines, it start from the end. I dont see any option explicitly mentioned other than limitBytes. But you will have to play around with it as it does not guarantee number of lines.
tailLines=X tells the server to start that many lines from the end
sinceTime tells the server to start from the specified time
the options are mutually exclusive
Thanks All,
I have later on recognized that, it is not ignoring the sinceTime, as the TailLines intended functionality is return the lines from the last.
So, if i mentioned the sinceTime= 10 PM yesterday, it will return the records from that time..And if also tailLines, is mentioned, so it will return the recent logs from that chunk.
So, it was working as expected. I need to play with LimitBytes for getting the logs in chunk, from that time, Instead of full logs.

IMAP array values changing spontaneously - PHP

My company uses script-generated emails to correspond with clients. Until now, we've had to manually sort through these emails, look up client info, print and file them. I'm writing a script that does this automatically and it was working fine until 10 minutes ago when Google stopped sending the subject with imap_fetch_overview().
Here's how I'm doing it:
$msgsub= $msgov[0]->subject;
$msgfr= $msgov[0]->from;
$msgid= $msgov[0]->uid;
$message = imap_fetchbody($inbox,$uid,1,FT_UID);
//echo message info, then message
echo "...";
And that worked fine until about 10 minutes ago when I started getting this error: Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$subject in C:\wamp\www\gmil\index.php on line 113
So I proceed to echo var_dump($msgov); and suddenly it's not showing the subject anymore.. According to The Manual it should be giving me the subject. Am I doing something wrong or am I just unlucky enough to be doing this at the exact time Google decided to stop sending it?
I'm dumb.
After one message not didn't contain a subject, it stopped checking for that value in all subsequent loops. I solved it like this:
if(isset($overview[0]->subject)){$sub=$overview[0]->subject;}else{$sub="No Subject";}
and then called $sub instead of $overview[0]->subject.

Reading emails with groovy (Java Mail)

I am using groovy in order to access gmail and read the Inbox. It is regular JavaMail and will not describe it here.
So for simplicity, after I connect to the store, I use this:
folder.messages.each { msg ->
doSomething with msg
this is working fine.
However I have a performance issue. Sometimes messages[] could be big. Some folders contain more than 1000 messages, and checking them all takes time.
I am looking for a quicker way to get only those emails that are the most recent (for example messages from the last 5 days or something like that)
of course I have the date information in each msg and I could do my comparison, but this is not efficient since it will loop through the entire collection.
Is there a better way to get those messages?
If you have JavaMail issue a SEARCH command with the criterion SINCE 04-JAN-2011, you'll get back the set messages in the currently-selected folder delivered since January 4th. (SENTSINCE 04-JAN-2011 will do the same thing, only based on the "Date" message header.)
Something along the lines of this: ReceivedDateTerm(ComparisonTerm.GE, sinceDate));
