Jsf 2.0 performance gain - jsf

Jsf 1.x compiles jsp into servlet, jsf 2 use vdl instead of jsp, I wonder what is the source of performance gain compared to jsf 1.x?

The most important reasons why JSF 2 performs better are:
Use a fast SAX parser instead an static compiler (facelets): An Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) is built and keep in memory, so further request don't require parse the xml once built and component tree creation is done without extra steps.
Partial State Saving algorithm (taken from MyFaces Trinidad).
If you are looking on MyFaces 2.0.x/2.1.x, you'll get these improvements too:
Refresh build view when necessary (MyFaces 2.0.x/2.1.x specific): Only refresh view on PSS on postback when necessary (see org.apache.myfaces.REFRESH_TRANSIENT_BUILD_ON_PSS).
Caching EL expressions when necessary (coming soon on MyFaces 2.0.8/2.1.2): EL expressions are cached wit the AST, so no extra EL parsing per request is done. (see MYFACES-3160 for details)
JSF 2 is a big step in the righ direction.


View declaration languages for JavaServer Faces

In the JavaServer Faces documentation it is written that it is possible to use different view declaration languages.
But, Facelets apart, it is impossible for me to find other view declaration languages to use with JavaServer Faces.
Where can I find other view declaration languages for JavaServer Faces?
It just hasn't happened - view definition languag is an extension point in the specs, but no other VDL emerged (maybe it will?). The only actually used methods of building JSF views is the deprecated JSP way or the common Facelets way.
It looks like people are more interested in dynamically building component trees in code - but this area of JSF is also surprisingly tricky to get right (it's supposed to be improved in JSF 2.3).

JSF : Generated java source - how to view? [duplicate]

As all JSPs are generated / translated to Servlets before their execution, is its true for Facelets too?
I am working with JSF 2.0 and Facelets and wanted to see its generated Java Code which might be Servlet.
No, Facelets files are parsed to a XML tree using a SAX parser. The XML tree is stored in the Facelet cache. The XML tree is during view build time turned into an UIComponent tree which is accessible by FacesContext#getViewRoot() (which you can traverse by getChildren() during runtime). The component tree normally generates HTML code by their own encodeXxx() methods or the ones on the associated Renderer, starting with UIViewRoot#encodeAll().
Facelets files do not generate any class files. The XML trees are by default stored in server's memory. Since JSF 2.1 you can however specify a custom FaceletCache implementation by <facelet-cache-factory> in faces-config.xml wherein you can write code to store the XML tree on for example the disk file system (which would be slower, though).
If you use <ui:debug> in the view and open it, then you can see the textual representation of the component tree behind UIViewRoot. See also how to debug JSF/EL
See also:
Why not JSF pages are precompiled (atleast partially) but instead parsed, evaluated each time view is built?
What's the view build time?
Measure the render time of a JSF view after a server request
Why Facelets is preferred over JSP as the view definition language from JSF2.0 onwards?
Not exactly the same way, it gets cached. But it doesn't generate servlet code.

How JSF manages the lfecycle of an UI component

In this beginner's JSF tuorial
section 1.1 says:
JSF UI components and their state are represented on the server with a defined life-cycle of the UI components.
But in the example that follows, I am unable to see how the state of an UI component is managed by the server? The example looks like a standard servlet jsp example minus the servlet mappings.
My other question is that in the example, we are accessing the jsp directly. Is this the standard thing to do in JSF as opposed to using servlet mappings?
First of all, if you're a beginner, I encourage you not to look at that old tutorials and find a good JSF 2.x one. JSF 2 was released in 2009 and you should consider it as the branch to learn, as it brings several advantages comparing with 1.x old versions.
JSF has its own lifecycle for any request you make from the browser which can be a GET or POST request, even an ajax based one. What you basically have to understand about JSF comparing with other frameworks is that it's stateful. In other words, you can keep a component's state from one request to another (you actually have a view state, which can be kept no matter how many requests you do, until you change the view).
Appart from that, about your last statement, in old JSF ages the servlet mapping used to be done over .*jsf suffix. It means, when you make a request for that in the browser, jsf will convert the matching jsp page and display it.
JSF 2 however introduced facelets, which are based in .xhtml view pages. It's now also possible to do the mapping as .xhtml having the source code in an .xhtml too and JSF will make the conversion. The main advantage for this is that end user will not be allowed to see the sources, as browser's request matches source page's url, so JSF servlet will always be invoked.

Omnifaces: Using CombinedResourceHandler with Richfaces

when using CombinedResourceHandler in a Richfaces application only stylesheets and user defiend scripts are combined. The standard JavaScript resource and all Richfaces specific resources remain as seperated resources.
The Omnifaces documentation states:
RichFaces has the same problem with several JS files, but this is so far not exactly trivial to workaround
So my question is what this 'non-trivial workaround' would be?
As far as I can see, CombinedResourceHandler wont handle resources when getRendererType() returns org.richfaces.renderkit.ResourceLibraryRenderer. These are then handled by org.richfaces.renderkit.html.ResourceLibraryRenderer.
I am not sure what would be the best way to combine RichFaces behaviour with OmniFaces here.
I was able to create a solution by modifying OmniFaces CombinedResourceHandler.
Details in short:
Richfaces utilizes a concept called ResourceLibrarys wich means a resource may not only be a single file but instead a collection of those files. For example, RichFaces uses a resource named base-component.reslib. RichFaces ResourceHandler interpretes this resource dependency as dependency to
So the CombinedResourceHandler needed some extra functionality to seperate dependencies to ordinary Resources from Richfaces ResourceLibraries. The latter needed to be resolved according to specifications obtained from RichFaces sources.
It was not trivial to work this around without modifying the CombinedResourceHandler itself. The CombinedResourceHandler itself has really to be modified to use a reflection hack which extracts the resources from RichFaces' org.richfaces.resource.ResourceLibraryFactoryImpl. The reflection hack is necessary in order to keep OmniFaces free of RichFaces dependencies so that it can be used together with other component libraries like PrimeFaces.
As per issue 107, this was implemented in 1.3-20121206.

Can someone explain facelets?

I have been involved in JSF + Facelets dev for a month or so. I used composition, insert, define and other tags from facelets. I am finding it difficult to understand what facelets really give me? What are its alternatives ? What is that View Handler technology?I am not able to find good material / online notes on the same. Can someone explain in laymen terms - What it is? Thanks
Facelets is a view technology. Facelets is the successor of JSP. The only alternative as far is JSP, which has almost no seamless support for JSF components. If you leave Facelets aside and step back to JSP, then the real advantages of Facelets will be quickly clear.
You may find my answer in the question useful as well: What is the difference between JSF, Servlet and JSP? Facelets is also covered in there.
Without providing a complete academic background on Facelets, here's what it really gives you:
First, the ability to create reusable HTML code that you write yourself: this is not possible with JSF (pre-v2). Facelets gives you more control over the output of your webpages.
It has been demonstrated in some editors you can preview parts of
your page this way as well, but in reality this is impractical as the
webpage has many states of which only the initial bare version would
be visible in the preview.
If you are going to use JSF for a public website, Facelets are a must
for SEO, considering that with JSF you have no control whatsoever of
what comes out of the standard JSF components.
Second: templating. The ability to define blocks of HTML (read: Facelet compositions) that can be reused using tags such as ui:define and ui:insert.
There are other benefits, but right now you should know that these two are why you are using Facelets over JSF. Also, JSF 2.0 by default contains a modified version of Facelets.
benefits of facelets: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-facelets/
