IIS: Where can I find the IIS logs? - iis

I'm trying to set up an application from a third party, which requires a supporting website hosted in my local IIS. I've created a website exactly as explained in their install guide, but am having some problems, and would like to see what the IIS log has to say. Embarrassingly enough, the problem is I can't find the log files!
So my question is: Where does IIS7 store logs by default?

I think the default place for access logs is
Otherwise, check under IIS Manager, select the computer on the left pane, and in the middle pane, go under "Logging" in the IIS area. There you will se the default location for all sites (this is however overridable on all sites)
You could also look into
Which will contain similar log files that only represents errors.

I believe this is an easier way of knowing where your IIS logs are, rather than just assuming a default location:
Go to your IIS site, e.g. Default, click on it, and you should see "Logging" to the right if logging is enabled:
Open it and you should see the folder right there:
You are welcome!

I'm adding this answer because after researching the web, I ended up at this answer but still didn't know which subfolder of the IIS logs folder to look in.
If your server has multiple websites, you will need to know the IIS ID for the site. An easy way to get this in IIS is to simply click on the Sites folder in the left panel. The ID for each site is shown in the right panel.
Once you know the ID, let's call it n, the corresponding logs are in the W3SVCn subfolder of the IIS logs folder. So, if your website ID is 4, say, and the IIS logs are in the default location, then the logs are in this folder:
Answer by #jishi tells where the logs are by default.
Answer by #Rafid explains how to find actual location (maybe not default).
Answer by #Bergius gives a programmatic way to find the log folder location for a specific website, taking ID into account, without using IIS.

The 100% correct answer for the default location of the log files is...
Yes you can enter this into the explorer address bar it'll work.
To be 100% sure, you need to look at the logging for the web site in IIS.
Open IIS Manager.
Select the site or server in the Connections pane,
Double-click Logging.
The location of log files for the site can be found within the Directory field
EDIT: As pointed out by Andy in the comments below you need to ensure when installing IIS that you elected to enable HTTP logging, otherwise HTTP logging won't be available.

A much easier way to do this is using PowerShell, like so:
Get-Website yoursite | % { Join-Path ($_.logFile.Directory -replace '%SystemDrive%', $env:SystemDrive) "W3SVC$($_.id)" }
or simply
Get-Website yoursite | % { $_.logFile.Directory, $_.id }
if you just need the info for yourself and don't mind parsing the result in your brain :).
For bonus points, append | ii to the first command to open in Explorer, or | gci to list the contents of the folder.

Try the Windows event log, there can be some useful information

Enabling Tracing may be a better alternative to the Windows Event Log. This gave me the information I needed to fix my own WebService.

I think the Default place for IIS logging is: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\log\w3svc

I have found the IIS Log files at the following location.
which help to fix my issue.

Check the identity of the site going to sites and advanced settings

The simplest answer is to query like this:
(Get-Website * | % { $_.logFile.Directory});ls $GetIISLogs\W3SVC1\*
If you have more than one site you will get more than one answer, so you need to query with a 'foreach' to get the website name with the directory...


I have copied files via FileZilla to Azure but the index page doesn't show

I shall try not to be subjective so as not be closed.
This is my first foray into Azure and it really is NOT like my dedicated server on another hosting company. Suffice it to say, what takes me minutes to deploy a site via FTP, then to IIS to set it up, has taken me WEEKS!
I don't want to set up any of the "pre-packaged" Quickstart solutions. I simply want my INDEX.HTML file to DISPLAY.
I copied all the files via Filezilla to Azure, quite easily, but yet, when I go to the URL, I keep getting:
Your App Service app has been created
Go to your app's Quick Start guide in the Azure portal to get started or read our deployment documentation.
Everything is set up on Azure perfectly.
Here's what it looks like under the appSettings Tab:
**Virtual applications and directories**
/ site\wwwroot Application …
/wwwroot site\wwwroot\mynewsite Application …
The directory, site\wwwroot\mynewsite has an index.html but it will not display when I type in the URL.
I already built the site and the company I'm working for wants it on AZURE.
A dedicated server takes under 15 min. This has taken weeks.
Thiago, thank you... so here's the file structure below...
Reveals EXACTLY what my directory looks like. Under /thingblugrow is where "the fake name" mynewsite exists. I thought it'd be easier to just show you what I really have.
So, /thingblugrow has an index.html file....
If your want to visit http://yoursitename.azurewebsites.net/mynewsite/index.html,
The appsetting we need config it as following in your case:
Virtual applications and directories
/ site\wwwroot Application …
/mynewsite site\wwwroot\thingblugrow Application …
You also can refer to another SO Thread to get more info about creating Virtual applications and directories
You're adding an extra level, so in your case you'll be able to see the index through:
Just move all the content from "mynewsite" folder to the parent directory (wwwroot).

IIS: How change URL to include site name when browsing web files

In my IIS, I have created "App1" as my site name and setup everything.
Now when I browse one of my web file from IIS, the URL for that page is something like "http://localhost/Folder1/Default.aspx".
But back to last time when I was using window 7, the URL that I can get is "http://localhost/App1/Folder1/Default.aspx", now I'm only getting "http://localhost/Folder1/Default.aspx" after I upgrade to window 8. I'm not sure if it's window 8 that causing the issue or anything, but I need advice on how to include the site name when I browse the file so that I can get "http://localhost/App1/Folder1/Default.aspx".
The reason why I need to include site name is because my entire project solution is calling files and web services that including the site name since long time ago. Without the site name, I can't run the program at all because I can retrieve data from any web service
Can anyone advice me on how to include site name in IIS?
I tried Directory Browsing but seems not the solution in my case. I try search for how to include site name in my domain but usually end up directing me to Directory Browsing.
FYI, my application pool setting is as below:
.Net CLR Version: v2.0.50727
Managed Pipeline mode: Classic
Really appreciate any help on this.
Just in case anyone face the same issue like me, I found my solution.
Yesterday I just thought of instead of searching Google for so many hours looking for how to include site name in my URL, I remove the App1 application in my IIS. Then, in the physical directory of my App1, I created one new folder call "Main" and I move my App1 folder into Main.
When I create a new application in IIS, i create new application as App1 but point the physical application path to "Main". This way, when I browse one of the web files in IIS, I can see something like "http://localhost/App1/Folder1/Default.aspx" which totally solve my problem, and my program can run properly now.
Although I still do not know how to include site name into the URL and why the site name is missing. But at least this solve my issue now

Error 403.14 when serving page from IIS

This is very simple to reproduce:
Create a new VM (xtra small in my case, tried both Windows 2012
and 2008R2)
Install IIS using default config.
Create a Web Site using IIS Manager specifying a folder such as
Using Windows Explorer, create a new file called index.txt
Rename the file to index.htm
Edit the file with Notepad to make it a basic but valid html5
document and Save.
From IIS Manager, select the new website and click the Browse
Website link on the right side of the screen.
I get:
HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden
The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory.
Now look at the Contents of the web site in IIS Manager and you will see that the file has a .txt extension pasted onto the end : index.htm.txt
This does not happen on my local server.
I am new to Azure and probably missing something very basic but right now I feel like I am going insane. Can anyone put me out of my misery?
This is IIS configuration issue, not Azure specific. And I would not even say it is an issue at all.
index.html is not in the list of default documents for IIS. And has never been. index.htm however is. You get 403.14 forbidden, because Directory Browsing is by default forbidden in IIS. Again, absolutely typical IIS configuration which hasn't changed for ages!
Your solutions:
Configure index.html to be in default documents (read how to do this here)
enable directory browsing (read how to do it here)
For the sake of others as stupid as me, this is all down to Windows Explorer configuration. Normally, the first thing that I do with a new Windows install is to turn off 'Hide known filename extensions'. This time I forgot.

Azure website node process lifecycle

I 've found out that Azure websites (trial version) doesn't autostart my node sever process (it starts only when I load the url in the web browser); and that when there are no requests in a while, the process is killed.
I mean, when I git push my server, I would like it to start running immediately and continuously.
I read (here, for example) that this might have to do with the way iisnode manages azure websites, and that I can't do anything to change it. Is this the actual way Azure websites work? Is there any way I can deal with this?
Thanks in advance,
You've find the answer. There is no other answer.
The process termination because of inactivity comes from IIS - there is Idle Timeout setting. Which to my knowledge is not configurable in Azure Web Sites (at least not Free tier). Check out also this SO question and its answer to get better understanding on why you can't change this timeout on the FREE and STANDARD tiers.
And here is an interesting workaround to avoid this idle timeout. Actually if you use technique, you will also have kind-of "auto start", in terms that when your scheduler hits your site after a new deployment, it will "boot up".
This can get a little complicated, but if you don't want to use their 5-min ping service, you can keep these always on by doing the following:
Create an app setting on your website configuration tab within the portal:
WEBSITE_PRIVATE_EXTENSIONS and give it a value of 1
Create a text file named applicationhost.xdt and populate it with:
<?xml version="1.0"?><configuration xmlns:xdt="http://schemas.microsoft.com/XML-Document-Transform"><system.applicationHost><applicationPools><add name="DefaultAppPool" managedRuntimeVersion="v4.5" startMode="AlwaysRunning"><processModel identityType="ApplicationPoolIdentity" /></add></applicationPools></system.applicationHost></configuration>
ftp into your website and create a folder on the root directory called Site Extensions. (there should now be 3 folders in your root: LogFiles, site, & SiteExtensions)
Create another folder within 'Site Extensions', named ASPLimits
Upload the applicationhost.xdt into the ASPLimits folder
Restart your website using the portal

virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS

hi i am comletly new to iis and asp.net i am trying to setup bugNET on a godaddy server. i created a virtual directory and once i tried to launch the site i get this error:
Parser Error Message: It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS.
here is complete detail of what i did.
hosting: godaddy
created virtual directory (child folder of root) - named: devbunk with these settings (anonymous access, directory browsing)
that is all i can do to with iis on godaddy.
the error tells me that i need to turn the virtual directory as an application. godaddy doesnt let me do that... how do i do it? btw, i have iis7 setup.
You can configure this with Godaddy Hosting Control Center. log in to godaddy hosting center.
Go to Content >> IIS Management.
Click on the pencil icon to edit your selected directory.
you will get a popped up screen with three check boxes. You need to check the one that says "Set Application Root".
Click Ok and your directory will be configured as an application in IIS.
Hope this helps you and feel free to ping me if you need more info.
You need godaddy to do that, usually hosters do offer the ability to convert a regular folder as an application through their Control Panel, so if you have access to one search for that option. Other hosters give access through IIS Manager and Web Deploy to convert folders to applications as well, but it boils down to "you need your hoster to do that".
There are no ways for you to do that through Web.config or FTP or etc. I think Front Page Server Extensions did had a way as well. The best thing is contact your hoster and ask them what is the right way of doing this. Usually all hosters will allow you to create as many applications as you need as long as they run the same .net version.
Check the properties on Web.Config to ensure "Copy to Output Directory" is set to "Do not copy"
