Changing pixel color in SDL - colors

I'm making a game that only uses PNG with black and white pixels. But there are some times where I would want to change the color of the white pixels to something different, like green (#00FF00).
How would I go about doing this exactly?
Okay, I figured out a solution
Here is a simple function to do so:
void setColor(SDL_Surface *surface, SDL_Color color) {
Uint16 *pixels = (Uint16 *) surface->pixels; // Get the pixels from the Surface
// Iterrate through the pixels and chagne the color
for (int i = 0; i w * surface->h); i++) {
if (pixels[i] == SDL_MapRGB(surface->format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)) // Search for white pixels
pixels[i] = SDL_MapRGB(surface->format, color.r, color.b, color.g);
Something to keep in mind, change the "Uint16" to "Uint32" if you are using a 32-Bit surface, or "Uint8" for a 8-Bit surface.
I'm not sure on how fast this code is, but it gets the job done.

That depends on exactly what you're trying to set the color of.
Without more information, two APIs that come immediately to mind are "SDL_SetColors()" and "SDL_SetPalette()".
But the real answer is "it depends".


LWJGL Fullscreen while keeping aspect ratio?

I want to have a fullscreen mode that keeps the aspect ratio by adding black bars on either side. I tried just creating a display mode, but I can't make it fullscreen unless it's a pre-approved resolution, and when I use a bigger diaplay than the native resolution the pixels become messed up, and lines appeared between all of the tiles in the game for some reason.
I think I need to use FBOs to render the scenario to a texture instead of the window, and then just use a fullscreen approved resolution and render the texture properly stretched out in the center of the screen, but I just don't understand how to render to a texture in order to do that, or how to stretch an image. Could someone please help me?
I got fullscreen working, but it makes everything all broken looking There are random lines on the edges of anything that's written to the window. There are no glitchy lines when it's in native resolution though. Here's my code:
Display.setTitle("Mega Man");
}catch(LWJGLException e){
try{Display.setFullscreen(true);}catch(Exception e){}
int sh=Display.getHeight();
int sw=WIDTH*sh/HEIGHT;
GL11.glViewport(Display.getWidth()/2-sw/2, 0, sw, sh);
Screenshot of the glitchy fullscreen here:
Here is the texture rendering code that I use to draw everything:
public static void DrawQuadTex(Texture tex, int x, int y, float width, float height, float texWidth, float texHeight, float subx, float suby, float subd, String mirror){
if (tex==null){return;}
if (mirror==null){mirror = "";}
//subx, suby, and subd are to grab sprites from a sprite sheet. subd is the measure of both the width and length of the sprite, as only images with dimensions that are the same and are powers of 2 are properly displayed.
int xinner = 0;
int xouter = (int) width;
int yinner = 0;
int youter = (int) height;
if (mirror.indexOf("h")>-1){
xinner = xouter;
xouter = 0;
if (mirror.indexOf("v")>-1){
yinner = youter;
youter = 0;
Just to keep it clean I give you a real answer and not just a comment.
The aspect ratio problem can be solved with help of glViewport. Using this method you can decide which area of the surface that will be rendered to. The default viewport will cover the whole surface.
Since the second problem with the corrupt rendering (also described here appeared after changing viewport I will give my thought about it in this answer as well.
Without knowing exactly how the rendering code for the tile background looks. I would guess that the problem is due to any differences in the resolution between the glViewport and glOrtho calls.
Example: If the glOrtho resolution is half the viewport resolution then each openGL unit is actually 2 pixels. If you then renders a tile between x=0 and x=9 and then the next one between x=10 and x=19 you will get an empty space between them.
To solve this you can change the resolution so that they are the same. Or you can render the tile to overlap, first one x=0 to x=10 second one x=10 to x=20 and so on.
Without seeing the tile rendering code I can't verify it this is the problem though.

Blended lines do not look as expected

I use the following fragment shader, which uses the fog effect, to draw my scene:
precision mediump float;
uniform int EnableFog;
uniform float FogMinDist;
uniform float FogMaxDist;
varying lowp vec4 DestinationColor;
varying float EyeToVertexDist;
float computeFogFactor()
float fogFactor = 1.0;
if (EnableFog != 0)
//Use a bit lower vlaue of FogMaxDist to get a better fog effect - it will make the far end disappear quicker.
float fogMaxDistABitCloser = FogMaxDist * 0.98;
fogFactor = (fogMaxDistABitCloser - EyeToVertexDist) / (fogMaxDistABitCloser - FogMinDist);
fogFactor = clamp(fogFactor, 0.0, 1.0);
return fogFactor;
void main(void)
float fogFactor = computeFogFactor();
gl_FragColor = DestinationColor * fogFactor;
And i enable alpha blending:
The result is the following scene:
My problem is with the places in which the lines overlap - the result is that the color seems darker than the color of both lines:
How i can fix it?
As already described in the comment you are blending the newly drawn line with the background which may already contain colours from another object at certain pixels, in your case where lines overlap. To solve this you will either have to draw your lines without overlapping or make your drawing independent from the current buffer state.
In your specific case you may pass the background colour to your fragment shader via some uniform or even a texture and then do your blending manually in the fragment shader.
In general you might want to draw the grid to some frame buffer object (FBO) with attached texture and then draw the whole texture in a single draw call using your fog shader and blending. The drawing to FBO should then be with disabled blending.
There are other ways such as drawing the grid to a stencil buffer first and then redraw a full-screen rect applying a colour with your shader and blending.

2D Screen coordinate to 3D position Directx 9 / Box Select

I am trying to implement box select in a 3d world. Basically, click, hold mouse, and then unpress mouse, get a box, and then box select. To start, I'm trying to figure out how to get the coordinates of the clicks in 3d.
I have raypicking, and that is not getting the right coordinate (gets origin and direction). It keeps returning the same origin no matter what X/Y for screen is (although the direction is different).
I've also tried:
D3DXVECTOR3 ori = D3DXVECTOR3(sx, sy, 0.0f);
D3DXVec3Unproject(&out, &ori, &viewPort, &projectionMat, &viewMat, &worldMat);
And it gets the same thing, the coordinates are very close to each other no matter what coordinates (and are wrong). It's almost like returning the eye, instead of the actual world coordinate.
How do I turn 2d Screen coordinates into 3d using directx 9c?
This is called picking in Direct3D, to select a model in 3D space, you mainly need 3 steps:
Generate the picking ray
Transform the picking ray and the model you want to pick in the same space
Do a intersection test of the picking ray and the model
Generate the picking ray
When we click the mouse on the screen(say the point is s on the screen), the model is selected when the box project on the area surround the point s on the projection window.
so, in order to generate the picking ray with the given screen coordinates (x, y), first we need to transform (x,y) to the projection window, this is can be done by the invert process of viewport transformation. another thing is the point on the projection window was scaled by the project matrix, so we should divide it by the scale factors.
in DirectX, the camera always place at the origin, so the picking ray starts from the origin, and projection window is the near clip plane(z=1).this is what the code has done below.
Ray CalcPickingRay(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 Device, int screen_x, int screen_y)
float px = 0.0f;
float py = 0.0f;
// Get viewport
// Get Projection matrix
Device->GetTransform(D3DTS_PROJECTION, &proj);
px = ((( 2.0f * screen_x) / vp.Width) - 1.0f) / proj(0, 0);
py = (((-2.0f * screen_y) / vp.Height) + 1.0f) / proj(1, 1);
Ray ray;
ray._origin = D3DXVECTOR3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
ray._direction = D3DXVECTOR3(px, py, 1.0f);
return ray;
Transform the picking ray and model into the same space.
We always obtain this by transform the picking ray to world space, simply get the invert of your view matrix, then apply the invert matrix to your pickig ray.
// transform the ray from view space to world space
void TransformRay(Ray* ray, D3DXMATRIX* invertViewMatrix)
// transform the ray's origin, w = 1.
// transform the ray's direction, w = 0.
// normalize the direction
D3DXVec3Normalize(&ray->_direction, &ray->_direction);
Do intersection test
If everything above is well, you can do the intersection test now. this is a ray-box intersection, so you can use function D3DXboxBoundProbe. you can change the visual mode of you box to see if the picking was really work, for example, set the fill mode to solid or wire-frame if D3DXboxBoundProbe return TRUE.
You can perform the picking in response of WM_LBUTTONDOWN.
// Get screen point
int iMouseX = (short)LOWORD(lParam) ;
int iMouseY = (short)HIWORD(lParam) ;
// Calculate the picking ray
Ray ray = CalcPickingRay(g_pd3dDevice, iMouseX, iMouseY) ;
// transform the ray from view space to world space
// get view matrix
g_pd3dDevice->GetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW, &view);
// inverse it
D3DXMATRIX viewInverse;
D3DXMatrixInverse(&viewInverse, 0, &view);
// apply on the ray
TransformRay(&ray, &viewInverse) ;
// collision detection
D3DXVECTOR3 v(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
if(D3DXSphereBoundProbe(box.minPoint, box.maxPoint &ray._origin, &ray._direction))
g_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FILLMODE, D3DFILL_SOLID);
break ;
It turns out, I was handling the problem the wrong/opposite way. Turning 2D to 3D didn't make sense in the end. But as it turns out, converting the vertices from 3D to 2D, then seeing if inside the 2D box was the right answer!

How to generate random points around the curves of characters using processing?

I would like to generate random/noise points along each character of a multiple line text. I've tried this with the Geomerative library, but unfortunately it does not support multi line. Any other solution?
You could find a library to get the path points of the text or if simply adding points, you could get a 2D snapshot(either using get() or PGraphics) of the text and fill in pixels. Here's a minimal example.
PImage snapshot;
int randomSize = 3;
void setup(){
//render some text
//grab a snapshot
snapshot = get();
void draw(){
int rx = (int)random(snapshot.width);//pick a random pixel location
int ry = (int)random(snapshot.height);//you can pick only the areas that have text or the whole image bot a bit of hit&miss randomness
//check if it's the same colour as the text, if so, pick a random neighbour and also paint it black
if(snapshot.get(rx,ry) == color(0)) snapshot.set(rx+((int)random(randomSize,-randomSize)),ry+((int)random(randomSize,-randomSize)),0);

Depth buffer only show blue color

I'm trying to implement Light Prepass rendering in RenderMonkey. So far, in Normal+Depth pass, it seems like Normal buffer is getting correct result, but Depth buffer only show one color. How can I check if my Depth buffer is correct or not?
Workspace download link:
The light blue is actually RGB values 0.0, 1.0, 1.0. Since depth is (usually) a single channel representing Z, when sampled from texture it's returned in the first channel, red. Missing channels green, blue and alpha will have 1.0 substituted by the hardware.
Your download link is non-functional, since it's been 2 years I suspect.
You should ensure your pixel shader is returning both COLOR0 and COLOR1 semantics (note that depth is a float4 despite the output being a single channel texture):
struct PS_OUT { float4 color : COLOR0; float4 depth : COLOR1; };
PS_OUT ps_main( PS_INPUT Input )
PS_OUT Output;
// your color shader here
Output.color = myFinalColor;
Output.depth = myFinalDepth; // e.g. Input.posz / Input.posw from your vertex shader
return Output;
Depending on your camera settings, you could get something like:
