I need a web based document viewer in which i can show my tiff images - viewer

I need a web based document viewer, open sourced(free), in which i can show my tiff images.
I've gone through so many links however couldn't found any product which supports the tiff format, and can be used within my java code.
I have used Viewone-Pro and it completly fulfill all our needs, however, its not an open source product, so if any other product providing such features available, we would like to use that further.
Please suggest.


A Study on the Modification of PDF in nodejs

Project Environment
The environment we are currently developing is using Windows 10. nodejs 10.16.0, express web framework. The actual environment being deployed is the Linux Ubuntu server and the rest is the same.
What technology do you want to implement?
The technology that I want to implement is the information that I entered when I joined the membership. For example, I want to automatically put it in the input text box using my name, age, address, phone number, etc. so that the user only needs to fill in the remaining information in the PDF. (PDF is on some of the webpages.)
If all the information is entered, the PDF is saved and the document is sent to another vendor, which is the end.
Current Problems
We looked at about four days for PDFs, and we tried to create PDFs when we implemented the outline, structure, and code, just like it was on this site at https://web.archive.org/web/20141010035745/http://gnupdf.org/Introduction_to_PDF
However, most PDFs seem to be compressed into flatDecode rather than this simple. So I also looked at Data extraction from /Filter /FlateDecode PDF stream in PHP and tried to decompress it using QPDF.
Unzip it for now.Well, I thought it would be easy to find out the difference compared to the PDF without Kim after putting it in the first name.
However, there is too much difference even though only three characters are added... And the PDF structure itself is more difficult and complex to proceed with.
Note : https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/devnet/pdf/pdfs/PDF32000_2008.pdf (PDF official document in English)
Is there a way to solve the problem now?
It sounds like you want to create a PDF from scratch and possibly extract data from it and you are finding this a more difficult prospect than you first imagined.
Check out my answer here on why PDF creation and reading is non-trivial and why you should reach for a tool you help you do this:

Easily differentiate video files from image files in Node

I'm building a project where people can upload files, I would like to then display those files in a browser where people can interact with them (vote, comment etc)
However, this means I need to programatically build the html depending on the format of the video or image. Is there a way to feed a file (or filename) into a library, and determine whether I need to display it in a video element or an image element? Even a list of video formats vs image formats would help but I haven't seen anything in regards to that.
No module can reliably determine the file type. The user could either change the extension or even the magic number of the file to obfuscate it. The only reliable way it to try to pass file to some image / video transcoder to let it decide or error out if the format is invalid. This way you know you are working with known formats since all files are transcoded to your specific extensions. That could be mp4 or png. I recommend using handbrake for videos and sharp for images. Leaving the NPM links down below:

How to have node convert `.emf` to `.jpg` (or anything I can place on a webpage)

Stuck in this weird situation at work. I have .doc files I'm parsing with Node.JS. They have photos in them that are .emf I want to display in my web app. I have no issue getting the emf file out of the word doc, but I can't figure out how to display it on a webpage. Simply embedding as is didn't work. I tried to find a utility to convert them automatically but with no luck. I thought of converting them myself but can't find any tecnhical info on the .emf file.
Any suggestions?
EMF (WMF) are the SVG like formats of the 1990's.
I can't give you the full solution in this space but checkout this thread that uses Apache Batik
If you don't want to build it yourself perhaps try the paid version of converters
If you can't afford I would recommend to host the Batik and make a service endpoint and make calls to generate the desired format from EMF. It may turn out actually faster.

how can I add tracking meta information to jpg files?

I have a client that wants to be able to find their proprietary images other places on the internet if someone steals them.
Is there a way to add meta information that we can track for this purpose inside a jpg file?
My answer was getting too long for comment so posting it as answer.
you can add an entry in EXIF IFD(metadata in binary) of jpeg image. It is not visible in image as it is. There are many EXIF editor/reader tools which will allow you to edit/read it. for example you can add a particular string in makernote of jpeg.
As I said, there are tools available in market, this also means that people can edit also reset the complete EXIF metadata which will erase your data too....
To get around this you can add your copyrighted IFD entry which only you can understand. For this you have to edit some EXIF tool and tweak according to your need.
But while adding your entry in JPEG metadata please take care that you adhere to EXIF/TIFF specifications so that image is not corrupted and readable in all platforms.
Here are some links to help you understand EXIF/TIFF -

Excel to pdf conversion with a footer image

I need a way to convert my excel files to pdf that can have any no of rows. but the no of rows per each page is a constant and each page should have an image in the footer.
an example would be if i have 150 rows and the constants per page is 100 then i need to get a pdf file with two pages and each of these pages should have a footer image?
any idea how I can go about the same. I am thinking about writing a small program for the same. But I need suggestion regarding which tool to use for the conversion depending on the ease of use.
I am also thinking about maintaining a constants file that feeds in the required details. like no of rows, footer image location, file location etc.
Thanks. waiting for a reply.
Well guys I have 1000 of such files and I cant possibly open each one of these files and add footer etc and saving it as pdf. I need to automate this.
Try the PDF Converter Services. It provides a web services based interface to carry out the conversion. You can also specify a watermark to add an image to the footer of each page.
