Can I use a self-signed certificate on a live Azure cloud? - iis

I need to test whether HTTPS works right in my Azure web role deployed on the cloud. I followed all steps to create a self-signed certificate and associate it with my role. Now my role works okay via HTTP, but requests HTTPS port just time out.
I suspect the problem is that the certificate is self-signed. Can I use self-signed certificates on a cloud?

If there is a problem with a certificate I would not expect the connection to "time out", that shoulds more like a firewall or comms issue.

As Phil suggests, your timeout isn't caused by your use of a self-signed certificate. You just get a security warning from your browser if the certificate isn't installed locally as a trusted Cert.
I'm using self-signed certs quite successfully.
More likely that you don't have a HTTPS Endpoint defined on port 443 (or a connectivity issue, again, as Phil suggests).

The real problem was I hadn't added the endpoint into the <Bindings> section in <Sites>:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ServiceDefinition name="RoleName" xmlns="">
<WebRole name="Role" vmsize="Medium">
<Site name="Web">
<Binding name="HttpIn" endpointName="HttpIn" />
<Binding name="HttpsIn" endpointName="HttpsIn" /> <<<<<<!!!!!!!
and looks like MSDN doesn't mention this explicitly at this moment of time.
So the bottom line is: self-signed certificates can be used, the browser will complain as it usually does with self-signed certificates, the new endpoint must be listed in both <Endpoints> and <Bindings>.


Azure webhttprelaybinding authorization issue

I have stumbled into an annoying azure wcf http relay issue, which i cant seem to be able to solve.
The issue arises when I set the security relayClientAuthenticationType to RelayAccessToken, which makes my endpoints unreachable due to a "Invalid authorization header: The request is missing WRAP authorization credentials" Error, whhich I Can't seem to solve.
If i set the security to "None", there are no issues.
I am currently using Postman to test the service.
Below areall the relevant details of the application(.net 4.6.2 console app), thanks in advance :)
<service name="XXXXX" behaviorConfiguration="servicebehavior">
<endpoint address="" binding="webHttpRelayBinding" contract="XXXXX" behaviorConfiguration="behavior" bindingConfiguration="default" />
<!-- Application Binding -->
<binding name="default">
<security relayClientAuthenticationType="RelayAccessToken"/>
<behavior name="servicebehavior">
<serviceDebug httpHelpPageEnabled="false" httpsHelpPageEnabled="false" includeExceptionDetailInFaults="true" />
<behavior name="behavior">
<sharedAccessSignature keyName="RootManageSharedAccessKey" key="XXXX" />
<!-- Service Bus specific app setings for messaging connections -->
<add key="Microsoft.ServiceBus.ConnectionString" value="Endpoint=;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=XXXX" />
Opening the host
var host = new System.ServiceModel.Web.WebServiceHost(typeof(XXXXX));
Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to close");
Azure Relay Firewall settings
Allow access from all networks
Testing the relay: test method (interface)
[OperationContract, WebGet(UriTemplate = "?id={id}&key={key}", ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
FakeData GetFakeData(string id, string key);
Test Results
If I set relayClientAuthenticationType to None, i get a json response as expected.
<security relayClientAuthenticationType="None"/>
If I set relayClientAuthenticationType to RelayAccessToken, I get an unauthorized error.
<security relayClientAuthenticationType="RelayAccessToken"/>
<Detail>MalformedToken: Invalid authorization header: The request is missing WRAP authorization credentials. TrackingId:..</Detail>
Issue has been fixed : I had a typo in the access token i made: Created a new access token in c# using the following method:

Adding a JSON file for domain verification

I am trying to verify my domain through Azure using this Article. However, it keeps saying it cannot verify. I think maybe it's because I am assuming just putting it in my wwwroot is sufficient, but I don't know what else I need to do to have https://{YOUR-DOMAIN-HERE}.com/.well-known/microsoft-identity-association.json open the file itself for verification.
Verification of publisher domain failed. Unable to connect to https://mydomain/.well-known/microsoft-identity-association. [uFNK6]
Many people have faced this issue, you could have a look at this1 and this2 on Github. You may get one-time free support ticket for this issue via
You could send an email to AzCommunity[at]microsoft[dot]com with a
reference to this thread and also your Azure Subscription GUID.
As a workaround, you could add your custom domain to Azure AD. Then verify your custom domain name. After verifying your domain, you could directly select a verified domain or verify a new domain in the Publisher Domain panel without host the file at https://{YOUR-DOMAIN-HERE}.com/.well-known/microsoft-identity-association.json.
Hope this could help you.
I solved this problem by adding a web.config file to the .well-known folder to remove charset=utf8 from the Content-Type response. This appears to be necessary.
Beofre you start you can check with Curl from a PowerShell instance to see if the Content-Type being returned includes the charset and therefore is the source of your problem.
C:> curl
The web.config file contents is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<clear />
<add name="MicrosoftIdentityAssociation" path="*" verb="*" modules="StaticFileModule" resourceType="Either" requireAccess="Read" />
<remove fileExtension=".json" />
<mimeMap fileExtension=".json" mimeType="application/json" />
<allow users="*"/>
You need to be aware that this will modify the child folders too and so if you have other sub-folders you may have to take remedial action ie another web.config file putting it back. However, it may be that once you have verified the site, the verification code can be deleted. See [][2]

IIS Client Certificate Mapping Rule not being respected

I am running IIS 8.5 on a Windows Server 2012 R2. I have configured a WebAPI (built on web site to use HTTPS (self-signed) with IIS Client Certificate Mapping for client certificate authentication. I am using the ManyToOneMapping where I have defined one local account to be associated to the client certificate with the incoming request. Furthermore, I have defined a Rule in the mapping so that if the "Subject" field in the certificate contains a certain string then it should allow the request.
Now, when I hit the url in the API application, Firefox prompts me to select the certificate to be used (as expected). And when i select one of the certificates that does not contain that string defined in the mapping Rule, the browser is still served with the resource. I was expected a forbidden response instead. So, it would appear that the Client Certificate mapping is not working as expected.
As I am new to IIS, I am wondering how I could go about to find out how to troubleshoot this situation. Thanks in advance.
Here is snippet from the applicationhost.config file:
<location path="SimpleApi" overrideMode="Allow">
<iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication enabled="true" oneToOneCertificateMappingsEnabled="false">
<add name="Authorized Access" description="Some long description" userName="SomeUser" password="[enc:AesProvider:removed:enc]">
<clear />
<add certificateField="Subject" certificateSubField="OU" matchCriteria="Admin" />
<oneToOneMappings />
<location path="SimpleApi">
<access sslFlags="Ssl, SslNegotiateCert, SslRequireCert" />
The only possibility is you have other authentication mechanism enabled for your website and it is simply falling back to that authentication mechanism.
Check the Authentication module for your website in IIS and disable all other authentication mechanism.

How to change permissions on cert to be ACL’d to Network Service in a secure service fabric cluster

I have tried logging-in into the VM and giving permission but it doesn't work as I don't have permission to make changes to private keys it says.
Is there some automated way to change permissions?
NOTE: It's a secure Service Fabric cluster.
Add certificates to your Cluster using an ARM template. Put the details of certificates that are to used by your application under os.Profile.Secrets.
You actually don't need to ACL the certificates to Network Service, all you need is to provide read access to your application to available certificates by adding following lines to your ApplicationManifest.xml
<User Name="Service1" AccountType="NetworkService" />
<SecurityAccessPolicy GrantRights=”Read” PrincipalRef="Service1" ResourceRef="MyCert" ResourceType="Certificate"/>
<SecretsCertificate Name="MyCert" X509FindType="FindByThumbprint" X509FindValue="[YourCertThumbrint]"/>
More help available :

Trouble with 'Anonymous' and 'Negotiate,NTLM' authentication in IIS7.5

I have added the following configuration section to my web.config file
<anonymousAuthentication enabled="true" />
<windowsAuthentication enabled="true" />
But when I call the *.asmx web service, I still got the following error:
The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Anonymous'. The authentication header received from the server was 'Negotiate,NTLM'.
I am using the IIS7.5 ASP.NET integrated mode.
Any clues? I just found the IIS Authenticatino is very poor and unstable.
It turns out that we need to grant NTFS permission to target folder for the Anonymous Authentication Authenticated As identity, besides enable Anonymous Authentication in IIS.
Windows Authentication happens in both IIS and NTFS file system. I always forget the latter one. I will cut my dummy brain.
