Why does not the pointerPressed method work in this situation? - java-me

I created a java class which extends CustomItem :
package view;
import com.sun.lwuit.Dialog;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.CustomItem;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Image;
public class Thumb extends CustomItem {
private Image theImage;
public Thumb(Image photo)
theImage = photo;
private Image createThumbnail(Image image) {
int sourceWidth = image.getWidth();
int sourceHeight = image.getHeight();
int thumbWidth = 64;
int thumbHeight = -1;
if (thumbHeight == -1) {
thumbHeight = thumbWidth * sourceHeight / sourceWidth;
Image thumb = Image.createImage(thumbWidth, thumbHeight);
Graphics g = thumb.getGraphics();
for (int y = 0; y < thumbHeight; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < thumbWidth; x++) {
g.setClip(x, y, 1, 1);
int dx = x * sourceWidth / thumbWidth;
int dy = y * sourceHeight / thumbHeight;
g.drawImage(image, x - dx, y - dy, Graphics.LEFT | Graphics.TOP);
Image immutableThumb = Image.createImage(thumb);
return immutableThumb;
protected int getMinContentHeight() {
return 64 * theImage.getHeight() / theImage.getWidth();
protected int getMinContentWidth() {
return 64;
protected int getPrefContentHeight(int width) {
return 64 * theImage.getHeight() / theImage.getWidth();
protected int getPrefContentWidth(int height) {
return 64;
protected void paint(Graphics g, int w, int h) {
Image transformImage = createThumbnail(theImage);
g.drawImage(transformImage, 0, 0, Graphics.TOP|Graphics.LEFT);
protected void pointerPressed(int x, int y)
Dialog.show("Info", "I clicked the screen !", "ok", null);
And in a Form I append some items created from this CustomItem :
fcDir = (FileConnection) Connector.open("file:///"+pRoot+photoDirectory+"/");
if (fcDir.exists()) {
filelist = fcDir.list("*", false);
while (filelist.hasMoreElements()) {
fileName = (String) filelist.nextElement();
vPhotoNames.addElement(new String(fileName));
FileConnection fcFile = (FileConnection) Connector.open("file:///"+pRoot+photoDirectory+"/"+fileName);
// creation customitem
this.append(new Thumb(Image.createImage(fcFile.openInputStream())));
When I launch the application , then :
1) the cursor cannot be moved by means of the arrow keys ( the device is Alcatel OT-806D ) , nor by means of touching the screen.
2) when I try to click on an image then nothing happens , although the Dialog should appear !
So why do these problems arise ?

You are trying to show a LWUIT dialog from a MIDP CustomItem, that is not officially supported and is bound to fail in many creative ways. You need to either use LWUIT or use LCDUI at any given moment.


What might cause a sprite to stop directional movement when colliding in a 2-D game (the sprite still animates)?

!! This is not my code - I am using this to learn !! However, I do not understand what might cause the sprite to stop it's directional movement when colliding with the "STONE" object. The entire 2-D Game will run and the sprite works properly, but when I move close to the end of the screen or too close to the stone, I get stuck in place. I could not find an explanation I understood completely. I apologize in advance if this is a trivial question to anyone.
Basic Solid Tile Class:
public class BasicSolidTile extends BasicTile {
public BasicSolidTile(int id, int x, int y, int tileColour) {
super(id, x, y, tileColour);
this.solid = true;
Tile Class:
public abstract class Tile {
public static final Tile[] tiles = new Tile[256];
public static final Tile VOID = new BasicSolidTile(0, 0, 0, Colours.get(000, -1, -1, -1));
public static final Tile STONE = new BasicSolidTile(1, 1, 0, Colours.get(-1, 333, -1, -1));
public static final Tile GRASS = new BasicTile(2, 2, 0, Colours.get(-1, 131, 141, -1));
protected byte id;
protected boolean solid;
protected boolean emitter;
public Tile(int id, boolean isSolid, boolean isEmitter) {
this.id = (byte) id;
if (tiles[id] != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Duplicate tile id on" + id);
this.solid = isSolid;
this.emitter = isEmitter;
tiles[id] = this;
public byte getId() {
return id;
public boolean isSolid() {
return solid;
public boolean isEmitter() {
return emitter;
public abstract void render(Screen screen, Level level, int x, int y);
Mob Class:
public abstract class Mob extends Entity {
protected String name;
protected int speed;
protected int numSteps = 0;
protected boolean isMoving;
protected int movingDir = 1;
protected int scale = 1;
public Mob(Level level, String name, int x, int y, int speed) {
this.name = name;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.speed = speed;
public void move(int xa, int ya) {
// you want to check if they are not zero
if (xa != 0 && ya != 0) {
move(xa, 0);
move(0, ya);
if (!hasCollided(x, y)) {
if (ya < 0)
movingDir = 0;
if (ya > 0)
movingDir = 1;
if (xa < 0)
movingDir = 2;
if (xa > 0)
movingDir = 3;
x += xa * speed;
y += ya * speed;
public abstract boolean hasCollided(int xa, int ya);
protected boolean isSolidTile(int xa, int ya, int x, int y) {
if (level == null) {
return false;
Tile lastTile = level.getTile((this.x + x) >> 3, (this.y + y) >> 3);
Tile newTile = level.getTile((this.x + x + xa) >> 3, (this.y + y + ya) >> 3);
if (!lastTile.equals(newTile) && newTile.isSolid()) {
return true;
return false;
public String getName() {
return name;
Level Class:
public class Level {
// array of id's
private byte[] tiles;
public int width;
public int height;
public List<Entity> entities = new ArrayList<Entity>();
public Level(int width, int height) {
tiles = new byte[width * height];
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
public void generateLevel() {
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
if (x * y %10 < 7) {
tiles[x + y * width] = Tile.GRASS.getId();
} else {
tiles[x + y * width] = Tile.STONE.getId();
public void tick() {
// loop through all the vars if you dont need an index var
for (Entity e : entities) {
public void renderTiles(Screen screen, int xOffset, int yOffset) {
if (xOffset < 0)
xOffset = 0;
if (xOffset > ((width << 3) - screen.width))
xOffset = ((width << 3) - screen.width);
if (yOffset < 0)
yOffset = 0;
if (yOffset > ((height << 3) - screen.height))
yOffset = ((height << 3) - screen.height);
screen.setOffset(xOffset, yOffset);
for (int y = (yOffset >> 3); y < (yOffset + screen.height >> 3) + 1; y++) {
for (int x = (xOffset >> 3); x < (xOffset + screen.width >> 3) + 1; x++) {
getTile(x, y).render(screen, this, x << 3, y << 3);
public void renderEntities(Screen screen) {
for (Entity e : entities) {
public Tile getTile(int x, int y) {
if (0 > x || x >= width || 0 > y || y >= height)
return Tile.VOID;
return Tile.tiles[tiles[x + y * width]];
public void addEntity(Entity entity) {
Player Class:
public class Player extends Mob {
private InputHandler input;
private int colour = Colours.get(-1, 111, 145, 543);
private int scale = 1;
public Player(Level level, int x, int y, InputHandler input) {
super(level, "Player", x, y, 1);
this.input = input;
public void tick() {
int xa = 0;
int ya = 0;
if (input.up.isPressed()) {
if (input.down.isPressed()) {
if (input.left.isPressed()) {
if (input.right.isPressed()) {
if (xa != 0 || ya != 0) {
move(xa, ya);
isMoving = true;
} else {
isMoving = false;
this.scale = 1;
public void render(Screen screen) {
int xTile = 0;
int yTile = 28;
int walkingSpeed = 4;
int flipTop = (numSteps >> walkingSpeed) & 1;
int flipBottom = (numSteps >> walkingSpeed) & 1;
if (movingDir == 1) {
xTile += 2;
} else if (movingDir > 1) {
xTile += 4 + ((numSteps >> walkingSpeed) & 1) * 2;
flipTop = (movingDir - 1) % 2;
int modifier = 8 * scale;
int xOffset = x - modifier / 2;
int yOffset = y - modifier / 2 - 4;
// upper body
screen.render(xOffset + (modifier * flipTop), yOffset, xTile + yTile * 32, colour, flipTop, scale);
screen.render(xOffset + modifier - (modifier * flipTop), yOffset, (xTile + 1) + yTile * 32, colour, flipTop, scale);
// lower body
screen.render(xOffset + (modifier * flipBottom), yOffset + modifier, xTile + (yTile + 1) * 32, colour, flipBottom, scale);
screen.render(xOffset + modifier - (modifier * flipBottom), yOffset + modifier, (xTile + 1) + (yTile + 1) * 32, colour, flipBottom,
public boolean hasCollided(int xa, int ya) {
int xMin = 0;
int xMax = 7;
int yMin = 3;
int yMax = 7;
for (int x = xMin; x < xMax; x++) {
if (isSolidTile(xa, ya, x, yMin)) {
return true;
for (int x = xMin; x < xMax; x++) {
if (isSolidTile(xa, ya, x, yMax)) {
return true;
for (int y = yMin; y < yMax; y++) {
if (isSolidTile(xa, ya, xMin, y)) {
return true;
for (int y = yMin; y < yMax; y++) {
if (isSolidTile(xa, ya, xMax, y)) {
return true;
return false;
Okay. It took me FOREVER, but it was a simple fix. All I had to do was change the "(x, y)" to "(xa, ya)"
if (!hasCollided(xa, ya)) {
if (ya < 0)
movingDir = 0;
if (ya > 0)
movingDir = 1;
if (xa < 0)
movingDir = 2;
if (xa > 0)
movingDir = 3;
x += xa * speed;
y += ya * speed;

How to move an image in relative layout on finger touch? in android

I want to move an image on finger touch. Im using relative layout for this. What will i do in ACTION_UP and ACTION_DOWN ? im using following code
i want to move visacard in relative layout on finger touch.
visacard.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
int eid = event.getAction();
switch (eid) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
int x = (int) event.getRawX();
int y = (int) event.getRawY();
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams mParams = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) visacard.getLayoutParams();
int x = (int) event.getRawX();
int y = (int) event.getRawY();
mParams.leftMargin = x - 50;
mParams.topMargin = y - 50;
int visacard_width = visacard.getWidth() / 2;
int visacard_height = visacard.getHeight() / 2;
int i1 = x - visacard_width;
int j1 = y - visacard_height;
int k1 = visacard.getWidth();
int l1 = visacard.getHeight();
// visacard_width = visacard.getWidth();
// visacard_height = visacard.getHeight();
visacard_top = visacard.getTop();
visacard_left = visacard.getLeft();
visacard_right = visacard.getRight();
visacard_bottom = visacard.getBottom();
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
return true;
Please tell me if anyone know the solution. thanks!

How to create a Video Wall like in the JavaFX 2.0 demo?

How do you create a video wall like in the JavaFX 2.0 demo here:
For a start it doesn't have to be videos, it can be images as well. All I'd like to have is to place the nodes like they are in the video, i. e. in a curved shape like the insides of a cylinder or a sphere.
Or is the source of that demo available somewhere?
Thank you very much.
I researched and found a very awesome site with the relevant information:
The relevant part was the Coordinate System Transformation, in particular the equations for converting between cartesian and spherical coordinates.
double x = r * Math.sin(angle1) * Math.cos(angle2);
double y = r * Math.sin(angle1) * Math.sin(angle2);
double z = r * Math.cos(angle1);
In my example below y isn't used from the formula, since the image rows are stacked.
Note: By using these formulas in 2 nested for-loops from -Math.PI to Math.PI you can lay out the nodes around a sphere. The difficult part regarding the full sphere was to rotate the nodes towards the center, that one I couldn't figure out.
Since I wasn't familiar with Java3D I also checked out the Building a 3D Sample Application.
In the end I got a video wall, the code is reduced to this:
public class VideoWall extends Application {
Random rand = new Random();
Group root = new Group();
PerspectiveCamera camera;
private static final double CAMERA_INITIAL_DISTANCE = -850;
private static final double CAMERA_NEAR_CLIP = 0.1;
private static final double CAMERA_FAR_CLIP = 10000.0;
Image[] images = new Image[] {
new Image("http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/41/Siberischer_tiger_de_edit02.jpg/320px-Siberischer_tiger_de_edit02.jpg"),
new Image("http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e7/White_Lion.jpg/320px-White_Lion.jpg"),
new Image("http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/47/Lion_female.jpg/319px-Lion_female.jpg")
public VideoWall(){
public static void main(String[] args) {
* Create ImageView with random Image.
* #return
private ImageView createImageView() {
Image image = images[ rand.nextInt(images.length)];
ImageView c = new ImageView( image);
return c;
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
// build camera
camera = new PerspectiveCamera(true);
// we display any node (imageview, webview, etc)
Node node;
// create a single webview; we only add it once because we don't want to flood youtube
WebView webView = new WebView();
webView.setPrefSize(100, 70);
// wall. the degrees depend on the distance, image size, translate start points, etc. so these values were just as they fit
double ringBeginDeg = -30;
double ringEndDeg = 38;
double r = 1300;
double yOffset = 80; // offset per image row
double yOffsetInitial = 120; // initial y offset from "floor"
int count=0;
for( double angle1=Math.toRadians(ringBeginDeg); angle1 <Math.toRadians(ringEndDeg); angle1+=0.08)
double angle2 = Math.PI;
for( int i=-3; i <= 3; i++)
double x = r * Math.sin(angle1) * Math.cos(angle2);
// double y = r * Math.sin(angle1) * Math.sin(angle2);
double z = r * Math.cos(angle1);
// add 1 webview, the rest imageviews
if( count == 16) {
node = webView;
} else {
node = createImageView();
node.setTranslateY(yOffset * i - yOffsetInitial);
// rotate towards viewer position
Rotate rx = new Rotate();
rx.setAngle(Math.toDegrees( -angle1));
root.getChildren().add( node);
Scene scene = new Scene(root, 1600, 900, Color.BLACK);
primaryStage.setScene( scene);
You can add whatever node you prefer. I added a youtube webview for testing. It plays, but the video doesn't get loaded, so all you see is static noise (the grey tile in the screenshot). So in theory you could make the nodes all webview with youtube videos, but that would mean flooding youtube. Better use some offline videos.
Here's a screenshot:
I also toyed around with the full 3d example and creating a ring. That's how it looked like (with always the same image) from an outer view:
Having the camera in the center you can nicely scroll the ring.
If someone wants to toy around, here's a quick & dirty gist with the navigable ring. Use left/right/middle mouse buttons for navigation.
And if you'd like to toy around with a full sphere, you may use this:
// full sphere
for (double angle1 = -Math.PI; angle1 <= Math.PI; angle1 += 0.15) {
for (double angle2 = -Math.PI; angle2 <= Math.PI; angle2 += 0.15) {
double x = r * Math.sin(angle1) * Math.cos(angle2);
double y = r * Math.sin(angle1) * Math.sin(angle2);
double z = r * Math.cos(angle1);
c = createImageView();
Rotate rx = new Rotate();
Which looks like this:
But as mentioned, I haven't figured out yet how to rotate all tiles so that they look into the center. And they'd need to be equally distributed. But that's just for fun and off-topic.
Since it's part of the video in my question, it was only a matter of keeping a list of parallel transitions to create the "build-up" animation of the tiles. The bottom row has a reflection now.
The extended code:
public class VideoWall extends Application {
Random rand = new Random();
Group root = new Group();
PerspectiveCamera camera;
private static final double CAMERA_INITIAL_DISTANCE = -850;
private static final double CAMERA_NEAR_CLIP = 0.1;
private static final double CAMERA_FAR_CLIP = 10000.0;
Image[] images = new Image[] {
new Image("http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/41/Siberischer_tiger_de_edit02.jpg/320px-Siberischer_tiger_de_edit02.jpg"),
new Image("http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e7/White_Lion.jpg/320px-White_Lion.jpg"),
new Image("http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/47/Lion_female.jpg/319px-Lion_female.jpg")
List<ParallelTransition> transitionList = new ArrayList<>();
public VideoWall(){
public static void main(String[] args) {
* Create ImageView with random Image.
* #return
private ImageView createImageView() {
Image image = images[ rand.nextInt(images.length)];
ImageView c = new ImageView( image);
return c;
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
// build camera
camera = new PerspectiveCamera(true);
// we display any node (imageview, webview, etc)
Node node;
// wall. the degrees depend on the distance, image size, translate start points, etc. so these values were just as they fit
double ringBeginDeg = -30;
double ringEndDeg = 38;
double r = 1300;
double yOffset = 80; // offset per image row
double yOffsetInitial = 120; // initial y offset from "floor"
int min = -3;
int max = 3;
for( double angle1=Math.toRadians(ringBeginDeg); angle1 <Math.toRadians(ringEndDeg); angle1+=0.08)
double angle2 = Math.PI;
for( int i=min; i <= max; i++)
double x = r * Math.sin(angle1) * Math.cos(angle2);
// double y = r * Math.sin(angle1) * Math.sin(angle2);
double z = r * Math.cos(angle1);
node = createImageView();
node.setTranslateY(yOffset * i - yOffsetInitial);
// rotate towards viewer position
Rotate rx = new Rotate();
rx.setAngle(Math.toDegrees( -angle1));
// reflection on bottom row
if( i==max) {
Reflection refl = new Reflection();
// build the wall using a transition
transitionList.add( createTransition( node));
root.getChildren().add( node);
Scene scene = new Scene(root, 1600, 900, Color.BLACK);
primaryStage.setScene( scene);
AnimationTimer timer = createAnimation();
private AnimationTimer createAnimation() {
Collections.sort(transitionList, new Comparator<ParallelTransition>() {
public int compare(ParallelTransition arg0, ParallelTransition arg1) {
// bottom right to top left
Point2D ref = new Point2D(1000,1000);
Point2D pt0 = new Point2D( arg0.getNode().getTranslateX(), arg0.getNode().getTranslateY());
Point2D pt1 = new Point2D( arg1.getNode().getTranslateX(), arg1.getNode().getTranslateY());
return Double.compare(ref.distance(pt0), ref.distance(pt1));
// bottom row first
// return -Double.compare( arg0.getNode().getTranslateY(), arg1.getNode().getTranslateY());
AnimationTimer timer = new AnimationTimer() {
long last = 0;
public void handle(long now) {
//if( (now - last) > 1_000_000_000)
if( (now - last) > 40_000_000)
if( transitionList.size() > 0) {
ParallelTransition t = transitionList.remove(0);
last = now;
if( transitionList.size() == 0) {
return timer;
private ParallelTransition createTransition( final Node node) {
Path path = new Path();
path.getElements().add(new MoveToAbs( node, node.getTranslateX() - 1000, node.getTranslateY() - 900));
path.getElements().add(new LineToAbs( node, node.getTranslateX(), node.getTranslateY()));
Duration duration = Duration.millis(1500);
PathTransition pt = new PathTransition( duration, path, node);
RotateTransition rt = new RotateTransition( duration, node);
ParallelTransition parallelTransition = new ParallelTransition();
parallelTransition.getChildren().addAll(pt, rt);
return parallelTransition;
public static class MoveToAbs extends MoveTo {
public MoveToAbs( Node node, double x, double y) {
super( x - node.getLayoutX() + node.getLayoutBounds().getWidth() / 2, y - node.getLayoutY() + node.getLayoutBounds().getHeight() / 2);
public static class LineToAbs extends LineTo {
public LineToAbs( Node node, double x, double y) {
super( x - node.getLayoutX() + node.getLayoutBounds().getWidth() / 2, y - node.getLayoutY() + node.getLayoutBounds().getHeight() / 2);
Well to me it seems to be a matter of creating a Grid, or "Mesh" out of ImageViews.
Then you would Map all the Viewport's to the Image('s) you want to display.
Here for example is a Skybox for 3D implementation using this approach.
Note that this is just a simple Cube.
The image is setup similar to this, though I made it into 6 separate Images.
If you wanted to use video, I recommend you use VLCJ,
They have samples for JavaFX setup Here
For this you would apply the same principals to the WritableImage(s)
I added a couple things for you to play with ...
* A self initializing First Person Shooter camera
* #author Jason Pollastrini aka jdub1581
public class SimpleFPSCamera extends Parent {
public SimpleFPSCamera() {
private void update() {
private void updateControls() {
if (fwd && !back) {
if (strafeL) {
if (strafeR) {
if (back && !fwd) {
if (up && !down) {
if (down && !up) {
private final Group root = new Group();
private final Affine affine = new Affine();
private final Translate t = new Translate(0, 0, 0);
private final Rotate rotateX = new Rotate(0, Rotate.X_AXIS),
rotateY = new Rotate(0, Rotate.Y_AXIS),
rotateZ = new Rotate(0, Rotate.Z_AXIS);
private boolean fwd, strafeL, strafeR, back, up, down, shift;
private double mouseSpeed = 1.0, mouseModifier = 0.1;
private double moveSpeed = 10.0;
private double mousePosX;
private double mousePosY;
private double mouseOldX;
private double mouseOldY;
private double mouseDeltaX;
private double mouseDeltaY;
private void initialize() {
public void loadControlsForSubScene(SubScene scene) {
sceneProperty().addListener(l -> {
if (getScene() != null) {
getScene().addEventHandler(KeyEvent.ANY, ke -> {
if (ke.getEventType() == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED) {
switch (ke.getCode()) {
case Q:
up = true;
case E:
down = true;
case W:
fwd = true;
case S:
back = true;
case A:
strafeL = true;
case D:
strafeR = true;
case SHIFT:
shift = true;
moveSpeed = 20;
} else if (ke.getEventType() == KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED) {
switch (ke.getCode()) {
case Q:
up = false;
case E:
down = false;
case W:
fwd = false;
case S:
back = false;
case A:
strafeL = false;
case D:
strafeR = false;
case SHIFT:
moveSpeed = 10;
shift = false;
scene.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.ANY, me -> {
if (me.getEventType().equals(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED)) {
mousePosX = me.getSceneX();
mousePosY = me.getSceneY();
mouseOldX = me.getSceneX();
mouseOldY = me.getSceneY();
} else if (me.getEventType().equals(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED)) {
mouseOldX = mousePosX;
mouseOldY = mousePosY;
mousePosX = me.getSceneX();
mousePosY = me.getSceneY();
mouseDeltaX = (mousePosX - mouseOldX);
mouseDeltaY = (mousePosY - mouseOldY);
mouseSpeed = 1.0;
mouseModifier = 0.1;
if (me.isPrimaryButtonDown()) {
if (me.isControlDown()) {
mouseSpeed = 0.1;
if (me.isShiftDown()) {
mouseSpeed = 1.0;
Utils.clamp(-360, ((rotateY.getAngle() + mouseDeltaX * (mouseSpeed * mouseModifier)) % 360 + 540) % 360 - 180, 360)
); // horizontal
Utils.clamp(-45, ((rotateX.getAngle() - mouseDeltaY * (mouseSpeed * mouseModifier)) % 360 + 540) % 360 - 180, 35)
); // vertical
} else if (me.isSecondaryButtonDown()) {
init zoom?
} else if (me.isMiddleButtonDown()) {
init panning?
scene.addEventHandler(ScrollEvent.ANY, se -> {
if (se.getEventType().equals(ScrollEvent.SCROLL_STARTED)) {
} else if (se.getEventType().equals(ScrollEvent.SCROLL)) {
} else if (se.getEventType().equals(ScrollEvent.SCROLL_FINISHED)) {
public void loadControlsForScene(Scene scene) {
scene.addEventHandler(KeyEvent.ANY, ke -> {
if (ke.getEventType() == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED) {
switch (ke.getCode()) {
case Q:
up = true;
case E:
down = true;
case W:
fwd = true;
case S:
back = true;
case A:
strafeL = true;
case D:
strafeR = true;
case SHIFT:
shift = true;
moveSpeed = 20;
} else if (ke.getEventType() == KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED) {
switch (ke.getCode()) {
case Q:
up = false;
case E:
down = false;
case W:
fwd = false;
case S:
back = false;
case A:
strafeL = false;
case D:
strafeR = false;
case SHIFT:
moveSpeed = 10;
shift = false;
scene.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.ANY, me -> {
if (me.getEventType().equals(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED)) {
mousePosX = me.getSceneX();
mousePosY = me.getSceneY();
mouseOldX = me.getSceneX();
mouseOldY = me.getSceneY();
} else if (me.getEventType().equals(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED)) {
mouseOldX = mousePosX;
mouseOldY = mousePosY;
mousePosX = me.getSceneX();
mousePosY = me.getSceneY();
mouseDeltaX = (mousePosX - mouseOldX);
mouseDeltaY = (mousePosY - mouseOldY);
mouseSpeed = 1.0;
mouseModifier = 0.1;
if (me.isPrimaryButtonDown()) {
if (me.isControlDown()) {
mouseSpeed = 0.1;
if (me.isShiftDown()) {
mouseSpeed = 1.0;
Utils.clamp(-360, ((rotateY.getAngle() + mouseDeltaX * (mouseSpeed * mouseModifier)) % 360 + 540) % 360 - 180, 360)
); // horizontal
Utils.clamp(-45, ((rotateX.getAngle() - mouseDeltaY * (mouseSpeed * mouseModifier)) % 360 + 540) % 360 - 180, 35)
); // vertical
} else if (me.isSecondaryButtonDown()) {
init zoom?
} else if (me.isMiddleButtonDown()) {
init panning?
scene.addEventHandler(ScrollEvent.ANY, se -> {
if (se.getEventType().equals(ScrollEvent.SCROLL_STARTED)) {
} else if (se.getEventType().equals(ScrollEvent.SCROLL)) {
} else if (se.getEventType().equals(ScrollEvent.SCROLL_FINISHED)) {
private void initializeCamera() {
//getCamera().getTransforms().add(new Rotate(180, Rotate.Z_AXIS));
private void startUpdateThread() {
new AnimationTimer() {
public void handle(long now) {
private void moveForward() {
affine.setTx(getPosition().getX() + moveSpeed * getN().getX());
affine.setTy(getPosition().getY() + moveSpeed * getN().getY());
affine.setTz(getPosition().getZ() + moveSpeed * getN().getZ());
private void strafeLeft() {
affine.setTx(getPosition().getX() + moveSpeed * -getU().getX());
affine.setTy(getPosition().getY() + moveSpeed * -getU().getY());
affine.setTz(getPosition().getZ() + moveSpeed * -getU().getZ());
private void strafeRight() {
affine.setTx(getPosition().getX() + moveSpeed * getU().getX());
affine.setTy(getPosition().getY() + moveSpeed * getU().getY());
affine.setTz(getPosition().getZ() + moveSpeed * getU().getZ());
private void moveBack() {
affine.setTx(getPosition().getX() + moveSpeed * -getN().getX());
affine.setTy(getPosition().getY() + moveSpeed * -getN().getY());
affine.setTz(getPosition().getZ() + moveSpeed * -getN().getZ());
private void moveUp() {
affine.setTx(getPosition().getX() + moveSpeed * -getV().getX());
affine.setTy(getPosition().getY() + moveSpeed * -getV().getY());
affine.setTz(getPosition().getZ() + moveSpeed * -getV().getZ());
private void moveDown() {
affine.setTx(getPosition().getX() + moveSpeed * getV().getX());
affine.setTy(getPosition().getY() + moveSpeed * getV().getY());
affine.setTz(getPosition().getZ() + moveSpeed * getV().getZ());
private final ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<PerspectiveCamera> camera = new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<>(this, "camera", new PerspectiveCamera(true));
public final PerspectiveCamera getCamera() {
return camera.get();
public ReadOnlyObjectProperty cameraProperty() {
return camera.getReadOnlyProperty();
| R | Up| F | | P|
U |mxx|mxy|mxz| |tx|
V |myx|myy|myz| |ty|
N |mzx|mzy|mzz| |tz|
//Forward / look direction
private final Callback<Transform, Point3D> F = (a) -> {
return new Point3D(a.getMzx(), a.getMzy(), a.getMzz());
private final Callback<Transform, Point3D> N = (a) -> {
return new Point3D(a.getMxz(), a.getMyz(), a.getMzz());
// up direction
private final Callback<Transform, Point3D> UP = (a) -> {
return new Point3D(a.getMyx(), a.getMyy(), a.getMyz());
private final Callback<Transform, Point3D> V = (a) -> {
return new Point3D(a.getMxy(), a.getMyy(), a.getMzy());
// right direction
private final Callback<Transform, Point3D> R = (a) -> {
return new Point3D(a.getMxx(), a.getMxy(), a.getMxz());
private final Callback<Transform, Point3D> U = (a) -> {
return new Point3D(a.getMxx(), a.getMyx(), a.getMzx());
private final Callback<Transform, Point3D> P = (a) -> {
return new Point3D(a.getTx(), a.getTy(), a.getTz());
private Point3D getF() {
return F.call(getLocalToSceneTransform());
public Point3D getLookDirection() {
return getF();
private Point3D getN() {
return N.call(getLocalToSceneTransform());
public Point3D getLookNormal() {
return getN();
private Point3D getR() {
return R.call(getLocalToSceneTransform());
private Point3D getU() {
return U.call(getLocalToSceneTransform());
private Point3D getUp() {
return UP.call(getLocalToSceneTransform());
private Point3D getV() {
return V.call(getLocalToSceneTransform());
public final Point3D getPosition() {
return P.call(getLocalToSceneTransform());
Your Modified code:
public class VideoWall extends Application {
Random rand = new Random();
Group root = new Group();
PerspectiveCamera camera;
SimpleFPSCamera fpsCam;
private static final double CAMERA_INITIAL_DISTANCE = -10000;
private static final double CAMERA_NEAR_CLIP = 0.1;
private static final double CAMERA_FAR_CLIP = 100000.0;
Image[] images = new Image[]{
new Image("http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/41/Siberischer_tiger_de_edit02.jpg/320px-Siberischer_tiger_de_edit02.jpg"),
new Image("http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e7/White_Lion.jpg/320px-White_Lion.jpg"),
new Image("http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/47/Lion_female.jpg/319px-Lion_female.jpg")
List<ParallelTransition> transitionList = new ArrayList<>();
List<ImageView> imageList = new ArrayList<>();
public VideoWall() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
* Create ImageView with random Image.
* #return
private ImageView createImageView() {
Image image = images[rand.nextInt(images.length)];
ImageView c = new ImageView(image);
return c;
private BillboardImage createBillboardImage() {
Image image = images[rand.nextInt(images.length)];
BillboardImage c = new BillboardImage(image);
return c;
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
// build camera
//camera = new PerspectiveCamera(true);
fpsCam = new SimpleFPSCamera();
// we display any node (imageview, webview, etc)
Node node;
// wall. the degrees depend on the distance, image size, translate start points, etc. so these values were just as they fit
double ringBeginDeg = -30;
double ringEndDeg = 38;
double r = 1300;
double yOffset = 80; // offset per image row
double yOffsetInitial = 120; // initial y offset from "floor"
int min = -3;
int max = 3;
for (double angle1 = Math.toRadians(ringBeginDeg); angle1 < Math.toRadians(ringEndDeg); angle1 += 0.08) {
double angle2 = Math.PI;
for (int i = min; i <= max; i++) {
double x = r * Math.sin(angle1) * Math.cos(angle2);
// double y = r * Math.sin(angle1) * Math.sin(angle2);
double z = r * Math.cos(angle1);
node = createImageView();
node.setTranslateY(yOffset * i - yOffsetInitial);
// rotate towards viewer position
Rotate rx = new Rotate();
// reflection on bottom row
if (i == max) {
Reflection refl = new Reflection();
// build the wall using a transition
// full sphere
for (double angle1 = -Math.PI; angle1 <= Math.PI; angle1 += 0.48) {
for (double angle2 = -Math.PI; angle2 <= Math.PI; angle2 += 0.48) {
double x = r * Math.sin(angle1) * Math.cos(angle2);
double y = r * Math.sin(angle1) * Math.sin(angle2);
double z = r * Math.cos(angle1);
BillboardImage c = createBillboardImage();
Scene scene = new Scene(root, 1600, 900, true, SceneAntialiasing.BALANCED);
AnimationTimer timer = createBillboardTimer();
private AnimationTimer createBillboardTimer() {
return new AnimationTimer() {
public void handle(long now) {
imageList.stream().forEach(bbi ->{
((BillboardImage)bbi).updateMatrix(bbi, fpsCam);
private AnimationTimer createAnimation() {
Collections.sort(transitionList, new Comparator<ParallelTransition>() {
public int compare(ParallelTransition arg0, ParallelTransition arg1) {
// bottom right to top left
Point2D ref = new Point2D(1000, 1000);
Point2D pt0 = new Point2D(arg0.getNode().getTranslateX(), arg0.getNode().getTranslateY());
Point2D pt1 = new Point2D(arg1.getNode().getTranslateX(), arg1.getNode().getTranslateY());
return Double.compare(ref.distance(pt0), ref.distance(pt1));
// bottom row first
// return -Double.compare( arg0.getNode().getTranslateY(), arg1.getNode().getTranslateY());
AnimationTimer timer = new AnimationTimer() {
long last = 0;
public void handle(long now) {
//if( (now - last) > 1_000_000_000)
if ((now - last) > 40_000_000) {
if (transitionList.size() > 0) {
ParallelTransition t = transitionList.remove(0);
last = now;
if (transitionList.size() == 0) {
return timer;
private ParallelTransition createTransition(final Node node) {
Path path = new Path();
path.getElements().add(new MoveToAbs(node, node.getTranslateX() - 1000, node.getTranslateY() - 900));
path.getElements().add(new LineToAbs(node, node.getTranslateX(), node.getTranslateY()));
Duration duration = Duration.millis(1500);
PathTransition pt = new PathTransition(duration, path, node);
RotateTransition rt = new RotateTransition(duration, node);
ParallelTransition parallelTransition = new ParallelTransition();
parallelTransition.getChildren().addAll(pt, rt);
return parallelTransition;
public static class MoveToAbs extends MoveTo {
public MoveToAbs(Node node, double x, double y) {
super(x - node.getLayoutX() + node.getLayoutBounds().getWidth() / 2, y - node.getLayoutY() + node.getLayoutBounds().getHeight() / 2);
public static class LineToAbs extends LineTo {
public LineToAbs(Node node, double x, double y) {
super(x - node.getLayoutX() + node.getLayoutBounds().getWidth() / 2, y - node.getLayoutY() + node.getLayoutBounds().getHeight() / 2);
public enum BillboardMode {
private class BillboardImage extends ImageView{
// Add transform to Node that needs to look at target..
public Affine affine = new Affine();
public BillboardImage() {
public BillboardImage(String url) {
public BillboardImage(Image image) {
// set up to look at camera, can change to any other Node
protected void updateMatrix(Node billBoardNode, Node other) {
Transform self = billBoardNode.getLocalToSceneTransform(),
oth = other.getLocalToSceneTransform();
Bounds b;
double cX, cY, cZ;
if (!(billBoardNode instanceof Shape3D)) {
b = billBoardNode.getBoundsInLocal();
cX = b.getWidth() / 2;
cY = b.getHeight() / 2;
cZ = b.getDepth() / 2;
} else {
cX = self.getTx();
cY = self.getTy();
cZ = self.getTz();
Point3D otherPos = Point3D.ZERO.add(oth.getTx(), oth.getTy(), oth.getTz());
Point3D selfPos = new Point3D(cX, cY, cZ);
Point3D up = Point3D.ZERO.add(0, -1, 0),
forward = new Point3D(
(selfPos.getX()) - otherPos.getX(),
(selfPos.getY()) - otherPos.getY(),
(selfPos.getZ()) - otherPos.getZ()
right = up.crossProduct(forward).normalize();
up = forward.crossProduct(right).normalize();
switch (getBillboardMode()) {
affine.setMxx(right.getX()); affine.setMxy(up.getX());affine.setMzx(forward.getX());
affine.setMyx(right.getY());affine.setMyy(up.getY()); affine.setMzy(forward.getY());
affine.setTx(cX * (1 - affine.getMxx()) - cY * affine.getMxy() - cZ * affine.getMxz());
affine.setTy(cY * (1 - affine.getMyy()) - cX * affine.getMyx() - cZ * affine.getMyz());
affine.setTz(cZ * (1 - affine.getMzz()) - cX * affine.getMzx() - cY * affine.getMzy());
affine.setMzx(right.getZ()); affine.setMzy(0);affine.setMzz(forward.getZ());
affine.setTx(cX * (1 - affine.getMxx()) - cY * affine.getMxy() - cZ * affine.getMxz());
affine.setTy(cY * (1 - affine.getMyy()) - cX * affine.getMyx() - cZ * affine.getMyz());
affine.setTz(cZ * (1 - affine.getMzz()) - cX * affine.getMzx() - cY * affine.getMzy());
public BillboardMode getBillboardMode() {
return BillboardMode.SPHERICAL;
At least now the Images are billboarded to the Camera..
Feel free to play with my FPSCamera as well ..
Controls are like any standard 1st person shooter
w = forward, s = back,
a = left-strafe, d = right-strafe,
q & e are up and down.

wrap label text in j2me

I've built a list and inserted labels in each cell. For now the text that is too long simply disappear. I'd like to wrap the text so it is entirely visible inside each cell.
Can you please help?
update: issue solved
For those who need an answer, I used LWUIT's HTMLComponent inside a container. The HTMLComponent allows you to use HTML code. That would allow you to format your list the way you want it to be.
Here is more details on the solution.
In Java ME with LWUIT, I used a HTMLComponent to get the precise layout I wanted. The best way for me was to use an HTML Table inside the HTMLComponent. It just behaves like HTML.
String html_code = "";
html_code = "<table width='100%'>";
html_code += "<tr><td><strong>"+fullname+"</strong></td></tr>";
if (title.length()>0) { html_code += "<tr><td><i>"+title+"</i></td></tr>"; }
if (message.length()>0) { html_code += "<tr><td>"+message+"</td></tr>"; }
if (date.length()>0) { html_code += "<tr><td><i>"+date+"</i></td></tr>"; }
html_code += "</table>";
HTMLComponent html = new HTMLComponent(null);
Just incase if you are looking for a more "elegant" solution, i found a handy resource online. I am posting here for reference purposes, but HtmlComponent does the job.
import com.sun.lwuit.Font;
/** A class supporting word wrap for MIDP. */
public class WordWrap {
Font font;
int width;
String txt;
int pos;
* Initializes the WordWrap object with the given Font, the text string
* to be wrapped, and the target width.
* #param font: The Font to be used to calculate the character widths.
* #param txt: The text string to be wrapped.
* #param width: The line width.
public WordWrap (Font font, String txt, int width) {
this.font = font;
this.txt = txt;
this.width = width;
* returns the next line break position. If no text is left, -1 is returned.
public int next () {
int i = pos;
int len = txt.length ();
if (pos >= len) return -1;
int start = pos;
while (true) {
while (i < len && txt.charAt (i) > ' ')
int w = font.stringWidth (txt.substring (start, i));
if (pos == start) {
if (w > width) {
while (font.stringWidth (txt.substring (start, --i)) > width)
{ }
pos = i;
if (w <= width) pos = i;
if (w > width || i >= len || txt.charAt(i) == '\n') break;
return pos >= len ? pos : ++pos;
import com.sun.lwuit.Button;
import com.sun.lwuit.Component;
import com.sun.lwuit.Container;
import com.sun.lwuit.Display;
import com.sun.lwuit.Label;
import com.sun.lwuit.events.ActionListener;
import com.sun.lwuit.events.FocusListener;
import com.sun.lwuit.geom.Dimension;
import com.sun.lwuit.layouts.BoxLayout;
import com.sun.lwuit.plaf.Border;
import com.sun.lwuit.plaf.Style;
* #author rubycube
public class WrapList extends Container {
private Button hiddenButton;
private int id;
public WrapList(String text, int containerID) {
id = containerID;
this.setLayout(new BoxLayout(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
final Style thisContainerStyle = this.getStyle();
Border thisContainerBorder = Border.createRoundBorder(20, 20, 0xcccccc);
hiddenButton = new Button(" ");
hiddenButton.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(1, 1));
Style style = hiddenButton.getStyle();
style.setBgTransparency(0, false);
FocusListener hiddenButtonFL = new FocusListener() {
public void focusGained(Component cmp) {
WrapList parentContainer = ((WrapList) (cmp.getParent()));
Border parentContainerBorder = Border.createRoundBorder(20, 20, 0xff6600);
Style parentContainerStyle = parentContainer.getStyle();
public void focusLost(Component cmp) {
WrapList parentContainer = ((WrapList) (cmp.getParent()));
Border parentContainerBorder = Border.createRoundBorder(20, 20, 0xcccccc);
Style parentContainerStyle = parentContainer.getStyle();
Label l = new Label(text);
WordWrap ww = new WordWrap(l.getStyle().getFont(), text, (Display.getInstance().getDisplayWidth() - 10));
int si = 0;
int ei = 0;
while (true) {
int np = ww.next();
if (np == -1) {
} else {
si = ei;
ei = np;
String lineText = text.substring(si, ei);
Label line = new Label(lineText);
public void addActionListener(ActionListener actionlistener) {
* #return the id
public int getId() {
return id;
* #param id the id to set
public void setId(int id) {
this.id = id;

Creating Tabmenu in j2me

Is there any way to create a Tab Menu in j2me?
I found a code but I am unable to understand it
In this code there is Tab Menu created which is in Canvas class and then Tab menu is created which is totally done in Canvas or painted. The only part I found difficult to grasp was the void go() method and then
When I try to draw anything above and below this code using paint method, it doesn't work - what's the problem?
Below is the code
// Tab Menu CANVAS class
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Canvas;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics;
public class TabMenuCanvas extends Canvas
TabMenu menu = null;
public TabMenuCanvas()
menu = new TabMenu(
new String[]{"Home", "News", "Community", "Your files", "Credits", "Events", "Blog", "Upload", "Forum Nokia"},
getWidth() - 20
protected void keyPressed(int key)
int gameAction = getGameAction(key);
if(gameAction == Canvas.RIGHT)
else if(gameAction == Canvas.LEFT)
protected void paint(Graphics g)
g.translate(10, 30);
g.translate(- 10, - 30);
// Tab Menu Class
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Font;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics;
public class TabMenu
int background = 0xffffff;
int bgColor = 0xcccccc;
int bgFocusedColor = 0x0000ff;
int foreColor = 0x000000;
int foreFocusedColor = 0xffffff;
int cornerRadius = 6;
int padding = 2;
int margin = 2;
Font font = Font.getDefaultFont();
int scrollStep = 20;
int selectedTab = 0; //selected tab index
int[] tabsWidth = null; //width of single tabs
int[] tabsLeft = null; //left X coordinate of single tabs
int tabHeight = 0; //height of tabs (equal for all tabs)
String[] tabs = null; //tab labels
int menuWidth = 0; //total menu width
int viewportWidth = 0; //visible viewport width
int viewportX = 0; //current viewport X coordinate
public TabMenu(String[] tabs, int width)
this.tabs = tabs;
this.viewportWidth = width;
void initialize()
tabHeight = font.getHeight() + cornerRadius + 2 * padding; //[ same for all tabs]
menuWidth = 0;
tabsWidth = new int[tabs.length];
tabsLeft = new int[tabs.length];
for(int i = 0; i < tabsWidth.length; i++)
tabsWidth[i] = font.stringWidth(tabs[i]) + 2 * padding + 2 * cornerRadius;
tabsLeft[i] = menuWidth;
menuWidth += tabsWidth[i];
if(i > 0)
menuWidth += margin;
public void goRight()
public void goLeft()
private void go(int delta)
int newTab = Math.max(0, Math.min(tabs.length - 1, selectedTab + delta));
boolean scroll = true;
if(newTab != selectedTab && isTabVisible(newTab))
selectedTab = newTab;
if( (delta > 0 && tabsLeft[selectedTab] + tabsWidth[selectedTab] > viewportX + viewportWidth) ||
(delta < 0 && tabsLeft[selectedTab] < viewportX))
scroll = true;
scroll = false;
viewportX = Math.max(0, Math.min(menuWidth - viewportWidth, viewportX + delta * scrollStep));
private boolean isTabVisible(int tabIndex)
return tabsLeft[tabIndex] < viewportX + viewportWidth &&
tabsLeft[tabIndex] + tabsWidth[tabIndex] >= viewportX;
public void paint(Graphics g)
int currentX = - viewportX;
g.setClip(0, 0, viewportWidth, tabHeight);
g.fillRect(0, 0, viewportWidth, tabHeight);
for(int i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++)
g.setColor(i == selectedTab ? bgFocusedColor : bgColor);
g.fillRoundRect(currentX, 0, tabsWidth[i], tabHeight + cornerRadius, 2 * cornerRadius, 2 * cornerRadius);
g.setColor(i == selectedTab ? foreFocusedColor : foreColor);
g.drawString(tabs[i], currentX + cornerRadius + padding, cornerRadius + padding, Graphics.LEFT | Graphics.TOP);
currentX += tabsWidth[i] + margin;
When I try to draw anything above and below this code using paint method, it doesn't work
what of the paint methods you use to draw above and below? Pay attention that there are two methods named that way - first is in TabMenuCanvas, second is in TabMenu (second method is invoked from TabMenuCanvas#repaint).
whatever you would try to draw in TabMenuCanvas#paint will most likely be overwritten by setClip and fillRect when TabMenu#paint is invoked following repaint request
The only place where one can expect to be able to draw something visible seems to be in TabMenu#paint method, inside the clip area that is set there.
You can use GUI Libraries for J2ME,for example Lightweight User Interface Toolkit (LWUIT),Flemil have "tab menu".You can see list of GUI Libraries here.
