Which of this program can be multithreaded? - multithreading

I am a normal user and does not have strong background in programming.
I have a 64 bit, dual core machine (Dell Vostro 3400) and I think I can run multithreaded program with this machine (yes?)
The program that I think could be convert into multithreaded program is this:
Is possible to do so?
If yes, which part should being edited so that it will work?

Multithreading is not an easy subject.
I suggest you read up on some tutorials, see:
To answer the general part of your question, you can run multithreaded code an any machine newer than say 2000.
Your question is too broad though to answer without going into details on the code.
My suggestion
I suggest you try the tutorials first and write same sample programs, ask a specific question with sourcecode! if you get stuck.
That's a road I'd recommend rather than taking someone else's code and rewriting it without detailed knowledge of threads.


How to proceed with Linux source code customization?

I am a non CS/IT student, but having knowledge of C, Java, DS and Algorithms. Now-a-days I am focusing on operating system and had gained some of its concepts. But I want some practical knowledge of it. Merely writing algo code in java/c has no fun in doing. I have gone through many articles where they mentioned we can customize source code of Linux-kernel.
I want to start customizing the kernel as I move ahead in the learning of OS concepts and apply the same. It will make two goals achievable 1. I will gain practical idea of the operating system 2. I will have a project.
Problem which I face-
1. From where to get the source code? Which source code should I download? Also the documentation if possible.
I went in there but there are so many of them which one will be better?
2. How will I customize the code once I have it?
Please give me suggestions with detail about how I should start this journey (of changing source code to customize Linux).
Moreover I am using Windows 8.
I recommend first reading several books on OSes and on programming. You need a broad CS culture (if possible get a CS degree)
I am a non CS/IT student,
You'll better become one, or else spend years of work to learn all the stuff a CS graduate student has learnt.
First, you need to be very familiar with Linux programming on user side (application programs). So read at least Advanced Linux Programming and study the source code of several programs, including shells (and some kind of servers). Read also carefully syscalls(2). Explore the state of your kernel (e.g. thru proc(5)...). Look into https://kernelnewbies.org/
I also recommend learning several programming languages. You should in particular read SICP, an excellent introduction to programming. Read also some book like programming language pragmatics. Read something about continuation and continuation passing style. Read the Dragon book. Read some Introduction to Algorithms. Read something about computer architecture and instruction set architecture
Merely writing algo code in java/c has no fun in doing.
But the kernel is also written in C (mostly) and full of algorithmic code. What makes you think you'll get more fun in it?
I want to start customizing the kernel as I move ahead in the learning of OS concepts and apply the same.
But why? Why don't you also consider studying and contributing to some user-level code
I would recommend first reading a good book on OSes in general, notably Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces. Look also on OSdev.
At last, the general advice about kernel programming is don't. A common mistake is to try adding code inside the kernel to solve some issue that can and should be solved in user-land.
How will I customize the code once I have it?
You probably should not customize the kernel, but if you did you'll use familiar tools (a good source code editor like emacs or vim, a compiler and linker on the command line, a build automation tool like make). Patching the kernel is similar to patching some other free software. But testing your kernel is harder (because you'll often reboot).
You'll also find several books explaining the Linux kernel.
If you still want to customize the kernel you should first try to code some kernel module.
Moreover I am using Windows 8.
This is a huge mistake. You first need to be an advanced Linux user. So wipe out Windows from your computer, and install some Linux distribution -I recommend Debian- (and use only Linux, no more Windows). Become familiar with command line.
I seriously recommend to avoid working on the kernel as your first project.
I strongly recommend looking at some existing user-land free software project first (there are thousands of them, notably on github, e.g. choose some package in your distribution, study its source code, work on it, propose the patch to the community). Be able to build from source code a lot of things.
A wise man once said you "must act your way into right thinking, as you cannot think your way into right acting". In your case, you'll need to act as an experienced programmer would act, which means before we write any code, we need to answer some questions.
What do we want to change?
Why do we want to change it?
What are the repercussions of this change (ie what other functions - out of all the 10's of millions of lines of source code - call this function)?
After we've made the change, how are we going to compile it? In other words, there is a defined process for this. What is it?
After we compile our new kernel/module, how are we going to test it?
A good start, in addition to the answer that was just posted, would be to run LFS (Linux from Scratch). Get a successful install of that and use it as a starting point.
Now, since we're experienced programmers, we know that tinkering with a 10M+ line codebase is a recipe for trouble; we need a bit more direction than that. Here's a list of bugs that need to be fixed: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/buglist.cgi?chfield=%5BBug%20creation%5D&chfieldfrom=7d
I, for one, would be glad to see the one called "AUFS hangs on fanotify" go away, as I use AUFS with Docker on a daily basis.
If, down the line, you decide you'd rather hack on something besides the kernel, there are plenty of other options.
From your question it follows that you've already gained some concepts of an operating system. However, if you feel that it's still insufficient, it is OK to spend more time on learning. An operating system (mainly, a kernel) has certain tasks to perform like memory management (or memory protection), multiprogramming, hardware abstraction and so on. Neither of the topics may be neglected - they are all as important. So, if you have some time, you may refer to such useful books as "Modern Operating Systems" by Andrew Tanenbaum. Special books like that will shed much light on all important aspects of a modern OS. Suffice it to say, Linux kernel itself was started by Linus Torvalds because of a strong inspiration by MINIX - an educational project by A. Tanenbaum.
Such a cumbersome project like an OS kernel (BSD, Linux, etc.) contains lots of code. Many people are collaborating to write or enhance whatever parts of the kernel. So, there is a common and inevitable need to use a version control system. So, if you have an intention to submit your code to the kernel in future, you also have to have hands on with version control. Particularly, Linux relies on Git SCM (software configuration management - a synonym for version control).
So, once you have some knowledge of Git, you can install it on your computer and download Linux source code: git clone https://github.com/torvalds/linux.git
Determine your goals at Linux kernel modification. What do you want to achieve? Perhaps, you have a network card which you suspect to miss some features in Linux? Take a look at the other vendors' drivers and make an attempt to fix the driver of interest to include the features. Of course, this will require some knowledge of the HW, and, if the features are HW dependent, you will unlikely succeed to elaborate your code without special knowledge. But, in general, - if you are trying to make an enhancement, it assumes that you are an experienced Linux user yourself. Otherwise, how will you understand that some fixes/enhancements/etc. are required? So, I can't help but agree with the proposal to postpone Windows 8 for a while and start using some Linux distribution (eg. Debian).
If you succeed to determine your goals (eg. if you find a paper describing some desired changes in Linux kernel or if you decide to enhance some device drivers / write your own), you will be able to try it hands on. However, you still might need some helpful books, but, in this case, some Linux-specific ones. Also, writing C code for the kernel itself will require one important detail - you will need to comply with a so called coding standard, otherwise Linux kernel maintainers will not be able to accept your patches.
So, I made an attempt to outline some tips based on your current question. Of course, the job of kernel development has far more broad prerequisites, but these are which are just obvious.

IPC Unix domain socket bash

im going crazy trying to look for examples of unix domain socket usage on bash. I'm starting to think if it is possible at all, and thenI find people using them for netowrk stuff, i wanting merely for IPC locally, can someone facilitate me some example, resources, guidance or at least if its possible at all?
Is this so deep in the kernel that it can only be programmed C for example... I;ve seen some Python stuff i think tho...
I've decided to go off using bash, it would be a big big task and i dont have any real constrains, I have learn a lot of how linux works tho, in essence to be able to implement this would have to probaly modify some parts of the kernel...
Thanks everyone.

Tutorial for openCL and openMP--locations?

I am looking for tutorials on openCL and openMP. I didn't see a thread on this in past, not to say it's not there.
I'm going to be developing in linux with i7-740QM, and nvidia gtx 285M.
Google hasn't helped me out on this one.
OpenCL: http://www.macresearch.org/opencl is a very well explained set of videos with slides and sample code. Unlike the URL could suggest, this is not restricted to mac. He starts from scratch assuming no knowledge of GPU programming and goes up to memory access optimizations. I recommend watching the whole podcast. His optimizations are GPU-specific though ; you didn't specify what device you want to use.
OpenMP is pretty straightforward. This will get you started (and has more links on the bottom) and this goes further. These were on the first page of googling "OpenMP tutorial".
Note: in your next question, please specify the programming language you want to use or, if yo don't care, say so.

Resources that explain Linux source code

Looking for resources that can help getting 'into' the Linux code. Could not get much help on Google. I have no issues on the distro covered by the book/resource, but will like if Fedora is the base. Also, it would be great if the resource is well maintained and updated.
this looks promising:
Note that you will need to be familiar with Operating Systems concepts to even understand the concepts of how memory is allocated, how processes are scheduled, and whatnot. Also, the code of the linux kernel is monstrously complex.
You are undertaking a daunting task. But have fun with it. You might want to start with a small device driver's code.
http://www.makelinux.net/kernel_map may be a good place to start. A clickable map which takes you to the part of the source you clicked. Readable in a browser.
If you are talking about the Linux kernel, kernel newbies is absolutely awesome. Besides that, I don't think theres a single resource to recommend.
If you are trying to understand the linux kernel source code, then the exact distribution you are using, is not very relevant.
I would recommend the book from Robert Love: Linux Kernel Development, currently in its third edition. It will give you an understanding of the main parts of the kernel.

Understanding a Large, Undocumented Set of Source Code? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have always been astonished by Wine. Sometimes I want to hack on it, fix little things and generally understand how it works. So, I download the Wine source code and right after that I feel overwhelmed. The codebase is huge and - unlike the Linux Kernel - there are almost no guides about the code.
What are the best-practices for understanding such a huge codebase?
With a complex code base the biggest mistake you can make is trying to be a computer. Get the computer to run the code, and use a debugger to help find out what is going on.
Figure out how to compile, install and run your own version of Wine from the existing source code.
Learn how debug (e.g. use gdb) on a running instance of your version of Wine.
Run Wine under the debugger and make cause it to demonstrate the undesired behaviour.
The fun part: find where the code execution path goes and start learning how it all goes together.
Yes, reading lots and lots of code will help, but the compiler/debugger/computer can run code a lot faster than you.
A professor once told us to compare such a situation with climbing a mountain. You might be listening to someone who did this and tells you what it's like to look out into the country. And you believe without hesitation that that's a spectacular sight.
However, you have to start climbing yourself for real understanding what the view from the top is like.
And it's not that important to climb all the way to the top. It might be perfectly suficient just to reach a fair height above ground level.
But don't ever be afraid of start climbing. The view is always worth any efforts.
This has always been a nice analogy for me. I know this question was more about specific tips on how to efficiently deal with code bases once you started climbing. But nevertheless it instantly reminded me of our physics classes way back then.
(This is an answer I posted to a question a while back. I modified it a bit to fit this question.)
Experience has shown me that there are 3 major goals you have when learning a legacy system:
Learn what the code is supposed to do.
Learn how it does them.
(crucially) Learn why it does them the way it does.
All three of those parts are very important, and there's a few tricks to help you get started.
First, resist the temptation to just ctrl-click (or whatever your IDE uses) your way around the code to understand everything. You probably won't be able to keep everything in perspective in your mind this way, especially when each line forces you to look at multiple other classes in order to understand what it is, so you need to be able to hold several levels of the stack in your head.
Read documentation where possible; it usually helps you quickly gain a mental framework upon which to build everything that follows.
Run test cases where possible.
Don't be afraid to ask someone who knows if you have a question. Granted, you shouldn't waste others' time with inane queries, but if there's something that you simply don't understand (this is especially true with more conceptual questions like, "Wouldn't it make much more sense to implement this as a ___" or something), it's probably worth finding out the answer before you mess something up and don't know why.
When you do finally get down to reading the code, start at a logical "main" place and go from there. Don't just read the code top to bottom, or in alphabetical order, or anything (this is probably obvious).
The best way to get acquainted with a large codebase is to dive in. Many projects have a list of easy tasks that need to be done, and they're usually reserved to help ease people in. You should find and work on some of these; you'll learn a lot about the general code outline and structure, contribute to the project, and get an easy payoff that will help encourage you to take on larger tasks.
Like most projects, WINE has good resources available to its developers; IRC, wiki, mailing list, and guides/overviews. With most daunting codebases, it's not so scary after the first few fixes. WINE is truly large, and much like the kernel, I doubt there's any expert in all systems; don't feel like you need to be either. Start working on something that matters to you and take it from there.
I've started a few patches to WINE myself, and it's a good community and good structure. There's lots of very helpful debug messages, and it's a really cool project to work on, so that helps you hit it longer too.
We all appreciate your valor and willingness to help with WINE (it needs it). Thanks, and good luck.
Dig in. Think of a question you'd like to have answered, and try to find the answer. When you get tired of reading code, go read the dev mailing list, the developer's guide, or the wiki.
Unfortunately, there's no royal road to understanding a large code base. If you enjoy that sort of thing (I do) you're in for some fun. If not, guide books won't really help, so you aren't really that much worse off.
Look for one peculiar feature you are interested to improve. Search for its implementation. Once you found it, pull on that straw and all the rest will follow.
The best way is through comments.
I'm being ironic, as you understand tiny bits of the beast add comments so you can follow your trail.
The other developers will also enjoy it if you add the missing guides in the code.
Try to implement some tiny little change in the code, something that will be visible to you. That might be figuring out a workable way to output debugging statements (and figuring out where the output appears), it might be changing the default size of windows or desktop color, or something. Once you can make something happen in the codebase, you've scratched the surface of understanding and can begin to move on toward more complicated things. At that point, select a goal of something slightly more useful that you'd like the code to do, and implement that. Or check out the project's bug tracker and look for something small to start with.
Document as you go, and write unit tests as you go, and refactor as you go. When you figure out what a routine does, comment it!!
As others have suggested, dig in! Read all the available documentation you can absorb. Then see if you can find other people who are interested or knowledgeable and learn with/from them. It helps to have people to bounce ideas off of and ask questions.
For C source code, once you get a feel for what areas of the code you'd like to work on, generate ctags and cscope databases for that code. These tools make it a lot easier to jump around and understand the code. Many text editors (one example is gvim) have support for ctags and cscope so you can jump around easily.
(warning: shameless marketing ahead)
For Java developers using Eclipse, there's nWire. It is an Eclipse plugin for navigating and visualizing large codebases.
A good way to understand a large system is to break it down into it's constituent parts and focus on a specific paths through the application.
Your debugger is your friend here, set a breakpoint in the thread you want to investigate then step through it line by line looking at which each part does... hope that helps...
