Understanding "intercepting" of commands in linux - linux

Some commands in linux, eg. ssh-agent $BASH makes sure that certain actions from commands run in the present console is "intercepted" by another tool. How does this work in general ? What topics should I study in order to understand this ? Lets say I wanted to make a tool that would redirect all disk-write action from all processes started afterwards to a location I specify (tired of having all sorts of crap written to strange locations on my disk, eg ~/.adobe/Flash_Player/AssetCache), how would the fundamental structure of such an app look ? Would one have to go below RING3 level ?

ELF allows interposing shared objects. On Linux, you can interpose a shared object before everything else on the symbol lookup scope of dynamic executables using LD_PRELOAD, e.g:
export LD_PRELOAD=/lib/libSegFault.so


What’s the purpose put a .so file before execution file?

I saw a execution method today.
/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so ./foo
I know when putting a bash variable before execution command means to set that environment variable before execute command.
But now, it is a share lib, what’s the purpose and function to put there?
The dynamic linker /lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so is special in that it can be run as an executable or linked to another executable to use as a library itself. This isn't something you can do with an arbitrary .so file, though.
Either way, its purpose is to allow ./foo to load other shared libraries at run time. For more information, see its manpage.

How to use mod_exec proftpd linux

i used this code to execute external script, from mod_exec proftpd.
ExecEngine on
ExecLog /opt/proftpd_mod_exec.log
ExecOptions logStderr logStdout
<IfUser yogi>
ExecBeforeCommand STOR,RETR /home/yogi/Desktop/kab.sh EVENT=BeforeCommand FILE='%f'
ExecOnCommand STOR,RETR /home/yogi/Desktop/kab.sh EVENT=OnCommand FILE='%f'
but i get error code like this on proftpd_mod_exec.log file. STOR ExecBeforeCommand '/home/yogi/Desktop/kab.sh' failed: Exec format error
how can i fix it?
from http://www.proftpd.org/docs/contrib/mod_exec.html
This module will not work properly for logins, or for logins that are affected by DefaultRoot. These directives use the chroot(2) system call, which wreaks havoc when it comes to scripts. The path to script/shell interpreters often assume a certain location that is no longer valid within a chroot. In addition, most modern operating systems use dynamically loaded libraries (.so libraries) for many binaries, including script/shell interpreters. The location of these libraries, when they come to be loaded, are also assumed; those assumptions break within a chroot. Perl, in particular, is so wrought with filesystem location assumptions that it's almost impossible to get a Perl script to work within a chroot, short of installing Perl itself into the chroot environment.
From the error message it sounds like that just that. You have enabled chroot and the script cannot get executed because of files not available at expected places within chroot.
Author suggest not to use the module because of this.
To get it work You need to figure out the dependencies You need in the chroot target and set them up there at the appropriate places. Or disable chroot for the users and try again. Third possibility: build a statically linked binary with almost no dependencies.
Or try, as the author of the module suggest, to use a FIFO and proftpd logging functionality to trigger the scripts outside of the chroot environment.

Make an file path in Unix filesystem actually point to a program

I'm currently using a piece of software (let's call it ThirdPartyApp) that reads files from a certain directory on my PC. I want to make my own software (call it MyApp) that generates files for ThirdPartyApp. When ThirdPartyApp tries to load /path/to/somefile, instead of somefile getting read from the hard drive, I want MyApp to get called and generate bytes in real time. This is similar to how reading from, say, /dev/urandom doesn't actually load a file called urandom, but instead loads the output of a random generator.
So, my question is, is this even possible to do in userspace? If so, what is this called? I'm not asking for a recommendation of a specific library or anything like that; I just need to know what to google to find info about doing something like this. Oh, and I only care about making this work on Linux, if that's a limiting factor. Thanks!
check out fuse file system : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace – Matt Joyce
Also check out named pipes. Btw, if you control starting this ThirdPartyApp then you can simply run MyApp just before that. – Kenney

Can you load a tree structure in memory with Linux shell?

I want to create an application with a Linux shell script like this — but can it be done?
This application will create a tree containing data. The tree should be loaded in the memory. The tree (loaded in memory) could be readable from any other external Linux script.
Is it possible to do it with a Linux shell?
If yes, how can you do it?
And are there any simple examples for that?
There are a large number of misconceptions on display in the question.
Each process normally has its own memory; there's no trivial way to load 'the tree' into one process's memory and make it available to all other processes. You might devise a system of related programs that know about a shared memory segment (somehow — there's a problem right there) that contains the tree, but that's about it. They'd be special programs, not general shell scripts. That doesn't meet your 'any other external Linux script' requirement.
What you're seeking is simply not available in the Linux shell infrastructure. That answers your first question; the other two are moot given the answer to the first.
There is a related discussion here. They use shared memory device /dev/shm and, ostensibly, it works for multiple users. At least, it's worth a try:
Edit: just tried it with two users on Ubuntu - looks like a normal directory and REALLY WORKS with the right chmod.
See also:
I don't think there is a way to do this as if you want to keep all the requirements of:
Building this as a shell script
Usable across terminals / from external scripts
You would have to give up at least one requirement:
Give up shell script req - Build this in C to run as a Linux process. I only understand this up to the point to say that it would be non-trivial
Give up in-memory req - You can serialize the tree and keep the data in a temp file. This works as long as the file is small and performance bottleneck isn't around access to the tree. The good news is you can use the data across terminals / from external scripts
Give up usability from external scripts req - You can technically build a script and run it by sourcing it to add many (read: a mess of) variables representing the tree into your current shell session.
None of these alternatives are great, but if you had to go with one, number 2 is probably the least problematic.

It's about Linux soft links with one source and several destinations :)

Let's assume that we've several non-identical versions of the same folder in different locations as follows:
Each version of them contains callerFile, which is a pre-compiled executable that we can't control its working functionality. this callerFile will create and edit a folder called cache
So we've contradiction between the setting of every version so what I want to do is converting the /some/fourth/destination/cache to a link with 3 different destinations
/some/fourth/destination/cache --> /in/some/location/version1/cache
/some/fourth/destination/cache --> /different/path/version2/cache
/some/fourth/destination/cache --> /third/place/version3/cache
so for example:
if /in/some/location/version1/callerFile calls /some/fourth/destination/cache it should redirected to /in/some/location/version1/cache
and if /different/path/version2/callerFile calls /some/fourth/destination/cache it should redirected to /different/path/version2/cache
and if /third/place/version3/callerFile calls /some/fourth/destination/cache it should redirected to /third/place/version3/cache
So, How can I do so on Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit Operating System?
Assuming you have no control over what callerFile actually does, I mean it does what it wants and always the same, so the conclusion is you need to modify it's environment. This will be quite advanced trick, requiring deep experience of Linux kernel and Unix programming in general, and you should think over if it's worth. It will also require root priviledges on the machine where your callerFile binary exists.
Solution I'd propose would be creating an executable ( or some script calling one of exec() family function ), which will prepare special environment ( or make sure it's ready to use ), based on "mount -o bind" or unshare() system call.
Like said, playing with so called "execution context", is quite advanced trick. Theoretically you could also try some autofs-like solution, however you'll probably end up with the same, and bindmount/unshare will be probably more effective than some FS-detection daemon. I wouldn't recommend diving into FUSE, for the same reason. And playing with some over-complicated game with symlinks is probably not the way too.
Note: whatever "callerFile" binary does, I'm pretty sure it won't check its own filename, which makes possible replacing it with something else in-between, which will do exec() on "callerFileRenamed".
As I understand it, basically what you want is to get different result with the same activity, distinguished by some condition external to activity itself, like, for example, returning different list for "ls" in same directory, based upon e.g. UID of user who issued "ls" command, without modifying some ./ls program binary.
