Custom E-Mail Event for Sharepoint Upon InfoPath Form Submit - sharepoint

A customer wants an e-mail notification sent to a select group of people when a new InfoPath form is submitted to a particular Document Library on their SharePoint 2007 setup.
Easy, right? Use a custom set of rules for an e-mail submission in InfoPath, plop in the addresses, use a fancy equation to construct a useful e-mail subject line... and done. Worked like a charm. Problem solved in just a few minutes...
However, the customer doesn't want the whole form e-mailed out or even attached to the e-mail. They only want a few select fields from the form in a very simple message.
I've tried writing an ItemAdded event handler from the SPItemEventReceiver base class, but it doesn't seem to do anything. Yes, I added the event handler to the GAC and created a Feature.xml and Elements.xml to register the event handler with SharePoint. But, I'm not sure if this is even the right event to customize. Is an item in a Document Library the same as an item in a List?
Has anyone had luck doing a similar e-mail notification event? Is there an easier way to accomplish what I'm attempting? Perhaps there's a way to do this easily through the SharePoint interface or edit the contents of the e-mail submission rule to be a simplified version of the form?
Any advice is greatly appreciated!

How about a very simple SharePoint Designer workflow that is triggered when the form is uploaded. From there you send an email and include content of the (exported) columns in an email body.


Modify message with an Outlook web add-in (when reading email, not composing)

I'm trying to establish if this is even possible:
Can an outlook web add-in (i.e. a JavaScript add-in that works on the web and in outlook, not a COM based add-in) modify the body of an email while in read mode (i.e. the user is reading an email, not composing a new email or replying to an email).
What I need to do is trigger the add-in if the email contains hyperlinks (looks like I can do that with a contextual add-in using a regular expression) and then modify those hyperlinks (change the href or add an onClick event handler) so if the user clicks them the behaviour is different.
Based on #OutlookAdd-insTeam-MSFT comment I'll post my own answer:
You cannot modify the body of an email in read mode.
Cant comment. Not enough rep.
I am looking at the documentation for Read Scenario I dont see anything related to set property.
However I do see something about extracting info from an item, more importantly extracting URL's
May be you can extact URL's do your modifications and with the new content you can create a New message item or even Reply and Reply all
It should be able to do that using calling UpdateItem via EWS from the add-in, right? See
Why wouldn't that work #microsoft?

How to disable workflow initiated email from SP workflow

I have a workflow in SharePoint 2013 that sends out emails to the user whenever their requests gets worked on. They however also get an email that says "A workflow has been initiated on the following list item".
Is there any way to disble that email from being generated or sent to the requestor?
Please advise, thank you.
With SharePoint Designer, you can change or simply remove the initial email send to the Author.
There are some workaround to do, since you'll have to copy the OOTB Workflow before editing him.

Emailing out an item in sharepoint 2010 to users that don't have access to the site

I am trying to figure out how to email out one item from a list by when you have an item clicking on a button as a web part. Sort of like when you create a print button and it prints out just the one item.
I don't want all of my users to have to download anything. Is there a way just to code the webpart to create a button where your outlook email pops up with a new email and the list item and details are in the body of the email?
While it is possible to build a button that would use JavaScript to scrape the contents of a specific element on a page (since you are building client side script) and put them into the body of an email, there's a lot of formatting issues that can arise there since non-text elements might be lost, styling might drop off and there's the potential for XSS, etc. You would also have to edit the item template for that button to show up.
You can also build a custom action that sends the content of the item through email with a workflow. This requires a bit of dev work in SharePoint that you may or may not be familiar with.
Additionally, if they don't have access to that site, why would you automate sending them content from it? If it's content they should have access to, why not put it in a list/library that is more tailored to their permission level?

Add custom text to Sharepoint Email Alert

We have an alert set-up for sharepoint list, but I want to add some custom text to the alert email. We do not have any access to SPD or sharepoint server and can make changes to sharepoint client only.
Can anyone please advice?
The code that sends out emails runs on the SharePoint server via the Timer Job. Since you have no access to do anything with the server you've got absolutely no chance of modifying the built in alert emails.
Could you do this with javascript?
You can't send emails with JavaScript directly. You can open up a draft email in a users default email client using a mailto link but this won't achieve what you want as a user will still have to edit it.
You could, I suppose, put some javascript onto an edit page using a content editor web part (which you can do without SPD) to on changes make an AJAX call to a separate web server to do the actual sending.

Approve/Reject in email generated by SharePoint

When I make a meeting in Outlook, the recipient gets a approve/reject button in the top of the email. I'd like to do a similar thing with SharePoint: when a task is created, an email is sent to the person the task is assigned to, and the email asks the recipient to either accept or reject the task. I've seen demos of people doing this with a custom ASPx page, but I'd like to make it directly in the email. How should I go about doing that?
I'm used to making workflows in Visual Studio, so I'm happy with code examples for setting up an email and/or parsing the response
The approve/reject buttons in Outlook shows up because the email is in the iCalendar format. I dont know if this is the best way, but you can send out your own iCalendar emails using C# code and set the response email to a mail server you control. From that mail server you can process the email and use the SharePoint WebService API to approve the item in SharePoint.
I like JMD's suggestion but I don't know how you'd interact with SharePoint from the mail server.
It might be a easier to send an HTML-formatted email with two links (...) for the Accept and Reject buttons. You could use CSS to format them so that they look like real buttons.
You could then create an ASPX page (or better an IHttpHandler implementation) to perform an action based on parameters passed to it via a URL. You'd want to pass in the site, web and list details and the list item ID along with a value to indicate whether the item is approved or rejected.
Then set the URLs of your "buttons" in the email to call your handler and pass in the appropriate parameter values.
The downside to this is that the "buttons" would be part of the message body and not part of the Outlook chrome but, on the other hand, they would be usable from any email client.
