I would like to ask for help because I do not know how to write a function that analyzes possible jumps for a checkers' pawn.
I am stuck and I will be very thankful for help.
I created a chessboard and a list of tuples that represent chessboard as a list.
This is the form to be able to show the chessboard on the screen:
And this is the form which I use to analyze possible moves of pieces:
This is the code I wrote so far:
module Checkers where
import Test.HUnit
import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Control.Error.Util (note)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.Char(isDigit)
import Data.String
import Data.List
import Prelude
type Board = [[Square]]
type Square = Maybe Piece
data Piece = Piece PColor PType deriving (Show)
data PColor = White | Black deriving (Show)
data PType = Pawn | Queen deriving (Show)
typeList:: [(Char, PType)]
typeList = [('p', Pawn), ('q', Queen)]
initialBoard = unlines ["p.p.p.p."
,"P.P.P.P." ]
board2 = unlines ["p.p.p.p."
showBoard :: Board -> String
showBoard = unlines. map showRow
where showRow = map showSquare
readBoard :: String -> Either String Board
readBoard = (mapM . mapM) readSquare . lines
showSquare:: Square -> Char
-- showSquare Nothing = ' '
-- showSquare (Just p) = showPiece p
showSquare = maybe ' ' showPiece
readSquare:: Char -> Either String Square
readSquare '.' = return Nothing
readSquare c = note errorMsg $ fmap return (readPiece c)
where errorMsg = "Error reading square '" ++ show c ++ "' is not a valid square"
--readSquare:: Char -> Square
--readSquare c = readPiece c
showPiece:: Piece -> Char
showPiece (Piece White Pawn) = 'P'
showPiece (Piece Black Pawn) = 'p'
showPiece (Piece White Queen) = 'Q'
showPiece (Piece Black Queen) = 'q'
readPiece:: Char -> Maybe Piece
readPiece c = fmap makePiece lookupType
where color = if isUpper c then White else Black
lookupType = lookup (toLower c) typeList
makePiece = Piece color
--readPiece 'P' = Just (Piece White Pawn)
--readPiece 'p' = Just (Piece Black Pawn)
--readPiece 'Q' = Just (Piece White Queen)
--readPiece 'q' = Just (Piece Black Queen)
--readPiece _ = Nothing
--transform chessboard into a list of tuples to analyze possible kills
--String or Int?
testString = "hello world 13 i am a new 37 developer 82"
data StringOrInt = S String | I Int
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
readInt :: String -> Int
readInt = read
--convert String into tuples
--1. convert chessBoard into a list
myShow :: String -> String
myShow s = concat ["[", intersperse ',' s, "]"]
isSlash x = x=='\\'
deleteAllInstances :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
deleteAllInstances a xs = filter (/= a) xs
clearBoardList_ s = deleteAllInstances '\n' $ myShow $ s
clearBoardList__ s = deleteAllInstances '[' $ clearBoardList_ s
clearBoardList s = deleteAllInstances ',' $ clearBoardList__ s
--2 zip with coordinates (1,1), (1,2).... (8,8)
makeL = [(x,y)| x<-[1..8], y<-[1..8]]
makeTuplesBoard s = zip makeL s
testList = makeList initialBoard
testList2 = makeList board2
--3 all together
makeList s = makeTuplesBoard $ clearBoardList s --xy coordinates of pawns
--is there my Pawn?
isMyPawn ((x,y),z) = (z=='p' || z=='q')
matchFirst (a,b) ((c,d),_) = (a,b) == (c,d)
whatIsThere (a,b) list = eliminate $ find (matchFirst (a,b)) list --test: whatIsThere (1,1) $ makeList initialBoard
eliminate (Just a) = a
whichPiece (a,b) list = snd $ snd ( whatIsThere (a,b) $ makeTuplesBoard list ) --shows what is on a specific field
isThereSth (a,b) list = whichPiece (a,b) list == 'p' || whichPiece (a,b) list == 'P' || whichPiece (a,b) list == 'q' ||whichPiece (a,b) list == 'Q' --isThereSth (1,1) $ makeList initialBoard
isThereMyPawn (a,b) list = ((whichPiece (a,b) list == 'p'), list) --whichPiece (a,b) list == ((a,b),'p')
isThereMyQueen (a,b) list = ((whichPiece (a,b) list == 'q'), list)
isThereOtherPawn (a,b) list = ((whichPiece (a,b) list == 'P'), list)
isThereOtherQueen (a,b) list = ((whichPiece (a,b) list == 'Q'), list)
--remove a figure from its place and put somewhere else
removePiece (a,b) list = map (\ x -> if matchFirst (a,b) x then ((a,b),'.') else x) list
removeMyPawn (a,b) list = removePiece (a,b) list
removeMyQueen (a,b) list = removePiece (a,b) list
removeOtherPawn (a,b) list = removePiece (a,b) list
removeOtherQueen (a,b) list = removePiece (a,b) list
isWithinLimit (a,b)
| not ((a>0) && (a<9) && (b>0) && (b<9)) = False
| otherwise = True
isWithinLimit1 (a,b) list
| not ((a>0) && (a<9) && (b>0) && (b<9)) = (False, list)
| otherwise = (True, list)
putPiece (a,b) piece list = map (\ x -> if matchFirst (a,b) x then ((a,b),piece) else x) list --map (\ x -> if matchFirst (a,b) x then ((a,b),'.') else x) list
--test: movePiece (1,1) (1,2) $ makeTuplesBoard initialBoard
movePiece (a,b) (c,d) list = removePiece (a,b) $ putPiece (c,d) (whichPiece (a,b) $ makeTuplesBoard initialBoard ) (makeTuplesBoard initialBoard)
--putADot (a,b) list = replace ( matchFirst (a,b)) list
--swapTuples (a,b) (c,d) list =
--move (a,b) (c,d) list =
-- | (isThereSth (a,b) == False) = list
-- | otherwise =
isThereOtherPawn2 (a,b) list x
| (x==True) = fst $ isThereOtherPawn (a,b) list
| otherwise = False
isWithinLimit2 (a,b) list x
| (x==True) = fst $ isWithinLimit1 (a,b) list
| otherwise = False
isFree2 (a,b) list x
| (x==True) = isFree (a,b) list
| otherwise = False
isThereMyPawn2 (a,b) list x
| (x==True) = fst $ isThereMyPawn (a,b) list
| otherwise = False
isFree (a,b) list = not (isThereSth (a,b) list)
isJumpLFPossible (a,b) list = isThereMyPawn2 (a,b) list $ (isFree2 (a+2,b-2) list $ isWithinLimit2 (a+2,b-2) testList $ isThereOtherPawn2 (a+1,b-1) list $ fst $ isWithinLimit1 (a+1,b-1) list) --test: isFree2 (3,4) testList $ isWithinLimit2 (3,4) testList $ isThereOtherPawn2 (3,4) testList $ fst $ isWithinLimit1 (2,3) testList
isJumpRFPossible (a,b) list = isThereMyPawn2 (a,b) list $ (isFree2 (a+2,b+2) list $ isWithinLimit2 (a+2,b+2) testList $ isThereOtherPawn2 (a+1,b+1) list $ fst $ isWithinLimit1 (a+1,b+1) list) --test: isFree2 (3,4) testList $ isWithinLimit2 (3,4) testList $ isThereOtherPawn2 (3,4) testList $ fst $ isWithinLimit1 (2,3) testList
-- checking whether my Pawn has any jump possiblitiy - one move
canJumpLF (a,b) list
| (isJumpLFPossible (a,b) list) = [(a,b),(a+2, b-2)]
| otherwise = [] --test: canJump (1,1) testBoard
canJumpRF (a,b) list
| (isJumpRFPossible (a,b) list) = [(a,b),(a+2, b+2)]
| otherwise = [] --test: canJump (1,1) testBoard
isFree (a,b) list = not (isThereSth (a,b) list)
-- recursive check whether and which kills are possible for my Pawn
--canJump (a,b) list
-- | (fst (canJumpLF (a,b) list)) = snd (canJump (a+2, b-2) list)
-- | (fst (canJumpRF (a,b) list)) = snd (canJump (a+2, b+2) list)
-- | otherwise = []
replaceTuple tups old new = map check tups where
check tup | tup == old = new
| otherwise = tup
--movePawn (x,y) (a,b) = if (isMyPawn(x,y)
--replacePawn list = replaceTuple $ ((x,y),_) ((x,y),'.') list
--analyze possible moves of pawn
tests:: Test
tests = TestList $ map TestCase
[assertEqual "odd tests here" 1(1 :: Int)]
prop_empty :: Int -> Bool
prop_empty c1 = (c1::Int) == c1
runTest = do
main:: IO()
main = runTest
My problem is as follows. I need a function that returns a list of all possible jump sequences. I think it needs to be a recursive function. It should:
(1) check whether a jump to the right, left is possible
(2) if it is possible, then recursively run itself from the position a pawn would take after (1)
(3) it should return a list of tuples' lists representing possible sequences of jumps: [(a,b), (c,d), (e,f), (g,h)], [(a,b), (p,r)], [(a,b), (q,s), (t,u)]]
(4) if the pawn reached the opposite end of the chessboard it can jump backwards if there are any possible jumps
(5) if the pawn reached the end of the board and there are no jumps possible it turns into a queen (it gets crowned - I cannot tell whether this possibility should be included in this function or not - perhaps not)
In other words, from the position (a,b) I want to analyze all possible jumps and write a function that returns a list of all possible jump sequences.
After modifications my problem remains but I can explain it simpler:
The function canOneJump (a,b) board returns a list of possible places where pawns can be after they made 1 jump. In other words, the function returns [(1,2), (2,3), (4,5)] each tuple representing a row and a column where a pawn can be after a jump.
I have a function that is supposed to create now lists of jumps from the initial location of a pawn (a,b) (based on the chessboard situation which is given as a list) but it does not work. Perhaps someone could help me to fix this function so it works.
I want to get a list of jump sequences [[(3,3), (5,5), (7,3)], [(3,3), (5,1)]] that represent different jump sequences that are available.
canJump v board =
map (v:) w
list = listPlacesAfterMyPawnJump v board
w = concat $ map (flip canJump board) list
First I'd suggest posting your code to the Code Review Stackexchange to get some pointers on code style, organization, and other tips. They have a rule about only reviewing working code, so just ask them to review the code that you have.
Here's an outline of how I would proceed.
The solution will be a lot easier to understand with these type definitions:
type Coord = (Int,Int)
type CoordBoard = [ (Coord, Char) ]
Step 1. Using the functions you already have, write a function to return all possible single jumps from a specific square:
singleJumps :: (Coord, CoordBoard) -> [ (Coord, CoordBoard) ]
Note that you return the updated CoordBoard - i.e. the board with the jumped piece removed and the jumper moved. Return the empty list if there are no possible jumps.
Step 2. Then write a function to find all possible jump paths from a starting square:
multiJumps :: (Coord, CoordBoard) -> [ ([Coord], CoordBoard) ]
This also returns the CoordBoard with the jump moves executed. The idea behind multiJumps is:
for each possible single jump (rc, b):
for each possible multi jump (path, b') starting from (rc,b):
return the path (rc:path) and ending board configuration b'
This is where the recursion happens. (Hint: multijumps can be written as a list comprehension.)
Finally, I solved my problem, but I had to change several functions / write new ones.
canJumpLB (a,b) list
| (isJumpLBPossible (a,b) list) = [(a,b),(a-2, b-2)]
| otherwise = []
canJumpRB (a,b) list
| (isJumpRBPossible (a,b) list) = [(a,b),(a-2, b+2)]
| otherwise = []
canOneJump (a,b) list =filter (/=[]) $filter (/=[]) $filter (/=[]) [canJumpLF (a,b) list] ++ [canJumpRF (a,b) list]
canImakeAnotherJump list listOfLists = concat $ [canOneJump (x!!((length x)-1)) list | x <- listOfLists]
anotherJump list listOfLists = combine (canImakeAnotherJump list listOfLists) listOfLists []
jumpSequences v list []
| (canOneJump v list == []) = []
| otherwise = jumpSequences v list (canOneJump v list)
jumpSequences v list results
| ((canImakeAnotherJump list results) == []) = results
| otherwise = jumpSequences v list (anotherJump list results)
The function jumpSequences shows all sequences of jumps from a certain position. My pawns do not jump backwards, so I do not update the chessboard.
I want to write a function that takes a chess figure with a position and tell me which moves this figure can make with his next move.
For the king I was able to do this.
type Position = (Int,Int)
data Piece = Piece {
_position :: Position,
_color :: String}
nextMoves :: Piece -> [Position]
nextMoves king = filter (onTheBoard) (filter (/= (xOld,yOld))
[(x,y) | x <- [(xOld-1)..(xOld+1)], y <- [(yOld-1)..(yOld+1)]])
xOld = fst(_position king)
yOld = snd(_position king)
He stands on (1,3) and my function gives me [(1,2),(1,4),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4)].
Now I want to do the same for a bishop or a knight. But how can I use filter for this issue?
Thanks for a tipp.
//edit: I've changed my check to a help function:
onTheBoard :: Position -> Bool
onTheBoard (x,y) = elem x [1..8] && elem y [1..8]
You have no way to tell which piece (king, bishop, knight, etc.) a Piece is. nextMoves king matches all pieces, regardless of which type it is. To figure out the moves for other pieces, you'll need to be able to discriminate between them. You'll need something like
data PieceType = Pawn | Knight | Bishop | Rook | Queen | King
data Piece = Piece {
_position :: Position,
_color :: String,
_pieceType :: PieceType}
Then you can write more cases for nextMoves
nextMoves :: Piece -> [Position]
nextMoves piece =
case _pieceType piece of
King -> filter (<= (1,1)) (filter (>= (8,8)) (filter (/= (xOld,yOld))
[(x,y) | x <- [(xOld-1)..(xOld+1)], y <- [(yOld-1)..yOld+1)]]))(yOld+1)]]))
Queen -> ...
Rook -> ...
Bishop -> ...
Knight -> ...
Pawn -> ...
xOld = fst(_position piece)
yOld = snd(_position piece)
You could extract the filtering that the move must be on the board from the rest of the rules.
If you are aiming for the actual game of chess, there are other rules for whether a move is valid that depend on the rest of the state of the board.
You also have a problem with the filtering, as pointed out by Priyatham. The Ord instance for typles (,) first compares the first element of the tuple, then compares the second one. That means, for instance, that (1, 9) < (2, 0). This is called a lexographic ordering, like how entries are alphabetized: first by their first letter, then by their second, etc...
You need to check that each component is individually in the range, which is easily done with Data.Ix's inRange and the fst and snd functions, for example:
filter (inRange (1,8) . fst) . filter (inRange (1,8) . snd) . filter (/= (8,8)) $ [(7,9), 9,7), (7,7), (8, 8)]
The Ix instance for tuples (,) checks that both components are inRange, so this is equivalent to
filter (inRange ((1,1), (8,8))) . filter (/= (8,8)) $ [(7,9), (9,7), (7,7), (8, 8)]
I just started learning Haskell. I think I've got the basics down, but I want to make sure I'm actually forcing myself to think functionally too.
data Dir = Right | Left | Front | Back | Up | Down deriving (Show, Eq, Enum)
inv Right = Left
inv Front = Back
inv Up = Down
Anyway, the jist of what I'm trying to do is to create a function to map between each "Dir" and its opposite/inv. I know I could easily continue this for another 3 lines, but I can't help but wonder if there's a better way. I tried adding:
inv a = b where inv b = a
but apparently you can't do that. So my question is: Is there either a way to generate the rest of the inverses or an altogether better way to create this function?
Thanks much.
If the pairing between Up and Down and so on is an important feature then maybe this knowledge should be reflected in the type.
data Axis = UpDown | LeftRight | FrontBack
data Sign = Positive | Negative
data Dir = Dir Axis Sign
inv is now easy.
Do you have a closed-form solution over the indices that corresponds to this function? If so, yes, you can use the Enum deriving to simplify things. For example,
import Prelude hiding (Either(..))
data Dir = Right
| Front
| Up
| Left
| Back
| Down
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)
inv :: Dir -> Dir
inv x = toEnum ((3 + fromEnum x) `mod` 6)
Note, this relies on the ordering of the constructors!
*Main> inv Left
*Main> inv Right
*Main> inv Back
*Main> inv Up
This is very C-like, exploits the ordering of constructors, and is un-Haskelly. A compromise is to use more types, to define a mapping between the constructors and their mirrors, avoiding the use of arithmetic.
import Prelude hiding (Either(..))
data Dir = A NormalDir
| B MirrorDir
deriving Show
data NormalDir = Right | Front | Up
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)
data MirrorDir = Left | Back | Down
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)
inv :: Dir -> Dir
inv (A n) = B (toEnum (fromEnum n))
inv (B n) = A (toEnum (fromEnum n))
*Main> inv (A Right)
B Left
*Main> inv (B Down)
A Up
So at least we didn't have to do arithmetic. And the types distinguish the mirror cases. However, this is very un-Haskelly. It is absolute fine to enumerate the cases! Others will have to read your code at some point...
pairs = ps ++ map swap ps where
ps = [(Right, Left), (Front, Back), (Up, Down)]
swap (a, b) = (b, a)
inv a = fromJust $ lookup a pairs
Or how about this?
inv a = head $ delete a $ head $ dropWhile (a `notElem`)
It is good to know, that Enumeration starts with zero.
Mnemonic: fmap fromEnum [False,True] == [0,1]
import Data.Bits(xor)
-- Enum: 0 1 2 3 4 5
data Dir = Right | Left | Front | Back | Up | Down
deriving (Read,Show,Eq,Ord,Enum,Bounded)
inv :: Dir -> Dir
inv = toEnum . xor 1 . fromEnum
I don't think I'd recommend this, but the simple answer in my mind would be to add this:
inv x = fromJust $ find ((==x) . inv) [Right, Front, Up]
I couldn't resist tweaking Landei's answer to fit my style; here's a similar and slightly-more-recommended solution that doesn't need the other definitions:
inv a = fromJust $ do pair <- find (a `elem`) invList
find (/= a) pair
where invList = [[Right, Left], [Up, Down], [Front, Back]]
It uses the Maybe monad.