Cocos2d - SimpleAudioEngine - Sound is not playing on iPhone - audio

Recently I have a problem with playing my soundeffects using CocosDenshion. The sound is playing on the iPhone Simulator, but not on my own device. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Off course I checked if my speakers are still working, but they do while using other apps or the iPod Library.
I just use this simple code:
[[SimpleAudioEngine sharedEngine] playEffect:#"button.wav"];
I double checked the name of the file and it indeed is button.wav.
I hope someone can help me out.

I had the same problem recently and I've figured it out.
I' m using Xcode 4.3.2 and there seems to be a bug.
Not all resources you add (drag) to the project are by default added to the target.
When you add a resource, make sure that (apart from checking the copy items into destination checkbox) you also check the add to target checkbox.
You can check if the resources has been added to the bundle by clicking on the target icon. In the Build Phases tab, check if the sound files are included in the Copy Bundle Resources.
If not, add them manually (+add target)

You might try preloading the sound effects, at some earlier point in the program, as otherwise it has to load the sound effect before it can play it. You could create a splashScreen scene that is the first scene and loads all your assets and then transitions to the first "actual" scene.
SimpleAudioEngine *engine = [SimpleAudioEngine sharedEngine];
[engine preloadEffect:#"Example-Sound.caf"];

Not sure whether it is the case here, but you should keep in mind that if your file name is "Button.wav" and you are asking to playEffect:#"button.wav" it will play on simulator, but will not on the device. This effect takes place because filesystem on your desktop is case-insensative, and on iOS devices it is not.

I have the same problem and find here. But I fix it by myself.
If you reinstall ios for ipad. the default switch(upon the volume) is default as "mute volume" method. Maybe I change it to "rotation" method when it is mute. It lead to all cocos2d can't play sound any more. So I turn the method back and set mute off. And then SimpleAudioEngine works well. It is ios system's bug.

Make sure to check your audio file itself. A Mono 16 Bit, Uncompressed wave with a sample rate of 441000 should 'just work'. I recommend grabbing a sample .wav from an online Cocos2D example, like the Cowbell.wav and try to play that file.


Developing a TV application

I have been trying to build a TV application, using an SD.
I have got features like image gallery, video player running,
However, I also wanted to add a virtual on-screen keyboard that works with up-down left-right arrow keys. Can somebody help me with how to get started?
When I wanted to do this with my Vestel (Polaroid Branded) smart TV, which uses "Opera for TV devices" as it's HbbTV browser, I found that I didn't need to.
I simply just used HTML text fields and input types where needed, and as soon as I clicked into them, the browser/OS kernel popped up an onscreen keyboard that was built in for me.
However, I did do some research to see if I needed it, and on some devices you do, whilst I never actually implemented it (My app was just for my own use) the "BBC Television Application Layer" (TAL for short) : had pretty good keyboard support.
Another one that might be worth looking at is "Mautilus SDK" :
Be aware though, both are horribly convoluted and use quite complex code where it's really not needed.

Embedded Qt Mouse Pointer Not Showing Up

I've got a bit of an interesting problem here. There are plenty of threads I've found where people are working to hide or get rid of a cursor on an embedded Qt GUI...but I'm trying to get a cursor to show up on an embedded Qt GUI.
I inherited a project that was 'finished' some time ago, and the person who did the most work on the project has moved on. Fast forward to today and there is a need to add a cursor to this functional touchscreen GUI. The system OS is Yocto Linux, and it is running a Qt 5.4 application on a framebuffer.
I've scoured the Qt code and there is nothing there that would hide a cursor. I've added in the appropriate QT_QPA_FB_HIDECURSOR=0 environment variable to my Qt startup script. I've experimented with adding a QCursor obejct to the GUI. Unfortunately none of these things are working. Using the QCusor I am sometimes able to get a cursor up on the screen, but isn't tied to the touch input (the cursor shows up at the position I programatically move it to, but it stays there when I interact with the GUI).
My touch input events are tied into Qt (via QT_QPA_GENERIC_PLUGINS=evdevtouch and QT_QPA_EVDEV_TOUCHSCREEN_PARAMETERS=/dev/input/event9:rotate=180), but for some reason that touch input cannot be tied to a cursor.
At this point I've spent a few days messing around with environment variables and startup script modifications, but nothing I've done has got the result I'm looking for.
Does anybody out there have some ideas on where to look for solutions to this problem?
So, now 3 months later I think my team and I just came up with a passable solution to this problem.
The path towards the solution started with the Qt Documentation on "Using libinput". The documentation boils down to a few important statements:
Parameters like the device node name can be set in the environment variables QT_QPA_EVDEV_MOUSE_PARAMETERS, QT_QPA_EVDEV_KEYBOARD_PARAMETERS and QT_QPA_EVDEV_TOUCHSCREEN_PARAMETERS
The mouse cursor shows up whenever QT_QPA_EGLFS_HIDECURSOR (for eglfs) or QT_QPA_FB_HIDECURSOR (for linuxfb) is not set and Qt's libudev-based device discovery reports that at least one mouse is available. When libudev support is not present, the mouse cursor always show up unless explicitly disabled via the environment variable.
The evdevtablet plugin provides basic support for Wacom and similar, pen-based tablets. It generates QTabletEvent events only. To enable it, pass QT_QPA_GENERIC_PLUGINS=evdevtablet in the environment or, alternatively, pass -plugin evdevtablet argument on the command-line. The plugin can take a device node parameter, for example QT_QPA_GENERIC_PLUGINS=evdevtablet:/dev/event1, in case the Qt's automatic device discovery (based either on libudev or a walkthrough of /dev/input/event*) is not functional or misbehaving.
So, in my system I have the device nodes: event0, event1, event2, event3, event4, event5, mice, and mouse0. Because I'm trying to get the mouse working, I made the assumption that I'd have to use the mouse0 node. This lead to me setting these environment variables:
Much to my frustration these environment variables led to nothing. After some time my team and I figured out how to get debug output from Qt source on our system:
Modifying source code in the qtbase directory under our yocto build (roughly /yocto/poky/build/tmp/work/temp build directory/qtbase
Copying qtbase/plugins/generic/ to my hardware (roughly /usr/lib/qt5/plugins/generic)
Running Qt from the command line
We quickly discovered that the input events coming from mouse0 and mice were basically garbage data. On our system we did set up EVDEV in the kernel, so the mouse input was also tied to the device node event0. When we tried setting the Qt mouse parameter to event0 we started to see debug output that looked like real data.
However, the problem of no-mouse-pointer still remained. After a while we looked back at the Qt Documentation, specifically at the 2nd paragraph listed above. As a last ditch attempt we tried adding in the QT_QPA_FB_HIDECURSOR environment variable...
And...voila! After countless hours of debugging and reading documentation, we finally got a mouse pointer.
I think the main crux of our issue was misinterpreting the Qt Documentation.
The mouse cursor shows up whenever ... QT_QPA_FB_HIDECURSOR (for linuxfb) is not set
By "not set", Qt means explicitly defined as FALSE...not simply "not set" at all.
This solution will work for us, but it does leave at least one thing to be desired. Along the way I stumbled across this thread answer on the Unix StackEx which points to the Kernel documentation of input/input.txt. In section "3.2.2 mousedev" you can see the line:
Each 'mouse' device is assigned to a single mouse or digitizer, except
the last one - 'mice'. This single character device is shared by all
mice and digitizers, and even if none are connected, the device is
present. This is useful for hotplugging USB mice, so that programs
can open the device even when no mice are present.
What this means for us is that while we can use event0 (which goes away when we unplug the mouse) for our mouse input event handling, we won't be able to support hot plugging without making some kernel/Qt-source modifications or figuring out how to get mice working as a Qt mouse input parameter.
So, the question of "why does event0 work and not mouse0/mice" still stands...but for now we've got a solution we can live with.
UPDATE: Now a little bit later we've figured out that udev was not working properly on our system. We added udev to the RDEPENDS in our package group for the Yocto build, and now we can set
and we get a working mouse pointer with hotplug support.
I dont know if this applies to your problem (i dont use QT), but there is a
HAVE_TOUCHSCREEN=1 variable in the machconfig file. It is located normally in your BSP-layer in a recipes-bsp/formfactor/formfactor directory.
Setting this to 1 makes the cursor invisible.
Try setting it to 0

Using LED with ngcordova barcode scanner

When trying to use barcode scanner in bad lighting conditions, it would be very beneficial if possible to light the LED/Flash that comes with the phone/tablet
I have found out that the ZXing library that is used by the ngCordova BarcodeScanner automatically supports this feature (although it is not yet documented). The source code states that if you click the volume up button then the LED/Flash if present will be lit up. Clicking the volume down button will turn off the LED/Flash.
Although I can not be 100% certain, but given the life of ZXing library for CaptureActivity I think that any barcodescanner using it will be able to use this functionality assuming a flash is present.
Hope this helps someone.

Interactive ePub3 issue: Need advice

I have a technical doubt on an ePub3 job and thought of checking with you all and get your understanding and advise on it.
For one of my German client, I have created a ePub 3.0 re-flow with interactivity, we have used all the interactivities to work on pop-ups (Non-linear content) and it works well on iPad iBooks 3.2, as the initial request from client is to work only for iPad.
I understand that a latest Apple spec (iBooksAssetGuide 5.1 Rev 2) now says that “Develop scripts that perform well on both Mac OS and iOS devices: Interactivity on desktop computers requires input from a mouse while interactivity on iOS devices require touch input”. I’m not sure whether there would be any problem while this job goes into the Apple iBooksstore, due to the latest spec.
It would be of great help, if you all please share your idea’s / view to this problem.
Great question. With the latest version of OSX (Mavericks) running iBooks as well, there are a few things that need to be considered when using touch interactivity in ePub3 books. The most important (and relevant here) of these is making sure you are firing mouse events as well as touch events: because they behave differently.
The most robust solution that I have found to date is using JQuery or Quo's "tap" event: as it will fire with both touch and mouse events! However, if your code digs deeper (IE if you you use events like "touchstart", "touchmove", etc.) you will need to use the corresponding mouse events to insure functionality on the desktop.
Tap.js is a great little library for stuff like this:
You should also be aware that iBooks for OSX behaves differently for many features (especially when it comes to external media content and dynamic loading of content), so you should never rely on OSX only when testing...
Good luck!

Safari won't play audio for Soundcloud widget, but for only 1 of the 3 files

Link in question:
If you play the featured song, 'Paradise' on the top of the main section in Safari, it will start playing, but no audio. Everything else seems to work fine, just no sound is heard (did all the troubleshooting to confirm that this is the case, so mute, volume, etc was checked)
Now, here's the strange part. Click on Media you'll see the same file embedded with the other songs. If you click play on THAT song, it WILL play the audio normally.
So I googled around, found this stackoverflow question that's semi related: Safari 6.1 won't play audio from embedded Soundcloud widget
(and this:
So I uncheck that box and it works, but that doesn't really fix the two issues i have:
I can't do that automatically for my users. Nor is okay to give them
instructions on how to do this, since they shouldn't ever ever have
to mess with browser settings to make my site work.
Why is the issue only with the top embed/iframe? If it's 'saving power' or whatever,
it makes sense that 2 out of the 3 work.
Some other notes:
I'm running Safari Version 7.0.2 (9537.74.9)
On a 2013 MBA 13" running mavericks
Works fine in other browsers
The embed code for the two players (the one that works and the one
that doesnt) is identical. See page source.
Other question:
Would having the same objected embedded twice cause an issue? If it
did, i figure it would be with SoundCloud's side and would be
affecting all browsers.
Please help, im pretty stumped on this. If it's a bug, i'll report it to apple, but i'm not sure if it is yet. Thanks in advance for any insight!
This is a known bug, Soundcloud provided a page with an explanation on how to make it work. It is however bad UX, as - as you stated - there doesn't seem to be a way to make it work automatically for users.
here is the link to soundclods answer:
HOWEVER, we do need to have the player working :) so if somebody knows a way, please share.
