I want to show sales on my country map via SSRS R2.
I downloaded *.shp files and it works fine.
now I want to split a city to 2 cities, and show its data, but I don't know how to do it.
I tried to split it via Autocad , and then convert it to shape but it removed my cities name !!!
how can I customize my map easier?
I am not really sure if what you want is to preprocess the .shp (shape) files or do the processing in SQL server.
If you want to do preprocessing (manually) I suggest you use something like QGIS, which is free and open source. Otherwise maybe you need to clarify your process in the question.
Project Environment
The environment we are currently developing is using Windows 10. nodejs 10.16.0, express web framework. The actual environment being deployed is the Linux Ubuntu server and the rest is the same.
What technology do you want to implement?
The technology that I want to implement is the information that I entered when I joined the membership. For example, I want to automatically put it in the input text box using my name, age, address, phone number, etc. so that the user only needs to fill in the remaining information in the PDF. (PDF is on some of the webpages.)
If all the information is entered, the PDF is saved and the document is sent to another vendor, which is the end.
Current Problems
We looked at about four days for PDFs, and we tried to create PDFs when we implemented the outline, structure, and code, just like it was on this site at https://web.archive.org/web/20141010035745/http://gnupdf.org/Introduction_to_PDF
However, most PDFs seem to be compressed into flatDecode rather than this simple. So I also looked at Data extraction from /Filter /FlateDecode PDF stream in PHP and tried to decompress it using QPDF.
Unzip it for now.Well, I thought it would be easy to find out the difference compared to the PDF without Kim after putting it in the first name.
However, there is too much difference even though only three characters are added... And the PDF structure itself is more difficult and complex to proceed with.
Note : https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/devnet/pdf/pdfs/PDF32000_2008.pdf (PDF official document in English)
Is there a way to solve the problem now?
It sounds like you want to create a PDF from scratch and possibly extract data from it and you are finding this a more difficult prospect than you first imagined.
Check out my answer here on why PDF creation and reading is non-trivial and why you should reach for a tool you help you do this:
I am fairly new to the Alteryx.
I would like to create a process/workflow in Alteryx to import a file from a specified location but that should be controlled by the input parameters.
Kindly help me in this.
You can connect an Interface Tool:File Browse via an Interface Tool:Action to change the file selected to an In/Out:Input Data:
You will then want to run the workflow using the Run As Analytic App:
In the developer tool category, you'll find the Dynamic Input tool. This works much like the standard Input Data tool, but can take records in to modify the data it collects.
It sounds like you have files in a standard location, but want to be able to dynamically select the ones to load.
Let's say you have a collection of sales files in the format "Sales_20190718.csv" but want to only get sales information for certain dates as specified in your workflow. You can point your Dynamic Input tool to the Sales_20190718.csv, and have it replace the "20190718" part with whatever input you gave to the tool before querying the information.
You could get a similar result by using wildcards in a basic Input Data tool by pulling data from "Sales_*", and ticking the "Output File Name as Field" box. This would load all your sales data (which could take some time) but then you could filter to the relevant files using the new FileName field.
In COGNOS is there a way to get the definitions (filters, selected fields) from a number of reports in a folder?
I've inherited around 500 reports defined in a folder and they all need to be checked and fixed as they have business errors (not technical errors). If it was possible to get all their definitions in a single extract that would save an enormous amount of time having to click multiple times to get that information from each report one by one.
In ACCESS this can be done with VBA (for query definitions), but I'm not sure if there is a scripting language that can be used with COGNOS to achieve a similar result.
It sounds like you may want to "validate" each of these 500 reports (effectively equivalent to pressing the "validate" button on each individual report if it was open in the authoring studio).
Validation will ensure that a report specification XML is still syntactically correct, references a package which is still present the content store, references only query items from that package which still exist, generates valid SQL vs. the underlying datasource, etc.
If that's what you're looking for, an easy way to do batch validation for all 500 reports would be to use MotioPI (its a free admin tool for Cognos). Here's a short article which walks you through the process:
If you're wanting to retrieve the actual report specification (XML) for each of these 500 objects, then you'd need to write a program which utilizes the Cognos SDK to retrieve the specification XML from each of the 500 report objects. After that, you'd need to add logic which examines each of these 500 XML documents, looking for whatever it is you're looking for.
We solved this by exporting the XML of the reports using a SQL query on the content store.
The output is processed with a Python script to convert XML to table layout in CSV format.
This CSV-file can easely be imported in Excel.
You might want to process the reports XML directly in a SQL query with the xmltable function. In our situation this turned out to be a heavy proces we don't want to burden the content store database with. For a small set of reports this is working fine though.
I'm new to this forum and to Orange.
I don't really now Python at this point but am ready to learn.
However, before going further in this environment I would like to know if it can answer my needs !
What I am basically doing is "transforming" PDF product catalogues into Excel files that can be used by another software to create a database for another software.
I have tiles catalogues in PDF just like this one :
and turn it into this type of xls table : http://imgur.com/BtLBkOS
I basically need it to retrieve the article number, the colour, the size (e.g: 20x20). The G/B parts are completed manually after it has been done.
All catalogues are not the same so I sorted out some using pdftotext, RegEx with Notepad++
But I would like to know if this data mining solution could work it out ?
Orange does not support reading PDF files. You will have to use specialized utilities or program it yourself.
Is there an easy, economical way to generate a flowchart from either a database (e.g., FileMaker Pro, or MS-Access) or a spreadsheet (e.g., Apple Numbers, or MS-Excel)?
What's being sought--on a Mac--is a way to create a database/spreadsheet table of flowchart nodes (with title/text, symbol type and linkage info)..."press a button"...and have a visually appealing flowchart generated.
Then...examine the result...update the table...re-generate...LTD.
Take a look at this post. First, you'll need OmniGraffle. Next, you'd need to convert the FileMaker data into OmniGraffle XML or use AppleScript. http://forums.omnigroup.com/showthread.php?t=1860