Haskell can't match type, claims rigid variable - haskell

I am new to Haskell, and I am playing around with creating a typeclass for graphs and the nodes in them. Since I want both directed and undirected graphs, I have
data Node = Node { label :: Char
, index :: Int
} deriving (Ord, Eq)
type Graph edgeType = ([Node], [edgeType])
data Edge = DirectedEdge {h :: Node, t :: Node}
| UndirectedEdge {a :: Node, b :: Node}
instance Show Node where
show n = ['(', label n, ')']
instance Show Edge where
show (DirectedEdge h t) = show h ++ "->" ++ show t
show (UndirectedEdge a b) = show a ++ "-" ++ show b
So I am distinguishing between directed and undirected edges. A graph must only have edges of either type. I also have the following:
nodes :: [Node]
nodes = zipWith Node ['a'..] [0..]
emptyGraph :: [Node] -> Graph edgeType
emptyGraph ns = (ns, [])
So far so good, however I am writing a function connect, with connects a node to an existing graph. Ideally, I only want it to apply to undirected graphs, but that doesn't seem to be an option. Instead, I have something like this:
connect :: Graph edgeType -> Node -> Graph edgeType
connect (ns, es) n = (n:ns, e:es)
where e = UndirectedEdge n (head ns)
But this gives the following error:
Couldn't match type `edgeType' with `Edge'
`edgeType' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for
connect :: Graph edgeType -> Node -> Graph edgeType
What is the best way to accomplish what I am trying to achieve?

You probably want to have two separate edge types instead of Edge
newtype DirectedEdge = DirectedEdge { h :: Node, t :: Node}
newtype UndirectedEdge = UndirectedEdge { a :: Node, b :: Node}
And you probably want some kind of typeclass that gives you back a (Node, Node) given an arbitrary edge:
class HasNodeEndpoints a where
endpoints :: a -> (Node, Node)
-- obvious instances for DirectedEdge and UndirectedEdge
Then when you want to talk about arbitrary graphs, you will write functions that work on Graph a, and probably on HasNodeEndpoints a => Graph a. Algorithms that care about the graph kind would work on Graph DirectedEdge and Graph UndirectedEdge for directed and undirected graphs, respectively.
Another natural extension would be labeled directed and undirected edges.
class HasLabeled a where
type Label a -- associated type synonym
label :: a -> Label a
updateLabel :: a -> (Label a -> Label a) -> a
-- now define data types and instances for labeled directed and undirected edges

Because you choose a specific edge type, namely Edge, when you use UndirectedEdge, the result is that your graph is no longer polymorphic in the edge type. It has to have the type:
connect :: Graph Edge -> Node -> Graph Edge
connect (ns, es) n = (n:ns, e:es)
where e = UndirectedEdge n (head ns)
Since there's noo other type your edges can be, given that clear use of UndirectedEdge.
As an aside, I'd use strictness annotations on the nodes, just as a matter of good hygiene:
data Node = Node { label :: !Char
, index :: !Int
} deriving (Ord, Eq)


Haskell Generating graphs with QuickCheck properties

Graphs have these properties:
The type 'Edge' represents an edge between two nodes.
data Edge v = Edge {source :: v, target :: v}
deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)
The 'Graph' type represents a directed graph.
data Graph v = Graph {nodes :: Set v, edges :: Set (Edge v)}
deriving Show
The fuction 'isDAG' tests if a graph is acyclic.
isDAG :: Ord v => Graph v -> Bool
isDAG g = isValid g && all nocycle (nodes g)
where nocycle v = all (\a -> v `notMember` reachable g a) $ Set.map target (adj g v)
The fuction 'isForest' tests if a valid DAG is a forest (a set of trees)
isForest :: Ord v => DAG v -> Bool
isForest g = isDAG g && all (\v -> length (adj g v) <= 1) (nodes g)
The generators code is:
DAGs generator
dag :: (Ord v, Arbitrary v) => Gen (DAG v)
dag = arbitrary `suchThat` isDAG
Forests generator
forest :: (Ord v, Arbitrary v) => Gen (Forest v)
forest = arbitrary `suchThat` isForest
I want to improve the generators Dag and Forest, so they are defined based on their properties and not with 'suchThat'. How can I do it?
Thank you in advance.
I believe the question at the core is how to generate DAGs and forests.
What's a forest? Forest is a collection of trees. What's a tree? Tree is a graph where every node except the root has exactly one parent. How do we turn it into an algorithm? Generate a list of nodes. For every node in the list going from the left randomly pick an element to the right of it as its parent and create an edge to it.
What is a DAG? DAG is a directed acyclic graph. What can we do with DAGs? We can topologically order them. What does that mean? It means we can put them in a sequence where every edge goes from left to right. How do we turn it into an algorithm? Generate a list of nodes. For every node in the list going from the left randomly pick a subset of elements to the right of it and create an edge to them.

Creating a directed acyclic graph in haskell with lists and sets

I want to create a DAG in haskell but since I'm new to the whole functional programming thing I would like some directions.
The graph needs to be built with only lists and sets, and the following functions must be implemented:
v = add_vertex(g,w)
A vertex with the specified weight w is added to the DAG g and its unique vertex identifier v is returned.
An edge from the vertex with vertex identifier a to the vertex with vertex identifier b is added to the DAG g with weight w.
What I've done so far is creating a data type which looks like this:
data Graph v w = Graph {vertices :: [(v, w)],
edges :: [([(v, w)], [(v, w)], w)]} deriving Show
And I guess I need some form of constructor for the graph, it looks like this:
create_graph :: (v,w) -> w -> Graph v w
create_graph v w = Graph [v] [(v, v, w)]
What I would like to do is to create just an empty graph, but now I need to input some starting values if I understand correctly. How can I fix that?
The add_vertex function looks like this:
add_vertex :: Graph v w -> (v, w) -> Graph v w
add_vertex (Graph v w) x = Graph (v ++ [x]) w
But I dont really know how to return a vertex identifier instead of the whole graph. I guess I should also specify that the identifier needs to be a char and the weights can be either floats or ints, where do I do that?
I would also like to have functions for topological ordering and getting the weight for the longest path. With this in mind, should I define the structure of the graph in a different way?
what I would do is define the graph like a tree
data Graph a = Graph [(a,[a])] -- Graph is a list of origins paired with edgeends
createGraph ::Eq a => [(a,a)] -> Graph a
createGraph = undefined
empty :: Graph a
empty = Graph []
insertVertex :: Eq a => a -> Graph a -> Graph a
insertVertex = undefined -- insert if not already in the Graph (with empty edges)
insertEdge :: Eq a => (a,a) -> Graph a -> Graph a
insertEdge = undefined -- insert edge in list of origin
--do not forget to add origin, end if they don't exist
implement these and worry about bfs/topsort later and think about the result of a bfs - what do you want as a result? (the result of topsort should be a list i guess).

How can I get the default value for a type?

I am trying to build the graph ADT in Haskell.
I don't know how to get the default value for a generic type.
type Node = Int
type Element a = (Node, a, [Int]) --Node: ID; a: generic value; [Int]: adjancent nodes' IDs
type Graph a = [Element a]
insNode :: Graph a -> Node -> Graph a
insNode g n = g ++ [(n,?,[])]
What do I have to write in place of ? in order to get the default value for type a?
Many thanks in advance!
You can't. There's no way to magically create an value of any type.
There's undefined :: a, but if ever evaluated this will crash your program. Instead, I'd suggest either
type Element a = (Node, Maybe a, [Int]) -- It's optional to have a value
insNode :: a -> Node -> Graph a -> Graph a
-- Optional idea, use `Data.Default` to ease the typing burden
defInsNode :: Def a => Node -> Graph a -> Graph a
defInsNode = insNode def
With the first option you can just stick Nothing in there (which is really what you have), or with the second option you just require the user to provide a value.
Finally a style note, instead of synonyms for tuples, I'd suggest using
type Node = Int
data Element a = Element { node :: Node
, val :: Maybe a
, edges :: [Node]}
deriving (Eq, Show)
Now you construct these Elements with Element node val edges and can pattern match in much the same way. Tuples of more than 2 elements are usually the wrong way to go.

Turtle Graphics as a Haskell Monad

I'm trying to implement turtle graphics in Haskell. The goal is to be able to write a function like this:
draw_something = do
forward 100
right 90
forward 100
and then have it produce a list of points (maybe with additional properties):
> draw_something (0,0) 0 -- start at (0,0) facing east (0 degrees)
[(0,0), (0,100), (-100,100), ...]
I have all this working in a 'normal' way, but I've failed to implement it as a Haskell Monad and use the do-notation. The basic code:
data State a = State (a, a) a -- (x,y), angle
deriving (Show, Eq)
initstate :: State Float
initstate = State (0.0,0.0) 0.0
-- constrain angles to 0 to 2*pi
fmod :: Float -> Float
fmod a
| a >= 2*pi = fmod (a-2*pi)
| a < 0 = fmod (a+2*pi)
| otherwise = a
forward :: Float -> State Float -> [State Float]
forward d (State (x,y) angle) = [State (x + d * (sin angle), y + d * (cos angle)) angle]
right :: Float -> State Float -> [State Float]
right d (State pos angle) = [State pos (fmod (angle+d))]
bind :: [State a] -> (State a -> [State a]) -> [State a]
bind xs f = xs ++ (f (head $ reverse xs))
ret :: State a -> [State a]
ret x = [x]
With this I can now write
> [initstate] `bind` (forward 100) `bind` (right (pi/2)) `bind` (forward 100)
[State (0.0,0.0) 0.0,State (0.0,100.0) 0.0,State (0.0,100.0) 1.5707964,State (100.0,99.99999) 1.5707964]
And get the expected result. However I can't make this an instance of Monad.
instance Monad [State] where
results in
`State' is not applied to enough type arguments
Expected kind `*', but `State' has kind `* -> *'
In the instance declaration for `Monad [State]'
And if I wrap the list in a new object
data StateList a = StateList [State a]
instance Monad StateList where
return x = StateList [x]
I get
Couldn't match type `a' with `State a'
`a' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for return :: a -> StateList a
at logo.hs:38:9
In the expression: x
In the first argument of `StateList', namely `[x]'
In the expression: StateList [x]
I tried various other versions but I never got it to run as I'd like to. What am I doing wrong? What do I understand incorrectly?
The monad you're devising needs to have two type parameters. One for the saved trail (which will be fixed for a particular do sequence) and other for the results of computations.
You also need to think about how to compose two turtle-monadic values so that the binding operation is associative. For example,
right 90 >> (right 90 >> forward 100)
must be equal to
(right 90 >> right 90) >> forward 100
(and of course similarly for >>= etc.). This means that if you represent the turtle's history by a list of points, the binding operation most likely just cannot append the lists of points together; forward 100 alone will result in something like [(0,0),(100,0)] but when it's prepended with rotation, the saved points need to be rotated too.
I'd say that the simplest approach would be to use the Writer monad. But I wouldn't save the points, I'd save just the actions the turtle performs (so that we don't need to rotate the points when combining the values). Something like
data Action = Rotate Double | Forward Double
type TurtleMonad a = Writer [Action] a
(This also means that we don't need to track the current direction, it's contained in the actions.) Then each of your functions just writes its argument into the Writer. And at the end, you can extract the final list from it and make a simple function that converts all the actions into a list of points:
track :: [Action] -> [(Double,Double)]
Update: Instead of using [Action] it would be better to use Seq from Data.Sequence. It's also a monoid and concatenating two sequences is very fast, it's amortized complexity is O(log(min(n1,n2))), compared to O(n1) of (++). So the improved type would be
type TurtleMonad a = Writer (Seq Action) a

Trying to make my typeclass/instance. GHC says "Could not deduce..."

I am trying to make a simple graph structure and I wrote the following. But GHG raises error and I stacked there. This is the first time I make my own typeclass so maybe I am doing something terribly wrong. Can somebody explain what is wrong?
I found a similar question but I don't think it applies to my case.:
Error binding type variables in instance of typeclass
class Link l where
node :: (Node n) => l -> n
class Node n where
links :: (Link l) => n -> [l]
data (Node n) => SimpleLink n =
{ simpleLinkNode :: n
} deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
instance (Node n) => Link (SimpleLink n) where
node = simpleLinkNode
data (Link l) => SimpleNode l =
{ simpleNodeLinks :: [l]
} deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
instance (Link l) => Node (SimpleNode l) where
links = simpleNodeLinks
This is the error message I've got:
***.hs:13:10:Could not deduce (n ~ n1)
from the context (Node n)
bound by the instance declaration
at ***.hs:12:10-40
or from (Node n1)
bound by the type signature for
node :: Node n1 => SimpleLink n -> n1
at ***.hs:13:3-23
`n' is a rigid type variable bound by
the instance declaration
at ***.hs:12:16
`n1' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for node :: Node n1 => SimpleLink n -> n1
at ***.hs:13:3
Expected type: SimpleLink n -> n1
Actual type: SimpleLink n -> n
In the expression: simpleLinkNode
In an equation for `node': node = simpleLinkNode
***.hs:21:11:Could not deduce (l ~ l1)
from the context (Link l)
bound by the instance declaration
at ***.hs:20:10-40
or from (Link l1)
bound by the type signature for
links :: Link l1 => SimpleNode l -> [l1]
at ***.hs:21:3-25
`l' is a rigid type variable bound by
the instance declaration
at ***.hs:20:16
`l1' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for links :: Link l1 => SimpleNode l -> [l1]
at ***.hs:21:3
Expected type: SimpleNode l -> [l1]
Actual type: SimpleNode l -> [l]
In the expression: simpleNodeLinks
In an equation for `links': links = simpleNodeLinks
Edit 1
I tried some of Daniel's suggestions.
But I couldn't make them work.
constructor class
Got: "`n' is not applied to enough type arguments"
class Link l n where
node :: Node n l => l n -> n l
class Node n l where
links :: Link l n => n l -> [l n]
multi-parameter type class (MPTC)
Got: "Cycle in class declarations (via superclasses)"
class (Node n) => Link l n where
node :: l -> n
class (Link l) => Node n l where
links :: n -> [l]
MPTC with functional dependencies
Got: "Cycle in class declarations (via superclasses)"
class (Node n) => Link l n | l -> n where
node :: l -> n
class (Link l) => Node n l | n -> l where
links :: n -> [l]
Goal (Edit 2)
What I want to implement is a directed acyclic graph structure like the following (more specifically, a Factor graph).
(source: microsoft.com)
There are two kinds of node (white circle and red square) and they connect only to the different type of node, meaning that there are two kinds of links.
I want different version of nodes and links which have data (arrays) attached to them. I also want "vanilla" DAG which has only one type of node and link. But for traversing them, I want only one interface to do that.
The signature of the class methods
class Link l where
node :: (Node n) => l -> n
class Node n where
links :: (Link l) => n -> [l]
say that "whatever type the caller desires, node resp. links can produce it, as long as it's a member of Link resp. Node", but the implementation says that only one specific type of value can be produced.
It's fundamentally different from interfaces in OOP, where the implementation decides the type and the caller has to take it, here the caller decides.
You are running into kind problems with your constructor class attempt. Your classes take two parameters, l of kind kl and n of kind kn. The kinds of the arguments to (->) must both be *, the kind of types. So for l n to be a well-kinded argument of (->), l must be a type constructor taking an argument of kind kn and creating a result of kind *, i.e.
l :: kn -> *
Now you try to make the result type of node be n l, so that would mean
n :: kl -> *
But above we saw that kl = kn -> *, which yields
n :: (kn -> *) -> *
resp. kn = (kn -> *) -> *, which is an infinite kind. Infinite kinds, like infinite types, are not allowed. But kind-inference is implemented only very rudimentary, so the compiler assumes that the argument to l has kind *, but sees from n l that n has kind kl -> *, hence as an argument to l, n has the wrong kind, it is not applied to enough type arguments.
The normal use of constructor classes is a single-parameter class
class Link l where
node :: l nod -> nod
class Node n where
links :: n lin -> [lin]
-- note that we don't have constraints here, because the kinds don't fit
instance Link SimpleLink where
node = simpleLinkNode
instance Node SimpleNode where
links = simpleNodeLinks
You have to remove the DatatypeContexts from the data declarations,
They have been removed from the language (they are available via an extension)
They were never useful anyway
then the above compiles. I don't think it would help you, though. As Chris Kuklewicz observed, your types chase their own tail, you'd use them as
SimpleLink (SimpleNode (SimpleLink (SimpleNode ... {- ad infinitum -})))
For the multiparameter classes, you can't have each a requirement of the other, as the compiler says, that causes a dependency cycle (also, in your constraints you use them with only one parameter,
class Node n => Link l n where ...
which is malformed, the compiler would refuse that if the cycle is broken).
You could resolve the cycle by merging the classes,
class NodeLinks l n | l -> n, n -> l where
node :: l -> n
links :: n -> l
but you'd still have the problems that your types aren't useful for that.
I don't understand your goal well enough to suggest a viable solution, sorry.
Can somebody explain what is wrong?
An initial issue before I explain the error messages: Polymorphic data types are good, but in the end there has to be concrete type being used.
With SimpleNode of kind * -> * and SimpleLinks of kind * -> * there is no concrete type:
SimpleNode (SimpleLink (SimpleNode (SimpleLink (SimpleNode (...
You cannot have and infinite type in Haskell, though newtype and data get you closer:
type G0 = SimpleNode (SimpleLink G0) -- illegal
newtype G1 = G1 (SimpleNode (SimpleLink G1)) -- legal
data G2 = G2 (SimpleNode (SimpleLink G2)) -- legal
Perhaps you need to rethink your data types before creating the type class.
Now on to the error message explanation: Your type class Link defines a function node
class Link l where
node :: (Node n) => l -> n
The node is a magical OOP factory that, given the type and value of l, can then make any type n (bounded by Node n) the caller of node wishes. This n has nothing to do with the n in your instance:
instance (Node n) => Link (SimpleLink n) where
node = simpleLinkNode
To repeat myself: the n in the instance above is not the same n as in the node :: (Node n) => l -> n definition. The compiler makes a related but fresh name n1 and gives you the error:
`n' is a rigid type variable bound by
the instance declaration
at ***.hs:12:16
`n1' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for node :: Node n1 => SimpleLink n -> n1
at ***.hs:13:3
The n in the instance is taken from the type (SimpleLink n) of the input to the node function. The n1 is the type that the caller of node is demanding that this magical factory produce. If n and n1 were the same then the compiler would be happy...but your definition of the type class and instance do not constrain this and thus the code snippet is rejected.
The analogous story is repeated for the error in SimpleLink. There is no silver-bullet fix for this. I expect that you need to rethink and redesign this, probably after reading other people's code in order to learn ways to accomplish your goal.
What is your goal? Graph data structures can be quite varied and the details matter.
I am breaking stack overflow etiquette and adding a second answer to keep this separate. This is a simple code example for a bipartite undirected graph with unlabeled edges, which might be useful to model a Factor Graph:
-- Bipartite graph representation, unlabeled edges
-- Data types to hold information about nodes, e.g. ID number
data VariableVertex = VV { vvID :: Int } deriving (Show)
data FactorVertex = FV { fvID :: Int } deriving (Show)
-- Node holds itself and a list of neighbors of the oppostite type
data Node selfType adjacentType =
N { self :: selfType
, adj :: [Node adjacentType selfType] }
-- A custom Show for Node to prevent infinite output
instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (Node a b) where
show (N x ys) = "Node "++ show x ++ " near " ++ show (map self ys)
-- Type aliases for the two node types that will be used
type VariableNode = Node VariableVertex FactorVertex
type FactorNode = Node FactorVertex VariableVertex
data FactorGraph = FG [VariableNode] [FactorNode] deriving (Show)
v1 = N (VV 1) [f1,f2]
v2 = N (VV 2) [f2]
v3 = N (VV 3) [f1,f3]
f1 = N (FV 1) [v1,v3]
f2 = N (FV 2) [v1,v2]
f3 = N (FV 3) [v3]
g = FG [v1,v2,v3] [f1,f2,f3]
With the hint from Chris Kuklewicz (http://stackoverflow.com/a/11450715/727827), I got the code I wanted in the first place.
However, I think Crhis's answer (using *Vertex to hold data) is simple and better. I am leaving this here to clarify what I wanted.
class NodeClass n where
adjacent :: n a b -> [n b a]
data Node selfType adjacentType =
{ selfNode :: selfType
, adjNode :: [Node adjacentType selfType] }
data NodeWithData selfType adjacentType =
{ selfNodeWithData :: selfType
, adjNodeWithData :: [NodeWithData adjacentType selfType]
, getDataWithData :: [Double]
instance NodeClass Node where
adjacent = adjNode
instance NodeClass NodeWithData where
adjacent = adjNodeWithData
data VariableVertex = VV { vvID :: Int } deriving (Show)
data FactorVertex = FV { fvID :: Int } deriving (Show)
type VariableNode = Node VariableVertex FactorVertex
type FactorNode = Node FactorVertex VariableVertex
type VariableNodeWithData = NodeWithData VariableVertex FactorVertex
type FactorNodeWithData = NodeWithData FactorVertex VariableVertex
