cherrypy: how to access file system from cherrypy? - cherrypy

I am working on a cherrpy web service to work with my web app. In this service it needs to be able to access the file system. For example, I want to be able to list all files under a certain directory. I am using os.walk('/public/') but don't seem to get it to work, even though the same code works outside of cherrpy.
Is there a way to make it work so I can use cherrypy to manage files?

What user is the webapp running as, and does it have access to read the folder?
According to the documentation os.walk() will ignore errors from the underlying calls to os.listdirs()
You could try setting the onerror argument like
def print_error(error):
print error
os.walk('/public/', print_error)
which might give you a hint as to what's going on.
Also, you could try going directly to os.listdirs() and see if you get any errors from it.


Public Google Apps Script - how can I make my API key hidden but still retrieve it?

I have a script that retrieves a webhook (meaning it has to be deployed as a publicly accessible App), and then uses an API to send a message.
The API requires using a key and secret, which I obviously don't want accessible to the public.
Q1: Is there a way to hide an API key/secret in another script and somehow have it accessible?
(Or any other similar solution - doesn't have to be fancy, just functional/safe).
Alternate Question:
Q2: What can a stranger actually see in my public Apps Script project? The full code? If I hide keys in a functions with an underscore ie. function name_(){}, can they read it?
IMPORTANT INFO: I have not 'shared' the project or spreadsheets with anyone, they're still private. But I've 'deployed' the Web App with permissions for 'anyone'. I assume that means anyone can access?
Everything in the script is visible to whoever has access (script owner, workspace admins, added users). Unless only the url of the webapp is shared and if the script itself is not shared then they are not able to access the script, so technically you can still keep them in your script. It is safe there and only the owner and workspace admins (if it is for Google workspace) can access it.
A way you can store/save the key is by storing it in script properties. Doing this you only need to run the script once to store the API key, moving forward you can remove the API key from the script and it will still run:
Also refer to this post for more information, in my posted answer I have also provided alternatives and reference links:
Is it safe to put in secrets inside Google App Script code?
My project meet this issue, too. Because the amount of functions is not too much , So i hide my main GAS behind an dummy one .
So far I had 2 GAS
the main GAS with key , and all functions , and I deploy it as Web APP
Of cause u need doGet or doPost to do as entrance of API
The dummy one to share with users.
Then you can call something like below in dummy GAS
var url = '';
UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,{'method': 'get'});
I hope its useful in your case.

custom formats to hide threejs software backend working

To render on threejs, we need some images(jpg/png) and , jsons(uv data). All these files are stored in respective folders and the files visible for clients to look at.
I use django/python to start a local server, python code is compiled to .pyc & js code is obfuscated. But the folder structure is accessible for Casual Users. In threejs, we use tex_loader and json_loader functions to which the file paths are given as inputs. Was looking at ways of securing the behind the scenes work.
Happened to read about custom binary formats, but that felt like a lot of work.
or giving access to files only for certain process starting through django/web browser?
Are there any available easy to deploy solutions to protect our IP ?
An option would be to only serve the files to authenticated users. This could be achieved by having an endpoint on your backend like:
and the controller in the backend would receive the file name(data.json), the code could check if the user requesting the endpoint is authenticated and if so read the file from the file system(my-private-folder/assets/data.json) and return it as file with correct mime-type to the browser.

how to access a different module in multi target application

I'm new to cloud foundry, so I'm not sure, if my thoughts and plans are right. Maybe someone can explain or discuss it with me.
What I want to do:
Implement a MTA (Multitarget Application) with a a html5-module as frontend and a nodeJS-module as backend. Furthermore there should be a mongodb instance, which will be accessed from the nodejs-module. Later it should also get multitenant.
What I already did:
I implemented a simple nodejs-app and connected it to the db. Persisting and calling data with rest works already fine. I implemented a simple sapui5 app, which consumes data from the db with ajax. For now, the node startscript is in the html5 module, so it works somehow. But now I want to separate the modules.
So I created a mta-project with the two modules in webide and imported the two apps.
What I expect to do for it:
For now, I have an approuter, which is in my nodejs-module, but I can not access the webapp folder in the html5-module from here: file not found error: /home/vcap/app//. Is there a possibility to access the webapp-folder in another module over the path "/home/vcap/app/"? Or can I lookup the app-directory anywhere?
I have read, that an approuter-module (nodejs) can be needed, but I don't know exactly what it does. I think it serves the index.html file when opening the url of the whole app?

Getting current IIS app name with ColdFusion

I'm trying to get the current IIS application name in my ColdFusion scripts but I have no idea where to get this information. I want to use the app name to communicate with IIS using cfexecute by running appcmd.exe.
<cfexecute name="c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\APPCMD" arguments="add site /name:#arguments.sitename# /bindings:""http/*:80:#arguments.binding#"" /physicalPath:""#arguments.physicalPath#""" timeout="60"></cfexecute>
The problem is that I can't be sure what the app name is. I could save it somewhere in a db but i'd really like to get it dynamically so the script can run without configuring the appname. If I could be able to fetch it from somewhere (or maybe based on the current hostheader) I could dynamically fill
I've tried to search how to do this by using PHP and JSP examples, but so far, i haven't been able to find any method on getting the app name.
Following on from #Miguel-F's link ( in the comments above, there's a file in %windir%\system32\inetsrv\config\ called applicationHost.config that you could read in - this file contains the collection of sites that's configured in IIS. Is that the sort of thing you're after?

Azure failed request error details

I've got an Azure app up and running, but various requests generate a 500 error. There are no other details that come back from the server to let me know exactly what the problem is. No stack trace, no error message. The only thing I get back from the server are the http headers indicating I've got an error.
I've done a little looking around but can't seem to find a way to retrieve the error details that I'm looking for. I've seen some articles that suggest that I enable logging, but I'm not sure 1) how to do that, 2) where those log files would go and 3) how to access said log files. I've seen posts that say to add a whole bunch of code to my application to enable logging, but all I'm looking for is an error message and a stack trace from a 500 error. Do I really have to add a bunch of code to my app to see that information? If not, how can I get at it?
The best long-term solution is to enable Azure Diagnostics, which I think is what you're referring to. If you want a quick-and-dirty solution, you can log errors out to a file and then RDP into the role instances to view them. This is very similar to what you would do on a server in your own datacenter.
You can create the logs however you like. I've used log4net and RollingFileAppenders with some success. Setting the logfile path to something like "\logs\mylog.txt" will place the logs in the E: drive of the VM. Note you'll still need code somewhere in your app to capture the error and write it to the log - typically the global error handler in Global.asax is a good place for that.
You'll also have to enable RDP access to your role instances. There are many articles detailing how to do that. Here's one.
This is not a generally recommended approach because the logs may disappears when the role recycles or is recreated. It's also a pain in the butt to log to keep an eye on all those different servers.
One other warning - it's possible that the 500 error is due to some failure in your web.config. If that is the case, all the the application-level error logging in the world isn't going to help you. So be sure that your web.config is valid, and also check the Windows Event Logs while you're RDP'd into the server.
500 internal server error is most generally caused by some problem on the server when it was not able to understand incoming requests or there was some problem in configuration. So, try to run the app locally and see if there is some problem. You can record errors in a database in catches/application_error and also can use tracing. Believe me they are very helpful and worth a few extra lines of code.
For tracing have a look here,
