Visual Designer for JSF [closed] - jsf

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am using Netbeans for JSF development there any Visual Web Designer plugin for JSF in Netbeans 6.9.1?
I am a sloppy guy, so without a visual aid for web development, I pretty much messed up my web UI.

A little bit late but it might help. Under Netbeans 7.0 you can install Visual Web as a plugin in the plugin manager from this catalog
Hope it helps

Visual aid is no more available since Netbeans 6.9 release.
You can find those in previous netbeans version. I have seen it in 6.7, where you install JSF pluggin and can find an option to create Visual JSF page
Check following links for more info
Link 1
Link 2

There are so many jsf component libraries which is one of the reasons that there will never be a decent designer. All there is content assist available in all major IDEs and IMHO that is all you need. Generated code from designers isnt worth much most of the time anyway.
There is Rich faces plugin from JBoss in Eclipse
There is OEOPE from Oracle where is JSF designer for Eclipse
Netbeans doesnt have any now
IntelliJ Idea doesnt have WYSIWYG either as far as I know

To find what Netbeans recommends, go to


Is JavaFX open source? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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When install JDK I found in C:\Program Files\Java\ folder, but I can not find the javafx source code, I googled but found nothing (on
So, is javafx open source, and where can I get?
Update Sep 202
For further info see the closely related StackOverflow question:
JavaFX and OpenJDK
I'd close this question of a duplicate of the above one, but it has already been closed as off-topic and cannot be closed as a duplicate by me. Regardless, the linked question hasn't been closed as off-topic as of now and provides more answers with more detail, so it is a better place to look if you need more information,
Update Dec 2019
For current information on Open Source JavaFX, visit
The current open source code repository for JavaFX is at
At the source location linked you can find license files for open JavaFX (currently this license matches the license for open JDK).
Previous Answer
As of February 2013, JavaFX is partially open source and should become almost fully open source over the next few months. The source is hosted as part of the open-jfx project that you linked in your question.
The manifest of the tip of the JavaFX development branch for Java 8 is:
The same page has a zip link, which allows you to easily download the available JavaFX source as a zip file.
The JavaFX source code is not included in the jdk file currently, but should be eventually before Java 8 is released.
A February 2013 update for JavaFX OpenSource status has been published by the JavaFX development lead.
In short, it is not open source in that it is free to change & distribute for any purpose. JavaFX is licensed for internal use, excluding what they call commercial features.
Use of the Commercial Features for any commercial or production purpose requires a separate license from Oracle.
The license details for JavaFX are outlined in full here. (PDF version available from here)
You can get JavaFX from here.

Where can I download the JavaFX 2.2 source code? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need to link in Netbeans 7.2.1 to the source of JavaFX 2.2.3, I've looked on the Oracle web site ... but I didn't find it ! any help is a welcome plz
JavaFX 2.2 is only partially open source.
You can download the parts which are open from the zip link at:
JavaFX 8
JavaFX 8 is completely open source today.
Source for building JavaFX 8 (and the SceneBuilder design tool) is available at:
Source code for later versions (including Java 8 updates), is in the source code forest, an overview of which is at:
Instructions for building JavaFX 8 with OpenJDK 8
If you don't need to build JavaFX 8 and just want the runtime sources in a zip, those are in the file from the JDK 8 download.
On OS X, the file is located at:
IDE Setup
Instructions for configuring Idea to understand the source are here:
JavaFX source code not showing
For NetBeans, you could try:
How to attach missing java JDK sources in Netbeans 7
believe me if you already have installed latest version of jdk and set jdk version in netbeans then it will not ask.
in my case i found jar files in folder C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_07\jre\lib
just add all jar file in your project and you have done.

Where can I find Database Schema View for Database Project in VS2012 Final Release? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am looking for Database Schema View in VS2012 Final Release for my Database Project which was created in VS2010. In earlier version I was using SSDT and Power Tools. Is it required to used both these tools in VS2012 Final Release also. I am not able to find on Solution Explorer . Please assist me where can I find Schema View button to toggle my solutionview and schema view. I am using VS2012 Ultimate x64 edition on Windows 7 Ultimate
As you mentioned this feature is in the SSDT Power Tools, although VS2012 compatibility is yet to be introduced.
However according to Sam Hughes [MSFT], it shouldn't be too far away:
Written August 23, 2012
I am literally working on [SSDT power tools for VS2012] right now, but I'm not prepared to
publicly announce a date other than "soon".
You can't, as that little gem is one of the things missing from SSDT.

Looking for free way to develop Excel add-ins using IronPython? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I don't know much about VSTO or VSTA, but I think you need the full version of Visual Studio to use either one. I can't convince my boss to buy us this, but I would like to develop Excel addins in IronPython. I've looked at several tutorials that show you how interact with Excel using IronPython, but I can't find much about developing addins. Can you recommend any resources?
Is my only option making a COM addin? If so, does anybody know of any example of this using IronPython?
I'm sorry to say I can't go with any options that include spending money. I've got the free Visual Studio Shell and IronPython tools for visual studio setup for free right now.
First, you are right, unfortunately VSTO is not supported in Visual Studio Express, the free version of VS.
Then, you may want to look into ExcelDNA. I haven't tried it specifically with IronPython, but it should work. ExcelDNA is a free library which allows you to build xll Excel add-ins and use .NET, up to version 4.
Another codeplex project might be of help: It really depends on how easy it is for you to call IronPython from C++.
Is a "plain old" VBA add-in out of the question? It's going to be smaller, quicker to implement, easier to deploy.

Flex development on Linux, what's a good free environment? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to develop Adobe Flex applications using Linux and a free environment. I'd prefer a free as in freedom alternative, but as in beer would work as well. ;-)
Are any of you developing Adobe Flex rich internet applications using such an environment? Or should I face the "facts" that Flex Builder is an essential tool for Flex development and that I'm more or less lost without it?
I use TextMate to do some Flex hacking on my home computer (a PowerBook G4 which can't run FlexBuilder) and I have no trouble writing applications. It depends if you are so used to IDE support that you cannot live without it. I like code completion, project management and the debugger in Flex Builder but I can live without it. TextMate isn't free but any text editor that had code coloring for ActionScript would do for me.
I usually use ant to manage my builds and that is free. The Flex SDK is free. That is all you need plus a little patience.
Personally I only have experience with the free aplha release of Flex builder for Linux built on Eclipse.
But I must say it is already pretty stable and it provides most features found in the full releases for mac osx and windows.
Perhaps the most annoying thing that's missing is the gui editor to quickly lay out your forms.
If you are looking for another option, however, maybe this will be of any help:
It's not an IDE though
You can use plugin fb4linux for eclipse in
It run perfectly in eclipse 3.6 helios, you can choose flex 3 or flex 4 sdk and you can't recognize this plugin with Flex Builder stand alone verson of Adobe with hight light, auto complete code...
good luck.
If you create a set up using the flex-mojos maven plugin you can set up a build environment very easily without the need to have a flex builder license. Then you are able to use any text editor to edit Action Script and run a compile along with FlexUnit tests by simply calling mvn package.
Try the official Adobe Flex Builder Linux Alpha:
I haven't used it yet, but I'm definitely planning on doing it.
I just use jEdit and the free Flex SDK for Flex development on Mac OS X and I've been as happy as Larry (however happy he is).
I've added a couple of links below that point to resources for configuring jEdit for AS3 development if you wanna go down that road. AFAIK, what this setup is missing in comparison to Flex Builder is at least code completion, the visual MXML editor and the profiler feature.
Software over the Rainbow: ActionScript 3 syntax highlighting for jEdit
HiveMinds Magazine: Using jEdit for Adobe Flex
Turdhead: jEdit and Actionscript: the collected files
The "jEdit" category from my blog
I'm afraid so. You can use the command-line tools directly of course and for pure AS coding this is OK since FB isn't that great on the refactoring front. But for MXML, the visual editor is a real plus.
You could try FlashDevelop but personally I found it to be terrible a year ago.
I tried the first alpha version (current is 3) of the Flex Builder under Ubuntu and it was just okay, but not useable for productive (just alpha)
FlashDevelop works only under windows, maybe with wine... and in my opinion it's not a good IDE
FDT is on eye level with the Flex Builder but also not free and I don't know if it runs innately on Linux.
It's some kind of wired but I run a windows installation in VirtualBox and there I use the FlexBuilder...
I use Emacs along with a custom hack to support fcsh (Flex compiler shell) for fast recompile times.
fcsh-compile can be found at this page along with a blog entry.
You can check out the fb4linux solution from this torrent:
Contains Eclipse Helios with FB4Linux. Runs really fast.
You can get a (kinda) functional Flex environment in Linux with Eclipse and FDT. You can find instructions here.
