How does siena query search work? - search

I'm looking for a documentation on how to do a query in siena that returns all the elements which contains a string. I tried something like
return all().search("nome", query).fetch();
but it returns all the elements, with no filtering.

Sorry for the delay, I wasn't available!
You use GAE, isn't it?
Siena Search for GAE is very limited as GAE provides very limited search features for its datastore. So Siena implements what it can using some tricks.
In a summary:
Siena ALLOWS the following searches for GAE (for the time being):
search on 1 field and no more: all().search("the_string_to_search", "the_field_to_search").fetch()
search on field equaling one precise string: all().search("myString", "the_field_to_search").fetch()
search on field equaling several precise strings (like a OR): all().search("myString1 myString2", "the_field_to_search").fetch()
search on field beginning with a string: all().search("myString*", "the_field_to_search").fetch()
Siena DOESN'T ALLOW the following searches for GAE:
search on several fields: all().search("myString", "field1", "field2").fetch()
search on field ending with a string: all().search("*myString", "the_field_to_search").fetch() GENERATES EXCEPTION


How can I easily get search context around search term with Typesense?

I currently use Typesense to search in an HTML database. When I search for a term, I would like to retrieve N characters before and N characters after the term found in search.
For example, I search for "query" and this is the sentence that matches:
Let's repeat the query we made earlier with a group_by parameter
I would like to easy retrieve a fixed number of letters (or words) before and after the term to show it in a presumably small area where the search results is retrieved, without breaking any words.
For this particular example, I would be showing:
..repeat the query we made earlier..
Is there a feature like this in Typesense?
I have checked Typesense's documents, without any luck.
The feature you're referring to is called snippets/highlights and it's enabled by default. You can control how many words are returned on either side of the matched text using the highlight_affix_num_tokens search parameter, documented under the table here:
The number of tokens that should surround the highlighted text on each side. This controls the length of the snippet.

Solr Fuzzy search (max 2 edits)

I am using Solr 6.0.0
I am using data-driven-configuration for my configuration related purpose. Most of the configuration is standard.
I have a document in Solr with
Now if I do a fuzzy search like:
It lists out the record in the results.
But if I do a search like:
It does not list the record.
Does it have to do something with the maxEdits in solrconfig.xml which is set to 2 ?
I tried increasing it. But I could not create a collection with this configuration. It gave an error:
ERROR: Error CREATEing SolrCore 'my-search': Unable to create core
[my-search] Caused by: Invalid maxEdits
Max 2 Edits seems to be a serious limitation. I wonder what is the use of passing the fractional value after the ~ operator.
My Usecase:
I have a contact database. I am supposed to detect the duplicates based on three parameters : Name, Email and Phone. So I rely on Solr for Fuzzy search. Email and Phone are relatively easy to work with simple assumptions. Name seems to be a bit tricky. For each word in the Name, I plan to do a fuzzy search. I expected the optional parameter after ~ to work without the maxEdit distance limitation.
The documentation no longer suggests using a fractional value after the tilde - see for more information.
However, you are correct that only 2 changes are allowed to be made to the search string in order to carry out a fuzzy search. I would guess this limitation strikes a balance between efficiency and usefulness.
The maxEdits parameter in solrconfig.xml applies to the DirectSpellChecker configuration, and doesn't affect your searching, unless you're using the spell checker.
For your use case, your best approach may be to index the name field twice, using different field configurations: one using a simple set of analyzers and filters (ie. StandardTokenizerFactory, StandardFilterFactory, LowerCaseFilterFactory), and the other using a phonetic matcher such as the Beider-Morse filter. You can use the first field to carry out fuzzy searches, and the second version to look for names which may be spelled differently but sound the same as the name being checked.

wildcard searches on specific elements only

I am looking for a way to do wildcard search only on specific elements when executing a search:search. Specifically, I might have documents that look like the following:
<pdbe:person-envelope xmlns:pdbe="">
<person xmlns="">
<name>DISC-PLAT INFORM</name>
<displayName>Tj Tang</displayName>
<title>Principal Research Scientist</title>
When searches happen, I want the search text to be automatically wildcarded, but only for certain elements like displayName, firstName, lastName, but NOT for upi or code. As I understand it, I would have certain wildcard related indexes enabled in the database, but then I would need to have a custom query parser that rewrite the query into multiple cts:element-query and cts:element-value-query statements for each element that I want to wildcard search on, OR'd with the originally parsed search query. Or I can create field constraints, and rewrite the query to use field contraints.
Is there another way to conditionally search using wildcard on some elements but not others, when the user is entering as simple search query?, i.e. partial first and last name, "TJ Tan", but no partial hits when I search "100256".
You are on the right track. Lets take an element (or maybe field) query on "TS Tan"
With cts:tokenize, you can break this up (read about cs:tokenize - it is not just a normal tokenizer).
Then I have "TS" and "Tan"
You can the do things like apply business rules on which word should be wild-carded and which not and build the appropriate cts query (probably individual word queries in an and statement - or a near query - tuning depends on your need).
Now with search phrase tokenized, you can also consider that you may find building your results relies not on a wildcard index, but on a an element word lexicon - where you do your term-expansion with word-matches and those terms are then sent to the query.
We sometimes take that further and combine the query building with xdmp:estimate and make the query less restrictive if we don't get enough results early on.
Where to put this logic?
You mention search:search, so in this case, I would suggest you package this into a custom constraint.

Solr title search failing

I am indexing the title field for few products in Solr.
But when I am searching, I am not getting those titles in response.
For eg. I am storing following as title : Baboons Typing Tshirt
But when I am searching following I am not getting any result !!!
2)title:(Baboons Typing Tshirt)
On the otherhand, if I am searching like this, I am getting lot of results
I have indexed many titles containing word Tshirt but I want to search a specific title which is failing..!!
I dont know whether Solr is ignoring first words, or it is doing something random.
My Question is basically: If I have a search title with lots of words, I will like to match it with the title which contains maximum common terms.
How to do it?
Solr works like that by itself. You don't have to change anything.
You have to be careful how you set up your fields in schema.xml, i.e. how analysis is done.
You can use Solr's admin > Analysis interface to see how exactly your title field (when indexing) and query (when searching) is processed (tokenized, transformed).
Remember, match, in order to occur, requires identical word (case and everything) on both sides (index & query).
To open your index and see how Solr has actually indexed your data, use Luke.

How to implement faceted search suggestion with number of relevant items in Solr?

I have a very specific need in my company for the system's search engine, and I can't seem to find a solution.
We have a SOLR index of items, all of them have the same fields, with one of the fields being "Type", (And ofcourse, "Title", "Text", and so on).
What I need is: I get an Item Type and a Query String, and I need to return a list of search suggestion with each also saying how meny items of the correct type will that suggested string return.
Something like, if the original string is "goo" I'll get
Goo 10
Google 52
Goolag 2
and so on.
now, How do I do it?
I don't want to re-query SOLR for each different suggestion, but if there is no other way, I just might.
Thanks in advance
you can try edge n-gram tokenization
You can try facets. Take a look at my more detailed description ('Autocompletion').
This was implemented at with Solr ... now using ElasticSearch but the Solr sources are still available and the idea is also the identical
The SpellCheckComponent of Solr (that gives the suggestions) have extended results that can give the frequency of every suggestion in the index -
However, the .Net component SolrNet, does not currently seem to support the extendedResults option: "All of the SpellCheckComponent parameters are supported, except for the extendedResults option" -
This is implemented using a facet field query with a Prefix set. You can test this using the xml handler like this:
