non-blocking producer and consumer using .NET 2.0 - multithreading

In our scenario,
the consumer takes at least half-a-second to complete a cycle of process (against a row in a data table).
Producer produces at least 8 items in a second (no worries, we don't mind about the duration of a consuming).
the shared data is simply a data table.
we should never ask producer to wait (as it is a server and we don't want it to wait on this)
How can we achieve the above without locking the data table at all (as we don't want producer to wait in any way).
We cannot use .NET 4.0 yet in our org.

There is a great example of a producer/consumer queue using Monitors at this page under the "Producer/Consumer Queue" section. In order to synchronize access to the underlying data table, you can have a single consumer.
That page is probably the best resource for threading in .NET on the net.

Create a buffer that holds the data while it is being processed.
It takes you half a second to process, and you get 8 items a second... unless you have at least 4 processors working on it, you'll have a problem.
Just to be safe I'd use a buffer at least twice the side needed (16 rows), and make sure it's possible with the hardware.

There is no magic bullet that is going to let you access a DataTable from multiple threads without using a blocking synchronization mechanism. What I would do is to hold the lock for as short a duration as possible. Keep in mind that modifying any object in the data table's hierarchy will require locking the whole data table. This is because modifying a column value on a DataRow can change the internal indexing structures inside the parent DataTable.
So what I would do is from the producer acquire a lock, add a new row, and release the lock. Then in the conumser you will acquire the same lock, copy data contained in a DataRow into a separate data structure, and then release the lock immediately. Now, you can operate on the copied data without synchronization mechanisms since it is isolated. After you have completed the operation on it you will again acquire the lock, merge the changes back into the DataRow, and then release the lock and start the process all over again.


QSemaphore - implementing overwrite policy

I want to implement ring buffer for classic Producer--Consumer interaction. In the future both P and C will be implemented as permanent threads running during data processing task, and GUI will be the third thread only for displaying actual data and coordinate starts and stops of data processing by user interaction. C can be quite slow to be able to fully process all incoming data, but only a bit and for a short periods of time. So I want to just allocate ring buffer of several P's MTUs in size, but in any case, if C will be too slow to process existing data it's okay to loose old data in favor of new one (overwrite policy).
I've read QSemaphore example in Qt help and realized that by usage of semaphore's acquires and releases I can only implement discard policy, because acquiring of specified chunk in queue will block until there are no free space.
Are there any ways of implementing overwrite policy together with QSemaphore or I just need to go and implement another approach?
I've came to this solution. If we should push portion of the src data to the ring buffer at any costs (it's ok to drop possible newly incoming data) we should use acquire() in Producer part - that would provide us discard policy. In case we need overwrite policy we should use tryAcquire() in Producer - thus at the very first possible moment of time only the newest data will be pushed to the ring buffer

What multithreading based data structure should I use?

I have recently come across a question based on multi-threading. I was given a situation where there will be variable no of cars constantly changing there locations. Also there are multiple users who are posting requests to get location of any car at any moment. What would be data structure to handle this situation and why?
You could use a mutex (one per car).
Lock: before changing location of the associated car
Unlock: after changing location of the associated car
Lock: before getting location of the associated car
Unlock: after done doing work that relies on that location being up to date
I'd answer with:
Try to make threading an external concept to your system yet make the system as modular and encapsulated as possible at the same time. It will allow adding concurrency at later phase at low cost and in case the solution happens to work nicely in a single thread (say by making it event-loop-based) no time will have been burnt for nothing.
There are several ways to do this. Which way you choose depends a lot on the number of cars, the frequency of updates and position requests, the expected response time, and how accurate (up to date) you want the position reports to be.
The easiest way to handle this is with a simple mutex (lock) that allows only one thread at a time to access the data structure. Assuming you're using a dictionary or hash map, your code would look something like this:
Map Cars = new Map(...)
Mutex CarsMutex = new Mutex(...)
Location GetLocation(carKey)
acquire mutex
result = Cars[carKey].Location
release mutex
return result
You'd do that for Add, Remove, Update, etc. Any method that reads or updates the data structure would require that you acquire the mutex.
If the number of queries far outweighs the number of updates, then you can do better with a reader/writer lock instead of a mutex. With an RW lock, you can have an unlimited number of readers, OR you can have a single writer. With that, querying the data would be:
acquire reader lock
result = Cars[carKey].Location
release reader lock
return result
And Add, Update, and Remove would be:
acquire writer lock
do update
release writer lock
Many runtime libraries have a concurrent dictionary data structure already built in. .NET, for example, has ConcurrentDictionary. With those, you don't have to worry about explicitly synchronizing access with a Mutex or RW lock; the data structure handles synchronization for you, either with a technique similar to that shown above, or by implementing lock-free algorithms.
As mentioned in comments, a relational database can handle this type of thing quite easily and can scale to a very large number of requests. Modern relational databases, properly constructed and with sufficient hardware, are surprisingly fast and can handle huge amounts of data with very high throughput.
There are other, more involved, methods that can increase throughput in some situations depending on what you're trying to optimize. For example, if you're willing to have some latency in reported position, then you could have position requests served from a list that's updated once per minute (or once every five minutes). So position requests are fulfilled immediately with no lock required from a static copy of the list that's updated once per minute. Updates are queued and once per minute a new list is created by applying the updates to the old list, and the new list is made available for requests.
There are many different ways to solve your problem.

Multithreading - Does this new design cause any data races?

I figured it would be a lot easier if I drew a picture of my problem. Here it is:
Everything that is black in the diagram is part of the old design. Everything that is blue is part of the new design. Basically, I need to add a new thread (Worker Thread C) that will handle most of the work that Worker Thread B used to do. Worker Thread A is listening for real time updates from an external application. When he receives an update, he posts a message to Worker Thread B. Worker Thread B will set its copy of the new data (he still needs it in the new design) and then notify the GUI Thread as well as Worker Thread C that new data has arrived.
The user will send a request from the GUI to the new thread (Worker Thread C). Worker Thread C will process the request using the last received copy of the data that originally came from Worker Thread A. So my question is: Will Worker Thread C always be using the latest copy of the data when processing a request with this new design? What if Worker Thread B is too slow to update and then the user submits a request from the GUI? Thanks!
If I'm not mistaken, worker A is conceptually different than workers B and C, right? It rather looks like B and C handle user requests in the background in order to not block the UI. So, there could be a whole list of these background workers that perform UI operations or even none, while there will always be a worker A that pulls/receives updates.
Now, what I would do is that the worker A sends new data to the UI. The UI then uses this data in the next request. When it starts one of the workers like B or C, it just passes the data along with the other info that tells the thread what to do.
Note that you need to take care that you don't modify the data in different threads. The easiest way is to always copy the data when passing it between different parts, but that is often too expensive. Another easy way is to make the data constant. In worker A, you use a unique_ptr<Data> to accumulate the update and then send that data as a shared_ptr<Data const> to the UI thread. From that point on, this data is immutable (the compiler makes sure that you don't change it by accident) so it can be shared between threads without any further lock.
When creating a worker for a background operation, you pass in the shared_ptr<Data const>. If it needs to modify that data, it would first have to copy it, but usually that isn't something that can't be avoided.
The basic idea is that you have either shared and immutable data or exclusive-owned and mutable data.
The data received from thread A is stored in the UI here, but conceptually it is part of the model in an MVC design. There, you only keep a reference to the last update, the earlier ones can be discarded. The worker thread still using the data won't notice, because the data is refcounted using shared_ptr.
At some point, I would consider aborting the background workers. Computing anything based on old data is not necessary, so it could be worthwhile to not waste time on it but to restart based on recent data.
I'm assuming that the channels between the threads (message queues) are synchronized. If they are already synchronized, that is all that you need.
If you're using C++98, you will need auto_ptr instead of unique_ptr and Boost's shared_ptr.

concurrent saving from two different threads to Core Data persistant store with unique entity Id

I'm implementing multithreaded core data downloader.
I have a problem with doubling objects while saving objects with unique string attribute in Entity.
If 2 threads are downloading from the same url simultaneously (f.e., updater-timer fires and application enters foreground - so user calls update method), I cant check existanse of object with unique attribute value in persistant store, so objects are doubling.
How can I avoid doubling objects and what is the best solution in terms of performance?
description: (sorry, I cant post images yet)
Another approach would be to perform the download/save within an NSOperation, and prior to adding an operation to the queue, you could check to see if there was an existing operation to download that URL in the NSOperationQueue.
The advantage of this approach is that you don't download any more data than is necessary.
I've run into this before and it's a tricky problem.
I solved it by performing by downloads in separate background threads (the same as you are doing now) but all code data write operations happen on a global NSOperation queue with numConcurrentOperations set to 1. When each background download was complete it created an NSOperation and put it onto that queue.
Good: Very simple thread safety - the NSOperationQueue ensured that only one thread was writing to CoreData at any one point.
Bad: Slight hit in terms of performance because the Core Data operations were working in series, not in parallel. This can be mitigated by doing any calculations needed on the data in the download background thread and doing as little as possible in the Core Data operation.

C++/CLI efficient multithreaded circular buffer

I have four threads in a C++/CLI GUI I'm developing:
Collects raw data
The GUI itself
A background processing thread which takes chunks of raw data and produces useful information
Acts as a controller which joins the other three threads
I've got the raw data collector working and posting results to the controller, but the next step is to store all of those results so that the GUI and background processor have access to them.
New raw data is fed in one result at a time at regular (frequent) intervals. The GUI will access each new item as it arrives (the controller announces new data and the GUI then accesses the shared buffer). The data processor will periodically read a chunk of the buffer (a seconds worth for example) and produce a new result. So effectively, there's one producer and two consumers which need access.
I've hunted around, but none of the CLI-supplied stuff sounds all that useful, so I'm considering rolling my own. A shared circular buffer which allows write-locks for the collector and read locks for the gui and data processor. This will allow multiple threads to read the data as long as those sections of the buffer are not being written to.
So my question is: Are there any simple solutions in the .net libraries which could achieve this? Am I mad for considering rolling my own? Is there a better way of doing this?
Is it possible to rephrase the problem so that:
The Collector collects a new data point ...
... which it passes to the Controller.
The Controller fires a GUI "NewDataPointEvent" ...
... and stores the data point in an array.
If the array is full (or otherwise ready for processing), the Controller sends the array to the Processor ...
... and starts a new array.
If the values passed between threads are not modified after they are shared, this might save you from needing the custom thread-safe collection class, and reduce the amount of locking required.
