Buffering on top of VFS - linux

the problem I try to deal with it is the saving of big number (millions) of small files (up to 50KB), which are sent via network. The saving is done sequential: server receives a file or a dir (via network), it saves it on disk; the next one arrives, it's saved etc.
Apparently, the performance is not acceptable, if multiple server processes coexist (let's say I have 5 processes which all read from network and write at the same time), because the I/O scheduler doesn't manage to merge efficiently the I/O writes.
A suggested solution is to implement some sort of buffering: each server process should have a 50MB cache, in which it should write the current file, do a chdir etc; when the buffer is full, it should be synced to disk, therefore obtaining an I/O burst.
My questions to you:
1) I know that already exists a buffer mechanism (disk buffer); do you think that the above scenario is going to add some improvement? (the design is much more complicated and it's not easy to implement a simple test case)
2) do you have any suggestions, where to look if I would implement this?
Many thanks.

You're going to need to do better than
"apparently the performance is not acceptable".
How are you measuring it? Do you have an exact, reproducible figure
What is your target?
In order to do optimisation, you need two things- a method of measuring it (a metric) and a target (so you know when to stop, or how useful or useless a particular technique is).
Without either, you're sunk, I'm afraid.

How important are those writes? I have three suggestions (which can be combined), but one of them is a lot of work, and one of them is less safe...
I'm guessing you're seeing some poor performance due in part to the journaling common to most modern Linux filesystems. The journaling causes barriers to be inserted into the IO queue when file metadata is written. You can try turning down the safety (and maybe turning up the speed) with mount(8) options barrier=0 and data=writeback.
But if there is a crash, the journal might not be able to prevent a lengthy fsck(8). And there's a chance the fsck(8) will wind up throwing away your data when fixing the problem. On the one hand, it's not a step to take lightly, on the other hand, back in the old days, we ran our ext2 filesystems in async mode without a journal both ways in the snow and we liked it.
IO Scheduler elevator
Another possibility is to swap the IO elevator; see Documentation/block/switching-sched.txt in the Linux kernel source tree. The short version is that deadline, noop, as, and cfq are available. cfq is the kernel default, and probably what your system is using. You can check:
$ cat /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler
noop deadline [cfq]
The most important parts from the file:
As of the Linux 2.6.10 kernel, it is now possible to change the
IO scheduler for a given block device on the fly (thus making it possible,
for instance, to set the CFQ scheduler for the system default, but
set a specific device to use the deadline or noop schedulers - which
can improve that device's throughput).
To set a specific scheduler, simply do this:
echo SCHEDNAME > /sys/block/DEV/queue/scheduler
where SCHEDNAME is the name of a defined IO scheduler, and DEV is the
device name (hda, hdb, sga, or whatever you happen to have).
The list of defined schedulers can be found by simply doing
a "cat /sys/block/DEV/queue/scheduler" - the list of valid names
will be displayed, with the currently selected scheduler in brackets:
# cat /sys/block/hda/queue/scheduler
noop deadline [cfq]
# echo deadline > /sys/block/hda/queue/scheduler
# cat /sys/block/hda/queue/scheduler
noop [deadline] cfq
Changing the scheduler might be worthwhile, but depending upon the barriers inserted into the queue by the journaling requirements, there might not be much reordering possible. Still, it is less likely to lose your data, so it might be the first step.
Application changes
Another possibility is to drastically change your application to bundle files itself, and write fewer, larger, files to disk. I know it sounds strange, but (a) the iD development team packaged their maps, textures, objects, etc., into giant zip files that they would read into the program with a few system calls, unpack, and run with, because they found the performance much better than reading a few hundred or few thousand smaller files. Load times between levels was drastically shorter. (b) The Gnome desktop team and KDE desktop teams took different approaches to loading their icons and resource files: the KDE team packages their many small files into larger packages of some sort, and the Gnome team did not. The Gnome team had longer startup delays and were hoping the kernel could make some efforts to improve their startup time. The kernel team kept suggesting the fewer, larger, files approach.

Creating/renaming a file, syncing it, having lots of files in a directory and having lots of files (with tail waste) are some of the slow operations in your scenario. However to avoid them it would only help to write lesser files (for example writing out archives, concatenated file or similiar). I would actually try a (limited) parallel async or sync approach. The IO scheduler and caches are typically quite good.


Ensuring completenes of file writes on Linux ext4 file system

Our (embedded) Linux system has an ext4 file system. Now, one of our apps there needs to modify data files using simple file write APIs. The requirement there is that the file updates should be atomic - not in the sense of parallel writes from different apps (we don't have that), but in the sense that each write can't be partially executed in case of a power failure - it can either be fully executed or not. Is this guaranteed? I'm aware of the fact that file writes may not be executed immediately due to caching, but I'm not sure whether these writes can be split by the cache in a way they may become partial, hence my question.
I can alternatively use a copy-write-rename method to copy the original file to a temporary one, make the changes there and then rename the file back to the original one, counting on the atomic nature of the rename operation. But even then I'm not sure that these operation are guaranteed to be ordered the way I want (especially the write and rename).
A possibly might be to use (in your user-mode application) the sync(2) system call. Before that, use fflush(3) if using stdio
To ensure atomicity, you may need to check a lot of code (perhaps even inside the kernel) with static analysis tools like Frama-C, Bismon, or the DECODER project. Of course, this is very costly (above 100k€ or US$ in 2021). Feel free to contact me by email about them. Be aware of Rice's theorem.
At the kernel (or hardware) level, atomicity cannot be guaranteed: for example, a successful write(2) system call of four megabytes (by your application) is very probably involving (on the SATA cable to your hard disk) many frames or packets. If power is lost, data will be lost.
Don't forget that the Linux kernel and GNU libc are open source. You are allowed to study their source code and improve them.
Consider also a hardware approach : adding some UPS.
Another possibility is to extend your C compiler, e.g. coding your GCC plugin, to semi-automatically add calls to sync(2)
Yet another possibility is to generate your C code (e.g. with RefPerSys or GPP or your own C code generator). Jacques Pitrat's last book Artificial Beings, the conscience of a conscious machine explain in details how to do so.
See also my sync-periodically.c program (GPLv3+ licensed; so no warranty).
You could also improve some open source compiler generating C (like Bigloo) to emit at suitable places calls to sync(2).
PS. Things are more complex if your embedded software is multi-threaded (using several pthreads or processes), or if your hardware has several disks or SSD, or is in space (cosmic rays?) or inside a nuclear power station (radioactivity?)

external multithreading sort

I need to implement external multithreading sort. I dont't have experience in multithreading programming and now I'm not sure if my algorithm is good anoth also I don't know how to complete it. My idea is:
Thread reads next block of data from input file
Sort it using standart algorith(std::sort)
Writes it to another file
After this I have to merge such files. How should I do this?
If I wait untill input file will be entirely processed until merge
I recieve a lot of temporary files
If I try to merge file straight after sort, I can not come up with
an algorithm to avoid merging files with quite different sizes, which
will lead to O(N^2) difficulty.
Also I suppose this is a very common task, however I cannot find good prepared algoritm in the enternet. I would be very grateful for such a link especially for it's c++ implementation.
Well, the answer isn't that simple, and it actually depends on many factors, amongst them the number of items you wish to process, and the relative speed of your storage system and CPUs.
But the question is why to use multithreading at all here. Data too big to be held in memory? So many items that even a qsort algorithm can't sort fast enough? Take advantage of multiple processors or cores? Don't know.
I would suggest that you first write some test routines to measure the time needed to read and write the input file and the output files, as well as the CPU time needed for sorting. Please note that I/O is generally A LOT slower than CPU execution (actually they aren't even comparable), and I/O may not be efficient if you read data in parallel (there is one disk head which has to move in and out, so reads are in effect serialized - even if it's a digital drive it's still a device, with input and output channels). That is, the additional overhead of reading/writing temporary files may more than eliminate any benefit from multithreading. So I would say, first try making an algorithm that reads the whole file in memory, sorts it and writes it, and put in some time counters to check their relative speed. If I/O is some 30% of the total time (yes, that little!), it's definitely not worth, because with all that reading/merging/writing of temporary files, this will rise a lot more, so a solution processing the whole data at once would rather be preferable.
Concluding, don't see why use multithreading here, the only reason imo would be if data are actually delivered in blocks, but then again take into account my considerations above, about relative I/O-CPU speeds and the additional overhead of reading/writing the temporary files. And a hint, your file accessing must be very efficient, eg reading/writing in larger blocks using application buffers, not one by one (saves on system calls), otherwise this may have a detrimental effect if the file(s) are stored on a machine other than yours (eg a server).
Hope you find my suggestions useful.

Writing to a remote file: When does write() really return?

I have a client node writing a file to a hard disk that is on another node (I am writing to a parallel fs actually).
What I want to understand is:
When I write() (or pwrite()), when exactly does the write call return?
I see three possibilities:
write returns immediately after queueing the I/O operation on the client side:
In this case, write can return before data has actually left the client node (If you are writing to a local hard drive, then the write call employs delayed writes, where data is simply queued up for writing. But does this also happen when you are writing to a remote hard disk?). I wrote a testcase in which I write a large matrix (1GByte) to file. Without fsync, it showed very high bandwidth values, whereas with fsync, results looked more realistic. So looks like it could be using delayed writes.
write returns after the data has been transferred to the server buffer:
Now data is on the server, but resides in a buffer in its main memory, but not yet permanently stored away on the hard drive. In this case, I/O time should be dominated by the time to transfer the data over the network.
write returns after data has been actually stored on the hard drive:
Which I am sure does not happen by default (unless you write really large files which causes your RAM to get filled and ultimately get flushed out and so on...).
Additionally, what I would like to be sure about is:
Can a situation occur where the program terminates without any data actually having left the client node, such that network parameters like latency, bandwidth, and the hard drive bandwidth do not feature in the program's execution time at all? Consider we do not do an fsync or something similar.
EDIT: I am using the pvfs2 parallel file system
Option 3. is of course simple, and safe. However, a production quality POSIX compatible parallel file system with performance good enough that anyone actually cares to use it, will typically use option 1 combined with some more or less involved mechanism to avoid conflicts when e.g. several clients cache the same file.
As the saying goes, "There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things and off-by-one errors".
If the filesystem is supposed to be POSIX compatible, you need to go and learn POSIX fs semantics, and look up how the fs supports these while getting good performance (alternatively, which parts of POSIX semantics it skips, a la NFS). What makes this, err, interesting is that the POSIX fs semantics harks back to the 1970's with little to no though of how to support network filesystems.
I don't know about pvfs2 specifically, but typically in order to conform to POSIX and provide decent performance, option 1 can be used together with some kind of cache coherency protocol (which e.g. Lustre does). For fsync(), the data must then actually be transferred to the server and committed to stable storage on the server (disks or battery-backed write cache) before fsync() returns. And of course, the client has some limit on the amount of dirty pages, after which it will block further write()'s to the file until some have been transferred to the server.
You can get any of your three options. It depends on the flags you provide to the open call. It depends on how the filesystem was mounted locally. It also depends on how the remote server is configured.
The following are all taken from Linux. Solaris and others may differ.
Some important open flags are O_SYNC, O_DIRECT, O_DSYNC, O_RSYNC.
Some important mount flags for NFS are ac, noac, cto, nocto, lookupcache, sync, async.
Some important flags for exporting NFS are sync, async, no_wdelay. And of course the mount flags of the filesystem that NFS is exporting are important as well. For example, if you were exporting XFS or EXT4 from Linux and for some reason you used the nobarrier flag, a power loss on the server side would almost certainly result in lost data.

Limiting the File System Usage Programmatically in Linux

I was assigned to write a system call for Linux kernel, which oddly determines (and reduces) users´ maximum transfer amount per minute (for file operations). This system call will be called lim_fs_usage and will take a parameter for maximum number of bytes all users can access in a minute. For short, I am going to determine bandwidth of all filesystem operations in Linux. The project also asks for choosing appropriate method for distribution of this restricted resource (file access) among the users but I think this
won´t be a big problem.
I did a long long search and scan but could not find a method for managing file system access programmatically. I thought of mapping (mmap())hard drive to memory and manage memory operations but this turned to be useless. I also tried to find an API for virtual file system in order to monitor and limit it but I could not find one. Any ideas, please... Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance...
I wonder if you could do this as an IO scheduler implementation.
The main difficulty of doing IO bandwidth limitation under Linux is, by the time it reaches anywhere near the device, the kernel has probably long since forgotten who caused it.
Likewise, you can get on some very tricky ground in determining who is responsible for a given piece of IO:
If a binary is demand-loaded, who owns the IO doing that?
A mapped section of memory (demand-loaded executable or otherwise) might be kicked out of memory because someone else used too much ram, thus causing the kernel to choose to evict those pages, which places an unfair burden on the quota of the other user to then page it back in
IO operations can be combined, and might come from different users
A write operation might cause an IO sooner or later depending on how the kernel schedules it; a later schedule may mean that fewer IOs need to be done in the long run, as another write gets done to the same block in the interim; writing to an already dirty block in cache does not make it any dirtier.
If you understand all these and more caveats, and still want to, I imagine doing it as an IO scheduler is the way to go.
IO schedulers are pluggable under Linux (2.6) and can be changed dynamically - the kernel waits for all IO on the device (IO scheduler is switchable per block device) to end and then switches to the new one.
Since it's urgent I'll give you an idea out of the top of my head without doing any research on the feasibility -- what about inserting a hook to monitor system calls that deal with file system access?
You might end up writing specialised kernel modules to handle the various filesystems (ext3, ext4, etc) but as a proof-of-concept you can start with one. Do not forget that root has reserved blocks in memory, process space and disk for his own operations.
Managing memory operations does not sound related to what you're trying to do (but perhaps I am mistaken here).
After a long period of thinking and searching, I decided to use the ¨hooking¨ method proposed. I am thinking of creating a new system call which initializes and manages a global variable like hdd_ bandwith _limit. This variable will be used in Read() and Write() system calls´ modified implementation (instead of ¨count¨ variable). Then I will decide distribution of this resource which is the real issue. Probably I will find out how many users are using the system for a certain moment and divide this resource equally. Will be a Round-Robin-like distribution. But still, I am open to suggestions on this distribution issue. Will it be a SJF or FCFS or Round-Robin? Synchronization is another issue. How can I know a user´s job is short or long? Or whether he is done with the operation or not?

How to make Linux GUI "usable" when lots of disk activity is happening

If I start copying a huge file tree from one position to another or if some other process starts doing lots of disk activity, the foreground app (GUI) slows way down. For example, take a 2gb file tree with 100k files in it. Open a console and do cp -r bigtree bigtree2. Then go to firefox and start browsing. Firefox is almost unusable. Even if I set firefox's nice level to really high priority (-20), it's still super slow with huge delays.
I remember some years ago when I worked on a Solaris box, the system behaved much better in similar circumstances.
My HD is using DMA, not PIO. It's SATA. Not mounted with the atime flag.
Linux has long had a problem with programs that hog all the system's "dirty" cache memory. What is happening is that the copy process is filling the write cache with the file data it is copying and it is doing it very quickly. So when Firefox comes along and needs to write it must first wait for dirty buffer space or an available disk queue write slot. While waiting it is competing with the copy process and the kernel's pdflush thread, which moves data from dirty buffers to the disk write queue.
Firefox has yet another problem in this scenario. It uses SQLite to store its bookmarks, history and other things. SQLite is a ACID compliant database and it uses a transaction system with its disk writes flushed to disk. So not only does it have to wait for buffer space, it must wait for the disk queue, which is full of copied file, to clear out before it can acknowledge a successful write.
There has been a lot of tweaking done to the Linux disk queuing and buffering system. There are changes in almost every kernel release. Try one of the newer releases. You can also try tweaking the sysctl values. I sort of like these:
vm.dirty_writeback_centisecs = 100
vm.dirty_expire_centisecs = 9000
vm.dirty_background_ratio = 4
vm.dirty_ratio = 80
You can also try tweaking the number of slots in the disk queue. This value is in /sys/block/sda/queue/nr_requests. You need to substitute sda with whatever your drive really is. More slots means more chances to merge IO requests and the CFQ IO scheduler can do a better job with priorities. Fewer slots usually means a shorter wait to get written to disk for synchronous IO like SQLite's transactions. Fewer slots also means a shorter wait to get read IO into the disk queue if a write-heavy process completely stuffs the queue with write IO.
Try ionice-ing or nice-ing the copy process. The issue is due to the fact that IO gets the same priority as the GUI, which for a desktop, affects perceived responsiveness.
There's an Ubuntu brainstorm about this currently.
You're not the first to notice this problem. Former kernel developer [Con Kolivas] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Con_Kolivas) found that a lot of companies are paying to improve linux server performance at the expense of desktop performance. Con had an impressive set of patches for making the desktop more responsive. Unfortunately there was some sort of code war and eventually Con dropped out.
I would love to know how to petition the Linux kernel developers for better desktop performance. In the meantime, if you are willing to run kernel 2.6.22, you can run with the -ck patch set.
Make sure that DMA is enabled on all your drives that support it. Depending on your distribution this may not be the default. Read man hdparm, and look into your systems init mechanism.
