Should node.js changes be instantaneous? - node.js

Seeing how node.js is ultimately javascript, shouldn't changes to any files be seen when trying to run the app command? I've forked the yuidocjs repo on github and am trying to work my way through my local build, but for some reason my minor changes do not get picked up. I'm new to node.js so I'm not really sure what the exact conventions are.

In node.js when you require a file the source code gets interpreted. It's considered good practice to require all code when you start the server so all the code gets interpreted once.
The code does not get re-interpreted whenever you run it though.
So changes are not instantaneous.
To help you out, try supervisor which does hot reloading of the server on code changes.
It is possible to make instant changes happen by re-interpreting source code but that is not the default action. Generally you should just re-start the server.

Also see nodemon which will automagically reload changed files under it's authority.
Rereading your question, it appears you are asking about the following scenario:
Run app to test
Quit app to refactor js code
Restart app
And you're asking why your changes do not appear at step 3?
If this is the case, you are seeing something very strange which might be related to how and from where files are being required.
In node, run:
To see where node is looking for any resources you are requiring. If there is a copy of the file you're changing in any of the paths listed which is not the file you're editing, this would explain your problem.


Procfile on Node.js/Heroku

I am rereading this tutorial
to polish my understanding of Node.js/Heroku.
There is a section called Define a Procfile.
But when I go to see my own apps to check what is inside this file.
I see that a number of apps (not all) have no such a file and are working fine.
So, what is going on? When is Procfile necessary? What happens if there is none?
When is it better to have one?
To help you get started, Heroku will try to automatically detect the type of your app and start it appropriately, even when it doesn't have a Profile (see example here - ).
For example in Node, if you have an index.js file and a package.json file, it's probably a node app that could be started with node index.js.
While convenient, this is considered bad practice, because:
Heroku may change how they auto detect apps in the future, breaking your deployment.
You might be missing out on some configurations / optimizations by doing so (see article linked above).

Debugging React/Node back-end

So, here's the situation. I've recently "inherited" a decent sized web application, built using React (and Redux) and compiled using webpack/babel. Two files are generated, app.js and server.js, both of which run on Node.
The original developer of the project was mostly "winging it" on the back-end (server.jsx and so on -> server.js), using console.log to figure out what was going on, and then just gut feeling the fix. That works on a smaller scale, but will be problematic in time.
I can debug both of the actual files, but only app.js is ever mapped properly, meaning I can debug the source code. This also affects hot loading. Any breakpoints related to server.js will only trigger in the actual server.js file in IntelliJ, which is a completely unreadable mesh, so that's not really an option.
I'm using IntelliJ (WebStorm for those of you who only use the web version), and I've tried to use every single guide I've come across to set it up, which usually comes down to babel-node, babel watchers or webpack-dev-server. The current app.js is run using webpack-dev-middleware, and debugging it in Chrome works like a charm, but for some reason it always just bundles in server.js and then fires when ready (in these Star Wars times).
I understand that it's hard for Chrome to get access to server.jsx, but surely there must be some way of setting up IntelliJ (or WebStorm) to do so? I'm more used to a Java or C# server side, so I'm a bit baffled that this isn't a straight forward, out-of-the-box option. Or maybe it is, and the initial setup is lacking?
PS. When using React (and Redux) as both the front and back end on Node, is it meant to be virtually impossible to distinguish between the two? Server.jsx is fairly obvious, but there are quite a few duplicated javascript files and dependancies, especially related to handling/building the Redux store.

How does the openshift build system work?

I'm struggling with how to set up an openshift build, where I have two projects in one. Both (the frontend and the node backend) have their own package.json but only the latter needs to be started.
I'm using the hooks in the .openshift directory, but there seems to be more 'magic' going on in the background. For example nowhere in my build code there is an npm start declared. Openshift seems to run the command automatically. Is there maybe a way to deactivate this behaviour? What is going on the background? Is the build-process defined by the package I'm using? And if so, how to change it?
If all fails, I really would like to use an external build-server. Is that possible?

Dojo javascript files/paths are not instantly showing in browser using Sails.js

I have a lot of files in my assets/js directory. At first I thought I was somehow losing the ability to see/serve files from sails. But after I let sails run for a little while, it seems sails found my files in the assets/js directory and I was able to run my intern tests. I'm assuming there is some type of behind the scenes cache going on that must run before I can successfully make a request. Is this the reason, and if so, how can I disable it for a more instant access to my files?
Sails.js needs to do several things before lifting the server, you can try sails lift --verbose to see what's happening.
Also, if you dont mind, take a look the .js files under tasks/config/, Sails.js uses them to link/copy/build assets before starting.

How can I see which script is being executed by sails lift?

I'm working on a project built by someone else using Sails.js (which is a pretty new technology for me).
The problem I'm having is that for every little change I make to the code I have to restart the server, which is obviously very time consuming. Some articles I read mention the use of forever, which I have installed. The problem I have is that the project I'm working on doesn't have an app.js file in it's root directory.
Following the documentation for Sails and the examples of how to build a test application, I figured there should be an app.js file in the root directory of the project, so I'm kind of confused.
When I run sails lift everything works fine, but I can't figure out how to start my server in a forever fashion.
according to this:
there should be an app.js, otherwise you cant run it.
On your left hand side there is a filetree, and it shows where it should be located.
Sure it isn't there?
Maybe the app.js file is hidden in the OS? did you try to run it from CLI?
Or try to search the whole directory for sails.lift,i use linux so I would use searchmonkey or something like that
