Sharepoint: Calculated column based on another list - sharepoint

I could be looking at the wrong way to do this, but here I go:
I have a Sharepoint list (titled "Trips"), which has a list of trips scheduled to particular zones. I have a second list ("Zones"), which has a fixed number of items, each item representing a particular zone. Zones has a column titled "Condition" describing the roads in that particular area.
Now... given that an item in Trips contains a reference to the Zone item where the trip is heading, I want to be able to "look up" the Condition column for that Zone item and include it in Trip views. Problem being, if I add a lookup column to Trips, it only allows me to select the title column from Zones, which is just the zone name.
Any thoughts?

In SharePoint 2010 (and newer) you can but not SharePoint 2007.
In SharePoint 2007 you have to create a custom input form, check this out You can also add them by creating a custom web part, let us know if you need help with that.
In Sp2010 things are much simpler, you simply use the lookup column type (not by calculated columns). You should have the Trips list looking up values in the Zones list as you suggested, when selecting an item from the zones list you can automatically fetch values from other columns in the remote list by checking the boxes in the "Add a column to show each of these additional fields" section.
I made an example
Good luck!


sharepoint online list calculated column cannot see columns from the site columns list in site settings?

I'm pretty new to SharePoint Online, but use it in a fairly basic way to hold documents, lists and planners and various subsites etc.
From the POV of an SPO List, I realised quick quickly it was beneficial to create these in the main sites 'Site Settings, then Site Columns' area, so that the same created column and its configuration could be added again to another SPO list (as opposed to having to recreate the same thing over again from scratch).
Problem I've just discovered however, is that when I then went to use a column with a 'Calculated (calculation based on other columns)' value within any one individual SPO list, the list of columns shown within the configuration page associated to this only shows that of the columns within that one SPO list (ie, it does not show the columns created higher up the hierarchy in the 'Site Settings, then Site Columns' list.
Is there a way to enable the Calculated Column value 'see' the columns created in the 'Site Settings, then Site Columns' list?
Thanks in advance
SharePoint list columns based on site columns can very much be used in Calculated columns. In the following screenshot, the highlighted columns are defined as site columns.
However, not all column data types are available to calculated columns. That may be the true reason why you don't see the columns names in the definition dialog: These data types cannot be used in a calculated column, for e.g. Person or Group, Lookup, Managed Metadata, etc. Columns that store complex objects are not available in calculated columns.

How to create a sharepoint list column that links to another list that is editable

I'm not sure if the title is a proper descriptor of what I'm trying to achieve here, hopefully it's close enough. I'm not a SharePoint expert, but I'm comfortable with creating forms and workflows as necessary to get something like this to work.
Basically, I need to have two separate SharePoint lists that are linked together, but one list needs to have row level security to hide data from other users that shouldn't see it. I need the column that is being linked to be an editable text box though, rather than a simple lookup field.
For example:
List A
Customer (text)
Description (text)
Sales People (person, multiple selections allowed)
Expenses (linked field)
List B
Customer (text)
Expenses (number)
Created by (just a reference that the sales people would actually "create" each row here)
Essentially, multiple people can be assigned to a customer in list a. The "sales people" are assigned by another user who actually creates the item for list a. I need to be able to have the people who are assigned as "sales people" to have a text box where they can enter their expenses, but on an individual basis, that would then be stored in list b with row level permissions to prevent them from seeing each others expenses totals.
List B would be able to show each sales person their full list of expenses across all the customers they are connected to, but not be able to see each others expenses. It's not a problem if the person creating the item for List A ends up with items in List B that are 0, but I need to be able to have the Expense field be an editable text box from a form that allows the sales people to enter their total expenses for that customer.
If I was building a custom application, this wouldn't be difficult to do, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this in SharePoint, or if it is even possible.
This is possible, but it will require custom development, using the SharePoint Object Model. Create your two lists and then you can either create a javascript/HTML based solution using libaries like jQuery and SPServices, or you can create a custom web part and use C# to update the lists. There's lot of examples out on the internet on how to do this. Write some code, and bring any problems you have with the code back to StackOverflow.

Is it possible to create a Custom Column that will take values from a specific view of a list?

I have a list of products that has two columns, product and product family.
I want to create another list that uses this first list as a lookup for one of the columns. This I can do, i.e. I create a custom column and then use the "Add from existing site columns" linko the "List Settings" page of the second list.
However, what I'd really like is that the custom column only proposes products that belong to a specific product family. I can create a View in the first list which allows me to display only the products in a specific family. However I don't see any way to specify only this view when I create the custom column.
Anyone have any ideas ?
Best regards,
If I understood you correctly you are trying to make a dynamic select field that will populate based on what the user has chosen in a select field before it. You will not be able to configure this with out of the box SharePoint. It is possible to add some javascript to a form to achieve this. I believe you can also do this in InfoPath but I am double checking that.

Joining sharepoint 2007 lists in a web view based on a common key field

So - I'm making a data view that is to contain a list. This list has a field that will be used to match up against two other lists. If there is an entry for this value, it should show the value from the other list, otherwise show a link to add a new one.
So, what I need to do is make a data source consisting of the rows from list 1, and fill in the Ticket field with a value from the Tickets table matching the ID value from list 1. The same should be done for the Change Type field.
Can anyone point me in the right direction to accomplish this? I've found a few tutorials, but they seem to be for showing all the data together and not match up on any specific columns for linkage.
Thank you
What you are aiming at is not available in SharePoint out of the box.
There are two approaches you can look at:
Create your own custom lookup field template for single/multiple field
selection with some sort of field
editor. Create your own controls and
program the associated code behind
Use some existing custom solutions. One such sample is on codeplex:
SharePoint Filtered Lookup Field

Sharepoint: Person column in custom list

I have a Person field in my custom list. I want to have a view that will show multiple fields from that Person instead of the one I had to choose when creating the Person column.
So basically I want to have one column for Person and then in the view see Name, title, email, phone. All of those are valid choices but I can only pick one right now.
I really want to avoid typing in the username lookup for each column I choose to display.
This is SP 2007
It sounds like you need to create a custom fieldtype (with a fieldcontrol) that inherits from the userfield but in viewmode renders out the different columns you need. Is that something along the lines you are looking for?
Note: This link is broken
You probably want a Computed Field. Note that this is not a Calculated Column. A Computed Field is what is used to display the same data is different ways. In SharePoint there is a Title field, but there is also a "Title (linked to item with edit menu)" computed field as well as a "Title (linked to item)" computed field.
See midway down this link for more details. I'm not sure if it will have all of the power that you need, but if it does it is almost certainly what you are looking for if you don't mind getting into the Schema XML file a little.
Could you use a DataView web part for this? If it's just a question of viewing the data that might be suitable.
Came across this thread and thought I'd add a tip. This suggestion is clearly not for every use case, but may work well in situations where you're managing a list rather than allowing manual inputs (verified to work with SP 2013):
Create a spreadsheet with columns to match your SharePoint list that contains multiple profile fields. (for example: name, phone number, email address)
In the spreadsheet, enter the same email address in all of the person/group field types in that row. (e.g.,,,
Select and copy the row(s) you wish to transfer to SharePoint.
In SharePoint, change the list view to "Quick Edit" and paste the row(s) into the grid.
SharePoint will process each field and convert the email address to the profile value you selected during the list setup.
