full path to selected movieclip on scene via jsfl - flash-cs5

I try to find the way to get full path to selected movieclip across jsfl.
I have one movieclip mc1. Inside mc1 i have the second movieclip mc2.
I try to get full path to mc2, if i select mc2 and run jsfl command.
Somthing that:
I cant't find some thng like parent property in symbolInstance

There's not such an analogy in JSFL, as you have to take into account the context of layers and frames, not just instances (timelines).
Instead, you can either:
1 - access / edit the clip by the library path
2 - if you have the mc2 instance selected on stage, grab the library item, and edit that.
Note that the library item "name" is actually the full path to the library item, not just the "name" you see in the library panel.
With regards to context, the new xJSFL framework has a Context object, designed to return a Context object containing the correct document, timeline, layer & frame. Perhaps get used to basic JSFL syntax, then have a look at that once you're comfortable.
Hope that helps.


What is the ideal way to change the value of a progress bar with on-screen button press (Godot)

I'm new to coding and Godot and I need help with changing the value of my progress bar from the script inside my button node. The error I get is 'get_node: (Node not found: "/root/ProgressBar" (absolute path attempted from "/root/Node2D/Button").)' I want every time the button is '_pressed()' to increment health by 10 which would change 'value' in ProgressBar to that value.
extends Button
var health= 0
func _ready():
func _process(delta):
func _pressed():
health += 10
The path /root/ProgressBar is unlikely to be correct. Usually, as a child of root, you would have the current scene, and as child of that something else (So the path could be something like /root/MySceneName/ProgressBar). And relative paths work too… Usually, we would solve this by means of figuring out the correct path…
But things have changed (For Godot 3.5 and newer). What you are going to do is open the script while the scene is open, and then drag - with CTRL pressed - the Control you want to access (i.e. the ProgressBar) on script, outside of any method (func).
By doing that Godot will generate a line of code that looks something like this:
onready var progress_bar: ProgressBar = $"Path/To/ProgressBar"
In other words, Godot will figure out the path you need, and set up a variable you can use. Godot will set the variable to the Node you dragged as part of the initialization of you script. Assuming all goes well.
You might get an error saying that the script is not used in the scene. Perhaps you have the wrong script open, or you use the script in multiple places and Godot got confused… Either way, close the script and open it from the scene, and it should work.
And, of course, you can use the variable to set its properties, for example:
progress_bar.value = health
You might also be interested in scene unique names. On the contextual menu of the Nodes in the Scene panel you can select "% Access As Scene Unique Name", this will allow you to access the Node with this syntax:
Regardless of where it is in the scene tree. Except, be aware that the name must be unique for that scene (you won't be able to do that with two Nodes that have the same name).
This has the advantage that if later you change where the Node is in the scene tree (for example to add some Container to organize your Controls), you don't have to update the path to where you use it. Instead it should continue to work, as long as you don't change the name.
Let that be yet another reason to pick good Node names.
And yes, dragging the Node to the script also works with these.
The problem with your path is, that your missing the name of your main node in it.
So let's say your node tree looks like this:
To get the ProgressBar from anywhere you would need to use get_node("/root/MainNode/ProgressBar")

Kentico 9: Auto Add Binding in Custom Module

I have created a custom module (actually I have created a handful in recent years, and this same obstacle frustrates me every time) following the Kentico documentation:
The problem I end up with every time, is in developing the User Interface for Parent/Child classes. I create a Vertical Tab node, and beneath it I add an edit tab and a Binding tab for the child class. This all works, and I can add and remove bindings at will, but what I can't do is ADD a new child class and bind it.
Using the Standard Edit Binding template, I am able to bind EXISTING Job Titles to the selected Category, but I cannot CREATE a new one from that page:
To solve this, I created a custom Edit Binding template, and added a New Child Class Header Action that points to a New / Edit Object child:
Which gives me a button that I can use to add a new child class (Job Title):
This approach works per se, in that I can click the New Job Title button and create a new item on the subsequent page:
But no binding is created to link the child object (Job Title) to the selected parent object (Category), An even bigger problem is that once I click Save, I am presented with the following:
The new object DOES SAVE, but the post-save navigation is somehow failing. The event log offers little in the way of diagnostics:
So I thought to create a completely custom interface to accomplish my needs here, according to the Kentico documentation:
So I change the Element Content of the New Job Title page to a custom page that I created to post a DataForm for the new object:
Taking care to assign the proper Object Types on the Properties Tab:
The intent was to programmatically create the binding upon save and also handle the correct navigation to avoid the ambiguous parameter error above, but when this page loads, the UIContext.ObjectID and UIContext.ParentObjectID are both 0:
So I cannot create the binding programmatically. I was able however to solve the error that I received by manually assigning the redirect. The experience is still lacking even with this hack, since it returns to the listing page, but the user still has to click "Add Items" to assign the binding after successfully creating it with the custom page I built.
This cannot be the proper way to do this, so any help with getting me on the right track would be greatly appreciated.
In order for the EditedObject to have a value you have to either decorate the page with the EditedObjectAtribute e.g. like this:
[EditedObject("<custom.objecttype>", "<objectid>", ...)]
or set the object yourself:
int objectId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("objectid", 0);
EditedObject = SomeInfoProvider.GetSomeInfo(objectId);
In your case, I'd recommend exploring what query parameters are available on the page and using them to fetch appropriate object(s). Also, make sure "JobCategoryId" is passed to the "New Job Title" dialog so that you can create the binding.
Btw - kudos for well asked question!

How to find programmatically (SSJS) what item of the underlying doc the UI input control on Xpage is bound to?

The task is that I need to update the field of the underlying doc only given the id of the edit box or the combo box on the Xpage. All that has to happen before the page is actually saved. Cannot find any methods in UIComponent and subclasses that allow to find out the name of the actual doc item the current XSP input control is bound to. Plz help.
The following will get the Expression Language binding for a component with the id inputText1:
var inputText1:com.ibm.xsp.component.xp.XspInputText = getComponent("inputText1");
var valBinding:com.sun.faces.el.ValueBindingImpl = inputText1.getValueBinding("value");
return valBinding.getExpressionString();
This will return e.g. "#{document1.myField}". Using basic string parsing, you should be able to get what you want.
Like Oliver, I'd be interested to hear the use case. It's not something I've had the need to use.
As a bonus, try looking in the Local folder in Package Explorer at an XPage / Custom Control. You'll see all the getters / setters for components on your XPage, which will give you hints for what properties and methods are available. F3 and F4 are very useful for seeing all methods/properties and class hierarchy.

Passing an object from a tabbarController to its subviews

I am trying to pass a simple core data objects info from a tabBarController to its subviews so that they each reference a different attribute of that object. As a newbie, I'm not sure even where to start. It doesn't seem to be as simple as passing the data from one tableView to another...
Thank you for any help.
If you are sharing the same object between (most of the) the view controllers of your tab bar controller, maybe the best architecture for this would be to have one central data object.
A typical pattern is a singleton, some kind of data manager that provides the object, but maybe that is overkill. Another is to keep references to all view controllers and update them one by one when something changes - also not very elegant.
What you really want is something like a global variable. You could (ab)use your app delegate (just give it a property that points to the object) or if you prefer even your tab bar controller (make a subclass, give it a property). In the latter case, every view controller could then get the object like this:
NSManagedObject *object = [(MyCustomTabBarController*)self.tabBarController object];
For example, you can check for changes and refresh your views in viewWillAppear.
A UITabBarController should be handling other view controllers, not handling data objects. How does the tab bar controller get the object reference in the first place? And what is the object you're sharing?
Let each of your subordinate VC's keep a pointer to the object, and then they can each follow the appropriate keypath to get to the entities they're designed to handle.
Tim Roadley's book Learning Core Data for iOS, in chapters 5 and 6, shows how to pass an object from one view controller (a table view) to a detail view. It doesn't sound like that's what you're asking, but just in case...
In response to comment:
I'm looking at a tableview, tap a cell, and then a tab bar controller slides in? That's not the usual visual metaphor for a tab bar; it's meant for changing modes for the entire program. See the Music app for a typical example: songs, playlists, artists.
But if you really need to do it that way, try this (I'm assuming you're using storyboards):
In prepareForSegue: in your tableview controller, tell the destination (tab bar controller) what object it's working with.
In the tab bar controller's -viewWillAppear, tell each of its tabs about the attribute: self.frobisherViewController.frobisher = self.myWidget.frobisher.
You could instead tell each of the component tabs about the top level object: self.frobisherViewController.widget = self.myWidget. But I like the first approach better because there is less linkage. The frobisherViewController now would need to know about both widgets and frobishers.
This ended up being very simple. I was trying to call the object in the child views initWithNibName which doesn't work. I ended up creating a setObject function and calling the properties I wanted in viewWillAppear.
Hope this helps someone.

Coded ui objects in UIMap

I have a question regarding coded ui UIMap.
Every time I record an action on the same application, coded ui generates a new object for the same window in the application.
It looks like:
and so on...
every window class holds different buttons, even though it's the same window.
Thus it's very hard to keep code maintenance.
What i would like is that every time i perform actions and records on a window, even if not at the same time, the already generated class for this window, will be updated with the new controls.
any suggestions to why it happens?
Thanks a lot!
You can clean up your UIMaps by doing two things:
Use the UIMap Toolbox (from codeplex) to move controls within the UIMap so they are all under one control tree.
When you have duplicate UI controls, go to the properties for the action that references the duplicate control and change the UI Control property to point to the original control in the UIMap.
The duplicate trees should now be unreferenced and you can delete it from your map, keeping things clean.
And yes, it's a pain to do, but it's worth it for maintainability.
In UIMap.uitest you can change the action name and the control name for better maintenance.
For example: you can set UIAdminWindow as FirstAcessWindow or other name that will express comfortably the control or the action.
What I can guess is that there is some randomly generated content or element identification data such as class or title that may be causing it. This may be caused by different username for example. Also you can update the element from UI map element tree.
