How to close connection for Node.js http.createClient? - node.js

Is there something like
for closing the http.createClient connection?
It seems like in some occasions, the socket connection is still hanging there after the "response" event is emitted and properly handled.

Upgrade to the latest version of node.js (0.4.8).
The syntax for creating clients has changed. You now have
Which returns a ClientRequest which you can .end and it gives you a ClientResponse in the callback.
The ClientReponse is just a Readable Stream and you can .destroy a stream

Except for certain rare and extraordinary circumstances, your connections are performing correctly and will close by themselves, (or more precisely, will be closed automatically by your computer operating system's TCP stack.)
The issue you are seeing is that the socket underlying the connection will only be closed once all of its data have been delivered and acknowledged, and after the TIME_WAIT period has expired. This is well defined and perfectly normal behavior.
For an explanation of why this is required, see
UNIX Socket FAQ» 2.7 - Please explain the TIME_WAIT state
TCP Tutorial
But the bottom line is: don't worry about sockets; they're your operating system's responsibility.


TCP sockets connection becomes unreliable with SO_REUSEADDR

I have an app where a single client talks to a single server. Normally, the client does a single connect, and then calls send repeatedly, and there's no problem.
However, I need to do a version where the client sets up a connection for each individual send (a bit like HTTP with and without keep-alive). In this version, the client calls socket, connect, send once, and then close.
The problem with this is that I very quickly run out of ephemeral client ports, and the connect fails. To get around this I call setsockopt with SO_REUSEADDR, and then bind to port 0, before calling connect (see here, for example).
This works, except that the TCP connection is no longer reliable. I get occasional incorrect data, presumably because there's still data around when the TCP connection is closed.
Is there any way to make this reliable (and fast)? shutdown before close doesn't help. Maybe I can get select to tell me if the socket is ready for output, but that seems like overkill.
Do you have to use TCP? If so, you will probably have to maintain an open connection and route your messages over that one connection.
There is SCTP, which may be a good fit for your use case - a reliable datagram protocol:
Like TCP, SCTP provides reliable, connection oriented data delivery with congestion control. Unlike TCP, SCTP also provides message bound‐ ary preservation, ordered and unordered message delivery, multi-stream‐ ing and multi-homing. Detection of data corruption, loss of data and duplication of data is achieved by using checksums and sequence numbers. A selective retransmission mechanism is applied to correct loss or corruption of data.

Is SO_REUSEADDR socket options useful on the client-side?

I came across the sentence in one java client library:
Thought this is used to improve performance,
since the SO_REUSEADDR option can indicate that socket can forcibly
use the TIME_WAIT port even if it belongs to the other socket.
But Also I found that this option is mostly used in the server-side,
to enable the server restarting quickly, not waiting the TIME_WAIT socket to close.
My question is that Is this option useful for the client-side,
like this client library? Will this do harmful to the other socket, like some attack?
Thanks a lot!
It depends on what you mean by "client". You also mention "client library", which has nothing to do with it.
This is often misunderstood, SO_REUSEADDR is to be able to reuse a socket in TIME_WAIT, and TIME_WAIT only happens on one side of the TCP connection, the one that initiates the termination sequence i.e. sends the first FIN packet i.e. calls shutdown(SHUT_WR) first or calls close first, although the latter is unclear/may depend on other things such as connection state or platform, reasons why you should not call close before first calling shutdown(SHUT_WR). This article is a very informative as well as the two referenced at the end of the article. It makes clear that TIME_WAIT may occur on the listening (server) side as well as client side, and recommends actually having clients always initiate termination ("active close") so that the server doesn't accumulate sockets in TIME_WAIT, where that would be more of a problem.

Identifying remote disconnection in socket client

How do I find out from a socket client program that the remote connection is down (e.g. the server is down). When I do a recv and the server is down it blocks if I do not set any timeout. However in my case I cannot put any reliable timeout value to get around it since otherwise the recv times out even when the server is up but the response really takes longer than the timeout value that I have set.
Unfortunately, ZeroMQ just passes this on to the next layer. So the protocol you are implementing on top of ZeroMQ will have to handle this.
Heartbeats are recommended. Basically, just have one side send a message if the connection is otherwise idle. The other side can treat the absence of such messages as a failure condition and close the connection.
You may wish to modify your higher level protocols to be more robust. For example, you can submit a command, query its status, and allow the other side to forget about the command. That way, if the connection is lost, you can reconnect and query any outstanding commands. Any it doesn't have, you know didn't get through and can resubmit. Once you get a reply with the result of a command, you can tell the other side that it can now forget the response.
This allows you to keep the connection active while a long-running command is ongoing. Every so often you ask, "is everything okay". The other side responds, "yes". You can use long polling where the other side delays responding for a second or so while the command is in process. This allows it to return the results immediately rather than having to wait a second for your next query.
The specifics depend on your exact requirements, but you must design this correctly into your protocol.
If the remote host goes down without sending you a tcp FIN package then you have no chance to detect that. You can test that behaviour by firewalling a port after a connection has been established on that port. Your program will "hang" forever.
However, the Linux kernel supports a mechanism called TCP keep alives which are meant to close a tcp connection after a given timeout. If you can't specify a timeout for your application, than there isn't a reliable chance to use that. Last chance might be to use features of the application protocol (can you name it?), if that protocol does not support features for connection handling you may invent something on your own on top of that.

How to kill "CLOSE_WAIT" and "FIN_WAIT2" network connections

I created a game using node.js and All works well, but from time to time this game socket server doesn't respond to any connections. When I go to Process information -> Files and connections (in webmin), then I see there are many connections with CLOSE_WAIT and FIN_WAIT2 statuses. I think the problem is in these connections, because game fails when there are about 1,000 connections. Server OS is Ubuntu Linux 12.04.
How can I kill these connections or increase maximum allowed connections?
To add to Jim answer, i think there is a problem in your client handling of closing of socket connections . It seems your client is not closing the sockets properly(both server initiated and client initiated close) and that is the reason your server has so many wait states
You don't need to kill connections or increase the number allowed. You need to fix a defect in the application on one side of the connection, specifically, the side which does not initiate the close.
See Figure 13 of RFC 793. Your programs are at step 3 of the close sequence. The side which you see in FIN-WAIT-2 is behaving correctly. It has initiated the close and the TCP stack has sent a FIN packet on the network. The side in CLOSE-WAIT has the defect. The TCP stack on that side has received and acknowledged the FIN packet, but the application has failed to notice. How the application is expected to detect that the remote side has closed the connection will depend on your platform. Unfortunately, I am old, and don't know node.js or
What happens in C is that the socket appears readable, but a read() returns a zero-length packet. When the application sees this, it is expected to call close(). You will find something equivalent in the docs for node.js or
When you find it, considering answering your own question here and accepting the answer.
Linux has the SO_REUSEADDR option for setting socket parameters. It allows immediate reuse of the same port. Someone who knows your toolset can tell you how to set socket options. You may already know how. I do not know this toolset.
From older java docset:

Epoll and remote 1-way shutdown

Assume a TCP socket on the local linux host is in a connected state with a remote host. The local host is using epoll_wait to be notified of events on the socket with the remote host.
If the remote host were to call:
on its connected socket to indicate it is done transmitting, what event(s) will epoll_wait return on the local host for its socket?
I'm assuming EPOLLIN would always get returned and a subsequent recv call would return 0 to indicate the remote side has finished tranmitting.
What about EPOLLHUP or EPOLLRDHUP? (And what is the difference between these two events)?
Or even EPOLLERR ?
If the remote host calls "close" instead of "shutdown", does the answer to any of the above change?
I'm answering this myself after doing the heavy lifting to find the answer.
A socket listening for epoll events will typically receive an EPOLLRDHUP (in addition to EPOLLIN) event flag upon the remote peer calling close or shutdown(SHUT_WR). This does not neccessarily mean the socket is dead. Subsequent calls to recv() will return any unread data on the socket and eventually "0" will be returned to indicate EOF. It may even be possible to send data back if the remote peer only did a half-close of its socket.
The one notable exception is if the remote peer is using the SO_LINGER option enabled on its socket with a linger value of "0". The result of closing such a socket may result in a TCP RST getting sent instead of a FIN. From what I've read, a connection reset event will generate either a EPOLLHUP or EPOLLERR. (I haven't had time to confirm, but it makes sense).
There is some documentation to suggest there are older Linux implementations that don't support EPOLLRDHUP, as such EPOLLHUP gets generated instead.
And for what it is worth, in my particular case, I found that it is not too interesting to have code that special cases EPOLLHUP or EPOLLRDHUP events. Instead, just treat these events the same as EPOLLIN/EPOLLOUT and call recv() (or send() as appropriate). But pay close attention to return codes returned back from recv() and send().
