GWT SafeHTML, XSS & Best Practices - security

The good people of OWASP emphasize that you MUST use the escape syntax for the part of the HTML document you’re putting untrusted data into (body, attribute, JavaScript, CSS, or URL). See OWASP - XSS. Their API (developed by the ESAPI team) subsequently caters for this having encoders for each context:
Subsequently this allows the developer to cater for DOM-based XSS .
So my question is how does GWT's safehtml package cater for this or does it merely focus on HTML encoding?

SafeHtmlTemplates will do it (client-side only though, as it relies on a GWT generator). It'll parse the HTML fragment using a "tag soup" parser, that will infer the context and either log a warning or throw if the argument cannot be used in this context (for instance, it prevents all use of placeholders in script context). This is still in flux though (SafeUri is still in review and SafeStyles is still severely limited) but it'll be there in due time (should be in GWT 2.4 I think).
SafeHtmlUtils's will escape all of <, >, &, ' and " so the result is safe for "HTML" and "HTML attribute" contexts
SafeHtmlBuilder's various append methods will just call SafeHtmlUtils under the hood
UriUtils provides tools to scrub unsafe URIs (you'll still need a SafeHtmlUtils pass or equivalent afterwards if you're building an HTML string –vs. using the value directly for an image's source or anchor's href–).
SafeStyles doesn't provide anything specific in itself, but SafeHtmlTemplates will only allow it at the beginning of a CSS context, and will log a warning if you try to put anything else in a CSS context. SafeStylesBuilder is expected to be extended with type-safe methods, to help build well-formed CSS.
I've been working on a SafeUri interface, similar to SafeStyles but in a URL context. In due time, SafeHtmlTemplates will only allow a SafeUri or a String as the full value of a URL attribute, passing the String through UriUtils to make sure it's safe.
In brief, I think the answer to your question is: yes, GWT's safehtml package cater for this; but you'll probably have to always use the latest version of GWT (at least for the coming year) to be safe.


Is there anyway to sanitize SVG file in c#, any libraries anything?

Is there anyway to sanitize SVG file in c#, any libraries anything?
From client side we are sanitizing the SVG files while uploading , but the security team is asking for a sanitization in serverside too.
I'm primarily a Python developer, but I thought I'd throw some research into the issue for ya. I used to develop for C, so I thought I should at least have a basic understanding of what's going on.
*.SVG files are structured like XML documents, and use the HTML DOM to access JavaScript and CSS functionalities. Trying to enumerate and script out every single catch for potential JavaScript-based security issues doesn't seem realistic, so personally, I'd just entirely remove all JavaScript sectors that do anything more than define simple variables, do math operations, or reference already-defined visual elements from any uploaded *.SVG files.
Since *.SVG files are based on XML and are human-readable, this could be accomplished by iterating through the file either line-by-line like a text file or element-by-element like an XML or HTML file. You'd want to go through and remove all the JavaScript scripts that don't meet the above criteria, save it & then convert it to XML and use a standard XML-sanitation library on it, and then convert that back to *.SVG. I reckon this Github library and this StackOverflow thread could be helpful in that.
I hope my response was helpful!
It is true what your security team say: client-side security is not security. It is just user convenience. Never rely on client-side checks. Anyone wanting to do bad things to your application will bypass client-side checks first thing.
Now, a SVG file can be used in a XSS attack only by leveraging the <script> tag.
Unfortunately, defusing/securing a script is a very complicated topic and prone to errors and both false positives and negatives.
So, I believe your only recourse is to remove scripts altogether. This might not be what you need.
But, if it is, then it's very simple to do. The script tag cannot be masqueraded inside the SVG, or the browser will not recognize it in the first place, making the attack moot. So a simple regex should suffice. Something like,
cleanSVGcode = Regex.Replace(
It is possible to sanitize out further sequences. Since, if they're written incorrectly or in an obfuscated way, javascript calls won't work, the number of these sequences is limited.
#"javascript:" => #"syntax:error:"

Risks of allowing users to create links?

I'm setting up a web environment where users can create links but they can only modify the href attribute, not type in the <a> tag themselves.
So basically any href value is allowed; http/ftp/mailto/whatever.
Are there any XSS or other risks for my site if I leave the href attribute open like this? If yes, what would they be and how should I handle them?
There are URL schemes, such as javascript: or possibly data:, that could, in themselves, serve as XSS vectors if the user is tricked into clicking them. You should maintain a whitelist of known, safe URL schemes (like http, https, ftp, etc.) and disallow any URLs that don't begin with such a scheme.
Note that simply blacklisting known dangerous URL schemes is not a safe approach, since you cannot possibly know all the schemes that might be used as attack vectors (as this may depend on things like what third-party software the user has installed). In particular, keep in mind that URL schemes are supposed to be case-insensitive; a naïve blacklisting implementation that simply disallowed URLs beginning with javascript: might be trivially bypassed with a jAvAsCrIpT: URL.
(You could allow schemeless relative URLs if you wanted, but if so, make sure that you parse them conservatively and according to the standard, so that an attacker can't possibly disguise a harmful absolute URL as a relative one. In particular, I would recommend that any URL that includes a colon (:) before the first slash (/), if any, be treated as an absolute URL subject to whitelisting. Just to be sure, you may also want to prepend the string "./" to any relative URLs that don't already begin with "/" or "./" in order to eliminate any potential parsing ambiguity.)
The other thing you need to ensure is that you properly HTML-escape any strings, including URLs (especially user-supplied ones), that will be embedded in HTML attributes. In particular, any & characters will need to be replaced with the & character entity, and (for double-quoted attributes) any " characters with ". Replacing < with < and ' with ' may also be a good idea, and the safest approach may be to actually replace any characters (other than known safe ones, like alphanumerics) with their corresponding HTML character entities. In any case, you programming language probably has a standard function or library to do this (e.g. htmlspecialchars() in PHP).
Ps. See also the OWASP XSS Filter Evasion Cheat Sheet for some examples of possible attacks that your implementation should be able to resist.
You must ensure that the href value will be a valid URL. If you would not escaped user input it would make mySQL injection attacks possible.
also the user could enter javascript:
Javascript will close the browser window on click

Alternative to using c:out to prevent XSS

I'm working on preventing cross site scripting (XSS) in a Java, Spring based, Web application. I have already implemented a servlet filter similar to this example which sanitizes all the input into the application. As an extra security measure I would like to also sanitize all output of the application in all JSPs. I have done some research to see how this could be done and found two complementary options.
One of them is the use of Spring's defaultHtmlEscape attribute. This was very easy to implement (a few lines in web.xml), and it works great when your output is going through one of spring's tags (ie: message, or form tags). The other option I have found is to not directly use EL expressions such as ${...} and instead use <c:out value="${...}" />
That second approach works perfectly, however due to the size of the application I am working on (200+ JSP files). It is a very cumbersome task to have to replace all inappropriate uses of EL expressions with the c:out tag. Also it would become a cumbersome task in the future to make sure all developers stick to this convention of using the c:out tag (not to mention, how much more unreadable the code would be).
Is there alternative way to escape the output of EL expressions that would require fewer code modifications?
Since Servlet 2.5/JSP 2.1 you could create a custom ELResolver which does that. You can register it in ServletContextListener#contextInitialized().
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event) {
.addELResolver(new YourCustomELResolver());
In the ELResolver#getValue() you could do the escaping job.
Your only problem is that you will be unable to display HTML there where it's allowed (i.e. already sanitized from malicious tags/attributes by kind of a whitelist so that you end up with innocent tags like Jsoup can do).
That said, I disagree the necessity to escape XSS during input by the Filter as you mentioned in 1st paragraph of the question. You risk double-escaping. You only need to escape it at exactly that point where it can possibly harm, i.e. straight in the view side there where it's going to be inlined among HTML, the output. I recommend to get rid of that so-called XSS filter and concentrate you on fixing it in the view side by either using JSTL <c:out> or fn:escapeXml() (or a custom EL resolver, but that's definitely not the normal approach). The future code maintainers will be greatly thankful.
This blog post describes a custom ELResolver which escapes EL expression values of type String. Registering this custom ELResolver will cause it to escape the output of all EL expressions. In the exceptional cases where a JSP must programmatically output HTML, you require a mechanism that does not involve an EL expression, such as a custom tag or a scriptlet:
<%= "Java expression hopefully returning safe HTML" %>
I agree you shouldn't have to use c:out around every variable.
I wrote a blog describing why at
It touches on much that is said here.

How to ensure website security checks

How to safe gaurd a form against script injection attacks. This is one of the most used form of attacks in which attacker attempts to inject a JS script through form field. The validation for this case must check for special characters in the form fields. Look for
suggestions, recommedations at internet/jquery etc for permissible characters &
character masking validation JS codes.
You can use the HTML Purifier (in case you are under PHP or you might have other options for the language you are under) to avoid XSS (cross-site-scripting) attacks to great level but remember no solution is perfect or 100% reliable. This should help you and always remember server-side validation is always best rather than relying on javascript which bad guys can bypass easily disabling javascript.
For SQL Injection, you need to escape invalid characters from queries that can be used to manipulate or inject your queries and use type-casting for all your values that you want to insert into the database.
See the Security Guide for more security risks and how to avoid them. Note that even if you are not using PHP, the basic ideas for the security are same and this should get you in a better position about security considerations.
If you output user controlled input in html context then you could follow what others and sanitize when processing input (html purify, custom input validation) and/or html encode the values before output.
Cases when htmlencodng/strip tags (no tags needed) is not sufficient:
user input appears in attributes then it depends on whether you always (double) quote attributes or not (bad)
used in on* handlers (such as onload="..), then html encoding is not sufficient since the javascript parser is called after html decode.
appears in javascript section - depends on whether this is in quoted (htmlentity encode not sufficient) or unquoted region (very bad).
is returned as json which may be eval'ed. javascript escape required.
appears in CSS - css escape is different and css allows javascript (expression)
Also, these do not account for browser flaws such as incomplete UTF-8 sequence exploit, content-type sniffing exploits (UTF-7 flaw), etc.
Of course you also have to treat data to protect against other attacks (SQL or command injection).
Probably the best reference for this is at the OWASP XSS Prevention Cheat Sheet
ASP.NET has a feature called Request Validation that will prevent unencoded HTML from being processed by the server. For extra protection, one can use the AntiXSS library.
you can prevent script injection by encoding html content like
There is the OWASP EASPI too.

Will HTML Encoding prevent all kinds of XSS attacks?

I am not concerned about other kinds of attacks. Just want to know whether HTML Encode can prevent all kinds of XSS attacks.
Is there some way to do an XSS attack even if HTML Encode is used?
Putting aside the subject of allowing some tags (not really the point of the question), HtmlEncode simply does NOT cover all XSS attacks.
For instance, consider server-generated client-side javascript - the server dynamically outputs htmlencoded values directly into the client-side javascript, htmlencode will not stop injected script from executing.
Next, consider the following pseudocode:
<input value=<%= HtmlEncode(somevar) %> id=textbox>
Now, in case its not immediately obvious, if somevar (sent by the user, of course) is set for example to
a onclick=alert(document.cookie)
the resulting output is
<input value=a onclick=alert(document.cookie) id=textbox>
which would clearly work. Obviously, this can be (almost) any other script... and HtmlEncode would not help much.
There are a few additional vectors to be considered... including the third flavor of XSS, called DOM-based XSS (wherein the malicious script is generated dynamically on the client, e.g. based on # values).
Also don't forget about UTF-7 type attacks - where the attack looks like
Nothing much to encode there...
The solution, of course (in addition to proper and restrictive white-list input validation), is to perform context-sensitive encoding: HtmlEncoding is great IF you're output context IS HTML, or maybe you need JavaScriptEncoding, or VBScriptEncoding, or AttributeValueEncoding, or... etc.
If you're using MS ASP.NET, you can use their Anti-XSS Library, which provides all of the necessary context-encoding methods.
Note that all encoding should not be restricted to user input, but also stored values from the database, text files, etc.
Oh, and don't forget to explicitly set the charset, both in the HTTP header AND the META tag, otherwise you'll still have UTF-7 vulnerabilities...
Some more information, and a pretty definitive list (constantly updated), check out RSnake's Cheat Sheet:
If you systematically encode all user input before displaying then yes, you are safe you are still not 100 % safe.
(See #Avid's post for more details)
In addition problems arise when you need to let some tags go unencoded so that you allow users to post images or bold text or any feature that requires user's input be processed as (or converted to) un-encoded markup.
You will have to set up a decision making system to decide which tags are allowed and which are not, and it is always possible that someone will figure out a way to let a non allowed tag to pass through.
It helps if you follow Joel's advice of Making Wrong Code Look Wrong or if your language helps you by warning/not compiling when you are outputting unprocessed user data (static-typing).
If you encode everything it will. (depending on your platform and the implementation of htmlencode) But any usefull web application is so complex that it's easy to forget to check every part of it. Or maybe a 3rd party component isn't safe. Or maybe some code path that you though did encoding didn't do it so you forgot it somewhere else.
So you might want to check things on the input side too. And you might want to check stuff you read from the database.
As mentioned by everyone else, you're safe as long as you encode all user input before displaying it. This includes all request parameters and data retrieved from the database that can be changed by user input.
As mentioned by Pat you'll sometimes want to display some tags, just not all tags. One common way to do this is to use a markup language like Textile, Markdown, or BBCode. However, even markup languages can be vulnerable to XSS, just be aware.
# Markup example
If you do decide to let "safe" tags through I would recommend finding some existing library to parse & sanitize your code before output. There are a lot of XSS vectors out there that you would have to detect before your sanitizer is fairly safe.
I second metavida's advice to find a third-party library to handle output filtering. Neutralizing HTML characters is a good approach to stopping XSS attacks. However, the code you use to transform metacharacters can be vulnerable to evasion attacks; for instance, if it doesn't properly handle Unicode and internationalization.
A classic simple mistake homebrew output filters make is to catch only < and >, but miss things like ", which can break user-controlled output out into the attribute space of an HTML tag, where Javascript can be attached to the DOM.
No, just encoding common HTML tokens DOES NOT completely protect your site from XSS attacks. See, for example, this XSS vulnerability found in
The important thing about this type of vulnerability is that the attacker is able to encode his XSS payload using UTF-7, and if you haven't specified a different character encoding on your page, a user's browser could interpret the UTF-7 payload and execute the attack script.
One other thing you need to check is where your input comes from. You can use the referrer string (most of the time) to check that it's from your own page, but putting in a hidden random number or something in your form and then checking it (with a session set variable maybe) also helps knowing that the input is coming from your own site and not some phishing site.
I'd like to suggest HTML Purifier ( It doesn't just filter the html, it basically tokenizes and re-compiles it. It is truly industrial-strength.
It has the additional benefit of allowing you to ensure valid html/xhtml output.
Also n'thing textile, its a great tool and I use it all the time, but I'd run it though html purifier too.
I don't think you understood what I meant re tokens. HTML Purifier doesn't just 'filter', it actually reconstructs the html.
I don't believe so. Html Encode converts all functional characters (characters which could be interpreted by the browser as code) in to entity references which cannot be parsed by the browser and thus, cannot be executed.
There is no way that the above can be executed by the browser.
**Unless their is a bug in the browser ofcourse.*
myString.replace(/<[^>]*>?/gm, '');
I use it, then successfully.
Strip HTML from Text JavaScript
