Use vimdiff to replace entire file? - vim

I'm using vimdiff for a git merge. Is there a quick way to select 1 file to use, right now i'm just selecting everything from one buffer, replacing the $MERGE with that, and then saving. I guess I can macro that, but was wondering if there is a better way.

Several ways:
to do 'put' all changes from the current buffer to the 'other' buffer. This makes it easy with three-way diffs:
:%diffput OURS
The 'OURS' pattern will match uniquely on buffernames participating in the current diff
All the above can be done in reverse, substituting do or :diffget

You should take a look at Tim Pope's Fugitive plugin. It's a really usefull plugin.
When you run Gdiff in a conflicted file, 3 files are opened - target, merged and working copy. You would switch to the file you want to save, and execute Gwrite! to save that file.
There is a whole Vimcast explaining how to resolve merge conflicts with this plugin(And other 5 vimcasts explaining more about Fugitive.vim).

I think :%diffget LO or :%diffget RE is what you need.
Note: you need to run it in the MERGED part of vim windows. You can move cursor around the windows using Ctrl+w;←/↑/→/↓

Make sure that all participating buffers are in diff mode (see :h start-vimdiff on how to start diff mode)
Do v for VISUAL MODE in the Base
Select the whole file (press Page Down all the way)
Write : then diffget <buffer number/name> (: ls will list all buffers, generally in vimdiff they are from right to left 1-3 or 4 if 3 way diff)
Afterwards just : wqa and you are done
Alternatively, after step 0., one could do :%diffget <buffer number> to get all changes from the specified buffer as :diffget also accepts ranges. (See :% and :diffget.)
The reverse would also work: :%diffput <buffer> will send all changes to buffer number, making the two buffers have the same content.


How do I accept both changes in vimdiff hunk?

When resolving merge conflicts, a fairly common pattern is that both I and another person have modified a list or some other section of code which commonly gets appended to. Such as:
When I look at a merge conflict like this in vimdiff, vim gives me options for choosing one or the other. But what I want to do is apply both diffs. I usually just resort to editing the merged file directly (just deleting the merge markers); but is there an easier way to do this in vimdiff?
To combine changes from both the target and merge branches in a single command:
You can just delete the lines with Git conflict markers. The following two methods will delete all lines that start with:
Method 1: Manually Entering and Executing a Command
Method 2: Implementing a User Defined Command
"Delete all Git conflict markers
"Creates the command :GremoveConflictMarkers
function! RemoveConflictMarkers() range
echom a:firstline.'-'.a:lastline
execute a:firstline.','.a:lastline . ' g/^<\{7}\|^|\{7}\|^=\{7}\|^>\{7}/d'
"-range=% default is whole file
command! -range=% GremoveConflictMarkers <line1>,<line2>call RemoveConflictMarkers()
Vim diffget and diffput will only choose one branch or the other. So the only real solution other than the one given above is to manually yank and paste from both files into the working copy.
I'm not sure exactly what version control system you are using, but here is a guide for using Vim to do merges with Mercurial:
You should be able to do something similar with whatever you are using, although keep in mind that vimdiff is not really meant for complicated merges, so it will be a bit kludgy. That same page links to the splice plugin, which is supposed to help with doing complex merges.

vim Jump to the next non-identical line

I am looking at files that may have several consecutive identical lines.
Is there a easy way of jumping to the next non-identical line?
Alternatively I would like to be able to fold all the lines that are equal to the initial one showing just the number of linees that are folded.
You could define your own fold-expr:
first set fdm:
:set fdm=expr
:set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)==#getline(v:lnum-1)?1:0
now you can test by typing zM, to close all fold, if you are lucky ^_^ all duplicated lines are folded.
you could type zR to open all folds.
if it works and you open those kind of file very often, you could put the above lines in your .vimrc.(au with ft) if only one time job, you can write mode line into that file.
Try this:
:nmap <F2> "1y$<CR>/^\(<C-R>1$\)\#!<CR>
It maps F2 to:
copy the current line into register 1
search for (and move to) the first line that does not match the contents of register 1
This seems to work well, unless the text of your copied line has escaped characters that will confuse the search regexp. This is because register 1 is just dropped into the search expression without escaping. This would be tricky to fix reliably, but for normal log files, it shouldn't be much of a problem.
Also: if you're not married to vim and just need to read the non-consecutively-duplicated lines of a file, the canonical UNIX way is:
uniq filename
If you want to be in vim but won't need to make changes to the file, try:
(If you try the latter, be sure to exit without saving)

some simple vim commands

sorry if this isn't exactly a programming question.
I mainly use Vim to edit my programs. So my question to all the Vim experts out there is:
is there a way to select and scroll in Vim? I want to copy a bunch of code, and in the pass I have always copied everything I can view on the vim screen then paste it to where-ever, then scroll down then copy and paste..repeat..until done. Is there a way I can efficiently copy a large block of code?
Formatting lines of code- you know when you copy and paste some code sometime 10 lines of code turn into 30 really messy lines of code? well, is there a command to reformat the code? In the pass I manually go back and properly indent everything which sometime is super repetitive when you got 500 lines. I saw on other sites something about the command being 1G = G can someone confirm that? when I try it in my command line, I get a error E464: ambiguous use of user-command line which I have no idea what that even means.
I do know there is a help command in Vim,but I have no idea where to even start when there is something like 200 txt files and frankly this is faster :)
Your questions are around basic use of vi / Vim. Do yourself a favor and go through a Vim tutorial; you'll find many on the web, and Vim comes with it's own introduction, vimtutor.
On Unix, if Vim has been properly installed, you can start it from the shell:
On MS-Windows you can find it in the Program/Vim menu. Or execute
vimtutor.bat in the $VIMRUNTIME directory.
Also, learn how to look up commands and navigate the built-in :help; it is comprehensive and offers many tips. You won't learn Vim as fast as other editors, but if you commit to continuous learning, it'll prove a very powerful and efficient editor.
The vim way is to entirely forget selection using the mouse for more than a screenful, but to set a mark, move to the other end of the desired text, then yank to mark:
Set mark m at beginning of text with mm
Move to end of text
Yank to mark with y'm
Paste with P or p
This whole answer is only helpful if you can use register + as clipboard. Try "+yy in VIM, try to paste it in another application to see if you can use the clipboard, if you can:
You should really read the manuals and other help:
To yank lines (simple) :
To address lines: Addressing in VIM
That is to start with.
Some examples of what you can do:
:.,+50y a yank 50 lines from current and 50 ahead to register a, use A instead to append to register A.
:.,/some pattern/y A yank (append) from current to first line that match /some pattern/ to register a.
"Ay/some pattern<CR> will do the same thing.
Once you learn how you should address, it's easy to combine commands with addressing, e.g. the "indenting command" =:
=} auto indent to the end of current paragraph
=/some pattern<CR> auto indent to line matching /some pattern/
Mark something in Visual mode and type = it will auto indent the selected text.
And so on... So read manuals, you will have a great use of it.
In the above examples you can use register + to "yank" to the clipboard instead of register a.

Undo all changes since opening buffer in vim

How can I undo all changes since opening a buffer? I imagine there may be some form of :earlier that does this.
UPDATE: Many are suggesting solutions for traversing to earlier file writes. This isn't what I asked for. I want to return to the original state the file was in when I originally loaded it into a buffer, no matter how many writes were made since then.
To revert the current buffer to the original state prior to the very
first change recorded in its undo list (see :help undo-tree), one
can use the following two consecutive invocations of the :undo
The first command (:undo 1) reverts to the state of the buffer just
after the very first registered change, while the second command
(:undo) reverts that first change itself.
Starting with version 8.1 (see :helpg Patch 8.0.1441), Vim accepts
the change number 0 as a valid argument to the :undo command,
finally providing a way to refer to the state prior to any registered
changes. This makes it possible to achieve the same effect in
a single-command invocation:
You can use the
command to get into the earliest saved state. See :help edit! for more information.
You can also check something like gundo.vim (can be found here), which displays the whole undo tree graphically, and you can easily jump between points. Then there is the histwin plugin which I did not used yet, but offers similar functionality.
In vim 8.1+ as well as in neovim, you can just use :u0
From the documentation
:u[ndo] {N} Jump to after change number {N}. See |undo-branches|
for the meaning of {N}. {not in Vi}
If you type
:u 1
it appears to go to after the first change; pressing u or typing :u will then go back to the change.
Otherwise, you can use a very large count to :earlier or g-
:earlier 100000000 or 100000000g-
If you put this into a mapping/command, it could do any of these without too much trouble.
:nnoremap <C-F12> :earlier 100000000<CR>
To access previously saved file status, I think the following work :
:earlier 1f
From the documentation :
:earlier {N}f Go to older text state {N} file writes before.
When changes were made since the last write
":earlier 1f" will revert the text to the state when
it was written. Otherwise it will go to the write
before that.
When at the state of the first file write, or when
the file was not written, ":earlier 1f" will go to
before the first change.
:earlier {N}m Go to older text state about {N} minutes before.
That should help... And even you have {N}h which is about {N} hours before.
A graphic solution:
The Gundo plugin allows visual comparison of changes in the undo history.
Open Gundo's "undo history pane", type G go to the last line, then we can back to the original file.

Resetting Buffers in Vim

Is it possible to reset the alternate buffer in a vim session to what it was previously?
By alternate buffer, I mean the one that is referred to by #, i.e. the one that is displayed when you enter cntl-^.
Say I've got two files open main.c and other.c and :ls gives me:
1 %a "main.c" lines 27
2 # "other.c" lines 56
Say I open another file, e.g. refer.c, :ls will now give me:
1 %a "main.c" lines 27
2 "other.c" lines 56
3 # "refer.c" lines 125
If I delete the buffer containing refer.c, :ls now shows:
1 %a "main.c" lines 27
2 "other.c" lines 56
But if I do a cntl-^, refer.c will be displayed again!
Is there some way to get vim to reset the alternate buffer back to what it last was automatically? A "history" of alternate buffers?
Or am I stuck with doing a :2 b to reload other.c into the alternate buffer?
Or maybe there is a good reason for this behaviour?
In this case, "alternate" just means "previous". So, yes, :b2 (or 2 ctrl-6) is probably the easiest way to change which two buffers will be toggled by ctrl-6.
Also, take a look at the :keepalt command.
As you'll come to expect with Vim, there is an excellent reason for this behaviour. :bd (mnemonic for buffer delete) does not delete the buffer, per se, it deletes it from the main buffer list!
If you try :ls! or :buffers! you will see it is is still available but with a u adjacent to it's buffer number, indicating it is now "unlisted" (that is, unlisted unless you list it with an exclamation mark!).
I'm making it sound as horrible as possible, but as with most of Vim it works once you understand it, and the use of exclamation mark / bang to force the command is consistent.
To get rid of the buffer completely you need to wipe it using :bw. When you have done that you will still have the same problem, but this time, attempting to switch to the alternate buffer with CTRL-^ will elicit No alternate file (because this time it really has gone).
To switch to the file you want, yes, use the buffer number: :b2, or whatever the buffer number is of the file you want, and that will establish a new alternate buffer.
I find it's easy to remember buffer numbers or look them up with :buffers or :buffers! really quickly, and of course changing to them is then quick, but of course there's a range of techniques in Vim for changing buffers, especially including marks.
You've also discovered another great Vim feature here, the unlisted buffers. When you're dealing with a few extra files it's sometimes helpful to "delete" them from the :buffers list using :bd, just to get them out of sight, but although hidden they're not unavailable, and you can check which one you want with :buffers! and then :b<num> to pull it up, without having to undelete it or anything.
