Jump to next error / code highlighted in red - vim

When dealing with merge conflicts it is common that the >>>>>> and ====== inserted by DCVS are syntactically incorrect for the file I'm in and show up as highlighted in red. When dealing with merge conflicts it would be useful to have commands to jump to these error. When I type :cnext I just get the message "No Errors". These are Mercurial merge conflicts so I can't use Fugitive, but I generally prefer editing merge conflicts by hand anyway.
Is there a way to jump to the next syntax error in the file? I think these errors are dictated by the syntax highlighting file.

You can use :lopen to open window containing error/warning lines. After that, navigate to each of them.
The actual answer is that you can use :lnext to jump to the next error, or :lprev, or ]l and [l (those are lowercase Ls) if you have vim-unimpaired, which you do, because you shouldn't use Vim without it.
This will not actually jump to the next red/error highlighted text group, but will jump to whatever your syntax plugin dictates is an error (and populates the location list). It is impossible in Vim to jump to a specific highlighting group, because no one has bothered to figure out how yet.
The plugin SRDispHiGrp comes close, but if you couldn't tell from the name, is too convulted and confusing for human use.

I think you were on the right track with :cnext.
:cnext and :cprevious are Vim QuickFix commands; you can take advantage of them by using a code validation plugin that uses QuickFix mode, like pyflakes.vim for Python, and jslint.vim/jshint.vim for JavaScript.
This will result in syntax errors being marked with squiggly red underlines, as opposed to the solid red syntax error highlighting I believe you are seeing. You should then be able to use :cnext and :cprevious to skip to the next and previous marked errors.

:cn - next compiler message
:cp - previous
:cl - list

You can use ]s (backwards) or [s (forward) depending on which direction you want to go in finding the next error. You need to be in normal mode for this to work but this is just build in vim, no extensions needed.


Vim folding breaks colorscheme [duplicate]

I'm using vim for LaTeX and I'm using latex-suite. It gives me nice syntax highlighting and folding, but in large files syntax highlighting gets "confused". If I open all folds, the syntax highlighting turns OK. I would like it to "just work" all the time though.
I seem to recall an option that would increase the number of lines that is used as basis for determining syntax highlighting but I cant find it.
I don't edit LaTeX, but perhaps you want ":syn sync fromstart"? Just be warned that this can significantly slow down Vim since it forces Vim to do syntax highlighting parsing for the whole file rather than a section of the file. See ::help :syn-sync".
Ctrl+L in normal mode forces a redraw and often fixes syntax colour problems.
zRzMzx (i.e., expand all folds, contract all folds, fold to show current line) sometimes fixes syntax highlighting problems related to folds
10 years later, this is still somehow an issue. Similarly as Jeromy, I suggest pressing zRzMzzza which stands for
open all folds
close all folds
open (toggle) the fold I'm on
center buffer on this line
It looks like we need to learn to live with this

Why is vim not working properly after a file recover?

I went to open a log file in vim, but was warned that a swap file had been found. One of the warnings suggested that I might want to open the file using vim -r filename.log. I did that, but now when I 'vim' around in a file, I have to type "GG" (instead of "G") to get it to take me to the end, and "gg" (instead of "g") to get it to take me to the beginning. And when I use j and k to move up / down one line, it highlights part of the line (see blue and green cursors in screenshot below) whereas before there was no highlight. Any clues what could be going on?
I have to type "GG" (instead of "G") to get it to take me to the end,
That's odd... Is it possible that the first G is being consumed by a pending keystroke? For example, if you type gG, that's an invalid command and gets ignored. So you'd need gGG to actually go to the end of the file, since the first G gets ignored... Is it possible that this is what's happening?
Otherwise, is it possible that you have a mapping for G or something using G as a prefix? Does :map G show any mappings defined?
and "gg" (instead of "g") to get it to take me to the beginning.
This is normal. gg is the command in Vim (and in the original vi too) to go to the top of the file.
Are you perhaps thinking of less which goes to the top with a single g?
And when I use j and k to move up / down one line, it highlights part of the line (see blue and green cursors in screenshot below)
This is the effect of the matchit plug-in, which is shipped with Vim (on recent versions of Vim, but I believe it's been shipped with Vim for quite some time.) It's enabled by default, loaded as part of startup.
The matchit plug-in will highlight a matching paren, brace or bracket whenever you have the cursor on its pair. So since you have the cursor on a [, Vim will highlight the corresponding ].
whereas before there was no highlight. Any clues what could be going on?
You might not have noticed the effect of matchit even if it was enabled, since it only gets triggered when your cursor is on top of a bracket. Perhaps this log file is different in that all lines begin with a bracket and that's why it was so salient?
Or you might have different versions or flavors of Vim in your machine and some of them will not load matchit (perhaps you have a "minimal" Vim that doesn't support plug-ins?) Perhaps you have commands vim, vi, view and some of them will load a different version of Vim that behaves differently. In most cases, you tend to use that other version, but this time since you got a message regarding recovering the file and using vim -r explicitly, you ended up using this particular version that does load it?
You can use the :version command to check which version of Vim you're using and which features are available. (In particular, look for "minimal", or check whether the +eval is enabled, if it's listed as -eval it means support for external plug-in files will be for the most part disabled.)
You can also check :scriptnames to see the list of script files loaded by Vim, you can check whether matchit.vim is included in that list.

How to disable jumping to warning location after compile in vim-latex?

After compilation, vim-latex opens a quickfix buffer, lists errors and warnings, and jumps to the first error or warning in the list. How do I make it not jump for warnings? or better yet, for certain warnings?
If this is not possible, is there some shortcut for returning the cursor back to its position before the jump?
NOTE: Ignoring warnings via let g:TexIgnoredWarnings = ... is not adequate since I do want to see the warnings.
If you're compiling via Vim-Latex's \ll command as I do, then adding the following option in either your vimrc or the ftplugin tex.vim should solve your problem:
let g:Tex_GotoError=0
This will leave your cursor where it was, but still populate the QuickFix window with warnings and errors. The documentation (linked below) says that it defaults to on, so switching it off should accomplish what you want.
I assume you are compiling LaTeX with the :make command. The help for that command gives a list detailing exactly what the command does, including:
If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to.
If you trigger your compilation with :make! or the abbreviation :mak! instead of :make, then the cursor will not jump.
vim also saves a list of places your cursor has been recently. You can jump back to your previous location with Ctrl-O, and then jump forward again with Ctrl-I Use :help jump-motions to see more about this feature.

How do you use vim's quickfix feature?

I'm a pretty new Vim user and I've found that its learning curve is quite steep (at least for me). I just installed this vim script for JavaScriptLint error checking, which shows errors in vim's quickfix window once I save a buffer.
However, I don't know what to do next.. How do I 'scroll' through all the errors? How do I close the quickfix 'window'? How do I get it to check for errors after I've made changes to my code?
I've looked at the vim quickfix docs but the amount of commands are overwhelming and I can't seem to find what I want. Any help would be appreciated.
A side question: is there any way to have javascriptlint check for js errors for code residing in a .html file?
There are a lot of commands for quickfix as you have said, but I tend to find I only use a small subset of them:
:copen " Open the quickfix window
:ccl " Close it
:cw " Open it if there are "errors", close it otherwise (some people prefer this)
:cn " Go to the next error in the window
:cp " Go to the previous error in the window
:cnf " Go to the first error in the next file
:.cc " Go to error under cursor (if cursor is in quickfix window)
I tend to use this with :make and :vimgrep, so I can't comment on the Javascript lint checker, but this should give you something to get started.
Regarding the general use of JavascriptLint, I'm not a javascript programmer, but it looks like the script exposes a function called "JavascriptLint", so if you want to call it manually, you can use :call JavascriptLint(). However, it works on the disk copy of the file, so it'll have to be saved first. If (and only if) the command line jsl works on html files, you should be able to use :call JavascriptLint() on an html file to check the internal javascript. You could also do:
autocmd BufWritePost,FileWritePost *.html call JavascriptLint()
to automate it. If jsl doesn't support html files, then (short of patching the application or asking the author to change it), it's probably a lost cause...
The easiest way to navigate the quickfix list (or the location list, for that matter) is the unimpaired plugin.
Once the quickfix window is populated, [q and ]q go forward and back (respectively) in the quickfix list. [Q and ]Q go to the beginning and end (which is especially handy if you only have one item in the list; this makes vim complain about [q and ]q). So the workflow is:
Run whatever command populates the quickfix list
Type [Q to go to the first item
Scroll through subsequent items (if any) with [q and ]q
If you're using Syntastic, you'll get the location list instead of the quickfix list. No problem; just use [L, ]L, [l, and ]l in the same way.
unimpaired has loads of other handy mappings too -- [e and ]e "bubble" lines up and down, [<Space> and ]<Space> insert blank lines above and below, etc. I was surprised nobody mentioned it here before; that's probably because it didn't exist until January 2010, though the question was asked in 2009.
Put the following two lines in your .vimrc file:
map <C-j> :cn<CR>
map <C-k> :cp<CR>
Now you can navigate through the errors using ctrl-j and ctrl-k, which mimics the standard down and up motion commands j and k.
You can also use :cc 2 (or any other number) to jump to, in this case, the second error in the quickfix window. Navigating with :cn, :cc 4, etc will put the cursor on the line in question.
In addition to #DrAl's great answer about how to open and close the quick window and navigate between entries, I made an image to show some of the other quick fix navigation commands.
Each group of 3 files below represents a set of quickfix results, e.g. from a vimgrep. cnewer and colder are for going through historic result sets.
Maybe this option didn't exist when this question was written (or maybe I'm embarrassing myself because there's something in my .vimrc that makes this happen) but when I get a Quickfix List, I just navigate it with j and k then hit <CR> (i.e. the Enter key) to jump to that place in the file.
Then, to get back to the Quickfix List I type Ctrl+W j for "move down a window" and I'm back.
Finally, when I'm done, I just type :q, like I would to close any normal window.
The best-practice way of integrating JavaScript syntax-checking is using the Syntastic Vim plugin, which is using Vim's location-list (which is parallel to the quickfix) window.
I've written answers for this question and this question explaining how to do it, plus also how to get source-code browsing / tag-list for Vim using the community-driven jshint.com (which is way better than JSLint IMO) and Mozilla's DoctorJS (formerly jsctags).
the quickfix window is operated mostly like any other vim window: j down a line, k up a line, :cn to jump to the next error/warning, etc.
Although this requires > Vim 7.4.858, the cdo (or ldo for location lists) command allows updating a non-contiguous set of lines in a way you could once only do with sed:
:vimgrep /re/ %:p
:cdo! norm #a
# or
:cdo! s/re/repl/
The above shows running a recorded macro or a simple search and replace. Missing seems to a be a way to pipe through and external command as you can with :range! command

Is there a way to emulate ReSharper's "extend selection" feature in Vim?

ReSharper has a nice feature called "extend selection": by pressing CTRL+W (I think this is the default) repeatedly, you select more and more from your current caret location. First it's a word, then more and more words, a line, inner then outer block of lines (for example an if-block), then a function, etc...
Basically, by pressing the key combination repeatedly, you can end up selecting the entire file. I'm sure at least some of you will be familiar with it.
I have just started learning all the intricacies of vim and I don't have enough experience to see how something like this could be implemented in Vim (although I assume it's possible). So my question is meant for Vim gurus out there: can this be done and how?
Update: a bit of a background story. I've been talking to my ex-boss about all the benefits of Vim, and he thinks it's all great. His only question/problem was: does it have "extend selection"? My question so far has been no. So, if someone knows the answer, I'll finally win a discussion :P (and maybe create a new Vim convert:-))
I had a quick go at this problem. It doesn't work as is. Feel Free to make edits and post on the vim wiki or as a plugin if you get it refined.
chances are you'd want to make a g:resharp_list for each language (eg. one for paranthesised languages, etc.)
All that is needed is a marker for the original cursor position :he markers and a timeout autocommand that resets the index.
"resharp emulator
"TODO this needs a marker
"also c-w is bad mapping as it has a lag with all the other-
"window mappings
let g:resharp_index = 0
let g:resharp_select = ['iw', 'is', 'ip', 'ggVG']
func! ResharpSelect()
if g:resharp_index >= len (g:resharp_select)
let g:resharp_index = 0
exe "norm \<esc>v" . g:resharp_select[g:resharp_index]
let g:resharp_index = g:resharp_index + 1
nnoremap <c-w> :call ResharpSelect()<cr>
vnoremap <c-w> :call ResharpSelect()<cr>
"Something to reset on timeout. TODO this doesn't work
au CursorHold :let g:resharp_index = 0<cr>
The answer is yes. Once in Visual mode you can use all the regular navigation methods as well as some extra ones.
Some of my favourites? First hit v while in normal mode to get to visual mode then hit:
iw - to select the inner word. Great for selecting a word while excluding surrounding braces or quotes
w - hit multiple times to keep selecting each subsequent word.
b - select wordwise backwords
^ - select all from current position to beginning of text on line
$ - select all from current position to end of line
I'm sure others here could add to this list as well. Oh and don't forget Visual Block mode C-v try it out in vim with the above commands it works in two dimensions :-)
If you're talking about Vim (and you should be :-), you can start marking text with the v command, then you have all the standard cursor movement commands (and, as you know, there are a lot of them) which will extend the selection, as well as moving the cursor.
Then you just do whatever you want with the selected text.
See here for the gory details.
One would need to write a function that would save the current selection, then try increasingly wide selections, until the new selection exceeds the saved one or selects all text. Some possible selections are:
viW - select word
vis - select sentence
vip - select paragraph
viB - select text within the innermost brackets
v2iB - select text within the next most innermost brackets
ggVG - select all text
I think Jeremy Wall's heading in the right direction. And to get a little further in that direction, you might look at the "surround.vim" script from Tim Pope. A good description is available on github. Or, if you'd rather, get it from vim.org. It'll probably help you do some of the things you'd like to do, though it doesn't seem to have a feature for say, simply selecting within a tag. Let me know if I'm wrong.
Ultimately, what you'd really like is a hierarchy of enclosing text-objects. You should read up on text-objects if you haven't. A nice overview is here. Note that you can grab multiple objects in one go using counts, or do this iteratively (try vawasap}}} from normal mode).
You can also get scripts which define other text-objects, like this one that uses indentation to define a text-object. It'll work for many languages if you're formatting according to common standards, and guaranteed for python.
One annoyance is that the cursor ends up at the end of the visual block, so, for example, you can't easily select everything between some ()'s, then get the function name that precedes them...
...BUT, I just found in this post that you can change this behavior with o. Cool!
I suspect you'll find yourself more efficient being able to skip over intermediate selections in the long run.
Anyway, I'll be curious to see if anyone else comes up with a more general solution as well!
In Rider [on a Mac with VS Mac bindings with IdeaVim], I bind:
Ctrl+= to Extend Selection
Ctrl+- to Shrink Selection
Doesn't clash with any other bindings of consequence and doesn't require a v for mode switching, and easier than Cmd+Option+-> and Cmd+Option+<-
Putting it here as I always hit this question with any Rider Vim selection searches. If I get enough harassment, I'll create a self-answered "How to use Extend Selection with Rider Vim mode".
