Bean Autowiring problem - multithreading

I am starter in mutithreading. I am trying to index my data into solr.For that I was writing the following code
I am getting null pointer exception in the line highlighted

You need to add the following:
You need to set the path for autowiring package scan and in your case it will be:
<context:component-scan base-package="a.b.c" />
After it you need to mark the class as candidate for autowiring:
IndexTask implements Callable<IndexObject>
Next you can remove indexTask bean configuration from xml file. your package will be created automatically.
Hope it helps.

Autowiring doesn't happen automatically, you need to configure it. See the Spring docs for detail, but essentially you need to add


How to set payload as constructor-arg value in service-activator

I've started with SI and kind of stuck right now as we want to use SI in one of our existing project avoiding changes where we can.
A bean which we would be using as a service activator accepts an constructor argument of a java object.
that object is in the payload but then I'm unable to set it using inner bean usage of service-activator
<service-activator input-channel="ADMIN_TEST_CONNECTION" method="testConnection">
<beans:bean class="mypackage.request.AdminRequestProcessor">
<beans:constructor-arg value="payload"/>
it's complaining about Could not convert argument value of type [java.lang.String] to required type.
Please help in how to access payload and set it as an constructor argument.
If I go via non- constructor arg route and change existing java object then it works with this call in the service activator
but I don't wish you to change the existing java code until there is no other way.
I think you don't have choice unless change something or add code around existing.
Service-Activator performs its functionality against each incoming message in the input-channel. And that functionality is exactly method invocation where Message is used as a context for method arguments.
Not sure what you are going to do with that payload, but that doesn't look correct to use statefull object like your AdminRequestProcessor. Just don't forget that you may have many incoming message, but service-activator should be consistent.
Plus don't forget that <beans:bean> is singleton, so your AdminRequestProcessor is instantiated only once.
Looking to your sample I'd suggest something like this:
expression="new AdminRequestProcessor(payload).testConnection()"/>
If you really don't want to change anything in your code.
Everything rest you can find in the Reference Manual.

Spring Integration jdbc stored procedure custom rowmapper

I am newbie to Spring Integration and am using Spring 4.2.4.
I am trying to invoke stored procedure with jdbc:stored-proc-outbound-gateway. i am already using spring jdbc.
Stored procedure is returning cursor and am using customRowMapper like below
new SqlOutParameter(A_RC, OracleTypes.CURSOR, null, new MyCustomDataExtractor())
MyCustomDataExtractor implements SqlReturnType and it returns custom object.
Now the question is how can I achieve this in SI jdbc stored proc.piece of my code here..
<int-jdbc:sql-parameter-definition name="A_RC" type="#{T(oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes).CURSOR}" direction="OUT"/>
<int-jdbc:returning-resultset name="A_RC" row-mapper="a.b.c.MyCustomDataExtractor"/>
Spring expect this as a row mapper. should I use any transformer here? Please advice.
Note : I have to return multiple resultset.
Actually with the CURSOR type you are good to go with just a returning-resultset and RowMapper implementation.
With that you don't need to worry about any SqlReturnType and just map the row to your domain object directly.
I'm even sure you can rework your MyCustomDataExtractor to the RowMapper contract.
Note: with returning-resultset defintion you don't need to
specify the sql-parameter-definition for the same OUT param. The component identifies them correctly as a OutParameter.
And, yes you can have several returning-resultset for CURSOR parameters.
I added the return-type in the sql-parameter-definition and removed returning-resultset.
<int-jdbc:sql-parameter-definition name="A_RC" type="#{T(oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes).CURSOR}" direction="OUT" return-type="ed"/>
and here "ed" is nothing but the bean reference for a.b.c.MyCustomDataExtractor.
<bean id="ed" class="a.b.c.MyCustomDataExtractor"/>

Mule Java Component and Thread Safe

An excerpt from this is:
When you specify the class directly on the component or pooled-component element, the PrototypeObjectFactory is used by default, and a new instance is created for each invocation, or a new pooled component is created in the case of the PooledJavaComponent
And, I have configured a Java class as Mule Java component like below:
<component class="com.mycompany.SalesOrderProductsHandler" doc:name="Java" />. The class SalesOrderProductsHandler has implemented org.mule.api.lifecycle.Callable and has one state variable named targetProductsIndex.
My question follows:
Will a new instance of com.mycompany.SalesOrderProductsHandler get created every time a new request comes?
The documentation is absolutely correct. With:
<component class="com.mycompany.SalesOrderProductsHandler" />
you will get a new instance of com.mycompany.SalesOrderProductsHandler for each invocation.

How to handle null destination on message driven channel adapter

I need the Spring Integration configuration to handle the case where there will be a variable number of queues which the application will receive messages on.
Have tried the following configuration:
<int-jms:message-driven-channel-adapter id="dsToT2"
but, if the destination-name resolves to null, the following exception is thrown:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 'destinationName' must not be null
What is the best way to handle this scenario?
So, the problem is here that you get IllegalArgumentException on application startup.
If really don't know if your detination will be null or not, you shoudl do some Java code:
mark your <int-jms:message-driven-channel-adapter> with auto-startup="false"
Introduce separate bean for DefaultMessageListenerContainer with autoStartup=false too, and inject it to the <int-jms:message-driven-channel-adapter>
As far as destination-name is a property of that DefaultMessageListenerContainer you should right some code to resolve your destination on application startup and inject the value (if any) to the container bean.
And call start() of <int-jms:message-driven-channel-adapter>. It is a AbstractEndpoint bean with id dsToT2
Note, you can't provide null to the destination-name attribute. Your AC will fail on startup when it tries to populate bean properties. In this case will be called AbstractMessageListenerContainer#setDestinationName, which, in turn, does the check
Assert.notNull(destinationName, "'destinationName' must not be null");.
However, you can try to provide empty string '' instead of null and add similar SpEL condition for auto-startup attribute.

How do I tell ReSharper that an attribute means that a method is used?

I'm playing with SpecFlow, and ReSharper thinks that my step definitions are unused (I guess because they're used via reflection):
public class StepDefinitions
// ...
[When(#"I press add")]
public void WhenIPressAdd() // R# thinks this is unused
// ...
How can I tell ReSharper that methods with [Given], [When], [Then] attributes (etc.) are actually used? I don't want to use // ReSharper disable UnusedMember.Global comments.
I could also mark each method (or the whole class) with [JetBrains.Annotations.UsedImplicitly]. I don't particularly want to do that either.
You need to use JetBrains Annotations, and mark the attribute with an MeansImplicitUseAttribute. You can either reference JetBrains.Annotations.dll directly, or you can copy the annotations source code (from ReSharper / Options / Code Inspection / Code Annotations) into your solution.
If you need to annotate some external assembly you don't own, you need to create an External Annotation file (xml) in the following folder: %ReSharperInstallDir%\Bin\ExternalAnnotations. There are plenty of examples, you can just copy some.
The external annotations file can also be in the same path as the DLL if you name it DllNameWithoutExtension.ExternalAnnotations.xml.
There are plenty of examples, but I wanted to be a little more explicit in case you don't want to track down an example. :)
Create a file with the name of the attribute's assembly (.xml) in %ReSharperInstallDir%\Bin\ExternalAnnotations. For example, I made Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.CodedUITestFramework.xml and put this XML inside it:
<assembly name="Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.CodedUITestFramework">
<member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting.CodedUITestAttribute">
<attribute ctor="M:JetBrains.Annotations.MeansImplicitUseAttribute.#ctor" />
Restart VS and you're on your way!
these answers have helped but note worthy if you are looking to decorate an interface you will want to use the UsedImplicitly attribute
public interface ISomeInterface
//... stuff
