Creating a testing enviornment to test fixes without duplicating entire site - iis

I have a rather large site with hundreds of files and a footprint of many hundreds of mgs. I have in a place an assignment system that we utilize to work on enhancements and bug fixes. What I'd like to do is setup a system in which each assignment gets pushed to the web server (testing server) in it's on "sandbox".
Typically I'd just create a copy of the site under a virtual directory, replace the files affected by the assignment and proceed with testing. Problem here is we would be making many copies of massive amounts of files.
What I have in my head would be a system where a "master" copy of the site contains all the current files (presumably from source control). From there create a virtual directory for each assignment with symbolic links to all files and folders except for those actually changed for the assignment.
I essentially want to create a integrated build process that will create the virtual, pull the sym links from master and then replace the links of the files that changed with the actual changed versions from the assignment.
Is this a possibility with Windows Server 2003 and IIS?

Probably possible, but sounds like a nightmare. Must all of these files be copied to each testing site? If they are merely content files (htm, gif, jpeg, etc), leverage VDIRS to a common location. It can even be a network location.


Publish website to Azure, remove additional files at destination, but ignore specific folders

I currently manually delete obsolete folders from a published azure website. I know there is an option in visual studio to Remove additional files at destination. My problem is that I have an Images folder (quite large) that users upload, that will be deleted when I publish with this option checked. My question is, is there a way to use this option with exclusions? Meaning, to delete all files that are not in the local project except "\Images" folder?
You can most likely customize the web deploy usage from VS to do what you want but I don't think I would recommend it since things like that tend to get fragile.
I would suggest changing your architecture to store the images in a blob container, then possibly mapping your blobs to a custom domain (
Having your images in blob storage will also prevent any accidental deletion of the Images folder by someone else that doesn't know it shouldn't be touched (or you simply forgetting about it one day).
Using blob storage will also allow you to configure CDN usage if ever find that you needed it.
Another option would be to create a virtual directory on your WebApp configuration and put the Images there - that way your VS deploy/publish wouldn't be modifying that subdirectory. This link may help with that:

How persistent is data I put on my Azure WebApp via FTP?

I've been searching around and can't find any clear answers to this. I need a small amount of data - talking kilobytes, probably not ever reaching megabyte range - available as a file on my Azure instance, outside the web app itself, for a web job to work with. I won't get into why this is necessary, but it is (alternatives have been explored), and the question is now where to put those files. The obvious answer seems to be to connect to the FTP, create a directory, plop them there and work with them there.
I did a quick test and I'm able to create a "downloads" directory within the "data" directory, drop some files in it, and work with them there. It works great for this very small, simple need that I have.
How long will that data stay there? Is that directory purged at any point automatically by the servers? Is that directory part of any backups that are maintained? How "safe" is something I manually put outside the wwwroot folder?
It will never be purged. The only folder that can get purged is the %TEMP% folder. All other folders that you have write access to will be persisted forever.

Publish Web App files to different locations

I'm start to develop modules for DotNetNuke. I followed different tutorials(most by Chris Hammond) but there is something i don't like, and I'm searching a different way to do so.
He recommends to put a DotNetNuke installation, with IIS and SQL Server, on the developer PC and put your Project into the DesktopModules folder. I don't like it because i want to separate my project from DotNetNuke.
Is there a way to split the build/publish to different location like dll into folder x and all other stuff into folder y?
You could, but I don't really see the point. I see where you're coming from because it seemed awkward to me at first as well, but it really is the most efficient way to develop on the DNN platform. I have mine set up so all of my modules are in the same solution and branched in source from the root DNN folder. We don't keep the DNN core in source so the developer is responsible for that, although that may change at some point to keep versioning consistent.
By keeping your project located where it's installed, you can develop your modules the same way you'd develop any other web app you're building. If you make a change in markup you just have to save the file and refresh your page. If you change something in code just build and refresh.
If you really must keep them separate, you can absolutely do so (really the only benefit of this that I can see is that if you uninstall a module and accidentally click the checkbox to delete files - it happens - you don't have to worry about it). Create your project where you want it, change the Output Path to your DNN bin folder, and create post-build events to copy all of your .js, .ascx, and .css files (plus any others you may need - images, HTML files, XML files, etc.) to appropriate folder(s) in the DesktopModules folder. Just remember that you have to build the project every time you make ANY changes to test them, and you have to write/change your post-build events every time you add a new type of resource, change/add a directory, etc.
Either that or you can build an install package and uninstall/reinstall the module every time you change some padding in your stylesheet ... but I'd stick with keeping the project in the DesktopModules folder.
Sure you can do that.
Set up your solution and module projects anywhere, build the projects and copy the appropriate parts (such as the *.ascx , *.ascx.resx, *.dnn files) back to your website folder -
website/ DesktopModules/Your_module_name
Copy the module dll to the website's bin and you good to go.

Exporting IIS configuration

Windows 2003/IIS 6...
I have a virtual directory on a web site that closely mirrors the configuration another virtual directory on the same site will need. Since we have multiple dev/staging/test/prod environments, I'd like to be able to export the values of one virtual directory and quickly fire one up on either the same machine (with a different name/source directory) or on another machine (with perhaps the same name/source directory).
Can that be done? I see you can export the configuration through the IIS manager, but it seems to have a lot of keys embedded in it and I'm not sure if that can be directly imported into a separate entity on the same/different machine, or if it's only used for backups in case the original gets corrupted and needs to be restored.
You may want to take a look at the sample VBScript files installed with IIS 6. On my system they are in C:\Windows\System32
Two in particular seem relevant to your question:
iisvdir.vbs - allows listing, creating, and deleting virtual directories locally or remotely.
iiscnfg.vbs - allows exporting configuration for copying to another machine.
Neither one of these does exactly what you want, but it looks to me like they could be used as sample code to help you get to where you want.
Have you taken a look at the IIS6 Migration Tool yet? It may address your needs.

How to host multiple webapps using only 2 Virtual Directories

my shared hosting only allows me to create 2 virtual directories. and i want to host multiple webapps... say an mvc blog, a forum, a personal site etc...
isnt there any other way of doing this? cant i simply just ftp the blog folder to one of my virtual directories and then access it online??
For ASP.NET web applications, typically each would live in its own virtual directory which serves as the application starting point.
Technically you could "piggy-back" two applications on the same application starting point in one of two ways:
Put all the files for each application in the same directory (and appropriate sub directories)
If you don't have ANY files that overlap, you can get away with this. Of course, it's likely that you won't with such files as the default or index pages, etc. And this would be pretty messy anyway.
Put all the non-binary files for each app in an appropriate subdirectory and the binaries in the main virtual's \bin directory.
You'll be able to do this only if each application's binary files don't overlap by name AND there are no namespace ambiguity conflicts between assemblies (two different assemblies by file name, but with the same namespace). The latter is much less likely to happen if you are trying to piggy-back two different applications.
The big problem I see with the latter solution is that any parts of the application that make use of application root references will break. When some code tries to resolve a reference to some resource (like an image) based on an application root reference such as
the ~ will get resolved to the virtual directory, but will not include the additional (non-virtual and non-app starting point) subdirectory in which the application lives. So instead of this:
you'll end up with this:
Obviously, that won't work.
So... you won't break either app if you can put them both in the same virtual directory, however, you'll have to check for file conflicts and such. Possible namespace conflicts will be unavoidable without separate application starting points.
Can't you just put each app in a separate subdirectory in either of the virtual directories. e.g. if you had, you could partition it like,, etc.
