Invalid Security certificate error message after reissuing the SSL Certificate - security

In my server I have one SSL Certificate which is valid from 06/09/2009 through 06/09/2011. the client is getting invalid certificate error. I reissued the certificate and installed in the server machine. But still the client is getting the same error. Is there any problem with the Browser. Can anyone reply for this issue. But If I open the page in different machine I can go to the site without any invalid certificate error message.

I have had similar problems self signed certs switching to legit certs. The browser seems to cache the cert (though it shouldn't be browser specific)
I have noticed the problem more in Chrome than other browsers. You can try dumping the cache in the browser. You can also run
and see if the expired cert shows up, if it does you should be able to delete it and hit the site again to get the new cert.
My related question on serverfault:


Node unable to verify the first certificate when accessing CouchDB through HTTPS with a Let's Encrypt certificate

I actually found the answer to this question already, and just want to document my finding.
The problem has to do with using Node.js to access CouchDB through HTTPS. The CouchDB server has been configured with a SSL certificate generated by Let's Encrypt. The cert_file specified in local.ini contains both the server certificate and the issue's intermediate certificate. When I verified an URL through the browser, the connection was shown as valid. However, whenever I tried to fetch the same URL from Node, an UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE / unable to verify the first certificate error would be thrown.
I tried adding the root certificate to Node using the NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS environment variable. That failed. Then, I tried adding the intermediate certificate to NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS, and it worked. I could stop there, but somehow I knew that something was wrong.
After more digging, I finally found that even though the cert_file used by CouchDB includes both the server cert and the intermediate cert, unlike some other servers, CouchDB itself would only send back the server cert. In order to fix this problem the right way, I need to specify the intermediate cert as the cacert_file in the local.ini file as well. Once I did that, the error is gone.

SSL certificate for azure

I know that this question was asked many times but I couldn`t make it work with answers I found on web.
My goal is to make to work. So solution for this, is to buy domain and certificate and make this domain point/redirect to my I bought lets say Downloaded certificate from Assigned certificate to using IIS.
When I visit certificate itself is fine but firefox shows me error: uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate is only valid for the following names:, Error code: SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN
What I`m doing wrong?
Edit Solution:
I called microsoft support and resolved the issue. The issue was on my domain provider side. My domain had forwarding wildcard * to go to Thats why when I made another forwarding from to my cloudapp it went straight to Removed the wildcard and it started to working fine.
I attempt to visit the website, it works fine with IE edge or chrome explorer. Also i do a test over at the Qualys SSL Labs to check your certificate. It shows me Incorrect certificate because this client doesn't support SNI and indicate thatThis site works only in browsers with SNI support. It is the browser issue. So you could try another explorer.
You can from here to get more details.

"This Connection is Untrusted" but only on firefox

I have a NodeJS server on Amazon EC2.
I'm trying to set up SSL using certificates from "COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA".
I got it working for all browsers except Firefox. Is this a common issure?
Please check that the server provides all intermediate certificates (trust chain). A common issue is to forget the intermediate certificates and then get errors on some browsers an no errors on others. This is caused by the browsers caching the intermediate certificates, e.g. if you've visited a site using the same intermediate certificates before, the browser will dutifully use these cached intermediates if the server forgot to server them. But, if the browser never visited such site before the intermediates are not cached and thus the verification will fail.
A good test is to use openssl s_client -connect your.https.server:443 and look at the chain of certificates it provides. Also, will point out such problems.

The incorrect localhost certificate is being served by IIS

OK I have a SSL issue that I can't seem to get past on this 1 Win7 x64 machine. I have been using self-signed certs for years and even blogged about them before so I have experience. However something is happening that I can't figure out this time.
I have (2) localhost SSL certs created and insalled on my machine.
localhost (friendly name) issued and created in IIS (7.5). It contains the 'Issued To' and 'Issued By' values of my machine name: 'DevMachine123'. This is the certificate being served up for applications configured under the 'Default Web Site' in IIS.
localhost SSL certificate created using makecert.exe tool where CN=localhost (common name) was used. It contains the 'Issued To' and 'Issued By' values of 'localhost'. This is the SSL cert I want served up in IIS for my applications configured under the 'Default Web Site'.
The error I'm getting is:
'The security certificate presented by this website was issued for a
different website's address.'
When I view the certificate being served up from the IE browser: it shows the localhost cert issued to 'DevMachine123' is being used and not the localhost issued to localhost (#2 above) which should resolve this issue. Hence the name mismatch because 'DevMachine123' does not match 'localhost'.
Another point to make; my certificates have been added to 'Trusted Root Certification Authorities' so they both are trusted certificates.
Last point to make, I checked the https port 443 Binding configuration for the 'Default Web Site' on my machine in IIS. I view the certificate and it shows the correct localhost certificate is bound (#2 above with CN=localhost).
I feel that I have covered my bases here (yes I have seen this and this so please do not re-post). What am I missing here?
I had a similar issue and had also gone through the checks you mentioned above for the site bindings. I ran the following netsh command
netsh http show sslcert
This showed me two SSL Certificate bindings. One on IP:Port with the correct certificate and one on IP:Port [::]:443 with an expired certificate. I opened CertMgr.msc for the Local Computer (see here for instructions) and searched for the invalid certificate and discovered it had expired.
To resolve the issue I did the following
netsh http delete sslcert ipport=[::]:443
iisreset /restart
Very similar answer to #IsolatedStorage but with some more details of what helped me.
First a couple points that are probably the same for you
I was trying to update a certificate because it has expired.
I have multiple domains bound to the same IP. They happen to be a SAN certificate but that's probably irrelevant.
I was trying to use the centralized certificate store. Again I think this is irrelevant to most of my answer.
I had already attempted to update the certificate but it wasn't showing the new date.
You're probably in a panic right now if your old certificate already expired. Take a deep breath...
First I'd recommend strongly going to and downloading their DigiCert tool. You can also use it online.
Enter in your website and it will show you the expiration date and thumbprint (what MS calls the certificate hash). It does a realtime lookup so you don't have to worry whether or not your browser (or intermediate server) is caching something.
If you're using the centralized certificate store you'll want to be 100% sure the .pfx file is the latest version so go to your store directory and run this command:
C:\WEBSITES\SSL> certutil -dump
This will show you the expiration date and hash/thumbprint. Obviously if this expiration date is wrong you probaly just exported the wrong certifcate to the filesystem so go and fix that first.
If you are using the CCS then assuming this certutil command gives you the expected expiration date (of your updated certificate) you can proceed.
Run the command:
netsh http show sslcert > c:\temp\certlog.txt
notepad c:\temp\certlog.txt
You likely have a lot of stuff in here so it's easier to open it up in a text editor.
You'll want to search this file for the WRONG hash that you got from (or the thumbprint you got fromChrome).
For me this yielded the following. You'll see it is bound to an IP and not my expected domain name. This is the problem. It seems that this (for whatever reason I'm not sure) takes precedence over the binding set in IIS that I just updated for
IP:port :
Certificate Hash : d4a17e3b57e48c1166f18394a819edf770459ac8
Application ID : {4dc3e181-e14b-4a21-b022-59fc669b0914}
Certificate Store Name : My
Verify Client Certificate Revocation : Enabled
Verify Revocation Using Cached Client Certificate Only : Disabled
Usage Check : Enabled
Revocation Freshness Time : 0
URL Retrieval Timeout : 0
Ctl Identifier : (null)
Ctl Store Name : (null)
DS Mapper Usage : Disabled
Negotiate Client Certificate : Disabled
I don't even know where this binding came from - I don't even have any SSL bindings on my default site but this server is a few years old and I think something just got corrupted and stuck.
So you'll want to delete it.
To be on the safe side you'll want to run the following comand first to be sure you're only deleting this one item:
C:\Windows\system32>netsh http show sslcert ipport=
SSL Certificate bindings:
IP:port :
Certificate Hash : d4a17e3b57e48c1166f18394a819edf770459ac8
Application ID : {4dc3e181-e14b-4a21-b022-59fc669b0914}
Certificate Store Name : My
Verify Client Certificate Revocation : Enabled
Verify Revocation Using Cached Client Certificate Only : Disabled
Usage Check : Enabled
Revocation Freshness Time : 0
URL Retrieval Timeout : 0
Ctl Identifier : (null)
Ctl Store Name : (null)
DS Mapper Usage : Disabled
Negotiate Client Certificate : Disabled
Now we've verified this is the 'bad' thumbprint, and expected single record we can delete it with this command:
C:\Windows\system32>netsh http delete sslcert ipport=
SSL Certificate successfully deleted
Hopefully if you now go back to Digicert and re-run the command it will give you the expected certificate thumbprint. You should check all SAN names if you have any just to be sure.
Probably want to IISRESET here to be sure no surprises later.
Final note: If you're using the centralized certificate store and you're seeing erratic behavior trying to even determine if it is picking up your certificate from there or not don't worry - it's not your fault. It seems to sometimes pick up new files immediately, but cache old ones. Opening and resaving the SSL binding after making any kind of change seems to reset it but not 100% of the time.
Good luck :-)
Same symptoms
Changed HTTPS binding in the drop down list to the server IP (in the site bindings dialog). It was set to "all unassigned" Got a warning about overwriting an existing certificate / IP combination, which I accepted, and and issue resolved.
Verify you have only one site set per binding in IIS as well.
If the Default site and a separate one are installed, they may both have an HTTPS binding on the same port. If this happens, the cert served may be the one from the other site.

Error `sec_error_revoked_certificate` when viewed in Firefox only

I have an SSL certificate that does not inhibit the loading of a client's site when viewed in Chrome, Safari, or Android Browser. Unfortunately, when viewed in Firefox, I encounter the following error message:
An error occurred during a connection to
Peer's Certificate has been revoked.
(Error code: sec_error_revoked_certificate)
My only "lead" online was concerning intermediate certificates. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated. Thanks!
When Firefox web browser checks a security certificate, it also checks with the issuing authority if the certificate is valid. It appears that, near a certificate’s expiration date, the issuing authority may release a new certificate. The two certificates have conflicting expiration dates.
For reasons unknown, this caused Firefox to report a sec_error_revoked_certificate error and refuse to allow you to connect to the site!
You can go through the following steps, but it will reduce the security.
Firefox main menu -> edit ->Preferences
click on Advanced Tab
select certificates
click on validation
Uncheck the option "Use the Online Certificate status
Click OK button
Now you can see the page with out error.
The instructions provided in the answer by Arjun KP don't work for more recent versions of Firefox (tested on v. 57.0.1). Instead, here's what I did:
Enter about:config in the address bar, accepting the risk if prompted.
Enter security.OCSP.enabled in the search bar.
Change the value of that setting from 1 to 0.
Reload the page that failed.
After doing this, my site started working.
However, as Arjun mentioned, this will reduce the security of Firefox, since it disables the Online Certificate Status Protocol. Ideally, you should reset the setting to 1 after you finish with that site, and not load other pages while it is set to 0.
An update to ARJUN KP's answer, which works with Firefox Quantum, v68:
Open Firefox options
Privacy & Security
At the bottom, under Certificates, uncheck: "Query OCSP responder servers to confirm the current validity of certificate
If you have this problem you can check if the cause is a negative OSCP server response. In my case the website has a new valid certificate but the OSCP server is not updated and Firefox refuses to show the page. The OSCP server still says that certificate is revoked.
Here you can check any URL:
Haven't yet been able to find the elusive "Advanced" button though I've been to numerous forums and it is referred to often. The solution here didn't work because the "Use the online certificate protocol" doesn't exist under Preferences>Security>Certificates. QUERY OCSP responder exists and I unchecked that.
