Reverse lookup of Terminal Services Home Folder withDirectory Services - c#-4.0

I'm looking for a way to query the Terminal Services Home Folder property of user objects in Active Directory. My goal is to be able to perform a reverse lookup, finding the user(s) that use a particular home folder.
Normally to perform a search I would do something like this:
using (var search = new DirectorySearcher())
// Find a user based on their telephone number
search.Filter = "(telephoneNumber=999)";
var result = search.FindOne();
if(result != null) {....}
But the Terminal Services settings don't seem to have a referable LDAP attribute name - in the past to set these values I've had to use the IADsTSUserEx interface with an existing DirectoryEntry to manipulate the TS profile and home folder properties. However this is only useful when I have the user account in question - it's not very practical to step through every user in a domain and create a DirectoryEntry object for them just to check their TS profile path.
Is there any practical way to perform a "WHERE User.TerminalServicesProfilePath=X" query in .NET?

Nobody here so, I try an explanation.
In Windows Server 2008 (and R2), the Terminal Services Terminal Server Runtime Interface takes the user parameters from the user Active-Directory attribute called userParameters. As explain in Microsoft documentation userParameter contains Terminal Server parameter as blob.


I am very new to Active Directory and therefore finding in difficult to connect to it via LDAP from my c# application

I want to connect to my AD from my C# application. Found some good articles but none of them helped.Found this piece of code but its not working for me, may be I am making a mistake in my connection string:
DirectoryEntry ldapConnection = new DirectoryEntry("", "fareast\v-sm262", "sid16#SID");
ldapConnection.Path = "LDAP://DC=redmond,DC=corp,DC=microsoft,DC=com";
Basically my need is to search for the users by their alias in the entire directory, since I am very new to the concept of AD, I don't even know whats the domain controller in my case. I am attaching a snip of my AD. Please someone help me figure out the connection string in my case.
Since you're on .NET 3.5 and up, you should check out the System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement (S.DS.AM) namespace.
Basically, you can define a domain context and easily find users and/or groups in AD:
// set up domain context - without further parameters, this will connect
// to the default domain that you're connected to
using (PrincipalContext ctx = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain))
// find a user
Principal user = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(ctx, "SomeUserName");
if(user != null)
// do something here....
The new S.DS.AM makes it really easy to play around with users and groups in AD!
Read more about it here:
MSDN docs on System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement

Creating more than one site in Kentico?

Am going to use Kentico to create more than one store (Site) and assign user for each store to add/modify/delete his products, i've created 2 stores the first one with domain localhost:8080 and second one is storeone.localhost:8080 as documentation said in Kentico Doc URL, i can open first site with no problem but when i tried to switch to second Site it gives me Bad Request - Invalid Hostname .. can any one help me in this?? .. also i would appreciate it if any one help me on how to extract product data using Kentico API's as documentation provide me only with updating/modifying/removing data from database and i want to know how to display it with it's attachments like images pdf that i've uploaded it.
The best approach is to use two different ports. The reason for this is IIS is by default bound to port 80. So what I'd do is leave one site at 80 and do another at say 2. Make these bindings in IIS then go to Kentico and add your second site at localhost:2 vs. :8080. There's a conflict with port numbers. Kentico and IIS are "confused" and don't know which one to serve up. The only way it will work with the same port is to start and stop sites within Kentico.
Brenden is correct - there cannot be 2 sites running on same domain. What you need to do is configure IIS bindings. What I often do is that I configure my hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc) and add a few more rules like: localhost2 localhost3
And then I can use bind my Kentico sites to these domains. Don't forget to also change the domain names in Kentico -> Sites app.
As for your second question:
It depends whether you want to get only SKUInfo object or page object where the custom data (page type fields) are stored. If you just need SKUInfo you can use something like:
// gets only corresponding SKU Info object
var singleProduct = SKUInfoProvider.GetSKUInfo(1); // SKUID from COM_SKU table
if (singleProduct != null)
var name = singleProduct.SKUName;
var price = singleProduct.SKUPrice;
If you need to get the product with all custom fields you need to use the Pages API as you would with any other page. A simple example:
// gets sku with all custom properties
var tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);
var singleProduct = tree.SelectSingleDocument(2); // DocumentID from CMS_Document table
if (singleProduct != null)
// work with product
// or for multiple products
var products = tree.SelectNodes("custom.myProductType");
foreach (var product in products)
// work with products/pages
For the purpose of retrieving pages I would highly recommend to check this documentation article which contains a lot of examples.

Microsoft Sharepoint 2010-Connecting to a remote site and fetching changelogs

My problem is simple. I have a registered Sharepoint site/domain (say and I want to fetch the changelogs as described here Sharepoint Change log
So my question boils down to >>> How can I use this Changelog API to fetch data for a remote Sharepoint site?
How can I achieve this? I have tried Client Object Model and everything related but my goal is to use Sharepoint Change log.
I am hoping for something like,
using (ClientContext ctx = ClaimClientContext.GetAuthenticatedContext(""))
if (ctx != null)
ctx.Load(ctx.Web); // Query for Web
ctx.ExecuteQuery(); // Execute
SPSite site = new SPSite(ctx.Site.Id);
SPContentDatabase db = site.ContentDatabase;
// Get the first batch of changes,
SPChangeCollection changes = db.GetChanges();
//USE this 'site' object to fetch the change logs
My aim is to somehow instantiate this SPSite object which would then help me get the data I want. Although this code seems a bit too ambitious(or totally wrong) but please don't hold it against me, I couldn't find any solution to this.
Much appreciated!
After a lot of Google searches and after reading so many answers, I have come to know that it isn't possible to connect to a remote Sharepoint server through the Server API. As that API works only when SP server is on the same network (same machine or intranet)
The only solution is to use Client Object Model. It provides(maps) quite a lot operations that the Server API gives.
To connect to the remote site I have used the samples provided at the MSDN site for Client Object Model. Here

Multiple Auth drivers in kohana3.2

I'm working on a project where I'm trying to implement authentication against external user base for customers, this seems to be working correctly.
Recently there has been added another requirement that some people (not present in the aforementioned base) need to be able to edit parts of pages' content. First thing that comes to mind is to have separate ORM/File Auth driver enabled for those few editors to be able to authenticate them separately.
Is it possible to use two Auth drivers at the same time in Kohana 3.2?
Yes, you can use different drivers at once. Just create another instance instead of standard singleton:
// default Auth
$config = Kohana::$config->load('auth');
$auth = new Auth($config);
$user = $auth->get_user();
// special Auth for administration
$config2 = Kohana::$config->load('admin_auth');
$auth2 = new Auth($config2);
$admin = $auth2->get_user();
You must use differ configs (driver and session_key values must differ). Note that some settings are defined in classes and cant be changed by config (for example, "remember" cookie named authautologin).
You cant share default ORM models (Model_User, Model_Token, Model_Role), because their names are hardcoded. But ORM driver & File driver can be used.
Kohana's Auth module does not natively support using two Drivers.
However, you can implement a new Driver yourself very easily. You can follow the instructions for creating a new Driver by copying the existing driver and modifying it, here:
The simple thing to do would be to put the following logic in your _login method:
Check the external user database for a valid login
If there is a valid user in the external user database, return true.
If there is no valid user in the external user database, check the local user database instead.
If the user exists in the local database, return true.

How to Download Documents from a a Sharepoint Document Library using Workflow Foundation?

I have some Test, Security, Project Management and some other word documents in TFS2010 source control under Documents folder. Does anybody know how to access them in order to download and copy to a local path?
Those files are not physically under $/... folder, though they have a Sharepoint web server path like: "http://myServer/sites/MyProyect/Test/Tests_P13_F00120.doc". I have tried to use DownloadFiles activity without success due to it needs a path which starts with $/. Any suggestion please?
DownloadFiles is not an activity you can make use of, it's meant to deal with files residing in Source control.
Instead, you need to establish a connection to the Sharepoint Copy service of your TFS, which resides at http://<Site>/_vti_bin/Copy.asmx. We did this by adding a Service Reference in our build solution.
We then implemented a build activity that does basically the opposite of what you are after: during TFS build it uploads documents into Sharepoint.
The instantiation looks like this:
BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding();
binding.Security.Mode = BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportCredentialOnly;
binding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.Ntlm;
binding.Security.Transport.ProxyCredentialType = HttpProxyCredentialType.None;
binding.Security.Message.ClientCredentialType = BasicHttpMessageCredentialType.UserName;
EndpointAddress endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress("http://<Site>/_vti_bin/Copy.asmx");
CopySoapClient copyService = new CopySoapClient(binding,endpointAddress);
This copy service exposes a GetItem method, this is the one you should probably be invoking.
I 'm not aware if this GetItem is capable of supporting a http://myServer/sites/MyProject/Test/*.doc kind of thing
