can i use authlogic for two diff model? in a single rails project - authlogic

I want to use authlogic gem for two diff model in my rails app.
I have two models User and Account in both model i want to use authlogic.
is this possible? how?
plz help?

I got this answer after experimenting lot with authlogic.
The answer is NO you can't. We can use authlogic gem only for one model in app. And default
model for authlogic is User model.


load Weka model in web application

I have created and saved weka model that predicts disease according to the symptoms. So i want to integrate that model to a web application. The model should be accessed from the web app. That means user enters the symptoms from the web app and model should predict the result. How to do this. Is there any way to use saved weka model as API?
I could not find a good documentation for the Java API, but I did find some examples of using it in Java. This link will unfortunately be broken soon as it looks like wikispaces is closing down.

Does NestJS has built-in tools for CRUD generation

Does NestJS has built-in tools for CRUD generation like Loopback or Sails.js has? I really like the idea of NestJS but i don't want to repeat the same things in each Controller. I will be appreciative if someone could explain how can i reach it?
No, NestJS doesn't have this feature out of the box but you can use nestjsx/crud, It allows you to use all CRUD operation only by declaring an entity class. Check the getting-started page.
EDIT: now NestJS has a built in schematics, you can find a guide here on the trilon blog

MeanJS user management

I am using the mean.js stack. I want to manage my list of users, but there is no apparent solution for this. Is there an admin module for meanjs available that allows crud functions on the user database? If not please point me to a jsfiddle that shows how this can be done.
MEAN.js 0.4.1 has an admin module built in which allows a user with admin privileges to perform user management.
If you are currently using an older version maybe try to look at the code there and make the necessary changes to implement a similar module.
the other answer is correct, 0.4x already has this feature built in.
While for 0.3x and below you need to manually create one. It shouldn't be hard, just a regular CRUD but for users model.

Symfony 2 : Custom user provider

Since this article has not been written yet, has anyone an idea of how to do that ? (In my case it would be using LDAP authentication).
Thanks for your answers
To help you get started you can check out my blog post which outlines how to create a very basic user provider system:
EDIT: This post only covers the custom User Provider. To use LDAP authentication you will need to create your own Authentication Provider as well or use a third party library.
This first thing I would suggest you is to do a search for a LDAP bundle on the great website KnpBundles (results here). I saw two results. If you are willing to use an external bundle, you could just use of the two given in the results.
If you prefer to create your own bundle for this task, what I would suggest is to inspire you from these two bundles. Another useful suggestion is to check the FOSFacebookBundle. It is in no mean related to LDAP but, they implements their own provider, so all the glue is there to implement your own.
Just a small notice, if you are developing against Symfony2 master branch, it is good to know that security factory registration has changed a bit. So, be carefull when looking at other bundles to be sure what version they are targeting.
Hope this helps.

Display Browsable 3D models in Browser

Statement: I have a 3D model ready in Google SketchUp Pro.
Problem Statement:
I need to display the model in a webpage.
I need the model to be browsable (The user can navigate his way through it like on Google Earth)
I need the model to be update-able (If I update something in SketchUp, I should be able to easily port changes till the webpage)
Question: How can this be done?
Note: I figured out VRML could be an option, but I was unable to get that idea up and running.
Have you investigated the Sketchup Web Exporter plugin (still in beta at time of writing)?
If that doesn't do exactly what you're after, you can write a plugin yourself using the Sketchup API, allowing you to write plugins in Ruby or C++.
You can now use SketchUp in the browser, and it should be able to read anything coming from SketchUp Pro. Check out
