How to serve an image of the screen as an input to a program, in Haskell - graphics

I'd like to write a function (I'm using Haskell) that's capable of retrieving the actual content of the screen, as viewed by the user, in order to pre-elaborate (grayscaling and/or some stencil convolution through the repa package) and feed it to a neural network or some other AI architecture.
The type would be something like watch :: IO img
Is there a library that provides functions like this? And if I needed not the entire screen but only the visual output of a program, is there other way than hand-cutting the image?

Grabbing the screen is platform dependant. And you'll need to find a C library that does this, then write a Haskell binding to that low level functionality. On some systems you may be able to open the frame buffer as a file as grab the image.
So, the answer is the same as for C, but you write a binding from Haskell to that function.

Maybe you can have a look at the source code of scrot


How can I create a 3D model file from geometric shapes?

I am writing a program that will output 3D model files based on simple geometric shapes (e. g. rectangular prisms & cylinders) with known coordinates in 3-dimensional space. As an example, imagine creating a 3D model of stonehenge. this question suggests that OBJ files are the easiest to generate, but I'm struggling to find a good tutorial or easy-to-use library for doing so.
Can anyone either
(1) describe step-by-step how to create a simple file OR
(2) point me to a tutorial that describes how to do so
* Using a GUI-based program to draw such files is not an option for me
* I have no prior experience with 3D modeling
* Other formats such as WRL or DAE would work for me as well
I do not need to use textures, just combinations of simple geometric shapes positioned in 3D space.
I strongly recommend to use some ASCII exchange format there are many out there I usually use these:
*.x DirectX object (it is a C++ source code)
this one is easiest to implement !!! But there are not many tools that can handle them. If you do not want to spend too much time coding then this is the right choice. Just copy the templates (at the start) from any *.x file to get started.
here some specs
*.iges common and importable on most CAD/CAM platform (Catia included)
this one is a bit complicated but for export purposes it is not that bad. It supports Volume operation like +,-,&,^ which are VERY HARD to implement properly but you do not have to use them :)
*.dxf AutoCAD exchange format
this one is even more complicated then IGES. I do not recommend to use it
*.ac AC3D
I first saw this one in flight gear.
here some specs
at first look it is quite easy but the sub-object implementation is really tricky. Unless you use it you should be fine.
This approach is easily verifiable in note pad or by loading to some 3D model viewer. Chose one that is most suitable for your needs and code save/load function to your Apps internal model class/struct. This way you will be compatible with other software and eliminate incompatibility problems which are native to creating 'almost known' binary formats like 3ds,...
In your case I would use IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification)
For export you do not need to implement all just few basic shapes so it would not be too difficult. I code importers which are much much more complicated. Mine IGES loader class is about 30KB of C++ source code look here for more info
You did not provide any info about your 3D mesh model structure and capabilities
like what primitives you use, are your object simple or in skeleton hierarchy, are you using textures, and more ... so it is impossible to answer
Anyway export often looks like this:
create header and structure of target file format
if the format has any directory structure fill it and write it (IGES)
for sub-objects do not forget to add transformation matrices ...
write the chunks you need (points list, faces list, normals, ...)
With ASCII formats you can do this inside String variable so you can easily insert into or modify. Do all thing in memory and write the whole thing to file at the end which is fast and also add capability to work with memory instead of files. This is handy if you want to pack many files to single package file like *.pak or send/receive files through IPC or LAN ...
[Edit1] more about IGES
fileformat specs
I learned IGES from this pdf ... Have no clue where from I got it but this was first valid link I found in google today. I am sure there is some non registration link out there too. It is about 13.7 MB and original name IGES5-3_forDownload.pdf.
win32 viewer
this is free IGES viewer. I do not like the interface and handling but it works. It is necessary to have functional viewer for testing yours ...
here are many tutorial files for many entities there are 3 sub-links (igs,peek,gif) where you can see example file in more ways for better understanding.
exporting to IGES
you did not provide any info about your 3D mesh internal structure so I can not help with export. There are many ways to export the same way so pick one that is closest to your App 3D mesh representation. For example you can use:
point cloud
rotation surfaces
rectangle (QUAD) surfaces
border lines representation (non solid)
trim surface and many more ...

How to change the color values of the operating system

I'm doing research about a schoolproject. The project is to develop a program that can change the colors of the screen (of the OS aswell of all programs that run on it). The endproduct is supposed to be a single program that is able to change the colors by input (i.e. increasing the presentness of a primary color, for instance add 10% RED), and is an experimental approach to manipulating color blindness. I've already done the theoretical biological research, now I'm looking into the practical deployment of such an application.
I have not set on a single programming language, as I do not know which ones would be the best for, let's say, the windows 7 environment. (which language features the easiest/fastest function calls, for example)
Some examples of function calls I intend to program:
GetColorValues (return data about the current colors the pixels of the screen are displaying)
ProcessColorValues (A simple modification of all respective colors returned by the function above)
SetColorValues (Return the modified colors back to their respective places on the screen)
I would prefer being able to intercept the data whilst it is being pipelined to the screen, in order to keep the processing smooth.
Technically now, I don't really know where to start. I don't even know if I'm supposed to look into the OS, or the drivers of the graphics card.
I was hoping someone could guide me and tell me what I should look for, or where I could find these.
Thanks for reading.
The Windows Monitor Configuration Functions could be a starting point - for example the SetMonitorRedGreenOrBlueGain function to boost specific colors. You should be able to call these functions from C# or VB.Net using PInvoke

Retrieve the pixel values of an image with Haskell

Is there a way or a library available that can load an image (jpeg, png, etc) and assign the pixel values of that image into a list or matrix? I'd like to do some experiments with image and pattern recognition.
A little nudge in the right direction would be appreciated.
You can use JuicyPixels, a native Haskell library for image loading. This is rather easy to convert to REPA as well (manually or with JuicyPixesl-repa).
I've used the repa-devil package for this in the past. It lets you work with a bunch of formats using Developer's Image Library (DevIL). You can read and write all the formats you are likely to care about.
The actual image data is given as a Repa array. This is a great library for array operations and makes it very easy to write parallel code.
Try the repa library
.Also there is a small tutorial here
Here is a new Haskell Image Processing library, which uses JuicyPixels for encoding, provides interface for you to read and write all of the supported formats in a very easy manner and manipulate them in any way you can imagine. Just as a simple example on how easy it is:
>>> img <- readImageRGB "image.jpg"
>>> writeImage "image90.png" $ rotate90 img
Above will read a JPG image in RGB color space, rotate it 90 degrees clockwise and save it as a PNG image.
Oh yeah, it also can use Repa, so you will get parallel processing for free as well.
GTK supports loading and saving JPEG and PNG. [AFAIK, no other formats though.] There is a Haskell binding named Gtk2hs. It supports vector graphics very well, but bitmap graphics, while supported, isn't especially easy to figure out. So I wrote AC-EasyRaster-GTK, which wraps GTK in a more friendly interface. (It still needs Gtk2hs though.) The only real down-side is that Gtk2h is a bit fiddly to set up on Windows. (And it's arguably overkill to install an entire GUI toolkit just to load and save image files.)
I gather the "GD" library supports writing several image formats, and is quite small and simple. I believe Hackage has Haskell bindings for GD as well. I haven't tried this personally.
There is a file format called PPM which is deliberately designed to be ridiculously easy to implement (it's a tiny header and then an array of pixels), and consequently there's at least a dozen packages on Hackage which implement it (including my own AC-PPM). There are also lots of programs out there which can display and/or convert images in this format.

Signal Processing in Go

I have come up with an idea for an audio project and it looks like Go is a useful language for implementing it. However, it requires the ability to apply filters to incoming audio, and Go doesn't appear to have any sort of audio processing package. I can use cgo to call C code, but every signal processing library I find uses C++ classes which cgo cannot handle. It looks like libsox may work. Are there any others?
What libsox can provide and what I need is to take an incoming audio stream and divide it into frequency bands. If I can do this while only reading the file once, then bonus! I am not sure if libsox can do this.
If you want to use a C++ library you could try SWIG, but you'll have to get it out of Subversion. The next release (2.0.1) will be the first released version to support Go. In my experience the Go support is still a little rough, but then again the library I tried to wrap is a monster.
Alternatively, you could still create your own bindings through cgo using the same method SWIG does, but it will be painful and tedious. The basic idea is that you first create a C wrapper, then let cgo create a Go wrapper around your C wrapper.
I don't know anything about signal processing or libsox, though. Sorry.
There is a relatively new project called ZikiChombo
which contains so far some basic DSP functionality geared toward audio, see here
The dsp part of the project has filters on its roadmap, but they are not yet there. On the other hand some infrastructure for implementing filters, such as real fft and block convolution is there. Meaning that if you want FIRs, and can compute the coefficients by some other means, you can run them via convolution in zc currently with sound in real time.
Basic filtering design support (FIR,Biquad), for example using an ideal filter as a starting point will be the next step for zc. There are numerous small self-contained open source projects for basic and more advanced FIR and IIR filter design, most notably Iowa Hills which might be more accessible than a larger project to compute filter coefficients outside of Go.
More advanced filtering such as Butterworth, and filters based on polynomial solving and the bilinear transform will take more time for zc.
There is also some software defined radio Golang projects with some code related to filtering, sorry don't have the links offhand but a search for the topic may lead you to them.
Finally, there is a gonum Fourier package which also supplies fft.
So Go is growing some interesting and potentially stuff in this domain, but still has quite a ways to go compared to older projects (which are mostly in C/C++, or perhaps with a Python wrapper via numpy for example).
I am using this pure golang repo to perform Fourier Transforms with good effect
just supply the FFT call with a
import (
"" //
var audio_wave []float64
// ... now populate audio_wave with your audio PCM samples
var complex_fft []complex128
// input time domain ... output frequency domain of equally spaced freq bins
complex_fft = fft.FFTReal(audio_wave)

Fast, Pixel Precision 2D Drawing API for Graphics App?

I woud like to create a cross-platform drawing program. The one requirement for writing my app is that I have pixel level precision over the canvas. For instance, I want to write my own line drawing algorithm rather than rely on someone elses. I do not want any form of anti-aliasing (again, pixel level control is required.) I would like the users interactions on the screen to be quick and responsive (pending my ability to write fast algorithms.)
Ideally, I would like to write this in Python, or perhaps Java as a second choice. The ability to easily make the final app cross-platform is a must. I will submit to different API's on different OS'es if necessary as long as I can write an abstraction layer around them. Any ideas?
addendum: I need the ability to draw on-screen. Drawing out to a file I've got figured out.
I just this week put together some slides and demo code for doing 2d graphics using OpenGL from python using the library pyglet. Here's a representative post: Pyglet week 2, better vertex throughput (or 3D stuff using the same basic ideas)
It is very fast (relatively speaking, for python) I have managed to get around 1,000 independently positioned and oriented objects moving around the screen, each with about 50 vertices.
It is very portable, all the code I have written in this environment works on windows and Linux and mac (and even obscure environments like Pypy) without me ever having to think about it.
Some of these posts are very old, with broken links between them. You should be able to find all the relevant posts using the 'graphics' tag.
The Pyglet library for Python might suit your needs. It lets you use OpenGL, a cross-platform graphics API. You can disable anti-aliasing and capture regions of the screen to a buffer or a file. In addition, you can use its event handling, resource loading, and image manipulation systems. You can probably also tie it into PIL (Python Image Library), and definitely Cairo, a popular cross-platform vector graphics library.
I mention Pyglet instead of pure PyOpenGL because Pyglet handles a lot of ugly OpenGL stuff transparently with no effort on your part.
A friend and I are currently working on a drawing program using Pyglet. There are a few quirks - for example, OpenGL is always double buffered on OS X, so we have to draw everything twice, once for the current frame and again for the other frame, since they are flipped whenever the display refreshes. You can look at our current progress in this subversion repository. ( in trunk is the file you'll want to run.) If you're not up on using svn, I would be happy to email you a .zip of the latest source. Feel free to steal code if you look into it.
If language choice is open, a Flash file created with Haxe might have a place. Haxe is free, and a full, dynamic programming language. Then there's the related Neko, a virtual machine (like Java's, Ruby's, Parrot...) to run on Mac, Windows and Linux. Being in some ways a new improved form of Flash, naturally it can draw stuff.
QT's Canvas an QPainter are very good for this job if you'd like to use C++. and it is cross platform.
There is a python binding for QT but I've never used it.
As for Java, using SWT, pixel level manipulation of a canvas is somewhat difficult and slow so I would not recommend it. On the other hand Swing's Canvas is pretty good and responsive. I've never used the AWT option but you probably don't want to go there.
I would recommend wxPython
It's beautifully cross platform and you can get per pixel control and if you change your mind about that you can use it with libraries such as pyglet or agg.
You can find some useful examples for just what you are trying to do in the docs and demos download.
