XulRunner exit code - mozilla

I was wondering how someone can specify an exit code when shutting a XULRunner application.
I currently use nsIAppStartup.quit() described in MDC nsIAppStartup reference to shutdown the application, but I can't figure out how to specify a process exit code.
The application is launched from a shell script and this exit code is needed to decide if it should be restarted or not.
NOTE : Passing eRestart to the quit function is useless in my situation because restarting depends on factors external to the application (system limits etc.)
Thank you and any help would be appreciated.

A quick look at XRE_main function shows that it will only return a non-zero value in case of errors - and even then the exit code is fixed. If everything succeeds and the application shuts down normally the exit code will be 0, no way to change it. XULRunner isn't really meant to be used in shell scripts, you will have to indicate your result in some other way (e.g. by writing it to a file).


Golem Task respons back with runtime error 2, can't determine the cause

Repo for all code I've been using is updated here . When I run the requestor script it exits with a runtime error 2 (File not found). I am not sure how to further debug this or fix it. So far I've converted my code over to a python slim docker image to better mirror the example. It also works for me when I spin up a docker image that typing and running "/golem/work/imageclassifier.py --trainmodel" works from root. I switched all my code to use absolute paths. I also did make sure the shebang (#!) uses linux end of file characters rather than windows before which was giving me errors. Fixed a bug where my script returns error code 2 when called with no args to now pass.
clf.fit(trainDataGlobal, trainLabelsGlobal)
pkl_file = "classifier.pkl"
with open(pkl_file, 'wb') as file:
pickle.dump(clf, file)
is the only piece I could think of that causes the issue, but as far as I can tell this is the proper way to pickle something in python. Requestor script is also heavily based on the simple service example and I tried to mirror my design to that. I just need help in getting more information while debugging, or guidance on how to move forward from here

How to stop the whole test execution but with PASS status in RobotFramework?

Is there any way I can stop the whole robot test execution with PASS status?
For some specific reasons, I need to stop the whole test but still get a GREEN report.
Currently I am using FATAL ERROR which will raise a assertion error and return FAIL to report.
I was trying to create a user keyword to do this, but I am not really familiar with the robot error handling process, could anyone help?
There's an attribute ROBOT_EXIT_ON_FAILURE in BuiltIn.py, and I am thinking about to create another attribute like ROBOT_EXIT_ON_SUCCESS, but have no idea how to.
Environment: robotframework==3.0.2 with Python 3.6.5
There is nothing built-in to support this. By design, a fatal error will cause all remaining tests and suites to have a FAIL status.
Just about your only choice is to write a keyword that sets a global variable, and then have every test include a setup that uses pass execution if to skip the test if the flag is set.
If I understood you correctly, you need to pass the test execution forcefully and return green status for that test, is that right? You have a built in keyword "Pass Execution" for that. Did you try using that?

Blocking isrddn in tso-mvs

we are interested in blocking isrddn for some of the users. We are trying to do it without creating a shell of our own, is there something inside isrddn that will help? What is the easiest way to do it? Thank you!
You can utilize Exit 3/4 (SELECT start and end exits). Exit 3 could be used to check for SELECT PGM(ISRDDN) and then do some sort of authorization check to see if the user is allowed to run the pgm. If not set rc=8 (or 16) to terminate the SELECT service with an authorization failure.. This would be how to do it using ISPF. There might be ways via your security software as well. A SELECT PGM(ISRDDN) will generate a LINK SVC for ISRDDN, so a hook in the LINK macro could do security checks.
ISRDDN does a lot more than just the LISTALC function as can be seen by checking the tutorial. Keep in mind that ISPF is not authorized code and a "smart" programmer could write their own routines to do the same thing.

Run init.d script conditionally based on hostname

What would be the best way to conditionally run an init.d script on linux based on hostname? I'm working with New Relic and some of the servers simply don't need it installed, but they're all otherwise basic copies of one another. This is Ubuntu.
I've tried (and failed) to put in a host conditional but for the life of me I can't get it working. Threw exits in the top of the file as well as in the start function, but it seems to fire up every time. Without knowing completely how those scripts are fired I'm a little confused on how to alter it to not fire if it server name isn't something like production, etc.
Any guidance would be super helpful.
Put this at the top of the script you would like to disable:
if [ $(hostname) != "goodhost" ]
replacing "goodhost" with the actual name of the host where the script is supposed to run.
Does that solve the problem?

Execlp user library function

I've recently run into a question like this:
If you use execlp into a function and you have some more code below, in which situation will this code be executed?
For example:
execlp("ps","ps","-u","username",(char*) NULL);
some more code below --> what does its execution depend on?
Does it depend on the exit status of the program executed by execlp? Or will it be executed anyway because execlp does its stuff independently?
Thanks in advance
The only way that would happen is if execlp itself failed. Once the new program has been exec'd, it does not matter if that program succeeds or fails--it's already too late to go back to the original program instructions.
