How to create a virtual device in linux? - linux

My question is pretty much the same as -
How to create a virtual file?
except I want to do it in Linux instead. I imagine what I need to do is create a virtual device and point the application logging to that device. I'd like to write the device in python or ruby or something else interpreted, if possible.

check out named pipes

Use mknod. You can create a socket file which your apps can write too. And your logging app would connect to the socket to read from it.

Mocking usb devices using umockdev
Umockdev is a linux based application which record the behaviour as well as properties of hardware and run the software independent of actual hardware it is running on. Hardware devices can be simulated in virtual environments
without disturbing the whole system.It currently supports sysfs, uevents, basic support for /dev devices, and recording/mocking usbdevfs ioctls (for PtP/MTP devices).
umockdev home page
source code and examples


Write driver for laptop sensor

I want to write a driver for sensor which can tell me if my yoga 2 pro is in tablet mode or not.
I read some about writting modules but as far as I know, I need to know address in memory which belongs to this device (hope it's correct), and here is my question.
How can I find information about this address?
Or what should I do to find this address?
Both in Windows and in Android you absolutely don't need to write a driver for this purpose. To identify Tablet/Laptop mode, you need just one sensor - accelerometer. In Windows 8.1 + this functionality is built-in, but in case you wish to build your own application you can use an example from here:
In Android, you have a Java API to all sensors:
However if you have a custom Linux installed on your Yoga, there indeed may arise a need to add a driver. As of now, the most useful solution are IIO drivers that are part of Kernel:
If there aren't already there, you'll have to rebuild a Kernel and include those drivers. If you don't know how to find a device address, you have to learn for a while about Linux Kernel in general. Anyway, some tips:
Sensors are normally defined via USB/HID interface
If you still have your Windows along with Linux, you may go to
Devices Manager and there you can easily reach Sensors and see what
address is used by a driver.

Linux Kernel device driver needs access to shared object in userspace

I am trying to write a network device driver for Linux. The device that I have has an API available that allows me to access all of the features I need through a shared object that exists in userspace.
I want to write a network driver such that I can make the device show up as a CAN interface. However, in order to interact with the device I need to use a specific shared object that exists in userspace.
The reason that I need a network device driver is to expose a CAN Interface that can be interacted with via the SocketCAN utilities.
Is there a way that I can write a network device driver in userspace? Or what would the best way for me to architect a solution?
Need to write a device driver for a device which can only be interacted with from userspace via a supplied shared object which exposes the API. I need the device to show up as a network interface in order to utilize the SocketCAN utilities and other applications that communicate with CAN interfaces in Linux.
What are my options here? What can I do?
So you are saying that there is no driver for your network device in kernel at all, and it can be only accessed via some user-space library? In that case shared library you mentioned should be communicating with your network device by memory mapping your /dev/mem file, in order to be able to read/write to hardware registers. Or perhaps by using some UIO.
So your driver should be also developed in user-space then... Then the actual question you should ask is how to use kernel CAN API from user-space? And is it possible at all in the first place? For answers I guess you should look at Documentation/networking/can.txt. And if the answer is "no" (means you can't expose CAN interface from user-space), then you should develop also some kernel driver which would interact with your user-space part, exposing CAN interface.
In ideal world the whole driver architecture would look like this:
But you need to use some (proprietary, if I understand correctly) shared library API to interact with your device. So I propose you to use next driver architecture, which depicted on the image below:
blue color stands for parts that need to be developed
magenta is for already existing code
In a nutshell, your app and driver both make a shim between SocketCAN API and shared library API.
So you need to develop 2 components:
Driver (on kernel side). It's in charge of:
talking to SocketCAN utilities
talking to your user-space application
Application (in user-space); it's probably should be a daemon, as it's gonna be running constantly. It's in charge of:
talking to shared library
talking to your driver
The last question remains is which kernel API to use to interact between your kernel space driver and user-space application (marked as IPC on picture). It strictly depends on which kind of data you are going to send between two, and how much of data you will want to send, and which way of sending is most appropriate for your task. It may also depend on your shared library API: you probably don't want to spend much of CPU time to convert messages format (as you already have triple context switching with this driver architecture, which is not really nice for performance). So it's probably should be something packet-oriented, like Netlink.
Next reading can be useful to figure out which IPC to use:
Kernel Space - User Space Interfaces
Linux kernel interfaces

How to enable RTS_CONTROL_TOGGLE like feature in Linux

I'm a developing a Windows application for communication with meter devices over serial modems. Some of the devices using half duplex communication. For that reason I'm setting the Windows RtsControl parameter to RTS_CONTROL_TOGGLE, which enables an automatic switch of the RTS line state.
Now I want to port this application to Linux. Is there an function to enable an equivalent feature to the RTS_CONTROL_TOGGLE parameter on a Linux OS?
If there is no such function, does a workaround exist to enable a similar behavior?
I'm assuming you're in user space - so you'll probably end up using an IOCTL. If you're moving from Windows to Linux for serial control I recommend reading The POSIX Serial Programing Guide. The link I give is an example for setting serial values with an IOCTL, you would need to change it to use TIOCM_RTS, TIOCM_CTS, but it gives the right idea.

Implementing a kernel debugging module for a Linux guest OS inside a VmWare VM

Sorry for the rather long post.
I need some input regarding a project that I am going to undertake.
I am trying to make an application that collects kernel debugging information from a guest Linux OS, located inside a VmWare Virtual Machine, and send them to a host OS efficiently.
So far, I have found a similar project, but written for Windows[1].
The author of the project wrote a DLL that is loaded into memory, and replaces the implementation of the KdSendPacket and KdReceivePacket functions, to use the VmWare GuestRpc[2] mechanism, instead of the slow serial port.
The data are then send to a debugging application on the host(Kd or WinDbg) trough a named pipe.
The author claims that there is a speed-up up to 45%, by avoiding the serial port transmission.
I am trying to achieve something similar ,but for Linux, and try to make the debugging process a little faster, than using the serial port.
My concrete questions are :
Do any similar applications exist?
I didn't manage to find any.
Would such an application be worth it ,comparing its functionality to netconsole[3], for example?
What method of intercepting printk messages would you suggest ?
Is there an equivalent of KdSendPacket/KdReceivePacket on Linux ?
Using the serial port is really suboptimal.. even the (virtual) network would be preferable to that, but getting back to host-guest IPC channels, VMware's VMCI comes to mind.
many approaches can use to achieve your goal, below methods can be applied if network is connected:
use syslog service and transfer log though network to your server:
syslogd, syslogng seems support sending log to a log server with some filter critiera.
directly call tcp/udp socket functions in your kernel module to sends your collected data back to server.
other approaches, you may write application on host machine that calls hypervisor's share memory access function to read the memory buffer of your kernel module. However, the xen/kvm hypervisor both support these apis and i am not sure about weather vmware have this kind of library.

Access GPIO on atom board

On this machine:
I'm trying to access gpio, but neither Nexcom or Intel support has been very helpful.
The closest I've come is this blog post which says I have to write my own driver:
From the nexcom manual it states gpio port is located at 0EE4H (0xEE4). What am I supposed to with this info? Am I really supposed to write my own driver?
edit: is must work on windows xp embedded and windows 7 embedded.
You can't directly access hardware resources (like GPIO pins) from userspace processes unless there's a driver that exposes this functionality. This means that either you find a suitable driver (I have no clue about where to look for such a thing) or you write your own.
p.s. It may also be the case that your OS expose the GPIO pins somewhere. On a linux prototyping board I worked on once there were a few files (IIRC /dev/gpioX, with X being the number of the pin) you could read/write to if you had the appropriate permissions.
You need GIVEIO.SYS.
It actually comes from Microsoft originally.
when you install it, you specify what port addresses you want.
then the user space program can access the ports directly.
You unix bretheren can just call ioperm() instead with the process running as a root. A shame MS didn't do that, but GIVEIO.SYS is okay.
