Are Rainbow Tables Attacks even a threat? - security

let's just assume a simple non salted hash function, just a plain old $hash = md5($pass).
the password hashing all takes place server side, and the hashes are stored in the database. The client has no way to see these.
a rainbow table attack must have knowledge of the hashes in order to retrieve passwords.
Given premise 2., that would mean that the hacker already has control of the database, in which point you have a much bigger problem on your hand.
So, is the point of trying to foil a rainbow table attack simply to protect the retrieval of passwords from an already compromised database/system. Is it that simple or is there something else that I am missing.
I'm already familiar with password hashing techniques, but am just wondering why there is so much hype about rainbow tables. Thanks!

Many people use the same password for everything. Compromising the original password (as opposed to simply changing it to something you know) can often give an attacker access to someone's accounts on other services.
Rainbow tables are also much less computationally intensive (simple lookup) than a dictionary attack (which requires hashing) or brute force (which requires a lot more hashing).
Use strong, unique passwords!

Password compromise doesn't require control of the database. What if I break into your car and steal a stack of DVDs with database dumps? You do back up your database, right?
As mentioned, people use the same password for multiple sites. HBGary fell victim to this when they were hacked by Anonymous recently. One server with an SQL injection vulnerability turned into a much larger compromise.
If I have access to your database for five minutes and get the hash, I now have access to your account until you change the password.
Salt is cheap.
You should use a key derivation function anyway, not a salt.

Most of the time, data-theft from databases succeed through injection; sometimes even blind injection.
An attacker who has found a database injection exploit in one of your scripts doesn't gather any control over the rest of the system until he is able to retrieve some kind of higher credential - which could be the admin's password.
If you (being the admin) have your password stored as a simple md5() hash together with the rest of the users, and the attacker manages to retrieve it - he could eventually overtake your system by using a rainbow table to look it up.

If I understand them correctly, rainbow tables remove the computational burden of calculating the hashes (which is deliberately high), so attacking is faster.


What can be done to protect against brute-force of compromised password databases?

In light of the recent data breach at Blizzard I want to ask about brute-force and salted-hash password storage.
Ars Technica has a good article on why even the salted-hash passwords that Blizzard stores can be cracked in short order.
Because of the salting and hashing used, we know that a brute force attack is the only viable way to crack the "complicated" passwords (dictionary/plain-word passwords are trivial)... However Ars Technica makes a good point that the vast improvement in computational power (both local and in the cloud) makes brute-force cracking more viable.
For a website, Jeff Atwood notes that forcing delays in authentication attempts can realistically thwart brute-force attempts.... But in the case of the Blizzard breach, hackers have physical control of the DB, so no such accessibility limit can be imposed.
Consequently, Jeff also recommends pass-phrases because of the increased entropy facing a brute-force attacker.... But this, too, will eventually effectually fade as computational power becomes greater and more accessible.
So the question is: What brute-force protection schemes can be implemented that aren't vulnerable due to increasing computation power?
Two-stage authentication is often considered, but I've heard that some of these algorithms are also being broken, and a physical authenticator has a likely static algorithm, so once it's cracked all users would be vulnerable.
What about scheduled rolling salts that apply to the entire authentication DB? This would add a lot of overhead but seems like it would secure even in cases where the physical DB is leaked.
Security is a combination of a few things (there is much more than this list, but rather than turning this post into a book, I'll keep it at these for now):
Encryption - complexity; making it difficult to know what the original content is
Obfuscation - unclear/protected; making it difficult for other scripts/users to know or guess how your security scheme works.
Intrusion Prevention/Response - determining when a security breach (or attempted breach) has occurred, and responding to the incident
Encryption will be things like hashing, salts, SSL, keys, etc. Obfuscation will be things like steganography, using rotating salts, separating the passwords off into another server that no script can access, etc. Intrusion Prevention/Response will be things like rate limiting, delays, shutting down servers once the breach is made known, etc.
Now looking at your question: What brute-force protection schemes can be implemented that aren't vulnerable due to increasing computation power?
My answer: none. Unless someone builds a quantum computer or a mathematician writes an expansion to group theory in a way that would blow all of our minds out of our heads, then any and all "brute-force protection schemes" will be vulnerable to increasing computational power (especially distributed processing, such as cloud servers or bot-nets).
It seems like your fear is the case of Blizzard, where the database had been accessed, and the hashed passwords were seen by the hackers. If someone has the hash, and knows your salts/hashing procedure, then it's only a matter of time before they can get the password. At this point, we are talking only about encryption, because everything else is known and/or moot.
It's a matter of math: the longer and more complicated the password, that's increasing orders of magnitude, and the problem becomes an exponential with each added character. But if you exponentially increase the computational power of the brute-force algorithm, you're back to square one.
If a hacker gets a hold of the hashes that are stored in your database, then immediately lock the database, figure out how they got in, fix that security hole, and add a step to your authentication procedure, update the database with the new authentication procedure and turn everything back on.
In other words, make sure your authentication server/database is secure on every level so that hackers can't get access to it.
If you just want to "buy more time", then add complexity. But keep in mind that this doesn't make your database more secure. It would be better to analyze how to lock the database down to prevent someone from getting the hashes in the first place.

Does salting and hashing protect from an attack on a single account?

If I salt and hash the password, is it safer than just hashing the password if a potential attacker has the salt string and is attacking only one account - let's say there are no other accounts in the DB?
Brute-forcing and dictionary attacks would take the same amount of time, but having a salt would still prevent rainbow-table attacks.
So yes, even if your application is expected to have one user, I would still recommend a salt.
Yes, hashing passwords without salt is less safe.
Salt prevents the use of pre-computed reverse lookup tables.
Just because there is only one account in your database doesn't mean an attacker can't use a pre-computed table he generated to attack other systems. There are also tables available online for poorly designed systems like the old Windows LAN Manager.
Using salt is easy and safe. What reason would you have to skip it?
Salting helps prevent attackers from using brute force or rainbow tables to find hashed common passwords.
if the attackers knows the salt you used, you loose all protection from the brute force but will still have protection from the rainbow tables. Well unless the rainbow table was generated with your salt.
Best security is to use custom salt for each hashed password. Protects against rainbow tables and makes it a bit more annoying for brute force attacks.

Is it ok to store passwords that are able to be retrieved?

I'm trying to figure out if it is alright to store passwords that are encrypted using the AES algorithm rather than storing passwords that are salted and hashed with SHA1.
The reason I am wondering this is because my company is in the middle of updating our membership system which is included with our proprietary CMS. Currently, we use AES encryption for passwords. This allows us to easily look up Admin passwords when customers call in for support. When we have staff changes, it is policy to change all admin passwords. The password lookup tool allows us to get the new passwords easily and our work flow isn't interupted.
I get the impression that most people think that hashing salted passwords is the more secure way of handling passwords but I can't figure out a way to comply with current company operations when using hashed passwords. And, the corporate cultural shift required to change our password operations probably won't happen unless I can give them some very compelling reasons to hash passwords.
Is a hashed password generally accepted as required versus an encrypted password? Why?
Encrypting passwords with a reversible encryption is of dubious value.
Obviously the lookup program has access to the key. That means you should assume that anyone who has access to the program also has access to the key. If you are paranoid you should also assume that their spouses, significant others, roomates, etc all have access to that key. Also anyone who has ever broken into the network ever in the past (since key was used) also has access to the key.
The problem with using a system like that is you will never know it is broken. Do I have access to the key? Right now? Can I lookup the password at anytime? As soon as you change it I know what it was changed to?
Using salted hash (vs reversible encyrption) presents its own challenges in implementation but you can be assured that stealing the password list is of little value (if properly implemented with a strong algorithm, multiple rounds, min password standards, and random per record salt). Your current system is "feel good encryption". While it may makes management "feel" safe they aren't actually being safe. It is marginally better than storing passwords in plaintext or on a sticky note it is at best a minimal speed bump to a determined attacker. The largest problem is you can never prove you are "safe" and may not have any warning when you are compromised. You could be compromised right now and not know it.
You mean, inside an application which stores passwords for user authentication.
Normally the motivation for hashing them vs storing encrypted is that it prevents someone who has stolen the database or compromised the server from obtaining the passwords.
If you encrypt them with AES, you're clearly going to have to keep the key somewhere, and can't ever change it (unless of course, you decrypt them all and re-encrypt).
If someone compromises the machine, they can obtain the key, as it is necessarily kept (at least) in memory at some time to decrypt the passwords.
It's either that, or use some fancy PKI. AES is a symmetric cipher.
Encrypting the passwords won't really help the application defend its database against any but the most casual attackers (as an attacker MUST be able to obtain the key). Hashing them makes it difficult for the cleartext to be obtained if passwords are strong.

Is using a GUID security though obscurity?

If you use a GUID as a password for a publicly facing application as a means to gain access to a service, is this security through obscurity?
I think the obvious answer is yes, but the level of security seems very high to me since the chances of guessing a GUID is very very low correct?
The GUID will be stored in a device, when plugged in, will send over the GUID via SSL connection.
Maybe I could generate a GUID, then do a AES 128 bit encrption on the GUID and store that value on the device?
In my opinion, the answer is no.
If you set a password to be a newly created GUID, then it is a rather safe password: more than 8 charcters, contains numbers, letters ans special characters, etc.
Of course, in a GUID the position of '{', '}' and '-' are known, as well as the fact that all letters are in uppercase. So as long as nobody knows that you use a GUID, the password is harder to crack. Once the attacker knows that he is seeking a GUID, the effort needed for a brute force attack reduces. From that point of view, it is security by obscurity.
Still, consider this GUID: {91626979-FB5C-439A-BBA3-7715ED647504} If you assume the attacker knows the position of the special characters, his problem is reduced to finding the string 91626979FB5C439ABBA37715ED647504. Brute forcing a 32 characters password? It will only happen in your lifetime, if someone invents a working quantum computer.
This is security by using a very, very long password, not by obscurity.
After reading the answer of Denis Hennessy, I have to revise answer. If the GUID really contains this info (specifically the mac address) in a decryptable form, an attacker can reduce the keyspace considerably. In that case it would definitely be security by obscurity, read: rather insecure.
And of course MusiGenesis is right: there are lots of tools that generate (pseudo) random passwords. My recommendation is to stick with one of those.
Actually, using a GUID as a password is not a good idea (compared to coming up with a truly random password of equivalent length). Although it appears long, it's actually only 16 bytes which typically includes the user's MAC address, the date/time and a smallish random element. If a hacker can determine the users MAC address, it's relatively straightforward to guess possible GUID's that he would generate.
If one can observe the GUID being sent (e.g. via HTTP Auth), then it's irrelevant how guessable it is.
Some sites, like Flickr, employ an API key and a secret key. The secret key is used to create a signature via MD5 hash. The server calculates the same signature using the secret key and does auth that way. The secret never needs to go over the network.
GUID is to prevent accidental collisions, not intentional ones. In other words, you are unlikely to guess a GUID, but it is not necessarily hard to find out if you really want to.
At first I was ready to give an unqualified yes, but it got me thinking about whether that meant that ALL password based authentication is security by obscurity. In the strictest sense I suppose it is, in a way.
However, assuming you have users logging in with passwords and you aren't posting that GUID anywhere, I think the risks are outweighed by the less secure passwords the users have, or even the sysadmin password.
If you had said the URL to an admin page that wasn't otherwise protected included a hard coded GUID, then the answer would be a definite yes.
I agree with most other people that it is better than a weak password but it would be preferable to use something stronger like a certificate exchange that is meant for this sort of authentication (if the device supports it).
I would also ensure that you do some sort of mutual authentication (i.e. have the device verify the servers SSL certificate to ensure it is the one you expect). It would be easy enough of me to grab the device, plug it into my system, and read the GUID off of it then replay that back to the target system.
In general, you introduce security vulnerabilities if you embed the key in your device, or if you transmit the key during authentication. It doesn't matter whether they key is a GUID or a password, as the only cryptographic difference is in their length and randomness. In either case, an attacker can either scan your product's memory or eavesdrop on the authentication process.
You can mitigate this in several ways, each of which ultimately boils down to increasing the obscurity (or level of protection) of the key:
Encrypt the key before you store it. Of course, now you need to store that encryption key, but you've introduced a level of indirection.
Calculate the key, rather than storing it. Now an attacker must reverse-engineer your algorithm, rather than simply searching for a key.
Transmit a hash of the key during authentication, rather than the key itself, as others have suggested, or use challenge-response authentication. Both of these methods prevent the key from being transmitted in plaintext. SSL will also accomplish this, but then you're depending on the user to maintain a proper implementation; you've lost control over the security.
As always, whenever you're addressing security, you need to consider various tradeoffs. What is the likelihood of an attack? What is the risk if an attack is successful? What is the cost of security in terms of development, support, and usability?
A good solution is usually a compromise that addresses each of these factors satisfactorily. Good luck!
It's better than using "password" as the password, at least.
I don't think a GUID would be considered a strong password, and there are lots of strong password generators out there that you could use just as easily as Guid.NewGuid().
It really depends on what you want to do. Using a GUID as password is not in itself security through obscurity (but beware the fact that a GUID contains many guessable bits out of the 128 total: there is a timestamp, some include the MAC address of the machine that generated it, etc.) but the real problem is how you will store and communicate that password to the server.
If the password is stored on a server-side script that is never shown to the end user, there is not much risk. If the password is embedded in some application that the user downloads to its own machine, then you will have to obfuscate the password in the application, and there is no way to do that securely. By running a debugger, a user will always be able to access the password.
Sure it is security by obscurity. But is this bad? Any "strong" password is security by obscurity. You count on the authentication system to be secure, but in the end if your password is easy to guess then it doesn't matter how good the authentication system is. So you make a "strong" and "obscure" password to make it hard to guess.
It's only security through obscurity to the extent that that's what passwords are. Probably the primary problem with using a GUID as a password is that only letters and numbers are used. However, a GUID is pretty long compared to most passwords. No password is secure to an exhaustive search; that's pretty obvious. Simply because a GUID may or may not have some basis on some sort of timestamp or perhaps a MAC address is somewhat irrelevant.
The difference in probability of guessing it and something else is pretty minimal. Some GUIDs might be "easier" (read: quicker) to break then others. Longer is better. However, more diversity in the alphabet is also better. But again, exhaustive search reveals all.
I recommend against using a GUID as a password (except maybe as an initial one to be changed later). Any password that has to be written down to be remembered is inherently unsafe. It will get written down.
Edit: "inherently" is inaccurate. see conversation in comments

Why should I care about hashing passwords anyway?

If a hacker has access to the hashes in my DB, he has access to the rest of the information in the DB anyways. So why would he bother trying to decrypt the passwords? Should I be storing the passwords on a different server to the rest of my data? That is the only scenario in which I can envision it being useful.
Sometimes a hacker doesn't get full access to your DB. Sometimes they find a little SQL injection hole or other weakness that someone didn't code correctly, and so they can only do simple things at first like print out database cells one at a time. If they can print out a real password all of a sudden things get much worse.
Things happen: backup tapes are lost, accidentally thrown away, or stolen. A retired system wasn't wiped properly. A breach elsewhere leads to accidental exposure of a database. If a hacker gets access to a snapshot like this he can learn a lot about your system. But if the passwords are still hashed he can't also use the system to do something malicious, like log in as a different user and start changing things.
I've heard that most hacks are an inside job. Better to remove the ability even for people you trust to log in as others.
It's not about just you. Users tend to share passwords across systems. Maybe some day (God forbid) you have a breach that has nothing to do with passwords, but in the course of that breach your authentication tables will be one of the attacker's targets. If you store passwords in plain-text, you have also just compromised user accounts at many other services, and your very bad day just got quite a lot worse.
If you think this kind of thing doesn't happen, go talk to the guys at reddit.
People often use the same username/password for different accounts on other websites (including, e.g., online access to bank accounts).
Once you've discovered this hack and have secured your database, the hacker will still have the ability to login to your user's accounts.
Best security practices suggest:
You should use a unique (userId, password) pair for each account you have. But most people use a single pair for many resources (email, bank, etc). An attacker can steal them from one resource and use them to access another. Hashing the passwords with salt—see—prevents this sort of attack.
You should encrypt all sensitive data in your database, not just passwords. Your point that someone might steal your entire DB (or your server) is perfectly valid.
You should separate your web server from your database and any other precious resources, to quarantine an attack to your least valuable asset.
There are business reasons to hash passwords, as well. Remember, hashing means you do not store your users' passwords anywhere on your equipment.
Depending on the laws that apply, you may be required to do this in certain situations.
You greatly reduce your exposure if your data is stolen.
You're safer from social engineering attacks, in which an attacker impersonates a valid user and cajoles an employee into revealing a password. See
Should I be storing the passwords on a
different server to the rest of my
This adds complexity to your system, but if it's something you can do it's definitely an improvement.
Note that using authentication servers such as Kerberos, RADIUS, or Windows domain authentication effectively put you passwords on another server.
Because even if you have access to the data, having access to the APPLICATION is actually more important. The Application makes it much easier to manipulate the data, for example.
Hashing the password prevents casual exposure from all eyes.
For example, you may well have the same password across several sites. A quick glance at the DB not only compromises your application, but perhaps several others.
It's just a good, solid practice to hash you passwords.
Mainly because it's nearly trivial to do it well, and the benefits can be very high.
Sometime, you don't know who will be the system administrator. You still want to protect your users from them.. So, by hashing passwords and all important information (such as credit card), you make it really harder for the hacker or administrator. And, I think password should never be written literally. I mean, I used a password since 2 years and I have never seen it written down.. why an administrator that I don't know should see MY password ?!
Using a hashed password prevents the attacker from being able to log into your app even if they know the hash. Your login page asks for the original password, so to log in using it, they'd have to reverse the hash (compute a collision). Using a rainbow table, that's fairly trivial for MD5, for example, which is where salting comes in. Then the attacker needs to know 1) the way you combine the salt and the password (not much security there), 2) the salt (which is likely in the db already) and 3) they have to compute that value for each combination of password and salt. That's a lot more than just computing hashes of common passwords and looking for a match.
When a hacker access your database it does not mean that he can access the procedural code, those procedures can alter databases outside the hacked database boundaries or inclusive can alter other procedures.
By the way now I´m going to ask you something: If a user is hacked and someone has his or her password, how do you make clear that it is not your application or security fault?
If you don't have stored passwords you don't have such responsability!
If an application is to show grade information at the university then having access to the password will allow you to get the grades for that person. If the password also allows you to log into the online course system then you can submit tests as that user.
If the data is even more sensitive, such as credit card numbers or health records, you are open to lawsuits.
Odds are that the more sensitive information may be on a more secured system, behind stronger firewalls, so they may have found a weakness by hacking into the authentication database.
By hashing the password, then those that have access to the authentication database can't see the password and so log into the very sensitive system as a different user.
The whole LinkedIn "scandal" was all about leaked hashed passwords.
As I see it, security isn't about anything other than making data retrieval inconvenient.
And by inconvenient in the ideal case we mean it'll take you millions of compute years to access (ie single CPU trying to guess at password would take on the scale of millions of years).
If you store passwords in cleartext, that takes a total of 0 compute years to access. The LinkedIn scandal would have looked much worse. All you have to do is SELECT * FROM USERS (either via injection or an insider).
People often reuse passwords, so if people learn your password, it means a whole world of data becomes accessible to them (not just their LinkedIn, for example). So it becomes a very personal risk. As a webmaster it's rude not to at least hash passwords: you don't have that much respect for your users to take the basic step of trying to protect their information.
Even if the hashed password can be cracked, you're at least taking the bare minimum step to protect your users.
If he can decrypt the passwords, he can probably get access to your user's accounts on other sites as well (as, no matter how many times we tell people not to re-use passwords, they do). Storing plaintext passwords is a good way to give away all your users' PayPal, eBay & Amazon accounts.
