How do I integrate Machine.Specifications with ReSharper 6? - resharper

I'm using ReSharper 6 and I'm trying to get it to pick up my MSpec tests in the Resharper test runner. Unfortunately I can't seem to get this to work.
I have copied the MSpec dll files (Machine.Specifications.dll and Machine.Specifications.ReSharperRunner.5.1.dll) to the ReSharper plugin directory but it does not seem to find the plugin. When opening the test runner and refreshing no tests are picked up.
I do realize that the test runner plugin is for version 5.1 but ReSharper should at least find the tests in my solution, even if it is not able to run them using the 5.1 runner?
Any suggestions on how to get this to work?

The resharper team just post (July 20th, 2011) a solution about the integration of MSpec in Resharper 6.
Head over there

I don't use Machine.Specifications but I do know you won't be able to use a 5.x compiled plugin with 6.0 because the DLL's have changed a lot
You can run Visual Studio with "devenv.exe /ReSharper.Internal" flag to enable the internal debug menu in Resharper, that might give you a starting point if you were to download MSpec source and attempt to compile with the Resharper 6.0 DLL's


NUnit Test Adapter 2 assembly not found

I'm facing with a strange issue with Visual Studio 2012 Update 5.
I have to add Unit tests to an existing project and I have installed NUnit 2 Test Adapter via Tools->Extension Manager.
The intallation works fine and Visual studio is restarted but I cannot find the NUnit assembly to add to my test project.
Where I'm wrong?
The adapter is... well, an adapter... It allows you to run NUnit tests within Visual Studio by making them look like tests that VS understands.
In order to write NUnit tests, you have to actually install NUnit. Probably, the simplest way to do that is to use the NUnit nuget package, which will install it into your test project and add the necessary reference.

StyleCop by Resharper Plugin - How to enable only for 1 solution

We have a VS solution which has StyleCop configured.
Because I do use ReSharper I wanted my scaffolding to work alongside stylecop. Fortunately there is a plugin named "StyleCop by Resharper Plugin".
After installing "StyleCop by Resharper Plugin" every VS solution that I open will be proofchecked according to "some" stylecop rules.
For me this is confusing as only one solution has Stylecop.settings file, and the analyzers package installed.
How to make stylecop proofcheck only the configured solution.
P.S. I don't want to include ignores in all my solutions because of one project using stylecop.
If you are using Visual Studio 2015 or 2017 then you could use the StyleCop.Analyzers NuGet package that will use the Roslyn analyzers. This can then be applied per project.

ReSharper intellisense for netcoreapp2.0 console app referencing netstandard2.0 lib

I installed visual studio 15.3 and the .net core 2.0 sdk today. I created a console application(netcoreapp2.0) with a project reference to a library(netstandard2.0). With ReSharper enabled I'm not getting any intellisense for types in the library. Lot's of errors in VS but the project builds/runs if done from the command line(dotnet build). If I suspend ReSharper, intellisense starts working. With ReSharper enabled, if I set the library to netstandard1.x intellisense works.
Is there a workaround for this?
ReSharper 2017.1 doesn't support the final versions of .net core 2 or .net standard 2 - it was released before they were. There is better support in the current (as of 16/08/2017) EAP builds of 2017.2, but there are still some issues. We'll be improving the support for the rest of the Early Access Program, and be ready for the release of ReSharper 2017.2, which should be very soon.
For now, if you can, change your library project from netstandard2.0 to netcoreapp2.0.
It will work just fine :)

Dotcover does not resolve dependencies when Resharper does

I have a seperate MSTest project that runs tests against two other c# projects within the same solution. The tests are all MSTests and run succesfully in both the Visual Studio Test Explorer and Resharper (with MSTest set). Both are using my *.testsettings file that specifies the dependencies. Trying to get dotCover to generate coverage results gives me a FileNotFoundException on both the ddls from the referenced projects. This is similar to the exception I got with VS Test Explorer before adding dependencies in the testsettings file. Both dotCover and Resharper have the same test settings in options. Any ideas why dotCover cannot resolve the dependencies when Resharper can?
I've come across the same problem and had to do the following to get Resharper running dotCover again correctly for my solution:
Delete the resharper cache for your solution. It will be located something like :
%LOCALAPPDATA%\JetBrains\Transient\ReSharperPlatformVs14\v09\SolutionCaches\{folder with solution name in it}
Numbers may be different based on which version of Resharper you have (I have 2017.2 Ultimate).
Delete the visual studio solution cache:
Again, numbers depend on which version of visual studio you have (I have VS2015)
Finally, you may have to give a hint in the test project files to run the correct version of the .net framework. Insert the following into the <configuration> node of your app.config file in your test project(s):
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.2"/>
Again, your supported runtime depends on which version of the .net framework your project is configured to use (in my case, .net 4.5.2).

Using custom extension (/x) in resharper 9.0 command line inspection

So I've got a custom nuget package I build which is installed in vs2013 through the ReSharper extension manager interface. I remember back with resharper 8.2 I could specify a plugin parameter /plugin=xxx.dll to import a custom plugin but with the updated command line tools for resharper 9.0 it seems that the only way is to provide a package Id from the ReSharper Gallery.
Does this mean that my custom package with a unique id can't be imported unless I put it on the ReSharper Gallery? Are the command line inspections now dependent on Visual Studio and ReSharper being installed?
quite confused, if anyone has any docs pertaining to this or info would be super helpful, this is all I could find.
Thanks for the help!
Edit: Plugin & Extensions mean the same thing in this context
I am afraid, this functionality was lost in 9.0 release (really both ways to use plugins in CLT are broken).
