Multiple Query String Items in crontab Job - cron

I have the following cron job command:
* * * * * /usr/bin/lynx -term=vt100 >/dev/null 2>&1
My PHP script does not recognize _GET['config'] and I get a "Cron Daemon" email message which seems to alert me that the crontab instruction is not correct.
If I take out the 2nd _GET var I do not get the "Cron Daemon" email.
Any thoughts or suggestions on how to define multiple query string items in a crontab job?
BTW, I tried the URL Encode char for the ampersand and that did not work either.

Try putting your url in quotes :
* * * * * /usr/bin/lynx -term=vt100 "" >/dev/null 2>&1
For the little explanation, & is a special character which put the process in the background, so you have to put the url in quotes, otherwise cron try to put the first part in the background and execute the second part.


I am getting error when executing flock command

when I am trying to execute flock through cron job I am getting error.
I am executing
* * * * * /usr/bin/flock -n /usr/local/monitor/asdp_cloudwatch/
and I am getting below error
/usr/bin/flock: bad number: /usr/local/monitor/asdp_cloudwatch/
Can anyone solve this. Help can be appreciated.
flock needs a lock file and a command to run. You've only specified one argument. I'm assuming that it is the command, so must also specify the command to run. Something like that:
* * * * * /usr/bin/flock -n /path/to/lockfile /usr/local/monitor/asdp_cloudwatch/
You need to adjust /path/to/lockfile of course.

Scheduler doesn't work in vTiger

I am an intern on a company in Malta. The company has just made a big change from sugarCRM to vTigerCRM. Now we have a problem with the scheduler. What we want is, when a mail is entered it should automatically get synced with the organisations and contacts (I can link them when I click on the "SCAN NOW" button of the mailconverter). But I want it automatically.
But my cron files are not getting updated.
I installed a cron on the linux server with the code below:
*/15 * * * * sh /vtiger_root/cron/ >/dev/null 2>&1
I adapt code the PHP_SAPI and I added the permissions on the proper files. But still. (as we speak my schedule task for the mail is at 1)
So every 15 minutes the is supposed to run vtigercron.php. But it doesn't happen. When I run vtigercron manually every things works fine. (The scheduler cron states get updated) but not with the cron file on the server.
Can somebody please be my hero?
In our crontab -
(sudo) vim /etc/crontab
I scheduled the job like this:
*/15 * * * * webdaemon /bin/bash /var/www/vtigercrm6/cron/
Are you getting any errors in /var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages or whichever system log that your OS uses?
This tutorial actually works:
A simpler way:
In the file vtigercron.php, change the line
if(vtigercron_detect_run_in_cli() || (isset($_SESSION["authenticated_user_id"]) && isset($_SESSION["app_unique_key"]) && $_SESSION["app_unique_key"] == $application_unique_key)){
if(vtigercron_detect_run_in_cli() || ($_REQUEST["app_unique_key"] == $application_unique_key) || (isset($_SESSION["authenticated_user_id"]) && isset($_SESSION["app_unique_key"]) && $_SESSION["app_unique_key"] == $application_unique_key)){
and then use
as cron job URL.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may find your app_unique_key in (look for $application_unique_key in it).
Please replace xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx in the URL above with the 32-chars $application_unique_key you find in, and with your vtiger install location.

Laravel artisan is not reading argument date linux string

I have written a custom command that has 1 argument which is the current time (in string format)
artisan check-banners $(date +%X)
The argument is then passed to the fire method and I can successfully insert the current time into the database. However... when i try to cronjob this custom command it does not work. see code below:
* * * * * php /Applications/AMPPS/www/laravel/artisan check-banners $(date +%X)
I have tried insert 'foo'instead of $(date +%X) as an argument and it successfully inserts into the database.
Why can't I insert this $(date +%X) through the cronjob?? But I can manually type it via artisan check-banner $(date +%X) and it works
Many thanks.
Percentage signs have special meaning in crontab and need to be escaped, like so:
* * * * * php /Applications/AMPPS/www/laravel/artisan check-banners $(date +\%X)
Also, I'm not sure, but you may need to wrap the +%X argument in quotes as well:
* * * * * php /Applications/AMPPS/www/laravel/artisan check-banners $(date "+\%X")

Variables in crontab?

How can I store variables in my crontab? I realize it's not shell but say I want to have some constants like a path to my app or something?
In Vixie cron, which is possibly the most common, you can do this almost exactly like a shell script.
0 0 * * * $VARIABLE
The man page says:
An active line in a crontab will be either an environment setting or a cron command. An environment setting is of the form,
name = value
where the spaces around the equal-sign (=) are optional, and any subsequent non-leading spaces in value will be part of the value assigned
to name. The value string may be placed in quotes (single or double, but matching) to preserve leading or trailing blanks. The name
string may also be placed in quote (single or double, but matching) to preserve leading, trailing or inner blanks.
You can tell if you have Vixie cron by checking the man page for crontab; the author will be Paul Vixie. Different crons may or may not support this (BusyBox's cron for example, does not), in which case your best option is to wrap your command in a shell script and run that script from cron instead. In fact, this is a good thing to do for anything complicated.
To keep my crontab clean, I would just call a shell script and do the fun stuff in the script.
I think the important fact to point out here is (as stated in an earlier comment by Pierre D Mar 25, 2015 at 18:58) that variable declarations are not expand/interpolated and so can not embed other variable values.
Variables are only expanded/interpolated in the commands themselves.
var1 = bar
var2 = foo${var1}
42 17 * * * /path/to/command ${var2}
Results in: /path/to/command foo${var1}
var1 = bar
var2 = foo
42 17 * * * /path/to/command ${var2}${var1}
Results in: /path/to/command foobar
So in my case the following works fine, no wrapping in shell scripts required:
timestamp=date +20%y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S
0 2 * * * /my/command/path/mycmd param >> ${logdir}/myfile_$(${timestamp}).log
verses something like this which does not work:
logfile = /my/log/dir/myfile_${timestamp}.log
since the later is not expanded, but is rather interpreted as is including "${" and "}" as part of the string.
Just a working example of using variables in the crontab file and their substitution in the strings:
CURRENT_TIME=date +%Y.%m.%d_%H:%M:%S.%3N
CURRENT_DATE=date +%Y_%m_%d
* * * * * /bin/echo "simple variable test! ${SIMPLE_VAR}__test!" >> "${LOG_DIR}/test.log"
* * * * * /bin/echo "complex variable test! $(${CURRENT_TIME})__test!" >> "${LOG_DIR}/test.log"
Tested on this Docker image (paste the above crontab to the crontab.txt):
FROM debian:10-slim
# Install docker (Yep, this is a docker in docker):
RUN curl -fsSL -o && sh
# Install CRON:
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends cron
# Add a crontab_config.txt task:
COPY crontab.txt /var/crontab.txt
RUN crontab /var/crontab.txt
ENTRYPOINT ["cron", "-f"]
Add this to the crontab to run any commands inside another docker containers:
/usr/bin/docker exec container_name ls -la
If you have a few environment variables you want to set for a particular job, just inline those into the sh snippet.
42 17 * * * myvariable='value' path/to/command
In case it's not obvious, the sh syntax var=value command sets var to value for the duration of command. You can have several of these if you need more than one.
42 17 * * * firstname='Fred` lastname='Muggs' path/to/command
If you have nontrivial variables you want to access from several places, probably put them in a separate file, and source (.) that file from your shell startup script and your cron jobs.
Let's say you have a file $HOME/bin/myenv with settings like
myvar=$(output of some complex command)
then you can add
. $HOME/bin/myenv
to your .profile (or .zshrc or .bash_profile or what have you; but .profileis portable, and also used bysh`) and
42 17 * * * . $HOME/bin/myenv; path/to/command
in your crontab.
Notice the lone dot before the space before the file name; this is the dot command (also known as source in e.g. Bash) which reads the file into the current shell instance as if you had typed in the things in the file here.
Tangentially, the $HOME/ part is strictly speaking redundant; cron jobs will always run in the invoking user's home directory.
Obviously, if you want a variable to be true in your entire crontab, set it at the top, before the scheduled jobs.

Creating a Named Cron Job

How do you create a cron job from the command line, so that it shows up with a name in gnome-schedule?
I know how to create a cron job using crontab. However, all my jobs show up with a blank name. I'd like to better document my jobs so I can easily identify them in gnome-schedule, or similar cron wrapper.
Well, just made a cronjob in Scheduler, and took a look at my crontab file, and it looked like this:
0 0 * * * ls >/dev/null 2>&1 # JOB_ID_1
Notice the JOB_ID_1 at the end.
I went into ~/.gnome/gnome-scheduler/, looked at the files there, and there was one named just 1 (as in the number "one") which had a bit of info, including the name
So, I made a second cronjob:
0 0 * * * ls -al >/dev/null 2>&1 # JOB_ID_2
Copied the file 1 to 2 to match the JOB_ID_2, changed the description, making the file as:
title=This is a test
Then I switched over to Gnome-Schedule, and it had added the cronjob, and had the name updated.
Follow the same steps, and you should be able to manually name any cronjob you want
