result.wait() does nothing but hang and doesn't give 8 for result=add.delay(4,4) - celery-task

add is the task from celery doc. I'm just so confused why it does'nt yield 8 as it should, but instead does nothing but hang.

Did you try setting result back-end, this fixed problem in my case


Issue wit checking for time on check

Hi I'm currently having an issue getting the time allocated for the user which is saved on a postgres database. What I'm trying to achieve is when the users duration expires a role is removed I'm wanting to get the time from the database when the check runs but this doesn't seem to be working,
My console is not outputting an error but the check doesn't seem to be running.
Here is what I'm working with:
async def check_mute(self):
guild =
restricted = discord.utils.get(member.guild.roles, name="Restricted")
members = discord.utils.get(member.guild.roles, name="Members")
for member in list(guild.members):
conn = psycopg2.connect(DATABASE_URL, sslmode='require')
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT time FROM blacklist WHERE username=%s", (, ))
restricted_role = get(ctx.guild.roles, name="Restricted")
muted_time = cursor.fetchone()
current_time =
mute_elapsed_time = current_time - muted_time
await member.add_roles(members)
await member.remove_roles(restricted, reason=f'Restricted role removed by {}')
You're not getting errors because tasks don't throw any errors by default. In order to get some info out of them, you need to write a custom error handler for them.
With that said, I do see a few issues that might cause your loop to break.
First of all, the variables ctx and author are never defined anywhere in your code fragment, but you're using them. This will throw errors & interrupt the loop.
Are you starting your loop using check_mute.start()? Tasks need to be started before they run, and your code fragment doesn't have this.
the check doesn't seem to be running
I don't see you checking the time difference anywhere. You said the check didn't happen, but it just isn't there in the first place. You're defining mute_elapsed_time, but never using it to check if enough time has elapsed or not.
After fixing those, could you put some debug prints in your task to see where it gets & when it stops? If something else is wrong, that might help identify it.
PS. This is unrelated, but you're get'ing restricted_role in the loop for every member, while you can just do that once above the loop (and you already did do it above the loop, so it's really unnecessary). You're not even using it as far as I can see so consider removing it ^^. That's also the line where the ctx is (which doesn't exist) so removing it all together might be a good idea.

websocket.exception.ConnectionClosedError: code 4000 (privat use) - Python Discord Bot

i am currently learning python und started with a discord bot. the bot is running on raspberry pi behind my privat router. the code contains some while loops, which starts when "on_ready" is triggerd. they should never stop, so far the plan. here an example:
# Auto cleanup
async def on_ready(self):
if self.currently_active == False:
self.currently_active = True
await asyncio.sleep(10)
while True:
dome some stuff
await asyncio.sleep(10)
Now, the problem i have is, that the loops stopping after some time. it looks like, the loop which stops executing, is completly random. i think i figureds out, that they stop at night and i catched the error (titel says it). i think the problem is the 24hours dsl reconnect, which my router does every night in combination with on_ready, but i am not sure.
can someone explain me the error and maybe havean idea for a workaround?
PS: i have no experience whith exception/error handling yet.
So...i guess i figured it out somehow.
instead of creating a infinte loop, i used this:
i just followed the example and it seems to work fine.

webdriver-sync running asynchronously?

I'm trying to create selenium tests that run each step synchronously, without using .then(), or async/await. The reason for this is that I want to create a set of functions that allow pretty much anyone on our test team, almost regardless of tech skills to write easy to read automated tests. It looks to me like webdriver-sync should give me exactly what I want. However, the following dummy code is producing problems:
var wd = require('webdriver-sync');
var By = wd.By;
var Chromedriver = wd.Chromedriver;
var driver = new Chromedriver;
var myButton = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector('[id*=CLICK_ME]'));;
It tries to run - browser is launched, and page starts to load... but the steps are not executed synchronously - it goes on and tries to find and click "myButton" before the page has finished loading, throwing a "no such element" error... which to me kinda defeats the point of webdriver-sync?! Can someone tell me where I am going wrong?
FWIW, I have webdriver-sync 1.0.0, node v7.10.0, java 1.8.0_74, all running on CentOS 7.
Thanks in advance!
You need to put double-quotes around "CLICK_ME" as it's a string value.
Generally, though, it's a good idea to Wait for specific elements because dynamic pages are often "ready" before all their elements have been created.

libspotify: logging out or releasing session causes crash

This is in response to dan's (dan^spotify on IRC) offer to take a look at my testcase, but I post it here in case anyone has encountered similar issues.
I'm experiencing a problem with libspotify where the application crashes (memory access violation) in both of these two scenarios:
the first sp_session_process_events (triggered by notify main thread callback) that's called after the sp_session_logout() function is called crashes the application
skipping logout and calling sp_session_release() crashes the application
I've applied sufficient synchronization from the session callbacks, and I'm otherwise operating on a single thread.
I've made a small testcase that does the following:
Creates session
Logs in
Waits 10 seconds
Attempts to logout, upon which it crashes (when calling sp_session_process_events())
If it were successful in logging out (which it isn't), would call sp_session_release()
I made a Gist for the testcase. It can be found here:
The test case is made using Qt (which is what I'm using for my project), so you'd need Qt 5 to compile it. I've also only written it with Windows and Linux in mind (don't have Mac). Assuming you have Qt 5 and Qt Creator installed, the instructions are as follows:
Download the gist
Copy the libspotify folder into the same folder as the .pro file
Copy your appkey.c file into the same folder
Edit main.cpp to login with your username and password
Edit line 38-39 in sessiontest.cpp and set the cache and settings path to your liking
Open up the .pro file and run from Qt Creator
I'd be very grateful if someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong, as I've spent so many hours trying anything I could think of or just staring at it, and I fear I've gone blind to my own mistakes by now.
I've tested it on both Windows 7 and Linux Ubuntu 12.10, and I've found some difference in behavior:
On Windows, the testcase crashes invariably regardless of settings and cache paths.
On Linux, if setting settings and cache to "" (empty string), logging out and releasing the session works fine.
On Linux, if paths are anything else, the first run (when folder does not already exist) logs out and releases session as it should, but on the next run (when folder already exists), it crashes in the exact same way as it does on Windows.
Also, I can report that sp_session_flush_caches() does not cause a crash.
EDIT: Also, hugo___ on IRC was kind enough to test it on OSX for me. He reported no crashes despite running the application several times in a row.
While you very well may be looking at a bug in libspotify, I'd like to point out a possibly redundant call to sp_session_process_events(), from what I gathered from looking at your code.
void SessionTest::processSpotifyEvents()
if (m_session == 0)
qDebug() << "Process: No session.";
int interval = 0;
sp_session_process_events(m_session, &interval);
qDebug() << interval;
m_timerId = startTimer(interval);
It seems this code will pickup the interval value and start a timer on that to trigger a subsequent call to event(). However, this code will also call startTimer when interval is 0, which is strictly not necessary, or rather means that the app can go about doing other stuff until it gets a notify_main_thread callback. The docs on startTimer says "If interval is 0, then the timer event occurs once every time there are no more window system events to process.". I'm not sure what that means exactly but it seems like it can produce at least one redundant call to sp_session_process_events().
I notice that you will get a crash on sp_session_release if you have a track playing when you call it.
I have been chasing this issue today. Login/logout works just fine on Mac, but the issue was 100% repeatable as you described on Windows.
By registering empty callbacks for offline_status_updated and credentials_blob_updated, the crash went away. That was a pretty unsatisfying fix, and I wonder if any libspotify developers want to comment on it.
Callbacks registered in my app are:
I should explicitly point out that I did not try this on the code you supplied. It would be interesting to know if adding those two extra callbacks works for you. Note that the functions I supply do absolutely nothing. They just have to be there and be registered when you create the session.
Adding the following call in your "logged in" libspotify callback seems to fix this crash as detailed in this SO post:

NetworkReachability in Monotouch returns a false positive

I'm trying to test NetworkReachability in the AppDelegate.FinishedLaunching method of my app (invoking on the main thread so I dont hit the 20 sec timeout).
The problem I'm up against is that the test is always returning "false" (i.e. network is not available), even although this is not the case. I'm running in the iPhone Simulator, and if I let my app run on a bit further, I can access the network with no problem.
I've read elsewhere that there appears to be a known bug in Apple's Reachability code. I wondered if anyone has come across this issue, and perhaps found a workaround?
Thanks in advance,
I do this:
bool status = Reachability.InternetConnectionStatus() != NetworkStatus.NotReachable && Reachability.IsHostReachable("");
You can replace with whatever the domain your api is located at. I was getting false positives myself because I was originally putting in the whole link like "" ...It would return false on those...Once I removed the http and just had the domain, it started working.
I should note I am using the Reachability class by Miguel de Icaza
