Encapsulating Logic in Pages using GEB and Cucumber - groovy

Using GEB I was using the Page Object Pattern to encapsulate information about the different pages statically.
I then refactored my GEB code to be used from a separate class so I could encapsulate common commands using method calls.
For example I would have a method login() which will call the appropriate GEB code to login to the website that I am testing. I would then have other common functions using method calls on a TestHelper class.
I wanted to move these common functions to the Pages that they act upon. For example a search page would have a search method, the login page would have the login method. This way I can build a library of pages which have all the common functionality on them for use across multiple GEB projects. Now to do this each page must have a handle on the geb.Browser therefore I would now have to instantiate each page in the test setup. By doing so I am no longer able to use the standard page object pattern.
to ReviewQueuePage
assert at(ReviewQueuePage)
The code above will throw a null pointer as the object is no longer able to be accessed in a static manner meaning I had to change the code to
go ReviewQueuePage.url
This removes all the functionality of using the class as a Page.
Does anyone have any solutions for encapsulating the data for each of the pages in way that it doesn't cause the pages to act differently.

This resource maybe of interest to you. http://adhockery.blogspot.com/2010/11/encapsulating-page-state-and-actions-in.html. It also has examples in git.
This also might be useful Passing state between pages when using geb & spock

I'm a bit confused. Are you looking for a way to share common code among multiple pages? This is the impression I get after reading your question several times, but I'm not quite sure. You mentioned "common functions". Well, common components can be encapsulated using Module objects. In each page that uses a common component, simply reference the module object in the page object.


Reusing a component in lit-element

Anyone that can point to any documentation on howto reuse code in lit-element.
The problem now is that if I declare an element, in my case a close-button and I want to reuse it by importing it into 2 or more lit-elements, there will be an error in the browser about the close-button being declared more than once.
Understandable enough, but how do I reuse a component, I could of course move the button to a separate file and add it to the document, but then there would be dependencies on that for other components to work.
Any suggestions
If close-button self-registers itself, with a call to customElements.define('close-button', ...), then you should be able to import its defining module and not have any errors due to the module caching behavior of JS.
You must have multiple customElements.define('close-button', ...) calls, so I'd make sure that 1) it's self-registering and you're not registering it again in each component that uses it, and 2) you're using standard JS modules.
After investigating a bit more, I concluded that sharing HTML templates might be the way to do it.

How to create custom abstract objects with attributes in Typo3?

I am now familiar with "basic" Typo3 - Usage and templating. Right now, I am stuck though, because I am not familiar with custom extensions etc.
I am looking for a way to represent Objects, that I get via methods of my own php-class from an XML-DB-Interface, in Typo3.
To be more precise :
I have a really complex XML-Interface and a php-class which is complete already, to interact with that interface, making methods available, that are meant to interact with different object-types in the underlying DB.
I now want to create abstract objects with the corresponding attributes in Typo3 to be able to work with them in typo3 (display/create/modify).
Furthermore, it would be helpful to find a way to "link" the functions of my php class to typo3-functions, so I can (perhaps?!) build up some kind of simple report-generator that generates conditional reports of those objects.
Could anybody lead me into the right direction and link (a) HowTo(s) or perhaps even examples that I could modify?
Thanks in advance, Oliver
Check how DBAL extension is coded.
You might want to implement this XML system as your own abstraction system to store your objects and use TYPO3 backend forms to manipulate those.

Symfony 2 - Generate menu entries from available bundles

I'm new to web development with Symphony2 (though definitely not new to web development), and I'm just about to begin a medium sized project, which will be sliced in bundles, as each installation of the app may have a different setup of available functionality.
I would like to generate my navigation dynamically from the available bundles, e.g. if the bundle "foo" is active, a menu entry with a route to the foo main controller action should appear.
Normally, my take on this would be to create a singleton somewhere, which I then would fill during the load() function of a bundle, and during rendering, I would output the singleton.
But symfony2 offers a lot flexibility at this part, so I'm currently evaluating if there may be a better way.
Could services be a way to go here? Or events? Or something with dependency injection, so the bundles get an instance of a NavigationConfigurationElement at construction time?
Any input or thoughts on this, or maybe some links to examples how to do this, would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards,
i thing the best way to do it, is to use dependency injections tags. you will have to create a dependency injection extension and offer a "tag" that can be used by the various bundles to register their menu entries.
i will not describe you the whole process here because there is plenty of resources about that in the internet.
but to give you a quick outline of what to do
implement a service holding the menu entries (the singleton you where talking about)
process the tag by implementing a compiler pass, this compiler pass will look for all services tagged with the navigation class and register them with the menu service
create a twig function that will use the service to retrieve the menu and render it
write bundles that use the tag and provide menu items
here are some resources that might help you:
i'm currently implementing a solr bundle for symfony that uses DI tags as well. i have a class called IndexManager that manages various solr indexes from different bundles. i use the DI tag so other bundles can register content/entities they want to be indexed in solr. the principle is the same as with the menu items.
see here: https://github.com/roomthirteen/Room13SolrBundle
the important files are:
adding the compiler pass: https://github.com/roomthirteen/Room13SolrBundle/blob/master/Room13SolrBundle.php
the compiler pass itself: https://github.com/roomthirteen/Room13SolrBundle/blob/master/DependencyInjection/Compiler/SolrCompilerPass.php
hope that helps. any more questins? don't hesitate to ask.

Client id of elements changes in sharepoint page? Why? When?

Client id of every element from the sharepoint page changes sometimes.
Can anybody please tell me why and on which instance it changes???
jQuery is fantastic! It makes client-side development faster and
countless plug-ins are available for just about every need. Using
jQuery with Asp.NET Web-Forms gets aggravating when dealing with
nested server controls. ClientID’s get appended when using ASP.NET
Master Pages. Objects in JavaScript tend to look like this:
The difficulty of the issue above is that, in order to get the element txtName, It’s necessary to know the full “path”. It’s quite
aggravating to refer to get the object using the method below:
This becomes a big problem when developing server controls or web parts that may be used in a typical ASP.NET application or SharePoint.
You cannot hard-code the path above if you don’t know the full path of
the control.
Fortunately, there are a few ways to get around this. There are three, in particular, I will mention. The first is the jQuery
equivalent to the standard JavaScript method:
This can be done in jQuery by using:
The second jQuery method does not require server tags. This method searches through all tags and looks for an element ending with the
specified text. The jQuery code for this method is shown below:
There are, of course, drawbacks to both methods above. The first is fast, but requires server tags. It’s fast, but it just looks messy.
Also, it will not work with external script files. The second
alternative is clean, but it can be slow. As I said earlier, there are
several other alternatives, but these two are the ones I find myself
using the most.
The third registering Javascript in C# code behind.
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "saveScript",
String.Format("function EnableSave( isDisabled )"+
"{{ var saveButton = document.getElementById(\"{0}\");"+
"saveButton.disabled=isDisabled;}}", btnSave.ClientID), true);
Do not forget to call this script after controls have been loaded, I mean after Controls.Add(); in CreateChildControls method while
developing webparts.
Look at the page source and get the value of the title property - works every time.
"document.getElementById('" + base.ClientID + "_" + lbnFilter.ClientID + "').style.display='block';");

What are the principles of developing web-applications with action-based java frameworks?

I'm going to develop a new web-application with java. It's not very big or very complex and I have enough time until it'll "officially" start.
I have some JSF/Facelets development background (about half a year). And I also have some expirience with JSP+JSTL.
In self-educational purpose (and also in order to find the best solution) I want to prototype the new project with one of action-based frameworks. Actually, I will choose between Spring MVC and Stripes.
In order to get correct impression about action-based frameworks (in comparison with JSF) I want to be sure that I use them correctly (in a bigger or a lesser extent).
So, here I list some most-frequent tasks (at least for me) and describe how I solve them with JSF. I want to know how they should be solved with action-based framework (or separately with Spring MVC and Stripes if there is any difference for concrete task).
Rendering content: I can apply ready-to-use component from standard jsf libraries (core and html) or from 3rd-party libs (like RichFaces). I can combine simple components and I can easily create my own components which are based on standard components.
Rendering data (primitive or reference types) in the correct format: Each component allow to specify a converter for transforming data in both ways (to render and to send to the server). Converter is, as usual, a simple class with 2 small methods.
Site navigation: I specify a set of navigation-cases in faces-config.xml. Then I specify action-attribute of a link (or a button) which should match one or more of navigation cases. The best match is choosen by JSF.
Implementing flow (multiform wizards for example): I'm using JSF 1.2 so I use Apache Orchestra for the flow (conversation) scope.
Form processing: I have a pretty standard java-bean (backing bean in JSF terms) with some scope. I 'map' form fields on this bean properties. If everything goes well (no exceptions and validation is passed) then all these properties are set with values from the form fields. Then I can call one method (specified in button's action attribute) to execute some logic and return string which should much one of my navigation cases to go to the next screen.
Forms validation: I can create custom validator (or choose from existing) and add it to almost each component. 3rd-party libraries have sets of custom ajax-validators. Standard validators work only after page is submitted. Actually, I don't like how validation in JSF works. Too much magic there. Many standard components (or maybe all of them) have predefined validation and it's impossible to disable it (Maybe not always, but I met many problems with it).
Ajax support: many 3rd-party libraries (MyFaces, IceFaces, OpenFaces, AnotherPrefixFaces...) have strong ajax support and it works pretty well. Until you meet a problem. Too much magic there as well. It's very difficult to make it work if it doesn't work but you've done right as it's described in the manual.
User-friendly URLs: people say that there are some libraries for that exist. And it can be done with filters as well. But I've never tried. It seems too complex for the first look.
Thanks in advance for explaning how these items (or some of them) can be done with action-based framework.
I'll do my best to answer regarding Stripes. I've used Struts and JSF in the past, but not recently, so at best I have vague notions and feelings about them.
We are intimately familiar w/ Stripes, use it for most everything now, and really enjoy it. It is easy to jump into, supports many of the complicated scenarios, but you are also free to work OUTSIDE of it, which is really important when you want to build your own ajax widgets or talk to another system or something.
If you go the stripes route, I definitely recommend buying or download the book. It is a one stop shop for everything you need for Stripes, and is practically the only documentation for Stripersist (really nice feature, but NO web docs).
Rendering content: I can apply ready-to-use component from standard jsf libraries (core and html) or from 3rd-party libs (like RichFaces). I can combine simple components and I can easily create my own components which are based on standard components.
This is similar. Core, Html, Fmt, etc. as well as any custom tags you find, inc. display:tag, pack tag, and create your own. However, obviously you do not deal at the component level now, you deal with a tag that determines what is on the page / sent to or from the server.
Rendering data (primitive or reference types) in the correct format: Each component allow to specify a converter for transforming data in both ways (to render and to send to the server). Converter is, as usual, a simple class with 2 small methods.
Stripes has many built in converters, and it is easy to create custom converters for your more complex data types. Stripes supports very complex data structures to be mapped with little hassle. Combined with Stripersist, for example, I can put my model object directly on the ActionBean, put a few of the fields on the form, and Stripersist will hydrate the model from the db (based on its PK) and update that with the fields I put on the form - all before releasing control to me on the ActionBean.
Site navigation: I specify a set of navigation-cases in faces-config.xml. Then I specify action-attribute of a link (or a button) which should match one or more of navigation cases. The best match is choosen by JSF.
Navigation in stripes is based on what you name the ActionBeans, initially. There is no xml. Additionally, pretty urls are an annotation at the ActionBean level in Stripes 1.5, so you can do things like #UrlBinding("/{$event}/{model}") where /view/5 would take you to the "view" event handler for your Model object with the ID/PK of 5.
Implementing flow (multiform wizards for example): I'm using JSF 1.2 so I use Apache Orchestra for the flow (conversation) scope.
While I only am vaguely familiar with the concept of conversation scope, Stripes has Wizard Form functionality, but I haven't used it and am unable to really expand on that. I think it is a similar idea though.
Form processing: I have a pretty standard java-bean (backing bean in JSF terms) with some scope. I 'map' form fields on this bean properties. If everything goes well (no exceptions and validation is passed) then all these properties are set with values from the form fields. Then I can call one method (specified in button's action attribute) to execute some logic and return string which should much one of my navigation cases to go to the next screen.
Not drastically different. Instead of components on your [action] bean, you now have Java or custom types. ActionBeans are created per request and thrown away, unless you do something like put it in session, or wizard, or whatever. This is nice, because all the instance variables get mapped to the data from the form, you use it, then throw it away, and don't have to deal with any synchronization issues like struts did. After you do your thing with the data, Stripes lets you send a ForwardResolution (OK status), Redirect, or Streaming (JSON, file, etc). The Redirect-after-POST pattern is implemented nicely with the idea of flash scope (3/4 down the page).
Forms validation: I can create custom validator (or choose from existing) and add it to almost each component. 3rd-party libraries have sets of custom ajax-validators. Standard validators work only after page is submitted. Actually, I don't like how validation in JSF works. Too much magic there. Many standard components (or maybe all of them) have predefined validation and it's impossible to disable it (Maybe not always, but I met many problems with it).
Stripes allows validation in annotations on the instance variables on the ActionBean. They allow some defaults, required, maxlength, etc. or you can always create your own. The default is easy to add and flexible, while there is always the ability to make something completely customized.
Ajax support: many 3rd-party libraries (MyFaces, IceFaces, OpenFaces, AnotherPrefixFaces...) have strong ajax support and it works pretty well. Until you meet a problem. Too much magic there as well. It's very difficult to make it work if it doesn't work but you've done right as it's described in the manual.
This was my big problem with the JSF way of doing things. Even if you did get the widget right, you're still stuck with THAT widget. With Stripes, you can use whatever latest and greatest Jquery has to offer, and as long as you send the right GET or POST to the server, stripes knows what to do with it and can easily send JSON back. I think component frameworks fit a niche a few years ago much better when AJAX was hard, but JQ makes it so easy now.
User-friendly URLs: people say that there are some libraries for that exist. And it can be done with filters as well. But I've never tried. It seems too complex for the first look.
#UrlBinding, it's as easy as that.
My answer is not the one you want to hear: Don't switch from Component Framework to action framework
I switched the other way around after many years of action framework development and I'm never going back.
Of the 8 use cases you mentioned, only one comes to mind where Action frameworks are obviously better, and that is URL design / friendly URLs. It can be done in component frameworks as well, but much easier in Action Frameworks (especially in Stripes where you just annotate your ActionBean with the url).
I would advise you to try wicket, it is very easy to learn (much easier than JSF) and it let's you re-use many existing components as well.
