Some SWIFT Questions - c#-4.0

I hava some questions about SWIFT:
What database does SWIFT use and can I connect to it and insert messages to it?
If I can insert message in database can SWIFT send it?
Is it possible to send a message using SWIFT using other languages such C#, VB.NET or Delphi?
If the answer to number 3 is true I think SWIFT security is low. Is this true?

SWIFT isn't a database - it's a messaging standard akin to EDI.
You can contact the SWIFT folks, and they can put you in touch with software vendors who supply software which can speak SWIFT. Software like Progress Artix Data Services, which can convert SWIFT messages into Java POJOs or map to databases like Oracle, MySQL and others.
I believe it is also a message clearinghouse, so a subscription to their network might be required, but I'm not 100% on that.
Disclaimer, I work for Progress.
2016 EDIT: Artix (ADS) was sold to C24 sometime around the time this was originally written and is no longer a Progress product. I am also no longer affiliated with either of these parties.

SWIFT is the interbank messaging system used for transferring funds between banks. You don't access the database, you send messages. and security is very, very high, not surprisingly, but there are workrounds. I was once in the enviable position of writing both the SWIFT messaging code for an IB, and the code that managed the bank's counterparties and settlement instructions. It was very tempting to insert a few accounts of my own into the counterparty database (which was ours, not SWIFT's), but I resisted :-)
As for accessing it, it usually lives down the end of a socket. You can also get dedicated SWIFT terminals.

It is worth visiting (which is owned and run by SWIFT) and visiting the forum on Developers' Support with any of your specific SWIFT related questions.


How to integrate Node.js Server in My cocod2d-x (C++) Game

I am new in Multiplayer Game Development, I have already developed a offline game and now I want to make it a multiplayer, so with help of my friend we create a server side script in node.js, but I don't know how to integrate this in my c++ project,
I've googled but, can't find anything helpful.
anybody can suggest any tutorial.
You've asked a big open-ended question. As Allern suggests there are a lot of things that you can do with networked programs that can extend it well beyond that of a single user game. For instance in my current game there is an access to a version welcome page in html. There are file downloads for campaign/user maps and there are connections to Firebase for leaderboards and other networked resources like ads.
However, I suspect you are referring to the communications between a number of separate user machines all synchronized to keep them coordinated. For this you will need to write some serialization code to transmit to and receive packets from the central server. Typically a serialization package like flatbuffers will be needed to move information from your data structures to a packet and the reverse.
You might also require communication/network software to asynchronously send and receive those packets (this may be included in whatever game engine you might be using). Boost.asio might help otherwise. There are numerous other networking packages and libraries all the way down to the bare-bones unix/POSIX calls (or Windows OS calls).
You will also need software on the server side to log users in, deal with players disconnecting and doing the main work of passing the game packets around. This software may also implement the logic of your game (game rules) and might do saves on the data if you want users to be able to play the game in multiple sessions (like a big dungeon crawl). There might be packages out there that do most of the server side stuff. If so, please post what you find out.
Cocos2dx does have some networking software built in but it isn't very functional as far as I'm concerned. It does have facilities to display web pages and download files fairly easy but the async communication seems a little weak. You can try the Network module in the API Docs which may have what you are looking for.
Since the type of game and how you want to implement your player interaction will dictate how the software is to be built I'm afraid this answer is a little vague. Good luck. Share your insights.
you can use public tools , as a sample is websocket,it can support C++ and javasc

Real time web app - Which language/framework?

i'm starting to develop a web application for which I need real-time capability. In particular, as result of a server-side event (without client request), the client must refresh the view. The best solution seems to be a websocket communication.
My doubt is mainly between Node.js and JavaEE 7. Which language do you recommend for development? And with which framework?
The main requirements are:
Interoperability with browsers
Support for mobile devices
Availability of tools for the creation of the graphical interface
The question is a bit broad and leads to opinion-based results - that's why it is likely to get close votes, so don't be surprised if it happens ;-)
Nevertheless, I would generally state, that "web application" and "real time" won't work together, because you have components like the network or containers in between which you don't control and thus cannot guarantee real-time requirements.
But I assume, that you are more looking for an "instant" reaction, so that your clients get informed instead of having to ask for something. In that case, web sockets are the state of the art for doing so.
Regarding technology selection, I don't think one is better than the other, it is more a question about available skills or your general programming model or customer requirements. I would think you can perfectly use Java EE 7 for that.
As a reference on that topic, I visited Adam Bien's workshops last year and he talked about an example, where he had a huge number of clients which communicated with a Java EE app server using web sockets.

Creating a simple mobile agent system

I am looking to create a simple mobile agent system which will deal with 4 tasks, i.e 4 different mobile agents jobs: Database update, meeting scheduling, network services discovery and kernel update.
I have done my research and have seen different frameworks such as Aglet, Jade, agent builder etc. My question is which one should i use? Also i need to setup the base code for it to work, can someone point me to a site or help me to setup the basic functions of the mobile agent?
I've read about tahiti server for the Aglet model. I'm quite confused about how to set up the mobile agent system. Any help would be much appreciated.
I have also tried to it using RMI. I had created a method of type agent, but i couldn't pass it through remote method implementation. I was reading about tcp and udp socket programming. I was thinking may be it would be more fair to do it using socket programming. In this case, would this be called an agent? I was thinking about the server sending datagram packets to multiple clients.
You need to ask yourself why you want to use mobile agents at all. The notion of a mobile agent was popular in the agent research community in the early 90's, but fell out of favour because (i) it wasn't clear what problem it was solving, (ii) the capability to allow arbitrary code to migrate to a particular computer and execute with enough privileges to access local data and services is very open to abuse, and (iii) all of the claimed benefits of mobile agents can actually be achieved though web services (REST or otherwise) and open data formats such as RDF. Consequently, few, if any, mobile agent platforms have been properly maintained since the early experiments.
It also sounds as though you need to be clear which end-user problem you want to solve. Scheduling a meeting and updating my kernel are very different tasks - I'd be very uncomfortable with a program that claims do both. If your interest is in the automation of system maintenance tasks, such as DB tuning and kernel patching, on large networks you might want to look at the SmartFrog project, or read up on autonomic computing.
I use JADE and I agree with the first guy, agent systems usually take alot of overhead to going so if you can avoid it, please do. If however you choose to proceed choose a platform with alot of support and a big user group.
Jade has some neat features like a directory facilitator DF, which works like a yellow pages so other agents don't have to know what agents are running and what services are supplied they can simply inquire by the DF.
Also JADE ContractNetBehaviours help simplify communication.

IBM iSeries Frontend Development

I'm sure many of you are familiar with the IBM i5 series emulator (looks like this poop)
My company uses this religiously and there is no Biz logic in it so anytime somone in our finance dpt makes a human error it accepts it and adds it to the database. Not to mention its ugly, hard to use, not intuitive, etc....
I would like to create a frontend for this interface so that we can control the logic before its submitted to the system (we dont control the system itself) so in effect I need to make my own emulator app.
However I cant seem to find any information on how to interface with the i series, namely login, send commands, and view or gather data from the screens it would normally send back.
Any suggestions?
The problem is not the iSeries but the software package your company is running on it.
There ARE advantages to use green screens: it's fast and it's almost unbeatable at data entry, provided you get used to it.
But to answer your question, the iSeries is a J2EE enabled machine: a HTTP server comes installed and depending of the version of the iSeries, WebSphere might be already installed, or are entitled to install it. Then you can use JT400, which is the java toolkit for the os400 containing the jdbc drivers to connect the database and the necessary classes for calling programs.
If you prefer php, there is a flavor of the Zend framework made to work on the iSeries but I never tried it.
I'd recommend that you take a look at both the Attachmate Verastream Host Integrator (VHI) and IBM's Host Access Transformation Services (HATS) products. They effectively just screen scrape the green screen terminals to allow you to pull and push data and provide macro recording and editing tools to automate the process. App integration can be achieved via web services or html/jsp/servlet programming (plus .Net for VHI and EJB's for HATS). They do come with enterprise pricing however which may be an obstacle for some. They do have free trial offerings for evaluation purposes to help determine if they are an appropriate solution to your problem.
What software packages are they using? Most programs that I use in the 5250 emulator has some business logic that error checks the data before adding it to the database. Can you get us some more information so we can direct you in a better direction.
There are vendors that sell products that screen-scrape the 5250 data stream and produces a web front-end. Or you can write your own front-end in the language of your choice and just do SQL calls to the database.
THere's got to be some source code. Start by looking at the menu and menu option your users are accessing and figure that's running behind them.
Use command STRPDM to look for source code - look in different libraries (they are like folders)
You might have source code in a "member" called something like xxxMNUSRC xxxRPGSRC (rpg program source) or xxxCLSRC (cl programs), xxxDDSSRC (display/screen source, physical/logical file source)
Objects a "compiled" objects such as files (tables), screens, priter files (reports)
Stay away from Qxxx and #xxx libraries - those are system libraries. is a good resource for iSeries related questions.

j2me MIDP: detecting if phone has a data plan

Is there a way to determine what kind of data plan a device has so an app provides a less rich experience if a data plan is not available? I imagine the connector factory would still be able to return me an HTTPConnection but it would cost the user serious money for lots of data, and I'd like to be nice and prevent that.
I thought there would be a way to query device capabilities in the MIDP API, but maybe it's in CLDC?
Since you mention it in your comments, you can probably make a Symbian OS C++ application that only connects via a specific set Wi-Fi access points (and just stay offline if none of these are available) but I can't think of a way to figure out the current user data plan or whether a given Wi-fi network is free.None of that is available in J2ME, at least not until something like JSR 307 is implemented.
You might want to look into how the Nokia IAPInfo API behaves on actual phones (including Sony-Ericsson and Samsung Series60 phones, potentially) since it is the closest thing to what you want.
No there is no way to do this.
As far as I know there is no way to do this. To address this precise issue, on first download we provide a big bold letter warning saying our apps require data plan. You can do something similar.
Or you can provide an option on first download for the user to say whether he has a data plan or not, and provide a degraded user experience if he doesnt. Dont forget to keep this as an option in application settings and allow the user to enable data services later, as he/she may get a data plan and want to use your app.
