Linux/vxworks signals - linux

I came across the following in a vxworks manual and was wondering why this is the case.
What types of things do signals do that make them undesirable?
In applications, signals are most
appropriate for error and exception
handling, and not for a
general-purpose inter-task

The main issue with signals is that signal handlers are registered on a per process/memory space basis (in vxWorks, the kernel represents one memory space, and each RTP is a different memory space).
This means that regardless of the thread/task context, the same signal handler will get executed (for a given process). This can cause some problems with side-effects if your signal handler is not well behaved.
For example, if your signal uses a mutex for protect a shared resource, this could cause nasty problems, or at least, unexpected behavior
Task A Task B Signal Handler
Take Mutex
Gets preempted
does something
<SIGNAL ARRIVES>----->Take Mutex (blocks)
Give Mutex
----->Resumes Handler
I'm not sure the example above really conveys what I'm trying to.
Here are some other characteristics of signals:
Handler not executed until the task/process is scheduled. Just because you sent the signal, doesn't mean the handler will execute right away
No guarantee on which Task/Thread will execute the handler. Any thread/task in the process could run it (whichever thread/task executes first). VxWorks has ways around this.
Note that the above only applies to asynchronous signals sent via a kill call.
An exception will generate a synchronous signal which WILL get executed right away in the current context.


Why not to use mutex inside an interrupt

i have passed through this post and i noticed that in Clifford's answer he said that we shouldn't use mutex in an interrupt, i know that in an interrupt we have to avoid too much instructions and delays ext... but am not very clear about the reasons could anyone clarify me for which reason we have to avoid this?
In case that we want establish a synchronous communication between 2 interrupt driven threads what are the other mecahnism to use if using mutex is not allowed?
The original question you cite refers to code on an Atmel ATMegaAVR - a simple 8 mit microcontroller. In that context, one can assume that the mutex machanism is part of a simple RTOS.
In such a system, there is a thread context and an interrupt context. Interrupts are invoked by the hardware, while threads are scheduler by the RTOS scheduler. Now when an interrupt occurs, any thread will be immediately pre-empted; the interrupt must run to completion and can only be preempted by a higher priority interrupt (where nested interrupts are supported). All pending interrupts will run to completion before the scheduler can run.
Blocking on a mutex (or indeed any blocking kernel object) is a secheduling event. If you were to make any blocking call in an interrupt, the scheduler will never run. In prectice an RTOS would either ignore the blocking call, raise an exception, or enter a terminal error handler.
Some OS's such as SMX, Velocity or even WinCE have somewhat more complex interrupt architectures and support variety of deferred interrupt handler. Deferred interrupt handlers are run-to-completion scheduled from an interrupt but running outside of the interrupt context; the rules for blocking in such handlers may differ, but you would need to refer to the specific OS documentation. Without deferred interrupt handlers, the usual solution is to have a thread wait on a some blocking object such as a semaphore, and have the interrupt itself do little more that cause the object to unblock (such as giving a semaphore for example).
Multi-processor/core and parallel processing systems are another issue altogether, such systems are way beyond the scope of the question where the original comment was made, and beyond my experience - my comment may not apply in such a system, but there are no doubt additional complexities and considerations in any case
A mutex is typically used to ensure that a resource is used by only one user at any given time.
When a thread needs to use a resource it attempts to get the mutex first to ensure the resource is available. If the mutex is not available then the thread typically blocks to wait for the mutex to become available.
While a thread owns the mutex, it prevents other threads from obtaining the mutex and interfering with its use of the resource. Higher priority threads are often the concern here because those are the threads that may preempt the mutex owner.
The RTOS kernel assigns ownership of the mutex to a particular thread and typically only the mutex owner can release the mutex.
Now lets imagine this from an interrupt handler's point of view.
If an interrupt handler attempts to get a mutex that is not available, what should it do? The interrupt handler cannot block like the thread (the kernel is not equipped to push the context of an interrupt handler or switch to a thread from an interrupt handler).
If the interrupt handler obtains the mutex, what higher priority code is there that could interrupt the interrupt handler and attempt to use the mutex? Is the interrupt handler going to release the mutex before completing?
How does the kernel assign ownership of the mutex to an interrupt handler? An interrupt handler is not a thread. If the interrupt handler does not release the mutex then how will the kernel validate that the mutex is being released by the owner?
So maybe you have answers for all those questions. Maybe the you can guarantee that the interrupt handler runs only when the mutex is available or that the interrupt handler will not block on the mutex. Or maybe you're trying to protect the resource access from an even higher priority nested interrupt handler that also wants to use the resource. And maybe your kernel doesn't have any hangup with assigning ownership or restricting who releases the mutex. I guess if you've got all these questions answered then maybe you have a case for using a mutex within an interrupt handler.
But perhaps what you really need is a semaphore instead. One common application of a semaphore is to signal an event. Semaphores are very often used this way within interrupt handlers. The interrupt handler posts or sets the semaphore to signal that an event has occurred. The threads pend on the semaphore to wait for the event condition. (A semaphore doesn't have that ownership restriction that a mutex has.) Event signalling semaphores is one common way to establish synchronous communication between 2 interrupt driven threads.
The term "mutex" is often defined both as being the simplest form of synchronization between execution contexts, and also as being a construct that will not only check whether a resource is available, but wait for it to become available if it isn't, acquiring it as soon as it becomes available. These definitions are inconsistent, since the simplest forms of synchronization merely involve testing whether one has been granted ownership of a resource, and don't provide any in-built mechanism to wait for it if it isn't.
It is almost never proper to have code within an interrupt handler that waits for a resource to become available, unless the only things that could hold the resource would be higher-priority interrupts or hardware that will spontaneously release it. If the term "mutex" is only used to describe such constructs, then there would be very few cases where one could properly use a mutex within an interrupt handler. If, however, one uses the term "mutex" more broadly to refer to the simplest structures that will ensure that a piece of code that accesses a resource can only execute at times when no other piece of code anywhere in the universe will be accessing that resource, then the use of such constructs within interrupts is often not only proper, but required.
While there might be unusual cases where there's some problem with using a mutex in an interrupt handler, it's quite common practice and there's nothing wrong with it.
It really only makes sense on systems with more than one core. With just a single core (and no hyper-threading), the mutex would never do anything anyway. If the core is running code that acquires a mutex that interrupt code can acquire, interrupts (or the subset of them that matter) are disabled anyway. So with just one core, the mutex would never see any contention.
However, with multiple cores, it's common to use mutexes to protect structures that communicate between interrupt and non-interrupt code. So long as you know what you're doing, and you have to if you're going to write interrupt handlers, there's nothing wrong with it.
How the mutex blocks and unblocks is heavily implementation dependent. It can put the CPU to sleep and be woken by an inter-process interrupt. It can spin the CPU in some CPU-specific way.
Note that a totally unrelated concept that is often confused with this is using user-space mutexes in user-space signal handlers. That's a completely different question.

Linux Signals and Interrupt handler

Reading about interrupts in linux, I understand that their handlers will run till completion (lets not consider the bottom halves here). So, assume that my code has SIGINT handler registered (using the signal()/sigaction() call) with a while(1)-loop in it (i.e the handler never returns).
If I quit my program abruptly while running, then shouldn't this scenario freeze my machine entirely? Won't my machine with only one CPU core go into an infinite loop?
What I mean is; since my interrupt handler is not returning, won't the CPU be stuck in executing the while(1) code only? (i.e no other process will get the chance of running, because there won't be any context-switch/preemption inside the handler or can the interrupt handler get preempted in between running the while(1) loop?)
You definitely mix signal handlers and interrupt handlers, despite they have similar handling. Unlike you are writing kernel code you won't meet interrupt handlers directly.
But, game rules for signal handlers are very similar. You should either exit from a signal handler or finish the program (and, the latter is analog for stopping the whole system, for the kernel land). This includes exotic ways for exiting signal handlers as longjmp().
From kernel POV, a process in forever loop in an interrupt handler doesn't differ from a process with the same loop in a usual code piece like main(). Entering a signal handler modifies signal mask but doesn't change things radically. Such process can be stopped, traced, killed in the same manner as outside of signal.
(All this doesn't concern some special process classes with advanced credentials. E.g. X Window server can be special because it disables some kernel activity during its video adapter handling. But you likely should know the needed safety rules when writing such software.)

When does a process handle a signal

I want to know when does a linux process handles the signal.
Assuming that the process has installed the signal handler for a signal, I wanted to know when would the process's normal execution flow be interrupted and signal handler called.
According to, the process would handle the signal when it exits from a system call. This would mean that a normal instruction like a = b+c (or its equivalent machine code) would not be interrupted because of signal.
Also, there are system calls which would get interrupted (and fail with EINTR or get restarted) upon receiving a signal. This means that signal is processed even before the system call completes. This behaviour seems to b conflicting with what I have mentioned in the previous paragraph.
So, I am not clear as to when is the signal processed and in which process states would it be handled by the process. Can it be interrupted
Anytime it enters from kernel space to user space, or
Anytime it is in user space, or
Anytime the process is scheduled for execution by the scheduler
According to, the process would handle the signal when it exits from a system call. This would mean that a normal instruction like a = b+c (or its equivalent machine code) would not be interrupted because of signal.
Well, if that were the case, a CPU-intensive process would not obey the process scheduler. The scheduler, in fact, can interrupt a process at any point of time when its time quantum has elapsed. Unless it is a FIFO real-time process.
A more correct definition: One point when a signal is delivered to the process is when the control flow leaves the kernel mode to resume executing user-mode code. That doesn't necessarily involve a system call.
A lot of the semantics of signal handling are documented (for Linux, anyway - other OSes probably have similar, but not necessarily in the same spot) in the section 7 signal manual page, which, if installed on your system, can be accessed like this:
man 7 signal
If manual pages are not installed, online copies are pretty easy to find.

Accessing shared data from a signal handler

I want to know if it is a good idea to access shared data from a signal handler. I mean consider the scenario of multi process system and multithreaded system with a single process. In multi process system, lets say I have the processes handle a particular signal and update certain shared variable or memory by the processes. Can I do that from the signal handler itself.
However, in the case of threads using pthreads, I don't think it is doable. As given in this article, they have mentioned that it is not asynchronous signal safe and have suggested to use sigwait for that. I am not why it is not asynchronous signal safe. I mean lets say, I handle a signal by a thread and is in the signal handler routing. I acquire a lock on the shared memory to update it. In the mean time another signal of the same type arrives and another thread responsible for handling it executes the signal handler again. Here the signal handler is same for the process but it is called multiple time. The second time around, it cannot see the lock and updates/overrides the data. Is this the issue with multithreaded signal handlers using shared data.
I am a bit confused, in multi process systems, I have a copy of the signal handler for each process. But in multithreaded system, there is a single copy of the signal handler used by the multiple threads isn't it. So when multiple signals of the same type arrives and we have two threads that are responsible for handling it try to handle it, then both of them will try to execute the same piece of handler code? How does it all fit in?
I read through the article that you reference and found some interesting information in the "Threads in Signal Handlers" section. In that section, you'll see that they have a list of Posix function calls that can be made from within signal handlers. Then soon after that list, they mention the following:
But where are the Pthreads calls? They're not in either of these
lists! In fact, the Pthreads standard specifies that the behavior of
all Pthreads functions is undefined when the function is called from a
signal handler. If your handler needs to manipulate data that is
shared with other threads≈buffers, flags, or state variables≈it's out
of luck. The Pthreads mutex and condition variable synchronization
calls are off limits.
Notice the last sentence: "Pthreads mutex and condition variable synchronization calls are off limits"
The aforementioned functions that can be called from a signal handler are described as follows:
These functions have a special property known as reentrancy that
allows a process to have multiple calls to these functions in progress
at the same time.
The pthread synchronization functions dont have the special property known as reentrancy, so I imagine that if these functions (pthread_mutex_lock() for instance) are interrupted by an arriving signal, then the behavior is not "safe".
Imagine that your application calls pthread_mutex_lock(&theMutex) and at exactly that moment (that is, while in the pthread_mutex_lock() function) a signal arrives. If the signal handler also calls pthread_mutex_lock(&theMutex), the previous pthread call may not have terminated, so it cant be guaranteed which call to pthread_mutex_lock() will get the lock. So the resulting behavior will be undefined/undeterministic.
I would imagine that the call to sigwait() from a particular thread would guarantee that no important, non-reentrancy function calls may get interrupted, thus allowing calls to the pthread synchronization functions to be "safe".

How are asynchronous signals handled in Linux?

This seems like a silly question, but I can't find the answer to it anywhere I look. I know that in UNIX, signals are handled asynchronously. If I write a function that handles a signal, where is that function run? Is a new thread spawned? Is an existing thread interrupted somehow? Or is this handled in a system thread like asynchronous I/O is?
A signal function is executed as if a thread in the process has been interrupted. That is, the signal handler is called using the signaled thread and the stack is rearranged so that when the signal handler returns the thread continues execution. No new threads are introduced.
An existing process thread is interrupted until the function returns. There are serious restrictions on what it can safely do to ensure it doesn't corrupt state of function calls the thread was in the middle of - specifically, any functions it calls that the thread may have already been calling must be async reentrant. See the man pages e.g. signal, sigaction for further details or ask more specific questions as you like.
It's not a separate thread, but your code is hastily suspended. That's why only a limited subset of the POSIX calls is available.
From the signal man page:
The routine handler must be very careful, since processing elsewhere was interrupted at some arbitrary point. POSIX has the concept of "safe function". If a signal interrupts an unsafe function, and handler calls an unsafe function, then the behavior is undefined. Safe functions are listed explicitly in the various standards.
